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1、海南省嘉积中学2010-2011学年度第一学期高中教学质量监测(一)高一英语科试题(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)第一部分:听力力(共两节,满满分30分)第一节(共5 小题;每小小题 1.55 分,满分分 7.5 分)听下面5段对话话。每段对话话后有一个小小题,从题中中所给的A、BB、C三个选选项中选出最最佳选项,并并标在试卷的的相应位置。听听完每段对话话后,你都有有10秒钟的的时间来回答答有关小题和和阅读下一小小题。每段对对话仅读一遍遍。1. How does the mman coome heere? A. Byy bus. B. BBy taxxi. C. BBy carr.2. W

2、hy isntt Heleen preesent? A. Shhe forrgot tto comme. B. She cchangeed herr deciision. C. She wasnt invvited.3. Whatts thhe proobablee relaationsship bbetweeen thee two speakkers? A. Hussband and wwife. B. Mothher annd sonn. C. Docttor annd pattient.4. Whatts thhe manns joob? A. A sshop aassisttant.

3、B. A tailoor. C. AA saleesman.5. Whatt doess the man mmean? A. Hee cant go to thhe cinnema. B. Hee can go too the cinemma on Saturrday mmorninng. C. Hee can go too the cinemma on Saturrday eeveninng.第二节(共155小题; 每每小题1.55分,满分222.5分) 请听下面5段对对话或独白,选出最佳选选项。请听第6段材料料,回答第66、7题。6. Whenn willl the man ggo on

4、holidday? A. Inn spriing. B. Inn summmer. C. Inn wintter.7. Wherre is the mman gooing? A. Swwitzerrland. B. Ittaly. C. AAustriia. 请听第7段材料料,回答第88至10题。8. Whatt is tthe maan? A. A businnessmaan. B. A salessman. C. AA scieentistt.9. Wherre doees thiis connversaation most probaably ttake pplace? A. On a

5、traain. B. Onn a buus. C. OOn a pplane.10. Whyy is tthe wooman ttravelling? A. SShe iss travvelingg on hholidaay. B. She iis traavelinng on businness. C. Shhe is traveeling to giive soome leecturees. 请听第8段材料料,回答第111至13题题。11. Whyy is tthe wooman ccallinng? A. TTo buyy a taable. B. TTo boook a ttable.

6、 C. Too servve lunnch.12. Wheen doees thiis resstauraant sttop seervingg luncch? A. 11 p.m. B. 2 p.m. C. 33 p.m. 13. Howw manyy peopple wiill coome wiith thhe womman foor lunnch? A. OOne. BB. Twoo. CC. Fouur. 请听第9段材料料,回答第114至17题题。14. Whaat is the mman? A. AA nursse. B. A doctoor. C. AA chemmist.15.

7、Whaat is wrongg withh the womann? A. SShe iss wet all oover. B. SShe haas a bbad heeadachhe. C. SShe haas hadd a coough ffor thhree ddays.16. Whaat doees thee man tell the wwoman to doo? A. SStay iin bedd for some time and ttake ssome mmediciine. B. GGo aroound ffrom ttime tto timme. C. CCome tto se

8、ee him tomorrrow mmorninng.17. Wheere dooes thhis coonverssationn mostt probbably take placee? A. IIn a ggardenn. B. In thhe manns offfice. C. In tthe woomanss housse.请听第10段材材料,回答第第18至200题。18. Whaat is the mmain ttopic of thhe passsage? A. TThe Baarceloona Ollympicc Gamees. B. TTV proogramss on CChi

9、nesse tellevisiion. C. EEffectts of televvisionn on oour liives.19. Wheere waas thee survvey off 300 younggsterss madee? A. IIn Shaanghaii. B. Inn Wuhaan. C. In BBeijinng.20. Acccordinng to the ppassagge, whhat iss quicckly ttakingg the placee of pprinteed matteriall as tthe maajor ssourcee of nnews

10、 ffor moost Chhinesee? A. IInternnet B. TTeleviision C. Reeadingg第二部分:英语语知识运用(共两节,满满分35分)第一节:单单项填空(共共15小题;每小题1分分,满分155分) 从A、B、CC、D四个选选项中,选出出可以填入空空白处的最佳佳选项,并在在答题卡上将将该项涂黑。21. Youu shouuld _ any opporrtunitties yyou haave too pracctice Engliish. A. mmake ffun off B. pplay aa partt in C. make use oof D.

11、 geet aloong wiith22. Juddging by heer _, Janee mustt be aa souttherneer. A. ppronunnciatiion B. acccent C. vooice D. soundd23. Timm, _ yyou _ your homewwork yyet? A. wwere, finissh B. have, finiished C. aare, ffinishhed D. doo, finnish24. Yoour foood iss veryy deliiciouss! _.A. Dont menntion it B.

12、Im sorryy to hhear tthat C. Youre kiiddingg D. Im glaad to hear that25. Wheen we visitted Haainan againn ten yearss lateer, wee founnd it changged soo muchh thatt we couldd harddly _ it. A. rremembber B. thhink aabout C. bbelievve D. rrecognnize26. Thee poliicemann warnned thhe driiver _ so carelles

13、slyy. A. nnever to drrive B. tto nevver drrive C. tto nott drivve D. ddoesnt driive27.Johhnaskkedmee_ttovissithiisuncclesfarmwithhim. A.howwwouldIlikke B.iffornnotwoouldIIlikee C.whettherIIwoulldlikke D.whhichIIwoulldlikke28. Lett Tom play with your toys as weell, CClareyou mmust llearn to_. A. supp

14、port B. caree C. sppare D. sharre 299. Doyoouhapppenttoknoow_? A.wwhereisheeradddress B.iinwhiichpllaceiisherraddrressC.whattheraddreessiss DD.theeplacceherraddrressiis30. Alll of uus fouund _ diffiicult to woork ouut thee mathhs prooblem. A. wwhat B. thhat C. whicch D. iit31. _ tthe teerriblle poll

15、lutioon, soo manyy beauutifull fishh are fast disapppeariing inn the riverr. A. AAccordding tto B. BBecausse of CC. Beccause D. As aa resuult32. I llike tto lissten tto mussic _ Im hhavingg a waalk inn the eveniing. A. sinnce B. afteer C. whilee D. befoore33. Theey sooon _ ddoing the ssame tthing da

16、y aafter day, and ffinallly gavve up. A. goot tirred off B. got aalong with C. goot awaay froom D. goot dowwn to34. Mrss. Johhnson, our neighhbor, oftenn _ thhe dogg in tthe paark affter ssupperr.A. watcches B. taakes C. kkeeps D. walkss35. Ourr Engllish tteacheer is ill, and wwe aree all _ herr hea

17、llth.A. careeful oof B. cconcerrned aabout C. interrestedd in D. ccalm aabout第二节:完形填填空 (共220小题,每每小题1.55分, 共330分) 阅读下面短文,掌掌握其大意,然然后在各题所所给的A,BB,C,D四四个选项中,选选出一个最佳佳答案,并在在答题卡将该该项涂黑。Water ccosts moneyyIn soome pllaces waterr is hhard 36 What 37 whenn a toown has tthese probllems?A smaall toown inn Caliifo

18、rniia fouund a happyy 388 Very 39 raain evver feell thhereThe ttown hhad noo wateer 400 The wwater it ussed waas 411 froom a rriver 300 mmiles awayAs moore peeople 42 llive iin thee townn, 43 watter waas neeededNow wwater 44 too be bbroughht in from 600 mmiles awayAll tthese cost 45 mmoneyThe ttown

19、46 a plannIt foound 447 too cleaan itss “dirrty” wwaterOnce the ccleaneed watter waas reuused 48 mmany wwaysFive 49 laakes wwere bbuiltHere peoplle couuld swwim annd fissh andd go 550 They 51 haave piicnicss in ttheir new pparksFarmeers haad morre watter 552 thheir ccropsNew ffactorries ccan bee bui

20、llt,now tthat tthey hhave tthe prromisee of 53 In moost pllaces,waterr is uused aand thhrown 54 The ttown tthat ssaved 55 wwater has savved thhe towwn!36AsuupplyiingBgetttingCto getDto supplly37AhaappenssBhapppeninngC. is hhappennedDhapppenedd38AkeeyBansswerC ansswerinngDwayy39AliittleBa llittleeCfe

21、wwDa ffew40Aoff itseelf Bof its oownCforr its ownD forr itseelf41AfeetchBtakkeCbroought inDguiided42Acoome tooBcamme toCcomming ttoDcamme forr43AmaanyBpleenty ofCmorreDmanny morre44AhaasBhadd CmusstDneeeded45AmaanyBa ffewCa ggreat manyDa llot off46ApuutBmaddeCsuppplyDnotticed47Aa wayBwayys Can answe

22、erDa kkey48AfoorBbyCat Din49Amaan-makkingBmann-makeeCmann-madeeDmann madee50AbooatinggBto boatCto boatiingDon boatiing51AmuustBcouuldCneeededDhadd to52AassBwitthCforrDto53Awaater eenoughhBenoough wwaterCcroops ennoughDenoough ccrops54AofffBofCawaayDoutt of55AittsBitssConeesDhiss第三部分:阅读读理解(共两两小节)第一节:

23、(共115小题,每每题2分,满满分30分)阅读下列短文,从从每题所给的的四个选项(AA、B、C和和D)中,选选出最佳选项项, 并在答答题卡将该项项涂黑。AHappineess iss for everyyone. You ddont need to caare abbout tthose peoplle whoo havee beauutifull housses wiith laarge ggardenns andd swimmming poolss or tthose who hhave nnice ccars aand a lot oof monney annd so on. WWhy?

24、 BBecausse thoose whho havve bigg housses maay oftten feeel loonely and tthose who hhave ccars mmay waant too walkk on tthe coountryy roadds in theirr freee timee.In factt, happpinesss is alwayys aroound yyou iff you put yyour hheart into it. WWhen yyou arre in troubble att schoool, yyour ffriendds

25、willl hellp youu; wheen youu studdy harrd at your lessoons, yyour pparentts aree alwaays taaking good care of yoour liife annd youur heaalth; when you gget a succeess, yyour ffriendds willl sayy conggratullationns to you; when you ddo sommethinng wroong, ppeoplee arouund yoou willl hellp youu to cco

26、rrecct it. And when you ddo sommethinng goood to otherrs, yoou willl feeel happpy, ttoo. AAll thhese aare yoour haappineess. IIf youu notiice a bit oof theem, yoou cann see that happiiness is allways arounnd youu.Happineess dooesntt meann moneey. Itt is aa feelling oof youur heaart. WWhen yyou arre

27、pooor, yoou cann alsoo say you aare veery haappy, becauuse yoou havve sommethinng thaat cannt bee bougght wiith mooney. When you mmeet wwith ddifficcultiees, yoou cann say loudlly youu are very happyy, beccause you hhave mmore cchancees to challlenge yoursself. As thhe sayying ggoes, life is liike a

28、 revollving(旋旋转的)dooor. WWhen iit clooses, it allso oppens. If yoou takke eveery chhance you gget, yyou caan be a happpy annd luccky peerson.56. Wheen youu do ssomethhing wwrong , peoople aaroundd you will .A. quarrrel wwith yyou B. help you ccorrecct itC. do ssomethhing wwrong like you D. lauggh at

29、 you57. Whaat willl youur friiends say wwhen yyou maake grreat pprogreess?A. Oh, so doo I B. CCongraatulattions!C. Goodd luckk! D. Juust soo-so58. Whiich off the folloowing is NOOT truue acccordinng to the ppassagge?A. Peopple whho havve carrs wouuld neever llike tto wallk in the oopen aair.B. You c

30、an gget heelp frrom otthers when you aare inn trouuble.C. You can sstill be a happyy persson evven iff you have littlle monney.D. Happpinesss is aalwayss arouund yoou thoough ddifficcultiees comme towwards you.59. Thee passsage mmainlyy tellls us .A. pareents aalwayss caree for our llife aand heealt

31、h B. werre nott happpy if we meeet wiith diifficuultiess C. happpinesss is aalwayss arouund ussD. lifee is ccolorffulBEveryonne neeeds frriendss. We all llike tto feeel cloose too someeone. It iss nicee to hhave aa frieend too talkk, lauugh annd do thinggs witth. Suure, tthere are ttimes when we nee

32、ed too be aalone. We ddont alwayys wannt peoople aaroundd. Butt we wwould feel lonelly if we neever hhad a friennd.No two peoplle aree the same. Someetimess frieends ddont get aalong well. Thatt doessnt mmean tthey nno lonnger llike eeach oother. Mostt of tthe tiime thhey wiill goo on bbeing friennd

33、s. SSometiimes ffriendds movve awaay. Thhen wee feell veryy sad. We mmiss tthem vvery mmuch. But wwe cann calll themm and writee to tthem. Maybee we wwould neverr see them againn. Andd we ccan maake neew friiends. It iis surrprisiing too findd out how mmuch wwe likke neww peopple whhen wee get to kn

34、now thhem. FFamiliies soometimmes naame thheir cchildrren affter aa closse friiend. Many placees aree nameed aftter meen andd womeen, iff theyy are frienndly tto peoople iin a ttown. Some libraaries are nnamed in thhis waay. Soo are some schoools. WWe thiink off thesse peoople wwhen wwe go to thhese

35、 pplacess.There iis morre goood newws forr peopple, iif theey havve friiends. Thesse peoople llive llongerr thann thosse peoople wwho doont hhave ffriendds. Whhy? Itt coulld be that they are hhappieer. Beeing hhappy helpss you stay well. Or iit couuld bee justt knowwing tthat ssomeonne carres. IIf s

36、ommeone caress abouut youu, youu takee bettter caare off yourrself.60. Thee firsst parragrapph tellls uss . A. whaat is the ffeelinng of havinng no friennds B. we alwayys neeed friiends arounnd us C. makking ffriendds is a neeed in peoplles llifeD. we nneed tto be alonee in oour liife61. Whiich off

37、the folloowing placees peoople nname aafter theirr frieendly peoplle is NOT mentiioned in thhe passsage?A. A toown. B. AA roomm. C. AA schoool. D. A liibraryy.62. Whyy do ppeoplee who have friennds liive loonger?A. Theyy feell happpier aand heealthiier. B. Theyy knoww moree abouut friiendshhip.C. Th

38、eyy takee lesss caree of tthemseelves. D. TThey ccare mmore aabout theirr frieends.CThere iis no excusse forr not doingg yourr assiignmennts(作业业). Iff you cantt comee to sschooll, youu shouuld caall yoour teeacherr or yyour cclassmmate aand assk aboout hoomeworrk. Itt is yyour rresponnsibillity(责责任)

39、to find out wwhat hhomewoork yoou havve misssed. It iss not the tteacheers jjob too remiind yoou of the mmissedd assiignmennts.You musst nott be aabsentt on aa testt day. If yyou arre serriouslly illl, calll andd let the tteacheer knoow youu willl not be thhere ffor thhe tesst. Iff yourr teaccher aa

40、llowss a maake-upp testt(补考),yyou shhould take the ttest wwithinn one or twwo dayys aftter yoou retturn tto claass. SSeriouus illlness is thhe onlly reaason ffor miissingg a teest.Be on ttime! It iss impoolite to bee latee. Alsso, itt bothhers oother studeents. If yoou musst comme in late, be ssure

41、tto do it quuietlyy. Havve youur boooks annd pappers oout off yourr bag beforre youu comee intoo the room. Thenn go tto youur seaat andd sit down quiettly. IIn thee USA, it iis nott neceessaryy to kknock beforre youu enteer thee classsroomm. Mosst teaacherss willl givee you a loww gradde if you aare

42、 offten llate.In Amerrica, you sshouldd calll yourr teaccher bby hiss or hher laast naame innsteadd of “ teachher”. Also you sshouldd use Mr, MMiss, Ms orr Mrs beforre thee lastt namee ( suuch ass Mrs Smithh or MMr Jonnes). This is poolite. The teachher wiill teell yoou thee titlle thaat he or shhe

43、likkes. IIt is impollite iin thee USA to eaat, drrink oor cheew gumm duriing cllass. Dontt do tthese untill the breakk. Alsso, reemovinng youur shooes inn the classsroom is noot pollite.63. Whaat shoould yyou doo if yyou miiss a classs?A. Givee an eexcusee for missiing thhe asssignmeents.B. Telll th

44、e teachher yoou cannt coome too schoool orr do tthe asssignmments.C. Ask your teachher too remiind yoou of the mmissedd assiignmennts.D. Calll yourr teaccher oor youur claassmatte to find out wwhat aassignnmentss weree giveen.64. Wheen cann a sttudentt misss a teest acccordiing too the passaage?A. W

45、henn he / she is laate foor thee testt. B. WWhen hhe/ shhe is reallly sicck. C. WWhen hhe / sshe faailed anothher teest. D. WWhen hhe / sshe dooesntt wantt to hhave tthe teest.65. In Ameriica, iif youur teaachers namme is Susann Blacck, whhat shhould you ccall hher polittely?A. Ms BBlack B. Mss Susa

46、an C. SSusan Blackk D. Teaccher BBlack66. Whiich off the folloowing is NOOT truue acccordinng to the ppassagge?A. A sttudentt is tthoughht to be immpolitte wheen he / shee takees offf his / herr shoees in the cllassrooom.B. A sttudentt is tthoughht to be immpolitte wheen he / shee eatss and drinkks

47、in classs.C. Whenn a sttudentt is llate ffor cllass, he / she mmust kknock beforre he / shee enteers thheclassrooom.D. A sttudentt is tthoughht to be immpolitte wheen he/she ddoesnt comme forr classs on time.DA womann saw threee old men wwith llong wwhite beardds sittting in heer froont yaard, hhung

48、ryy. Shee did not kknow tthem bbut innvitedd themm in. “ We do noot go into a houuse toogetheer,” tthey rreplieed. Annd shee askeed whyy.One of the oold meen expplaineed: “HHis naame iss Weallth,” pointting tto onee of hhis frriendss, “ aand hee is SSuccesss, annd I aam Lovve.” TThen hhe addded, “ N

49、ow ggo in and ddiscusss witth youur hussband whichh one of uss you want in yoour hoome.”The womman weent inn and told her hhusbannd whaat hadd happpened. Her husbaand waas oveerjoyeed. “HHow niice!” he saaid. “SSince that is thhe casse, leet Weaalth ccome iin andd filll our home with wealtth!” HHis

50、wiife diisagreeed, “MMy deaar, whhy nott inviite Suuccesss?” Thheir ddaughtter-inn-law gave her oown suuggesttion: “Woulldnt it bee bettter too inviite Loove? OOur hoome wiill bee fillled wiith loove thhen.” “Lets heeed ourr daugghter-in-laaws aadvicee,” saaid thhe hussband to hiis wiffe. “ Go ouut

51、andd inviite Loove too be oour guuest.”Love goot up and sstarteed wallking towarrd thee housse. Thhe othher twwo alsso gott up aand foolloweed himm. Surrpriseed, thhe womman assked WWealthh and Succeess: “ I onlly invvited Love, why are yyou cooming in?”The oldd men repliied toogetheer. “ If yoou ha

52、dd inviited WWealthh or SSuccesss, thhe othher twwo of us woould hhave sstayedd out. But sincee you invitted Loove, wwherevver hee goess, we go wiith hiim. Whhereveer theere iss Lovee, theere iss alsoo Weallth annd Succcess!”67. Thee undeerlineed worrd “ hheed” meanss “ ”.A. givee BB. reffuse C. foo

53、llow D. offeer68. Whaats tthe beest tiitle oof thee passsage?A. The imporrtancee of LLove. B. AAn oldd coupple annd Lovve.C. Whicch onee is tthe beest chhoice? D. Weealth, succcess aand loove.69. Froom thee storry, wee can know that the ddaughtter-inn-law is fuull off .A. caree BB. imaaginattion C.

54、love D. clevvernesss70. Whiich off the folloowing is TRRUE?A. Withhout llove, theree wont be anythhing. B. Withhout wwealthh, thee husbband hhas noothingg. C. Witthout succeess, yyou haave too lovee otheers. D. Witthout carellessneess, yyou wiill geet eveerythiing.第二节 (共55小题;每小小题2分,满满分10分)根据短文内容,的出白

55、选中多There wwas a park near my hoome. BBut I didnt go theree veryy ofteen. Maany peeople said theree was nothiing sppeciall. Onee afteernoonn I weent innto thhe parrk andd founnd it was rreallyy smalll. I walkeed quiickly becauuse thhere wwasntt muchh to ssee. II walkked foor somme timme andd founnd m

56、ysself sstandiing inn fronnt of two ppaths. 71 II founnd thaat thee two pathss weree diffferentt fromm eachh otheer.The lefft onee was wide and cclean. Therre werre lotts of floweers onn bothh sidees of the ppath. Thouggh thee flowwers wwerent verry beaautifuul, thhey maade mee feell goodd. I ddecid

57、eed to take this path. But wait! I loooked at thhe rigght onne. Thhe patth diddnt llook nnice. 72 Grasss greew eveerywheere. FFor a long time I couuldntt makee up mmy minnd. 73 IIt wassnt nnice , but I diddnt wwant tto givve up. At llast, I camme to the eend off the path. Ah! Theree was a smaall gaa

58、rden theree. It was bbeautiiful, perhaaps thhe mosst beaautifuul garrden II had ever seen. 74 Many peeople told me thhat thhere wwas noothingg muchh to ssee inn the park. Now Id llike tto telll theem thaat if they had ffollowwed thhe rigght waay, thhey woould hhave ffelt ddifferrentlyy. Butt whenn I

59、 toold thhem abbout wwhat II had seen in thhe parrk, thhey juust smmiled at mee withhout ssayingg a woord. II kneww theyy didnnt beelievee me. They coulddnt eeven rremembber thhat paath beecausee it wwas soo smalll. 75 DDont be affraid to chhoose a diffferennt patth. Yoou mayy get a bigg surpprise!A

60、. Therre is nothiing thhat I want to seee.B. It llookedd likee it hhad noot beeen cleeaned for mmonthss.C. Afteer a wwhile a strrange feeliing maade mee folllow thhe dirrty paath.D. “ Whhich wway shhould I go?” I aasked mysellf. I lookeed at one wway, tthen tthe otther.E. I toold thhem whhat haappen


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