英语二精讲音频讲义第7章unit inner voice_第1页
英语二精讲音频讲义第7章unit inner voice_第2页
英语二精讲音频讲义第7章unit inner voice_第3页




1、II.TextLearning (1)My day started just like all the other days for the past 15 years where Igetup,makesomecoffee,shower,II.TextLearning (1)My day started just like all the other days for the past 15 years where Igetup,makesomecoffee,shower,getdressedandleavefortrainionprecisely7:35A.M.toarriveatwork

2、by8:30.WhileontheIwould chooseaseatawayfromthecrowdsoIcanreadtheinpeacerquiet.(2)AtworkIamalwaysbeingbombardedwithquestions from coworkers,ephoneandthenthosedreadedmeetings,sothelast thing I needissomestrangertositbesidemeandmakesmall1.Mydaystartedjustlikealltheotherdaysforthepast15years where I get

3、up, make some coffee, shower, get dressed and leave for trainionprecisely7:35A.M.toarriveatworkby(1where(3) get dressed定语从句,先行词为daysmake coffeeleavefor 动身去2AtworkIambeing bombarded with questions from coworkers, ephone and thenthosedreaded meetings,sothelastthingIneedissomestranger to sit beside(3)

4、get dressed定语从句,先行词为daysmake coffeeleavefor 动身去2AtworkIambeing bombarded with questions from coworkers, ephone and thenthosedreaded meetings,sothelastthingIneedissomestranger to sit besidemeandmakesmallbombard sb. with questions 不断向提(2) the Iwantto workHeistheLyingisthelast13.HeisIdislikemost.Inothe

5、rhe is I will like.Athe lastC Bthe Dthe 【thing 。thething意为最不的人/物。theIlikeI惯用法the/thing I dont know why but for some reason when I got on odayit惯用法the/thing I dont know why but for some reason when I got on odayitunusually full, something I dont recall ever past.I tmiddle-agedhadhisheaddownandseemed

6、tobelostinhisthoughts.ItdidntnoticewhenIsatnexttohimashejustcontinuedtolook down towardsthe downtownIfoundwonderingwhatthismanwasthinkingabout.Whatcouldbetdidntevenseemesitnexttohim?Itriedtostartedetaboutitreadmyvoicer.(4)However,forsomestrangereasonthisprompting me to talk to this man. (5)I tried t

7、o ignore the astherewaswayIwasstartingaconversationcompletestranger.(3.ShortlyastherewaswayIwasstartingaconversationcompletestranger.(3.Shortlyafterthetrainleftformy30-minuteridedowntown I found myselfwonderingwhatthismanwas Whenhecameto,hefoundhimselfinThemanfoundhimselfsurroundedbyhalfaboys.4.fors

8、omestrangereasonthisinnervoicekeptpromptingmeto talk to this(1) ng (2) prompt sb. to do sth. 5.Itriedconversationcomplete (1) ignore:pay no to (2thereisno way (6)As you probably guessed I eventually down cameup nto ask himaquestion. When he raised hishead and turned eyestowardscameup nto ask himaque

9、stion. When he raised hishead and turned eyestowardsmecouldthe andstillvebeenreallyupsetashehadredsome tears rolling down the side of his face despite his feeble attempt to wipethemaway.(7)IcantdescribethesadnessIfeltseeingsomeone in so muchWetalkedforabout20minutesheendheseemedng(8)As we were leavi

10、ng the train beinganangelnked me profusely takingthetimeto talk.(9)Ineverdidfindout what washisheartheavywithpainbutwasgladIlistenedtothetksassedwhenInoticedanenvelopeondeskafterch. It was not addressed to anyone and only had wordangelon it. (10)My tached a note saying a droppeditsaying he did not k

11、now my name d described me treceptionistknewitwasforme.Whendroppeditsaying he did not know my name d described me treceptionistknewitwasforme.WhenIreadthenoteinsideenvelopeIso filled withletterfromt Icouldnt yself.It wasmanImetonthetra saving his lifehingmeagainfortalkingtohimApparentlyhehadsomevery

12、werealhisletterthewasplanningtotakehistday.went on to desperationhat he was a and out to t if God really cared about him would someonetohim from taking his life. In his eyes I was Angel sent byt t6. As you probably guessed I eventually broke down and upnexcuseaskhima6. As you probably guessed I even

13、tually broke down and upnexcuseaskhima 掉(2comeup with down with 7. I cant describe the sadness I seeingsomeoneinso painIfeltvery sad,and Icouldntdescribethesadness.8.Aswe were leavingthe train thetimenked me profusely for being an angel by nk sb. for ng) (2) by taking the time talk作状语修饰beingangel。9.

14、 I never did find out what was making his heart so heavy with pain butwas glad I listened to the t heavy with painwith表示原因,类似的短语还有: wet with shakebe breathless / out of breath with tremblewithcold/anger10.My anotesayinggentlemandroppeditoffsayinghedidnotknowmynamebut had described mewell t the recep

15、tionist knew anotesayinggentlemandroppeditoffsayinghedidnotknowmynamebut had described mewell t the receptionist knew it was for me.干是My attached a note.sayinga note,a droppedituddescribed me well enought the receptionist knew it was for didntknowmynameso 名(11)Notbeinga myself Idontknow tvoice tmade

16、metakeachanceandtalktoastrangerbutIdoitmadetdifferenceinsomeonespromptedfortday.So thenexttimeyouapparent reason to talk to a friend, relative, neighbor or even lease remember my story, you just may adifferenceinlifewhenyoulistentoyourinner11.NotbeingamyselfIdontlease remember my story, you just may

17、 adifferenceinlifewhenyoulistentoyourinner11.NotbeingamyselfIdontknowtvoicetmademetakeachanceandtalktoastrangerbutIdoitmadetdifferenceinsomeonestvoicewasI do day.(1)tt it made a difference in someones tbeinganotving。例如: vingime,was criticized by the teacher.(2) metakeat voice t 陈述句语序。再如: Canlmewherecomes l me what


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