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2、yt.* to create routine自动授EXECUTE, ALTER ROUTINE权限给它的show grants for Grants for |GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO p1localhost IDENTIFIED BY *23AE809DDACAF96AF0FD78ED04B6A265E05AA257 | GRANT EXECUTE, ALTER ROUTINE ON PROCEDURE _shop1 p1localhost createtemporarytablestables必须有 create temporary tables 的权限,才

3、可以使用 create temporary grant create temporary tables on pyt.* to mydev -h localhost -u p1 -p create temporary table 6. create grantcreateviewonpyt.*tocreate view v_shop 7. create ect price from grantcreateviewonpyt.*tocreate view v_shop 7. create ect price from grant create user *.* to grant insert o

4、n *.* to alter table shop modify dealer char(15);alter o . QueryOK,0alterroutineonpyt.*top1 localhost; procedure pro_shop;rows affected (0.00 revokealterroutineonpyt.*from mydev-hlocalhost-up1-pdrop procedure pro_shop; ERROR1370(42000):alterroutined denied to p1localhost for routine updateshopsetpri

5、ce=3.5 wherearticle=0001and )drop view vi_name; drop index in_name;14. show DATABASES 权限。show | Database |pyt |test show |pyt |test show grant show view on pyt.* to show create view grant index on pyt.* to p1localhost; createindexix_shoponshop(article); drop index ix_shop on shop;call| article | 000

6、1 | 0001 select | a | 2 locklock grantlocktablesonpyt.*to lock tables a1 read;unlock 有了 REFERENgrant reload on pyt.* to ERROR1221 (HY000): Incorrect usage of DB GRANT and GLOBAL grantreloadon*.*top1localhost; Query OK, 0 rowsaffected (0.00 sec)flush 21. replication show master ERROR1227(42000):privi

7、lege for this grant Replication nt on *.* to grantsuperon*.*toshow master grantreloadon*.*top1localhost; Query OK, 0 rowsaffected (0.00 sec)flush 21. replication show master ERROR1227(42000):privilege for this grant Replication nt on *.* to grantsuperon*.*toshow master | File ition | Binlog_Do_DB |

8、Binlog_Ignore_DB |-bin.000006 | 2111 | | show slave 22. replication show slave ERROR1227(42000):sdenied;needtheprivilege for this show binlog ERROR1227(42000):sdenied;needtheprivilege for this grantreplicationslaveon*.*toshowslavehosts; Empty set (0.00 sec)showbinlog| Log_name | Event_type | Server_

9、id| |Info |-bin.000005|4|Format_desc|1|98|Serverver:5.0.77-Binlog ver: 4 | -bin.000005|98|Query|1|197|use ; table 23.:mydev adminmydev ERROR2002(HY000):Cantconnecttoserverthrough.sock $cd/u01/ bin$ ./ d_safe grantgrantGrantoptiononpyt.*togrant select on pyt.* to 25. ooutfile和load.sock $cd/u01/ bin$

10、./ d_safe grantgrantGrantoptiononpyt.*togrant select on pyt.* to 25. ooutfile和loaddatainfile操作file, grant file on *.* to load data infile 26. otable URGE MASTER LOGSgrant super on *.* to purge master logs before -27. sSHOWshow | Id | User | Host | db d | Time | e | Info | 12 | p1 | localhost | pyt | Query | 0 | NULL | show


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