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1、14-15 学年新目标八上期末试题Class: Name: Marks: ()1.Howdoesyour mother gotowork, bybus or onA./;C.the;B. a;D.an; () 2.CanIborrow some14-15 学年新目标八上期末试题Class: Name: Marks: ()1.Howdoesyour mother gotowork, bybus or onA./;C.the;B. a;D.an; () 2.CanIborrow some moneyyou,A. C.B.D. ()3.MrWangsclasseserestingandheoften

2、startshisclassasmallA. C.B.D. () 4. isthe hospitalfromthe bus20minutesonA.HowC.How B.How D. How()5.Thebreadsmellsdelicious!WouldyouliketobuyIdlove to,butve moneywithme A. C.B.D. () 6. IhavetomysisterathomeA.lookC.lookB.lookD.look () Im BeijingnextReally?HaveagoodA.hangingC.comingB.leavingD.() Letsma

3、kea milkshakeC.nksa B.Goodts() 9. Iwant togofortorelaxingrelaxingtosomething()10.Lookatthetrashonthefloor.CouldyouA.take outC.take outB.takeitD.takethem()11. Althoughitrainedhard,mendidntstopheA. C.B.D.to () 12.Mostof the teacherstoEnglandto()10.Lookatthetrashonthefloor.CouldyouA.take outC.take outB

4、.takeitD.takethem()11. Althoughitrainedhard,mendidntstopheA. C.B.D.to () 12.Mostof the teacherstoEnglandtolearnEnglishnextA. C.areB.isD. () 13. doesshehave tostoptohaveaEverytenA.C.How B.How D. () 14.Lily,couldyoupleaseyourdirtyclotheshereandB.toD.nottotC.not() 15.Thiscar isntA. C.B.D. 二 Samhada new

5、classmate.Hewasa boywithdarkhair.Andhe quietandshy.Later,SamttheboysnameLiMingthe camefromSamtriedtotalktoLiMing,buthe never .He only the countryandthe were new to him.d.Finally,SamttnightSamfoundsome easywords theernetandlearnedtosayThe next morning, Sam went to talk to Li Ming again. “ friend.” Li

6、 Ming looked 20.HeansweredSaminChi Ming said.“My English is not 22 ,”said Li Ming. “My 23 is not good either,”said Sam. “I will teach you,” offered Li Ming.“ 24 Iwillteachyou,”saido,”hesaidin. “Iam .Samdidnt whiSam a ball out of his backpack. “Do you want to play?”heasked.LiMingd.Sometimeswordsareno

7、tevenC.C.()16.A.)17.A.B.B.D. D.()18.A.)19.A.)20.A.)21.A.)22.A.)23.A.)24.A.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.C.C.C.()18.A.)19.A.)20.A.)21.A.)22.A.)23.A.)24.A.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.D. D.D.D. D. D. D.)25.gA。(Ittakes3Ittakes8Ittakes10Ittakes14)27. The flight fromChongqing to Paris departs(出发) at (A. C.B.D. ()28.Fligh

8、tCN551usuallyoscow at A. C.B.D. (出发CNCNCNCNCNCN()29. If youwant to go to Japan, you should take Flight A.CN C.CNB.CND.CN ( A. C.B.D. BMr. Brownis one of my bestfriends.He canrunfast,()29. If youwant to go to Japan, you should take Flight A.CN C.CNB.CND.CN ( A. C.B.D. BMr. Brownis one of my bestfrien

9、ds.He canrunfast,andhe likestoshowpeople how fast he can run.One day a thief oMr. Browns house, took some of his things and ran out of the as quickly sible. Mr. Brown was running on the t time. Mr. Brown saw himranafterhim.Mr.Brownshouted,tyouknowyoucantgetawayfromme?”Butthethieffaster.Mr.Browngotan

10、gryandranmuch faster.SoonMr.Brownwasafew kilometersawayfrom his house.He was running hard when I met him. I asked, “Why are you running so fast?” Mr. said, “I want to catch a thief.” I asked, “But where is the thief?” Mr. Brown said proudly, “He farbehindme.He thecanrunnme,buthe is。()31.WhydidMr.Bro

11、wnrunafterthe A. D.BecauseMr.Brownwantedtotakethethiefto)32. Mr. Brown was whenhe saw the thief.(A. C.goingto)33.Mr.BrownA. C.B.D.stayingatwhenthethiefranfaster.B.D. ()34. From the passage,we .t the underlinedword“proudly” means” B. D. A. C. ()35.WhatdoyouthinkofMr.A.He isC.He isB.He isD.He isC的( )3

12、6. Grace is a 的( )36. Grace is a little bit heavy. Her new plan is to do more exercise.She wants toknow how to keep slim and healthy.( )37.MissBrownisstudyingChi ina universityinChina.Shehopestofindajobas a Chi language teacher after graduation.( )38. Mr and Mrs Green t go to work this kend. They wo

13、uld like to relax by watching a game show or seeing a movie.( )39. Nancy is erested in robots. She wants to know what the future robots will be ( )40. Mr Wang has a 15-day w er holiday. He likes traveling around the world. And this time he wants to go somewhereOurs is a high school in New Jersey, th

14、e USA. We need three teachers. You must be familiar with Chi and have the experience of studying in China.e to our art center and you can show us your talents. If you are lucky enough, a director may let you take a role in a movie.Do you want to keep slim and look beautiful? Why not courclub?Wehave

15、great plans for you to lose weight.Would you like to take a trip and spend a warm w er vacation? Our travel agency can help you. Call us at 786-3219.Are you free on kends? Do you want relax ina cinema? We have the newest41.Mygrandmotherling me a 的42. The boy is very (有天赋的Hecouldplaytheviolinof43. Wh

16、y not )yoursadnesswithyourfriendsoryour41.Mygrandmotherling me a 的42. The boy is very (有天赋的Hecouldplaytheviolinof43. Why not )yoursadnesswithyourfriendsoryour44. Its not easy to get train (票) at this time of year. Too many people go home 45. I cant get so good grades (没有yournkyouvery with my studies

17、. I (47)everhelpmymotherdothehousework.Thisvacation, Ill have lots of free (48)Illhelpmymotherdothehouseworkas cleaning the house and washing theclothes.Ialsoplantogeta and learn to make sandwiches. Mydad isa (51)andheisalwaysbusy.Iwanttohelphimsible.Ifthereis不舒服的your teeth, you can ask him for help

18、. Well, last w er vacation my sister and I took a trip to Shanghai. This time we (53)to do something different.Weregoing toourunclesfarm to help him feed (54) and look after (55). We also want to learn to grow vegetables. Ha, its going to be a wonderful vacation, isnt it?56. Mike and I are both spor

19、ts lovers.We many hobbies 57. from America and France.e to enjoy them with your family.F. Everyone likes delicious food. Do you want to learn how to cook? Our company can train super cooks f reat ho s and restaurants.G. Do you want to know about robots and peoples life he future? The exhibition can

20、meet your need. It will open on September 14 and last for a k.My mother is very kindand she is always others.58. Health education will inpreparingusforoldt your worries .Ifyousaythemout,maybewe canhelpMr. Wang is ill. Can you togive the lesson?My mother is very kindand she is always others.58. Healt

21、h education will inpreparingusforoldt your worries .Ifyousaythemout,maybewe canhelpMr. Wang is ill. Can you togive the lesson?A. 信息归纳程进行精心的准备和筹划。阅读下面的短文,然后填写信息表。(共5小题,每小题1分, 共Do youwant totravelascheaplysiblewhileenjoying thegreatscenery(风景as sible? Backpacking (背包旅行) is the most popular way among y

22、oung people now. tent, a challenges ng bag and some clothes, you can start your trip. Backpacking can give you ). To travel with little money, backpackers stay in cheap s or schools, theysometimesnrailwayionsorunderThe young people in Europe often travel around their own country by train. Now they t

23、ravelfarthertoAustraliaorChinabyplanebecausetheplaneticketsaremuchr But no matter where backpackers travel, planning is very important if they want to enjoy trip. They should carry roof (防水的) clothes in summer, some medicine, and of course credit card which is a safe way to carry money. Students may bring their student ID cards to tickets at lower . When you want to travel to a foreign country, the passport (护照) Backpacking is the most popular way to travel as as sible.Backpacking is challenging be


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