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1、语法专题形容词、副词、介词和动词短语高三英语学生学习课件语法专题高三英语学生学习课件目 录考点要览疑难点击实战演练高三英语学生学习课件目 录高三英语学生学习课件考点要览高三英语学生学习课件考点要览高三英语学生学习课件考点要览形容词和副词介词和动词高三英语学生学习课件考点要览高三英语学生学习课件 形容词作定语及多个时的 位置顺序 形容词和副词的比较等级 用法 何时形容词后置 -ly结尾的形容词 定语形容词和表语形容词 词形一致的形容词和副词形容词和副词高三英语学生学习课件 形容词作定语及多个时的 介 词介词基本用法及易混淆介词的区别常见的各种介词搭配及意义易错常考介词及其搭配动 词 形状相似动词

2、的误用及物动词与不及物动词的误用动词短语的形式和意义使用动词时应注意的问题高三英语学生学习课件介动 形状相似动词的误用高三英语学生学习课件疑难点击高三英语学生学习课件疑难点击高三英语学生学习课件疑难点击形容词和副词介 词动 词高三英语学生学习课件疑难点击高三英语学生学习课件(一)形容词和副词形容词是以修饰名词或表示人或事物的特征的词,在句中充当定语修饰名词,代词,也可做表语表示主语的状态特征,也可做主语,状语副词在句中修饰动词,形容词或其他副词,在句中做状语,个别也做表语,定语,补语。1多个形容词修饰同一名词时的排列顺序:高三英语学生学习课件(一)形容词和副词高三英语学生学习课件形容词和副词多

3、个形容词修饰同一名词时的排列顺序何时形容词后置-ly结尾的形容词同根副词辨析比较等级的常见句型比较等级的修饰语高三英语学生学习课件形容词和副词高三英语学生学习课件巧学妙记 限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老;颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。巧学妙记 限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老;颜色国籍出2何时形容词后置:(1)修饰不定代词something, anything, nothing, everything等时,例: There is something difficult in this book.(2)形容词后面有介词短语或不定式短语的时候。例: This is a student worth

4、of praise.(3)用and或or连接两个形容词通常放在被修饰的名词之后,起强调修饰的作用。例: They will turn their motherland into a country, beautiful and modern.(4)形容词同表示数量的词组连用时亦放在后面。例: 高三英语学生学习课件2何时形容词后置:高三英语学生学习课件 The pipe is twelve feet long. 3-ly结尾的形容词: 名词+ly结尾构成的词常作形容词。如: live生命,生活 lively生动的,活泼的 love热爱 lovely 可爱的 friend 朋友 friendly

5、友好的 4同根副词辨析: (1)close接近地 closely 仔细地,密切地 (2)free免费地 freely 自由地,无拘束地 (3)hard 努力地 hardly几乎 (4)late 晚,迟 lately 近来高三英语学生学习课件 The pipe is twelve feet (5)most 极,非常 mostly 主要地 (6)wide 广阔地 widely 广泛地(7)high 高 highly 高度地,非常地 (8)loud 大声的 loudly大声地(含有喧闹意思)(9)deep 深,迟 deeply 抽象意义上的“深”(10)near 邻近 nearly 几乎5比较等级的

6、常见句型:(1)as+原级+ as(as+原级+a/an+单数可数名词+ as),其否定形式为not as/so+原级+ as(2)比较级+than+比较对象(less+原级+比较对象)高三英语学生学习课件(5)most 极,非常 mostly 主要地 高三(3)比较级+and+比较对象或more and more +原级(4)the+比较级,the+比较级(5)the+比较级+of the two(6)the+最高级(+单数可数名词)+of/among+复数名词或in+单数名词(7)be one of/among+ the+最高级+复数名词(8)the last+原级(+单数可数名词)+of

7、/among+复数名词或in+单数名词6比较等级的修饰语:(1)修饰原级:fairly, quite, rather, so, very, too等。(2)修饰比较级:much, even, far, rather, still, any, no(而不用very, quite, fairly,Greatly等),a bit, a little, a head, two metres, a great deal. a lot , by far等。高三英语学生学习课件(3)比较级+and+比较对象或more and more 介 词原因不同,介词有别易错常考的介词及其搭配高三英语学生学习课件介 词

8、高三英语学生学习课件(3)修饰最高级:by far, much, almost, nearly或序数词等。(二)介词: 1原因不同,介词有别: (1)at 常表示某种表情的起因,通常和表示听、看或喜、怒、吃惊等的过去分词或形容词连用。 (2)with多用于表示情绪的形容词或身体动作或状态的动词之后,表示某种心理或心理状况的原因。 (3)over常用于带有感情色彩的动词cry, weep,laugh, mourn, sigh 等之后,叙述所发生事情的原因。高三英语学生学习课件(3)修饰最高级:by far, much, almost,(4)from常接抽象名词表示自然或间接原因。(5)of多用于

9、表示自身的原因,如死因、病因等。(6)for多与表示感情的抽象名词或动词及reason, famous等词连用。高三英语学生学习课件(4)from常接抽象名词表示自然或间接原因。高三英语学生学2易错常考的介词及其搭配: be made of 用制成(物理变化) The house is made of wood. 那幢房屋是木头造的。 be made from用制成(化学变化) Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿成的。 be made in(某地)生产 The bikes are made in Tianji. 这种自行车是天津生产的。 (1).高三英语学生学

10、习课件2易错常考的介词及其搭配:(1).高三英语学生学习课件 make into 使变为 The huts can be made into temporary house. 这些简陋的小屋可改装为临时住宅。 make of 对作如何解法 What do you make of this strange letter? 你对这封奇怪的信作何想法? 养成 He wants to make a doctor of his son. 他想把儿子培养成医生。 (2).高三英语学生学习课件 make into 使变为(2).高三英语学生have some/great trouble/difficulty

11、(in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 I had great difficulty(in) solving the problem. 我要解决这个问题很困难。have a habit/idea/plan of doing sth. 有做某事的习惯/方法/计划 She has a habit of reading in bed. 她习惯在床上看书。(3).高三英语学生学习课件have some/great trouble/difficcall at +访问对象是家 Ill call at his house later. 等下我要顺道去他家里拜访。call on +访问对象是人 Ill

12、call on him later. 等下我要去他那里拜访他。call for sb. =go and pick sb. up 去接某人 Ill call for you at four.= Ill go and pick you up at four. 我将于4点去接你。call on to do 向要求 The teacher called on me to speak at the meeting. 老师让我在会上发言。(4).高三英语学生学习课件call at +访问对象是家(4).高三英语学生学习课件be pleased to do sth. 乐意做某事 He will be ple

13、ased to help you. 他会乐意帮助你。be pleased with sb./sth. 对满意;满足于 She is pleased with the gift. 她对这件礼物很满意。 Im very (much) pleased with what she has one. 我对她所做的事感到满意。(5).高三英语学生学习课件be pleased to do sth. (5).高三英语be tired from 因而疲倦 He was very tired from running. 他因跑步而很疲倦。be tired of厌烦 Im tired of boiled eggs.

14、 我吃厌了煮鸡蛋。 She got tired of reading. 她厌烦了读书。(6).be tired from 因而疲倦(6).insist on doing sth. 坚持要做某事 She insisted on staying here. 她坚持要呆在这里。persist in doing sth. 坚持要做某事(坚持做不好的事居多) He persists in wearing that old-fashioned hat. 他坚持要戴那顶旧帽子。go on doning sth. 继续做原来正在做的事 I hope it wont go on raining all day.

15、 我希望不会整天下雨。(7).insist on doing sth. (7).He stole a book from the shelf. steal+偷窃物+from+人或地点他从书架上偷了本书。 He stole money from her.=He stole her money. 他偷了她的钱。rob+人或地点+of +偷窃物 He robbed her of her money. 他抢了她的钱。(8).He stole a book from the shelfby means of 使用 We express our feelings by means of words. 我们

16、使用语言表达情感。by way of 经过, 经由 He came by way of Beijing. 他经由北京来此。by the way 顺便说一下(常用作插入语)By the way, where are you going? 顺便问一下,你要去哪儿?on the /ones way 在途中I met him on my way to/from school. 我在上学(放学)途中碰到他。He is on the way to success. 他正走在成功的路上。in the/ones way 妨碍Dont stand in the (my) way. 别挡我的道。in a way

17、在某种意义上 In a way she is foolish. 在某种程度上,她有点傻。(9).by means of 使用(9).set about doing sth. 开始做某事 She set about washing her bike. 她开始洗自己的自行车。set out to do sth. 为了某个目标而努力,朝某个目标进行 He set out to make his first million in five years. 他决心在五年内挣到第一个一百万。on doing sth.相当于as soon as 引起时间状语从句。例: On hearing the news,

18、 she burst into tears. 她一听到这个消息,就放声大哭。 On arriving at the station, I telephoned her. 我一到火车站,就给她打电话。(10).(11).set about doing sth. 开始做某事(10)动 词使用动词时应注意的问题动词与介词/副词的常见搭配形容词与介词的常见搭配名词与介词的常见搭配高三英语学生学习课件动 词高三英语学生学习课件(三)动词1使用动词时应注意的问题(1)need, want与require的用法 作“需要”讲时,必须用动名词或不定式的被动式作宾语,这时动名词的主动式表示被动意义。例: The

19、 door needs repairing.=The door needs to be repaired. 门需要修理。(2)能与形容词等到构成系表结构的动词 appear, be, become, come, fall, feel, get, go, grow, keep, lie, look, prove, remain, rise, run, seem, sit, smell, sound, stand, taste, wear等。例: The moment she went to bed, she fell asleep. 她躺到床上,就睡着了。 (三)动词(3)常用常考的几种句型sh

20、ould (would) like to do sth. (很想做某事)had better do sth. (最好做某事)feel like doing sth. (想要做某事)would rather do sth. (宁愿做某事)have sth. done (让某事被做)have sb. do sth. (让某人做某事)have sb. doing (让某人一直进行某动作或保持某状态)(4)避免意义重复要注意有些动词本身的含义,避免加添意义重复的词。例:repeat= do or say again (repeat 之后不加again) (3)常用常考的几种句型return= come

21、 or go back(return之后不加back) enter= come or go into(enter之后不加into) hear from= get or receive ones letter(hear from之后不加letter)(5)助动词do, does与did的用法 助动词do, does, did可用于一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定陈述句中, 与动词原形连用,表示加强语气. 例:Her mother does speak well. 她母亲的确讲得很好。2动词与介词/副词的常见搭配(1)v.+about: speak, talk, care, set, hear, th

22、ink, bring, come, worry return= come or go back(return(2)v. + away : throw, carry away(失控,The music carried her away., die, wash, put, wear away (变薄,变光滑) send, blow, clear, pass, take, give away(背弃) ,break away from(脱离)(3)v. + back: keep, hold, call, look, give, take等(4)v. + for: run, wait, long, ca

23、re, search, call, seek, ask, stand, hope, wish, look, hunt, come等(5)v. + down: burn, take, cut, pass, settle, tear, break, turn, slow, put, bring, come等(6)v. + at: come, run, tear, stare, glance, knock, smile, aim, wonder, shout, work, look, glare, laugh, point, strike, shoot, call等(7)v. + from: dif

24、fer, hear, keep, stop, prevent, learn, date, suffer, die, separate等高三英语学生学习课件(2)v. + away : throw, carry aw(8)v. + of : think, talk, dream, speak, die, hear, become等(9)v. + off: start, leave, get, see, put, cut, keep, knock, pay, get, turn, set, show, take, ring, come, fall, go, break, carry, give等(

25、10)v. + on: depend, insist, keep, go put, move, feed, have, look, carry, call, live, bring, try, pass, turn等(11)v. + out: break, pick, burst, carry, hold, point, bring, held, set, wear, make, cross, keep, find, try, put, hand, run, let, turn, come, leave, work, give, look, speak, send, go等(12)v. + i

26、n: give, bring, result, join, get, fill, cut, look, hand, drop, succeed, break, call等(8)v. + of : think, talk, drea(13)v. + into: look, burst, run, turn, divide, put, translate等(14)v. + over: turn, go, get, take, fall, think, look, run, watch, roll等(15)v. + to: belong, refer, turn, see, reply, get,

27、compare, agree, supply, add, devote, object, point, come, bring, stick, hold, deep等(16)v. + up: grow, build, put, do, get, pick, bring, turn, stay, give, set, go, take, sit, use, cut, end, speed, burn, hurry, keep, send, open, eat, tear, make, join, come, throw, look, catch, fix, hold, ring等(17)v. +

28、 through: get, look, go, see, pull, put, cut等(13)v. + into: look, burst, ru(18)v. + with: deal, meet, agree, end, do, compare, begin, play, provide, supply等3. 形容词与介词的常见搭配(1)adj. + at:afraid,angry,good,bad,clever, terrified, surprised, present, shocked等(2)adj. + of: afraid, sure, full, tired, fond, p

29、roud, worthy, certain, careful, free, kind, short, shy等(3)adj. + with: angry, strict, careful, busy, popular, patient, pleased, crowded, sick, wrong, content等(4)adj. + in: weak, strict, rich, interested, dressed, successful, honest, strong, fortunate等(5)adj. + to: next, good, polite, kind, cruel, ru

30、de, dear, common, equal, know, (18)v. + with: deal, meet, agrmarried, close, near, similar, due, opposite, second, obvious, strange, thankful, suitable, junior等(6)adj. + for: sorry, good, famous, fit, unfit, eager, ready, thankful, anxious,hungry等(7)adj. + from: far, different, free, safe, absent, t

31、ired, away, separate等(8)adj. + about: sorry, worried, anxious, careful, sure, certain, curious, happy, nervous, excited等4. 名词与介词的常见搭配(1)by + n. 表示方式:hand, air, bus, bike, plane, train, machine, radio, letter, married, close, near, similar,telegraph, telegraph, telegram, price, distance, mistake, tim

32、e, chance, accident等(2)at + n. 表示状态:breakfast, workdinner, play, sea, war, peace, school, rest等(3)of + n.表示特征:value, importance, use, help, interest等(4)under + n. 表示被动:discussion, construction, consideration, repair, treatment, flood等(5)in + n. 表示方式: English, character, shape, size, length, height,

33、width, depth, color, code, cash, surprise, peace, public, shame, fun, joke, silence, comfort等(6)with + n. 表示方式:pleasure, delight, fear, satisfaction, difficulty, ease, pride等telegraph, telegraph, telegram(7)in + n. 表示状态:bed, prison,difficulty, debt, business, sight, order, condition, practice, doubt

34、, battle, health, trouble, danger等(8)on + n. 表示状态:holiday, vacation, fire, guard, business, tour, show, strike, line, sale, duty等(9)out of + n. 表示状态:sight, mind, danger, trouble, office, business, breath, condition, fashion, order, debt, control等(7)in + n. 表示状态:bed, prison,实战演练 高三英语学生学习课件实战演练 高三英语学生

35、学习课件实战演练实战一实战二实战三实战四实战五实战六实战七实战八实战九参考答案高三英语学生学习课件实战演练高三英语学生学习课件1. Mr Black bought a _ purse for his wife. A. small black leather B. black leather small C. small leather black D. black small leather2. It is believed that _ you work, _ result youll get. A. the harder; the better B. the more hard; the

36、more better C. the harder; a better D. more hard; more better3. Longjing tea, Jasmine tea and Wuyi tea are all famous. But which do you think_? A. tastes best B. smells most C. sounds best D. drinks mostly高三英语学生学习课件1. Mr Black bought a _ pur4. The railway was opened _ traffic_ April 4, 1985. A. to;

37、on B. to; in C. by; on D. for; on5. He left the meeting early because he had to _ his daughter from school. A. take up B. put up C. pick up D. catch up with6. Its _ lunch time, you must be hungry now, _ you? A. almost; mustnt B. about; dont C. nearly; arent D. already; havent7. We have planted thous

38、ands of trees in recent years. This year _ weve planted ten thousand trees. 高三英语学生学习课件4. The railway was opened _ A. even B. just C. alone D. only8. Whats the weather like in winter here? Its _ warmer in winter here than in your hometown. A. very B. fairly C. quite D. rather9. Good ways of doing thi

39、ngs mean saving time, and _ it is necessary for us to find them. A. still B. however C. therefore D. otherwise10. _ believed the young man. A. Almost no one B. Hardly no one C. Nearly no one D. Little no one11. Lucy. do you have a ruler? Yes, I do. But its. 高三英语学生学习课件 A. even B. just C. A. very smal

40、l one B. an only small ruler C. quite small ruler D. only a small one 12. The experiment was _ easier than we had expected. A. more B. much more C. much D. more much13. You should always keep this poison _ childrens reach. Its very dangerous. A. into B. under C. from D. out of 14. Im glad to say tha

41、t hes already finished _ 50% of the book in these three days. A. no less than B. no more than C. not more than D. much less than高三英语学生学习课件 A. very small one B. an 15. It is a _ difficult question, so its _ impossible for me to answer it. A. too; quite B. so; fairly C. rather; quite D. very; rather16

42、.Ann acts quite unfriendly. I think shes _ than unfriendly. A. shyer B. shy C. rather shy D. more shy17. In our city, we have _ traffic laws. And everyone must obey them. A. serious B. strict C. regular D. general18.Wheres Peter? He has gone away _ the weekend. A. for B. at C. in D. during高三英语学生学习课件15. It is a _ difficult qu 19.What did you think of her speech? She _ for one hour but didnt _ much. A. spoke; speak B. spoke; say C.


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