



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业八下6单元Section A 41页1.努力做某事 try to do 尝试做某事try doing2.move动词,移动,搬到。 moving让人感动的(指物)The moving movie made us cry. moved感动的(指认)I am moved.3.on my journey home在我旅行回家的路上4.射中shoot(shot ,shot)朝。射shoot at .5.high 多指山,价格 tall多指人,树6.在地球上 on the ear

2、th 究竟on earth42页从事做。work on doing/itbe weak in doing/sth 不擅长。 the weak=the weak people弱者continue to do是一件事做完了继续做另一件事的意思continue doing是继续做刚才没做完的那件事I continued to write my book when I had finished my homework. 我做完作业后继续写书(没停,但做的事情不一样,强调:忙死我啦) I continued writting my book after a short rest. 短暂的休息后我继续写书

3、(暗含的意思是一直在写书,同一件事,强调:这破书不好写啊)to do强调我没闲着,一直在忙,强调动作,doing强调事情,这件事我一直在做。4.take away 拿走 put away收好5.send up发射 send for派人请 send away解雇邮寄send sth tosb6.unless=if not除非,如果不7. remind提醒(1)remind sb. of sth. ; 如果提醒某人某事,使想起pleaseremindmeofmypromise.(2)remind sb. that 后面加从句(3):Please remind me to do sth. 表示请提醒

4、我。 (4)“remind”可以在后面直接接人或宾格,如“提醒我”译为“please remind me”。8.解决。的方法a way to solve the problemSolve=work out9.a little bit有点,后面加形容词或副词10.He seems to be angry=He seems angry.=It seems that he is angry.Seem to be/do= it seems that从句11.Anything is possible.任何事情都可能。12.What do you think about?=What do you thin

5、k of?你认为。怎么样?43页叫做called=named=with the name of.for the first timebe new to Chinese children对于中国孩子是新的。this is because=the reason is that原因是(后面加从句)他能72变He can make 72 changes to his shape and size.Turning himself into different animals and objects.把自己变成不同的动物和物体。把。变成。 turninto.hide (hid,hidden) hide s

6、th from sb让某人找不着某物keep it in his ear能做。be able to be unable to不能做。残疾人disabled person12come out开花,出版,出来,出现,透露13.more than=over超过14.对。感兴趣be/become interested in doing/sth15.excite(动词)使某人兴奋 excite the children44页从前once upon a time=long long ago=a long time agoThe stone gave birth to a monkey.be born生于爱

7、上。fall in love withmarry sb娶、嫁。marry sb to sb把。嫁给。或(父母为儿子)娶。当媳妇be/get married to sb与某人结婚be married接段时间6,couple谓语用复数fit适合,合身,主语为物 The skirt fits me.Im not fit to do the job.fit形容词:健康的cant stop doing禁不住做。all over the world全世界向。微笑smile at sb带着微笑With a smile10.王子 prince princess 公主SectionB 45页1.金的gold 金

8、色的golden2,sound 加形容词 sound like加名词3make special clothes for sb为某人做特殊衣服从语气上来说stupidfoolishsilly stupid缺乏正常理解力,智力(天生的) 说明蠢,贬义 eg.Dont be stupid enough to believe that foolish缺乏常识 eg. How foolish of her to spend so much time on it silly无知的,可笑的 eg.Dont ask your father so many silly questions.cheat 动词,骗,

9、作弊 名词,骗子46页1.死于内因如疾病 die of 死于外因如事故die from2.make a plan to do 计划做某事3.all the 。 the whole 。4.安静be quiet 5,in the e with me to the forest to get wood7.be lost/get lost8,the moon is shining brigtWhat a long time you slept in the forest!47页never mind别介意Unless we do,we wont find out way out.Inside the house在房子里lead(led led)领导lead sb to do领导某人去。 lead sb to+(地点)引导某人去某地5.be made of由。制成(可以看见原材料)be made from由。制成(不能看见原材


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