1、Unit 3 Back to the pastReading1. This morning we went to a lecture about Pompeii. lecture (1)CN.演讲讲,讲课课;谴责责,训诫诫givee / delliveer aa leectuure to sb. onn stth. 关于某某事进行行演讲havee a leccturre 听演演讲go tto aa leectuure 去听听演讲givee sbb. aa leectuure 训诫某某人学生每天天有课。 Thee sttudeentss haave leccturres eveery dayy.
2、 The fammouss prrofeessoor ddeliiverred a llectturee onn hoow tto pprottectt thhe eenviironnmennt.这个著名名的教授授就保护护环境问问题做了了个讲座座。(2)vv. 作作演讲,讲课Smitth 先先生正在在讲授俄俄国文学学。 Mr. Smmithh iss leectuurinng oon RRusssiann liiterratuure. 2. UUnfoortuunattelyy, aall thee peeoplle wweree buurieed aalivve.(1) unfforttun
3、aatelly 位位于句首首,作状状语,用用来修饰饰整个句句子。其其他类似似的词: luuckiily, frrankkly, obbvioouslly, exaactlly, honnesttly, geenerrallly, cerrtaiinlyy, fforttunaatelly( C ) Twoo miiddlle-aagedd paasseengeers felll iintoo thhe ssea. _, neeithher of theem ccoulld sswimm. AA. iin ffactt B. Luuckiily C. Unfforttunaatelly DD.
4、NNatuurallly forttunee n. U 运运气 ttelll onness foortuune 给某人人算命 C 财富 mmakee a forrtunne 发财forttunaate addj. 幸运的的,侥幸幸的unnforrtunnatee aadj.不幸运运的,倒倒霉的(2) burry vt. 埋埋葬,失失去(某某人),掩埋/掩藏 buuriaal n 埋葬He wwas burriedd inn hiis hhomeetowwn. Shes eeighhty-fivve aand hass buurieed tthreee ssonss.The houuse was
5、s buurieed uundeer tten feeet oof ssnoww.Jeann allwayys hhas herr heead burriedd inn a boook.简简总是埋埋头读书书。She burriedd heer ffacee inn heer hhandds aand weppt.她她双手掩掩面哭了了起来。be bburiied in = bburyy onneseelf in 埋头于于,专心心于1)_ (burry) himmsellf iin nnoveel, he diddntt nooticce mme ccomiing in. (Keyy: BBury
6、yingg )2) _ (bburyy) iin nnoveel, he diddntt nooticce mme ccomiing in. (Keey: Burriedd )3. TTomoorroow wwe aare offf too Naaplees tto vvisiit tthe musseumm thhat houusess maany of thee trreassurees ffromm Poompeeii. hoousee vvt.& n.(1) vt. 贮藏藏,收藏藏;供以以房屋如果旅馆馆已住满满,我们们可供给给你和你你的朋友友们住处处。We ccan houuse yo
7、uu annd yyourr frriennds if thee hootells aare fulll.housse oones oold boooks in thee attticc 将旧书书藏置顶顶楼(2)nn. 房房屋,住住宅4 thee ruuinss off thhe LLoullan Kinngdoom.ruinn (n.)(C) (常常用复)废墟 RRomaan rruinns 古古罗马遗遗迹(U) 破产产,遗迹迹(be)in ruiins 毁灭,成为废废墟 ffalll innto ruiin 变变得破败败不堪,逐渐破破碎An eeartthquuakee leeft the
8、e whholee toown in ruiins. 地震震使整个个城市成成了废墟墟。Desppitee goood salles, maany stooress faace ruiin.尽尽管销售售业绩还还不错,很多商商店还是是面临破破产。Afteer tthe warr, mmanyy teemplles falll iintoo ruuin.战争过过后,很很多寺庙庙变得破破败不堪堪。ruinn (Vt.)=ddesttroyy 毁灭灭/毁坏;搞砸,破坏The stoorm ruiinedd thhe ccropps. She ruiinedd heer mmums cchannce of
9、 getttinng aa joob.Her arrrivaal rruinned ourr fuun.5. IItss haard to imaaginne hhow thiis qquieet vvolccanoo deestrroyeed tthe whoole citty. deestrroy v. desstruuctiion 毁灭,破坏Theyy haave desstrooyedd alll tthe eviidennce.desttroyy onness hoopess, ccareeer, reeputtatiion毁毁掉某人人的希望望,事业业,名誉誉辨析:ddesttroy
10、y,dammagee,ruiindesttroyy vtt. 指指彻底破破坏,毁毁灭,以以致不能能修复或或无法修修复,主主要强调调破坏方方式有力力或粗暴暴。damaage v./n. 指价值值,用途途降低或或外表损损害,不不一定全全部破坏坏,毁坏坏后还可可以修复复。 do/cauuse dammagee too stth.ruinn v./n. 只只强调彻彻底毁坏坏或毁灭灭,但破破坏的方方式不一一定很粗粗暴,也也许是一一次性的的行动,泛指一一般的“弄坏了了”。Ex:判判断对错错:1. TThe dammageed ccar cann bee soold as wasste iroon . (
11、) 2. Thhe ddesttroyyed caar ccan be solld aas wwastte iironn ( ) ( BB ) 3. A llot of _ wwas donne tto tthe dessks. AA. hharmm B. daamagge C. dammagees D. losss ( BB ) 4. Alll heer hhopees wweree _. AA. ddamaagedd B. deestrroyeed CC. hhurtt DD. hharmmed ( DD ) 5. Thee caastlle hhas falllenn innto _.
12、A. haarm B. dammagee CC. ddamaagess DD. rruinn 6. SSvenn fooundd thhe rremaainss off buuilddinggs bburiied undder thee saand, toogettherr wiith a llot of treeasuuress, ssuchh ass cooinss, ppainntedd poots, siilk matteriialss, ddocuumennts andd waall paiintiingss.remaain (1)vvi.停停留,留下,剩下remaain doiin
13、g 一直保保持做remaain to be donne 有有待于被被做句型:IIt rremaainss too bee seeen wheetheer/wwhatt/hoow. 尚不不确定(以后才才知道)It rremaainss too bee seeen wheetheer tthe couuplee wiill enjjoy thee hoolidday.A feew fflowwerss sttilll reemaiinedd onn thhe ttreee.Muchh reemaiinedd too bee seettlled. 好好多事情情还有待待解决。(2)llinkk v.
14、依依旧,仍仍然是(后面可可接形容容词,名名词,分分词和介介词短语语)The mann reemaiinedd moodesst aand pollitee affterr hee waas eelecctedd miinissterr.(3)rremaainiing aadj. 剩下下的,剩剩余的tthe remmainningg tiime=thee tiime lefftremaainss n.遗迹,遗址,遗体(B)11. WWhy donnt youu puut tthe meaat iin tthe friidgee? It willl _ freesh forr seeverral
15、dayys. A. bee sttayeed B. remmainn CC. bbe rremaainiing D. haave staayedd (B)22. AAlthhouggh hhe hhas takken a llot of meddiciine, hiis hheallth_ ppoorr. A. pprovves B. remmainns C. lassts DD. cconttinuues 7. ppainnt v.在某物物上涂颜颜料或油油漆painnt aa hoousee bllue 把屋屋子漆成成蓝色画画,描绘The girrl iis ggoodd att paain
16、ttingg laandsscappes.I waant to havve tthe tabble paaintted yellloww. (漆成黄黄色) Wordd Poowerr 1. TThe heaat aalmoost droove me craazy. (P488)heatt v./n. (1).高温,热Thiss fiire doeesnt ggivee ouut mmuchh hheatt . (名名词)(2) If heeateed (加热热 ),watter cann tuurn intto ssteaam.(动词)heatted激激烈的aa heeateed ddiscc
17、usssionn heeateedlyy 激烈烈地drivve (11) 驱驱赶 ddrivve ssb. awaay ffromm/ouut oof/iintoo ddrivve offfI saaw ssomee caattlle bbeinng ddrivven by a mman on a hhorsse.(2) 迫使某某人行动动或进入入某一状状态 driive sb + aadj./ 介介词短语语drivve ssb. madd/ouut oof ssbss miind将将某人逼逼疯/使某人人丧失理理智n.乘车车之行aan hhourrs driive( C ). Thee hoor
18、riiblee nooisee frrom thee maanss rooom simmplyy_ me madd. A. puut B. cauusedd C. drrovee D. tuurneed 2. MMostt off thhem werre iin ggoodd coondiitioon. (P551)condditiion (表示示人或事事物自身身的“状况”时,多多作不可可数名词词)(1)处处境,状状况,现现状,健健康状况况sb./sthh. bbe iin ggoodd/pooor/exccelllentt coondiitioon状况况好/差, 身体体好/不好, 完好无无损
19、sb./sthh. bbe oout of conndittionn身体欠欠佳, 状态不不好in nno ccondditiion to do不不适宜做做某事The shiip iis iin nno ccondditiion to makke aa loong jouurneey. 此船的的现状不不适宜远远航。He iis iin eexceelleent conndittionn foor aa maan oof hhis agee.就其其年龄而而言,他他身体极极好。I neeed to gett moore exeerciise. Im reaallyy ouut oof cconddi
20、tiion 我要要多做运运动,真真的身体体太差了了。(2)条条件(可数) on oone conndittionn有个条条件 oon ccondditiion thaat只要要on nno ccondditiion决决不Illl leet yyou borrroww itt onn coondiitioon tthatt yoou llendd mee yoour bikke iin rretuurn.我借你也也行,但但有个条条件,你你得把你你的自行行车借给给我。You musst oon nno ccondditiion cliimb thaat hhighh waall. 你决决不要去去爬
21、那堵堵高墙。(3)环环境,情情况(常常用复数数)(指指人们所所处的生生活,工工作。气气候等境境况时,是可数数名词,且多用用复数)undeer eexisstinng ccondditiionss在现有有的情况况下houssingg / livvingg coondiitioons住住房条件件3. TThe monney thaat hhas beeen ggiveen tto aarchhaeoologgy cclubbs aand grooupss thhat unccoveer rruinns ccoulld bbe bbettter speent on feeedinng, clooth
22、iing andd hoousiing pooor aall arooundd thhe wworlld. (P551)uncooverr vvt. 揭开(盖子);揭露露;发现现 We faiiledd too unncovver somme iimpoortaant faccts.disccoveer vt.发现,发觉Who disscovvereed tthe neww coontiinennt?feedd 给人或或动物食食物,喂喂养,饲饲养feedd on / wwithh stth. 用来喂喂养 feeed ssth. too sbb./ssth. 把把某物喂喂给feedd onn 以
23、为食食提供,输入 feeed A wwithh B= feeed B iintoo A feedd thhe ppoliice witth iinfoormaatioon aabouutInfoormaatioon iis ffed intto tthe commputter.养肥/养某人人feedd upp 养养胖起来来 sb. bee feed uup wwithh对厌烦,不高兴兴=bee tiiredd offThesse cchilldreen aare welll ffed in thee kiindeergaarteen. = 4 * GB3 feeed aa faamilly =
24、 suuppoort a ffamiily = rraisse aa faamilly = prroviide forr a fammilyy = keeep aa faamilly供养一家家人填空:1). Donnt _ tthe babby _ spooon.2). Thee woomann ussuallly _ thhe bbabyy _ mmilkk.3). Eveery dayy hee _ thhe ccompputeer _ a llot of infformmatiion.4). Eveery dayy hee _ aa loot oof iinfoormaatioon _
25、thee coompuuterr.5). Peooplee inn Jiianggsu _ maainlly _ ricce. (feeed、 wiith / feeeds on / ffeedds wwithh / feeedss innto / ffeedd onn)(A )He offfereed tto ffeedd thhe ggoatt _ thhe ddry strraw freee _ ccharrge. A. witth; of B. to; foor CC. ffor; wiith D. foor; froom 4. AA coonceerneed ccitiizenn (
26、PP51)conccernned adjj. 担担心的,关心的的(前置置定语);有关关的(后后置定语语)a. tthe mann coonceerneed 有有关的那那个男人人 b. loook conncerrnedd 看起起来很担担心 havve aa coonceerneed llookk 有一一个关心心的表情情conccernningg prrep. 关于于a. HHe ssaidd noothiing conncerrninng hhim.关于他他的事情情,他只字字未提。 b. Whhat didd yoou kknoww coonceerniing thiis?关关于这事事你知道道
27、些什么么?conccernn v. 关系系到,与与有关关; 使关关心/担心a. TThe newws cconccernns yyou.这消息息与你有有关。 b. Hiis iillnnesss coonceerneed mme vveryy muuch.他的病病使我很很担心。conccernn n. 有关关的事,关心的的事(CC);关关怀/关心(U)a. MMindd yoour ownn coonceernss. 管好好你自己己的事情情。 b. loook at me witth cconccernn 关切切地看着着我 c. Hee diidnt sshoww muuch conncerr
28、n aabouut iit. 对此他他漠不关关心。 d. Eaarniing a lliviing wass hiis ffirsst cconccernn. 谋生生是他的的第一要要事。拓展 bee coonceerneed aabouut/wwithh/inn/foor/ooverr 对牵挂挂/关心 ass/soo faar aas is conncerrnedd 就来说说/而论Itss immposssibble as farr ass weeree coonceerneed.Grammmarr 主主谓一致致语法一致致主谓一致致意义一一致就近一致致语法一致致:主语语为单数数形式,谓语动动词
29、用单单数形式式主语为复复数形式式,谓语语动词用用复数形形式1eaachandd (eeachh)., eeverry.andd (eeverry), nno. annd nno.,manny aa aand manny aa等作作主语时时,谓语语动词用用单数。Eachh teeachher andd (eeachh) sstuddentt waas ggiveen aa boook. Eveery houur aand (evveryy) mminuute is impporttantt.No eemplloyeer aand no empployyee knoows howw too dee
30、al witth iit.没有一位位雇主与与雇员知知道如何何处理这这件事。Manyy a boyy annd mmanyy a girrl hhassseenn itt.2当主主语后面面跟有wwithh, ttogeetheer wwithh, aalonng wwithh, llikee, iin aaddiitioon tto, as welll aas, as mucch aas, morre tthann, rrathher thaan, no lesss tthann, eexceept, buut等连连接的词词组时,其谓语语动词的的单复数数不受这这些词语语的影响响,根据据前边那那个
31、名词词。The rocck ssingger, allongg wiith hiss boodygguarrd, wass ruusheed aawayy frrom thee thheatter.这位摇滚滚歌手被被他的保保镖保护护着迅速速地跑出出了剧院院。 Tomm, mmoree thhan anyyonee ellse, iss annxioous toggo ttherre aagaiin.和和他人不不同,他他渴望再再去一次次 Mann, nno llesss thhan thee loowerr foormss off liife, iss thhe pprodductt off t
32、hhe eevollutiion.人类也像像其他较较低形式式的生命命一样是是进化过过程的结结果。3由aand或或botthaand连接并并列主语语,谓语语动词用用复数形形式。Engllishh annd CChinnesee arre qquitte ddifffereent lannguaagess. Goood aand badd buutteer aare thiingss quuitee diiffeerennt tto oour tasste.优质和和劣质奶奶油口味味很不同同【重点提提示】当当andd并列的的主语在在意义上上指同一一人、同同一物、同一事事或同一一概念时时,谓语语动词用
33、用单数。常见的的有whhiskkey andd sooda, brreadd annd bbuttter, fiish andd chhipss, hham andd egggs, saalt andd waaterr, llaw andd orrderr, wwar andd peeacee, ttriaal aand errror, tiime andd tiide, a kniife andd foork, a cupp annd ssauccer, a carrt aand horrse, eaarlyy too beed aand earrly to risse(早早睡早起起),tt
34、rutth aand honnestty(诚诚信)等。The sinngerr annd ddanccer is ttalkkingg ovver theere.那位歌歌唱家兼兼舞蹈家家(表示示同一人人)The sinngerr annd tthe danncerr arre ttalkkingg ovver theere.那位歌歌唱家和和那位舞舞蹈家(两人) My neiighbbor andd coolleeaguue iis wwateerinng tthe floowerrs.我我的邻居居也是我我的同事事在浇花花。 Triial andd errrorr iss thhe ssourr
35、ce of ourr knnowlledgge.反反复实验验(不断断探索)是我们们知识的的来源。Timee annd ttidee waaitss noo maan.岁岁月不待待人。4某些些表示模模糊数量量概念的的名词如如:muuch, liittlle等作作主语时时,谓语语动词用用单数;不定代代词:oone, eaach, soometthinng, notthinng, alll等作主主语时,谓语动动词也用用单数;代词:nnonee作主语语时,谓谓语动词词可用单单数,也也可用复复数,具具体取决决于说话话人的意意思。当当说话人人着眼于于“每个人人”时,谓谓语动词词用复数数;eiitheer
36、/neiitheer oof作主主语时,谓语动动词则常常用单数数。Muchh reemaiins to be donne. Alll thhat cann bee doone hass beeen donne.(alll指代事事情) Nonne oof tthemm arre / iss awwaree off thhe ddangger.他们中中没人意意识到那那个危险险。 Nonne oof tthe monney wass paaid to me.连一分分钱也没没有付给给我。 Neiitheer oof tthemm iss gooingg too giive up thee chhanc
37、ce.【重点提提示】alll指代人人时,谓谓语动词词用复数数形式。All werreprreseent at thee meeetiing yessterrdayy.(aall指指代人)5由aall, moost, haalf, pllentty, enooughh, ssomee, tthe resst等+off+主语语,分数数或百分分数+oof+主主语,其其谓语动动词与oof后面面的名词词的数保保持一致致。The resst oof tthe leccturre iis ddulll. TThe resst oof tthe biccyclles aree onn saale todday
38、.剩余的的自行车车今天出出售。 AAbouut oone thiird of thee boookss arre wwortth rreaddingg. TThreee-ffourrthss off thhe ssurffacee off thhe eeartth iis ssea.【重点提提示】中中文“多”分类如如下:既可以修修饰可数数名词,又可以以修饰不不可数的的名词的的有: pleentyy off; llotss off/ aa loot oof; a qquanntitty oof,其其后边的的名词的的单复数数根据所所接的那那个名词词。Lotss off waaterr iss; L
39、oots of boooks aree只修饰不不可数名名词的是是: aa grreatt deeal of; ann ammounnt oof (a llargge aamouunt of) 其后后边的谓谓语用单单数。 AA laargee ammounnt oof mmoneey iis sspennt oon tthe proojecct.*quaantiitiees oof或 (llargge) amoountts oof +不可数数名词或或可数名名词作主主语时,谓语动动词都要要用复数数。Largge qquanntittiess off beeer areeconnsummed in
40、thee ciity eveery yeaar.这这城市每每年要消消费大量量啤酒。6当mmanyy a或morre tthann onne +单数名名词作主主语,其其意义是是复数概概念,但但它的谓谓语动词词仍采取取单数形形式。Manyy a mann thhinkks llifee iss meeaniingllesss. MMoree thhan onee peersoon iis iinvoolveed iin tthe mattterr.不止止一人卷卷入到这这件事中中。7 oone +off(ouut oof)+复数名名词 / oone andd a hallf+复复数名词词作主语语时,
41、谓谓语通常常用单数数动词。One outt off twwentty wwas baddly dammageed.每每二十个个中有一一个严重重受损。8当“a nnumbber/ a varrietty oof +可数名名词”作主语语时,谓谓语动词词用复数数形式。但“thee nuumbeer oof(表表数目)和thee vaarieety of(表种类类)等+可数名名词”作主语语时,谓谓语动词词用单数数。The varrietty oof ggoodds oon ssalee inn thhe sshopp iss suurprrisiing.那个商商店商品品品种多多得吓人人。 TTherr
42、e aare a vvariietyy off gooodss onn saale in thee shhop.那个商商店里有有各种各各样的商商品在出出售。 AA grreatt nuumbeer oof yyounng ssolddierrs wwereesennt tto tthe froont. TThe nummberr off thhe ssolddierrs iin nneedd waasabboutt 500.9关系系代词wwho, whhichh, tthatt作主语语引导的的定语从从句,其其谓语动动词应与与先行词词一致。Thosse wwho wannt tto vvisii
43、t tthe exhhibiitioon hhavee too siign youur nnamees hheree.I, wwho am youur ffrieend, shhoulld hhelpp yoou wwhenn yoou aare in trooublle.【重点提提示】在在“onee off+复数数名词+whoo/thhat/whiich”引导的的定语从从句中,谓语动动词用复复数;但但onee之前有有限定词词修饰时时,如用用thee onnly, thhe修饰饰时,谓谓语动词词用单数数。Thiss iss onne oof tthe mosst iinteeresstinng
44、 qquesstioons thaat hhavee beeen askked. SShe wass thhe oonlyy onne oof tthe girrls whoo waaslaate forr thhe mmeettingg.10从从句作主主语,谓谓语动词词通常用用单数;但由wwhatt引导的的主语从从句所指指的具体体内容是是复数意意义时,谓语动动词用复复数形式式。Whettherr thhey willl hholdd a parrty or nott haas nnot beeen ddeciidedd. WWho is ressponnsibble forr thhe aa
45、cciidennts is nott cllearr. WWhatt shhe ssaidd iss coorreect. WWhatt hee gaave me aree fiive Engglissh bbookks.Whatt arre uusedd ass chhieff buuilddingg maaterrialls ttodaay aare steeel andd cooncrretee.今天用做做主要建建筑材料料的东西西是钢筋筋和水泥泥。【重点提提示】两两个由aand连连接的名名词性从从句作主主语时,若表示示两件事事情时,谓语动动词用复复数;如若表表示同一一概念,谓语动动词单数
46、数。Whatt I sayy annd wwhatt I thiink aree noo buusinnesss off yoourss.我所所说的与与所想的的与你无无关 Whaat ccaussed thee accciddentt annd wwho wass reespoonsiiblee foor iit rremaainss a myssterry tto uus.Whenn annd wwherre tto bbuilld tthe neww faactoory isnnot deccideed yyet.(何时时何地, 同一一概念)11. 动名词词或不定定式短语语作主语语时,若若
47、是单个个短语,谓语动动词用单单数;但但当主语语为两个个并列的的短语时时,通常常谓语用用复数形形式。【重点提提示】若若并列的的两个部部分指同同一概念念或事情情时,则则用单数数形式。 TTo ssee is to bellievve. PPlayyingg wiith firre iis ddanggeroous. TTo llistten to finne mmusiic aand to havve cconvverssatiion witth ggoodd frriennds aree twwo ppleaasurres in liffe. MMakiing misstakkes andd l
48、eearnningg too coorreect theem aare a ppartt off liife.犯错误和和学会改改正错误误是生活活的一部部分。 WWeeppingg annd wwaillingg dooes notthinng ttowaardss soolviing thee prrobllem.恸哭悲泣泣对解决决问题没没有帮助助。12倒倒装句要要找准主主语。Suchh arremyy iddeass.On tthe walll iis aa biig wworlld mmap.Therress a siggn ooverr thheree onn whhichh arre
49、ssomee woordss.二意义义一致:主语形形式为单单数,但但意义上上却是复复数,谓谓语动词词用复数数形式;主语形形式为复复数,而而意义上上却是单单数,谓谓语动词词用单数数。1.名词词词组中中心词为为表示金金钱、时时间、度度量、距距离等复复数名词词看作一一个整体体,谓语语动词采采取单数数形式。Twennty-fivve ddolllarss iss tooo mmuchh too paay ffor thaat sshirrt. Fiffty minnutees iisnt eenouugh timme tto ffiniish thiis ttestt.五十十分钟完完成这测测验是不不够
50、的。 TTen milles seeems likke aa loong wallk tto mme. 2.以“s”结尾的的书刊名名、国名名、组织织名作主主语时,谓语动动词通常常用单数数形式。Arabbiann Niightts iis ffulll off innterresttingg sttoriies.一千千零一夜夜充满满了有趣趣的故事事。 TThe Uniitedd Naatioons is a wworlld oorgaanizzatiion.3.表示示群岛、瀑布、山脉等等词以“s”结尾的的专有名名词做主主语时,谓语动动词往往往用复数数。The Phiilipppinnes are
51、e inn thhe PPaciificc Occeann.菲律律宾群岛岛位于太太平洋。 TThe fallls upsstreeam aree fuull of sallmonn.上游游瀑布中中有许多多大麻哈哈鱼。4.以-sh, -cch, 和-esse等结结尾的形形容词与与定冠词词thee连用,表示民民族和国国家的总总称,谓谓语动词词用复数数形式。常见的的有 tthe Chiinesse, thee Brritiish, thhe DDutcch等。 TThe Chiinesse aare harrd-wworkkingg. 中中国人是是勤劳的的。5.以-icss结尾的的名词指指一门科科学
52、时,常用单单数谓语语动词形形式。但但是,当当这些名名词表示示实际内内容时,谓语动动词则用用复数形形式。常常见的这这些词有有:ecconoomiccs经济济学,pphyssicss物理学学,poolitticss政治学学,maatheematticss数学。 Pollitiics ishhis favvoriite subbjecct. Hiss poolitticsswerre aa maatteer oof ggreaat cconccernn too hiis ffrieendss.他的政治治观点是是他的朋朋友关心心的问题题。Econnomiics is hiss maajorr.经济济学
53、是他他的主修修课程。Econnomiics havve ggreaatlyy immproovedd inn thhat couuntrry.那那个国家家的经济济状况大大大改善善了。6. 集集合名词词做主语语,如果果表示整整体概念念,谓语语动词用用单数形形式;如如表示成成员则用用复数。常见的的这部分分名词有有:arrmy, auudieencee, cclasss, cluub, commmittteee, ccomppanyy, ccoupple, crrowdd, ffamiily, fllockk, ggrouup, govvernnmennt, majjoriity, miinorri
54、tyy, oorgaanizzatiion, paartyy, ppubllic, sttafff, tteamm, uunioon等。但是有有些集合合名词,如caattlle, follk, peooplee, ppoliice等等做主语语,总是是跟复数数动词形形式。A grroupp off sttudeentss waas / weere plaayinng ffoottballl oon tthe plaaygrrounnd.The foootbaall teaam aareddisccusssingg thhe pprobblemm wiith thee cooachh noow.T
55、he peooplee hoope to livve aa haappyy liife.The pollicee haave cauughtt thhe mmurddereer.Onlyy a minnoriity of stuudennts recceivve tthe schholaarshhip.只有少少数人获获得的奖奖学金。7.thhe+形形容词/分词作作主语时时,如指一一类人,谓语动动词用复复数;如表达达的是抽抽象概念念,谓语动动词用单单数形式式.Nowaadayys tthe oldd arre bbeinng ttakeen ggoodd caare of. TThe ricch
56、 mmakee sllavees oof tthe pooor.有有钱的人人把穷人人当成了了奴隶。 TThe sicck aand wouundeed wweree seent homme.病病人和伤伤员被送送回家。 WWe ccan do thee diiffiicullt ffirsst. Thee immposssibble takkes a llitttle lonngerr.这件不可可能的事事要多花花点时间间。The beaautiifull liivess foorevver.美是永永存的。The neww iss ceertaain to takke tthe plaace of
57、 thee olld. 【重点提提示】有有些形容容词加上上定冠词词也可指指一个人人。这时时,谓语语用单数数。The disseassed is a ffrieend of minne.那那位病人人是我的的一个朋朋友。8. 单单复数同同形的名名词做主主语,要要根据上上下文的的意义以以及修饰饰这些词词的词来来确定其其谓语形形式。常常见的这这部分词词有crrosssroaads (十字字路口), ddeerr, ffishh, mmeanns, serriess(系列列), sheeep, sppeciies(物种), woorkss等。 Thhe ccrosssrooadss iss / aree
58、 daangeerouus. A sheeep is dyiing.有一头头羊要死死了。 Maany sheeep aree eaatinng ggrasss oon tthe hilllsiide. Evveryy meeanss haas bbeenn trriedd. Thhe mmeanns oof ccommmuniicattionn beetweeen herre aand outtsidde aare intterrruptted.这里与外外界的各各种通讯讯联系都都中断了了。9.数学学上的加加减乘除除,后面的的动词一一般用单单数。 55 pllus 5 eequaals / ii
59、s 110. 33 tiimess 8 is 24. 220 mminuus 77 leeavees 113. 115 ddiviidedd byy 3 is 5.三.就近近原则: 谓语语动词在在某些结结构和句句型中与与最近的的主语保保持一致致.1. 由由连词oor, eittherrorr, nneittherrnoor, wheetheeroor, nottbuut, nott onnlybutt (aalsoo)等连连接的并并列主语语,谓语动动词与靠靠近的主主语取得得一致。Neittherr paarennts norr thheirr chhildd sppeakks EEngllis
60、hh. NNot onlly tthe stuudennts butt thhe tteaccherr obbjeccts to thee chhangge.2Thheree bee结构中中的主语语和谓语语的一致致关系,在多数数情况下下,采用用就近原原则。Therre iis aa boook, twwo bballl-peens andd seeverral notteboookss onn thhe ddeskk.Therre aare fouur cchaiirs andd a tabble in thee rooom.【重点提提示】名名词与代代词的一一致代词与其其所代替替或修饰饰的名词
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