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1、111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Module 3WY 四年级上册 Unit 1 What are they doing?1. Listen, point and say.What are the kids doing?Theyre listening tomusic.What are they doing?Theyre playing footb

2、all. What are the kids doing?这些小孩正在干什么? Theyre listening to music. 他们正在听音乐。知识点 1kidsThe kids are watching TV.小孩正在看电视。字母i 在kid 中发/。child 小孩例句:复数: /kd/ n. ( 名词) 小孩四会发音:同义词: What + are + 主语(复数) + doing ?Theyre + 动词的ing 形式 + 其他.询问“某人(复数)正在干什么?”的句型结构及回答。句型结构:回答:典例What are they doing, Mum?They _ playing f

3、ootball.A. amB. isC. areC2. Listen, point and find “ -ing”. Daming: Lets get on the bus. We can see lots of interesting things.Amy: OK.Daming: Look at the people in the park.Amy: What are they doing?Daming: Theyre doing taijiquan.Look at the people on the lake.Amy: What are they doing?Daming: Theyre

4、 rowing a dragon boat.Amy: Look at the men between the big trees. What are they doing?Daming: Theyre playing chess.Amy: Look at these girls. What are they drinking?Daming: Theyre drinking soya milk!Amy: Look at the clock. Its twelve now. Im hungry.Daming: Me too. Lets go!We can see lots of interesti

5、ng things.我们能看见许多有趣的事情。知识点 2 例句:can 表示能力,意思是“能,能够”,后面跟动词原形,表示一个人能做某事。主语 + can + 动词原形( + 其他).He can swim. 他会游泳。句型结构:含有情态动词can 的陈述句的句型意义及结构用法:/kn/ modal v. (情态动词)能,能够 例句:I can play football well. 我能踢好足球。字母c 在这里发/k/。c + an(一个)=can 能,能够can n. ( 名词) 金属罐一词多义:加法记忆法: 发音:/si/ v. ( 动词) 看见 例句:字母组合ee 在see 中发/i/

6、。I can see you. 我能看见你。see you later 再见 sea 大海短语:发音:同音词:lots of 许多 例句:There are lots of birds in the trees.树上有许多鸟。a lot of 许多同义短语:/ntrst/ adj. (形容词) 有趣的We have lots of things to do.我们有许多事情要做。例句: thing / n. ( 名词) 东西,物品,事情thin 瘦的thin(瘦的) + g = thing东西,物品,事情something 某事,某物加法记忆法: 形近词:词形变化:/pipl/ n. ( 名词)

7、 人,人们知识点 3 There are many people in the park.公园里有许多人。purple 紫色形近词:例句:易错点提示people 当“人,人们”讲时,是集体名词,表示复数意义,两个或者两个以上的人用people。/bt/ n. ( 名词) 船知识点 4 例句:There is a boat on the river. 河上有一条船。字母组合oa 在boat 中发/。the dragon boat 龙舟; take a boat 乘船coat 外套短语:发音:形近词:/men/ n. ( 名词) 男人 ( 复数) 四会知识点 5 Look at the men.

8、看那些男人。man(单数) men ( 复数)women 女人(复数)例句:对应词:词形变化:women (女人) 去掉wo(我)就是男人(men)。魔法记忆:/btwin/ prep. ( 介词) 在中间知识点 6 There is a house between the two big trees.两棵大树中间有一所房子。字母组合ee 发/i/。betweenand在和之间例句:短语:发音:/drk/ v. ( 动词) 喝,饮用知识点 7 Im drinking water. 我正在喝水。drink water 喝水drink n. (名词)饮料dr + ink (墨水) = drink

9、(喝,饮用)eat 吃例句:短语:一词多义:加法记忆法: 对应词: 典例What do you want to _?A cola, please.AdrinksBdrinkCdrinkingB点拨:从具体的语境可以看出,应该是问:您想喝什么?所以应该用drink。/klk/ n. ( 名词) 钟知识点 8 I have a clock. 我有一个钟表。lock 锁,oclock 点钟clocks例句:复数:形近词:典例My mother buys two new _.A. clock B. oclock C. clocksB/hri/ adj. ( 形容词) 饥饿的知识点 9 He is hu

10、ngry. 他饿了。字母u 发/。angry 生气的full 饱的例句:发音:形近词:对应词:3. Listen and say .A:What are they doing?B:Theyre playing chess.A:What are they drinking?B:Theyre drinking milk.我会说 四个人一组,两个同学一起做动作,一个同学用“What are they doing ?”询问,另一个同学用“They + are + 动词的ing 形式 + 其他.”回答。四人轮流进行。4. Practise.What are they doing?Theyre rowin

11、g a boat.Yes!Mime and say.一、单项选择。1. I get _the bus at the bus stop.A. on B. toC. for2. There are _people in the park.A. so muchB. lots ofC. a lot3. This storybook is very_A. Interest B. interestingC. interestedBB习题来自点拨A二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Lingling can_(play)basketball well.2. There are lots of _(peopl

12、e) in the supermarket.playing习题来自点拨people三、选词填空。 1. _(eat / drink) some soya milk, please.2. Look at the _.Its three _(clock, oclock).Drink习题来自点拨clockoclock 本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!重点词汇:Kid, can, see, interesting, boat, men, between, drink, clock, hungry重点短语:get on, lots of重点句式:What are the


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