1、1ListeningComprehen SectionADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations n two speakers. of each 1ListeningComprehen SectionADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations n two speakers. of each conversation. A question will be asked about what was said. The conv
2、ersations and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, the sible answers on your r, and decide which one is the bestanswer to the youhave1. A. C.B.Ata B.D.A.AtaA. A.The D.C.D.B.TheBrownsC.D.The 5. A. B.C.6.A.TheringisnotB.ShevegoodC.She prefersgold
3、toD.She losthersilver7. A.ThescreenvetobeB.The keyboardalsoneedsD.Theresnotenoughtime tocleanB.The guybythedoorwillhelptheC.ThemanshouldtdotheA.ThedriverwillstopthebusC.ThewomanshouldchecktheA.She dislikesC.ShedoesntfeellikegoingA.Theycantsee thestarsA.Theycantsee thestarsD.Helthe womanwhentogetB.Sh
4、ehasplansfortheD.She hastogettheatre B.TheyreB.TheyrehecityhecityC.TheyrelookingatthestarsfromtheSectionD.TheyretalkingaboutmovieDirections. In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked questions on each of five passages. The passages willbe read twice, but the questions wil
5、l spoken only once. When you hear aquestion. Read the sible answers on you randdecideouldbethebestanswertothequestionyouhaveQuestions11through13arebasedonthefollowingA.ItcanmakeherC.ItisdangerousbutA.SomebodywasC.KarenwasphysicallyA.AfierceB.ItiseasyandD.sitsmovingB.NobodywasD.ManybuildingsB.Aseriou
6、sD.Abrave.Questions14through16arebasedonthefollowing14. ernetuseisincreasingquicklyinruralandurbanB.MoreandmoreruralresidentsernetC.PeoplehavealimitedchoiceernetD.Cityresidentsuseernet15. A.Over 2B.Around6C.23D.1716. A,moregirlshavetheirownnB.Iin4girlsernetsfromC.Mostkidsthinktheygettoolittletimeonl
7、ineaternetconnectionathome isnSection15. A.Over 2B.Around6C.23D.1716. A,moregirlshavetheirownnB.Iin4girlsernetsfromC.Mostkidsthinktheygettoolittletimeonlineaternetconnectionathome isnSectionDirections:InSectionC,youwillheartwolongerconversations.Theconversationswillreadtwice.Afteryouheareachconversa
8、tion,youarerequiredtoswiththeinformationyouhaveheard.Writeyouranswersonyouranswers17through20arebasedonthefollowingORDforeachs21through24arebasedonthefollowingWriteNONTHREEWORDSforeachSectionADirections:BeneatheachofthefollowingtherearefourmarkedChoosetheonetbestcompletethe 25. economyinsomeEuropean
9、countriesworsening,manymoreworkershadtobelaidA. B.C.D.heofficejust26.Mike,didyouseeMr.,andhe lookeda itA.had C.was27.AreporterstaskistoinformreadersoftheD.notA.notDoyouA.Before the B.notC.nottovedrinkingaglassofwineeverydayreducethedangerofheartB.C.D.ladies the colorful box, filled with things like
10、books, dolls and What is Harrods, the biggest department heUKfamousandEgyptianHow do people feel when they EgyptianTheyfeel theyHowdoesHarrodsgetmostof HowisthebusinessduringtheJanuaryThere isanincreasein Jessica 9:00NumberofPhonelA.was B.are D. rbeforehandingthemD.had30.Boysandgirls,makesureyouyour
11、namesonthetestA.B.C.will31. Ofalltheclues theyprovided,isofanyhelpfor solvingthecaseofA.B.A.was B.are D. rbeforehandingthemD.had30.Boysandgirls,makesureyouyournamesonthetestA.B.C.will31. Ofalltheclues theyprovided,isofanyhelpfor solvingthecaseofA.B.C.D. no32.Inextremeweather,aworntyrecanbreakeasilyi
12、tsmended,asisoftentheA. B.C.tt all 33. once every two years, whether it is a car, a bus or a lorry, is the mustobey inourA.HavingbeenC.34.PeoplegenerallyB.D.Beingtfairnessandjusticeareatthe centre oftheyarestrivingA. B.C.D. 35.Itworriesthecouplea lottheironlysonisbehavingworseandworsetheseA. B.tD.go
13、od chance to 36. an ition in a big company, Richard has A.B.C.HavingD.Torongwiththe37.Accordingtowhathecomplainedabout,somethingve A.B.didntC.hasntD.didntthey can 38. In Canada, country skiing is a popular sport among excitementandtB.C.D.39.Makinga properchoicethefuturewillprobablymakemuchdifference
14、inourA.B.toC.40.-How long doyouthinkitwillbethebusarrives-NoA. nfiveB.C.D.Keys:25-40:ACCADBCBDDCADBASectionDirections: complete the following by the nyou he box. Each word can only used once.tthereord41. In order to change some towards hiring women college graduates, ernmentplanstopassa 42.Problemsw
15、ithchildcarehetowomensucceedingat43. ItsluckandtthereisnoforthetthereisaconnectionneTherewereno,soIwasfoundtotakea trainallthewayfromShanghaitoThe magazineis anumberyoucantake itoutofthereading46. muchimportancetoeducation,theywilldotheirbesttogivetheirpricelessTherewereno,soIwasfoundtotakea trainal
16、lthewayfromShanghaitoThe magazineis anumberyoucantake itoutofthereading46. muchimportancetoeducation,theywilldotheirbesttogivetheirpricelesstIn order to save every cent of the limited familys expense she had to withthe shop ThesituationworsensbythehourandwehavenoideawhatAsthepartywasveryinformal,Jac
17、kstoodthereinhisformalSectionADirections:For each A,B,CandD.Fillineachhe following passage thereare four words or phrases withthewordortbestfitstheReading involves looking at illustrative symbols and expressing mentally the sounds ideas they represent. Concepts of reading have changed 50 over the ce
18、nturies. During the 1950s and 1960s lly, increased attention has been devoted to 51 the reading Although experts t reading a complexanization of higher 53theydisagreeabouttheexactnatureofthes.Someexperts,whoregardlanguageas a code using symbols to represent sounds, reading as simply the decoding) ot
19、hesoundstheystandThese t meaning, concerned with thinking, must be independently of the decoding s. Others t reading is inexplainably related thinking, t a child who sounds without 56 their meaning is not reading. The 57 some, is not justrson theoretical ability to read but who 58 reads. Many adults
20、, although they have the ability to read, have neverreadabookin its 59 .By some experts they would not be 60 as readers. Clearly, the philosophy, objectives, methods and materials of reading will depend on the definition one use. By the 61 and satisfactory definition, reading is the ability to 62 th
21、e sound-symbols code of language, ret meaning for 63 , at various rates, and at various levels ofdifficulty, and to do so widely and enthusiastically. throughtheuseofsymbolsrepresentingsoundsand, reading is ion of A. A. A. A.A. A.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.C.D.D.C.C.D.D.D.D.D.suchD.D.D.D.C.C.C.C.accordingC.C.C.C
22、.56.57.A.inadditionB.forB.B.B.B.A.A. A.y61.A. A.A. B.B.B.InC.A.A. B.B.B.InC.C.C.Bytheway 6064 CCDABD.D. D.So64.A.Ontheother 50545559SectionDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by questionsorunfinishedements.For eachofthemthere are fourmarkedA, B, Cand Choosethetfit
23、sbestaccordingtotheinformationhepassage youhavejustFilePage1of ED ATALBANY N.Y.AIRPORTON JULY 10 2012 11:15 _We regrett your baggage was not available to claim after your recent flight. Everything sible will be done to locate your property and return it to you promptly.For information regarding your
24、 delayed baggage, contact the United Airlines Baggage Resolution Center at its 24 hour, seven day a k number:1-800-335-BAGS(2247)(USToll(LocalHoustonOrvisitsite:As soon as you file your Delayed Baggage Report, United Airlines will beg o trace for your baggage systemwide.Our Baggage Resolution staffw
25、illmakeeveryefforttocallyouoncea day to keep you updated on our progress.So twe can quicklyac syourrecords,please refer to the File Reference Number onthis receipt when corresponding or calling.Keep this receipt with your claim check and E-Ticket receipt until your baggage is returned to you.ostcirc
26、umstan ,UnitedAirlineswilldeliver your baggage when itis located.Delivery times vary depending on location.If your baggage has not been returned to youwith he initial five-day tracing period, please download a claim form at httand return it to us with the requiredation included._ _JOHN JACKSONDelive
27、ry Address: 66 MOONBROOK DR65.WheredoesthereceiptmostprobablycomeA.SuitcaseTracingC.BaggageResolutionB.DeliveryCenterofUnitedD.InformationCenterofthe66.Fromthe65.WheredoesthereceiptmostprobablycomeA.SuitcaseTracingC.BaggageResolutionB.DeliveryCenterofUnitedD.InformationCenterofthe66.Fromthereceiptwe
28、cant JohnJacksonA. vefiledhisDelayedBaggageReportB.couldntdealwithhisdelayedbaggageonlineuntilJuly17,C.shouldfortheinformationabouthisdelayedD.maynotknowanythingabouthisdelayedbaggageduringfive67.WhichofthefollowinginformationisnotheThedescriptionofthecustomerscheckedTheregularroutineofthedelayedbag
29、gage ThecustomersdelayedbaggagefilereferenceKeys: t the arrival of snow has the effect on people in different countries. some countries it is an importan or even a wonder.But there are countries ppening to rate each year, while for others a n two t normally expect snow some time over er months, but
30、never receive snow regularly he ties every year. Britain one of them,for which the arrival owquite simplycreates problems. Withinhours of snowfalls, howeverlight,roadsareblocked;train Normal communications are affected as dleofthe difficult and tshortagesbread, vegetables and other thingsnot because
31、 all these things can no longer produced or sent to shops, but mainly because people are frightened and go out and store up foodandsoon.justfortsomethingbadshouldBut why ow have this effect? After all, the Swiss, the Austrians and the ve such problems. It is simply because there is not enough planni
32、ng and preparation. need money to buy equipment to deal with snow and ice. To keep the roads clear, for ow-ploughs and machines to spread salt. The reason why a country like Britain not buy snow-ploughs t they are only used for a few days in any one year, and the couldbemoreusefulinotherchashospital
33、s,education,theold,andso68.Accordingtothewriter,BritainisacountryA. whichhasregularB.whichisnotwellpreparedfor _BagSoft-SideUprightNon-Zippered,hardsidehorizontalC.for whichsnowisaD.forwhichsnowisa69.ThearrivalowinBritainaffectsallofthefollowingEXCEPTsD.service70.Afterafewhourssnowingthereareoftenso
34、meC.for whichsnowisaD.forwhichsnowisa69.ThearrivalowinBritainaffectsallofthefollowingEXCEPTsD.service70.AfterafewhourssnowingthereareoftensomeshortagesoffoodbecauseA. shopshaveclosedC.farmerscanproduce no uyasmuchastheyD.peopleeatmore71.ttheBritishdonotbuysnow-ploughst A. spreadingsaltisgoodC.snow-p
35、loughsarenotusedB.old people need more money D.thehospitalismoreimportantwithout your Someday a stranger will read or scan the youve visited.Orperhapsphonebillstofindoutyourillcasuallyglance throughyourcreditcardpurchasesororcallingIn fact, its likely some of these things have already happened to yo
36、u. Who would watch withoutyour?Itmightbeaspouse,agirlfriend,amarketingcompany,s,a oporcriminal.Whoever it is, theywill see you ina way you equivalentofbeingcaughtended to be seen21stl us boundariesare t its important to reveal yourself to family and lovers in stages, at appropriate times. But few bo
37、undaries remain. The digital crumbs(碎屑) you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, you are andwhat you like.In some cases,a searchcanreveal what you think.itornot,increasinglyweliveinaworldwhereyousimplycannotkeepaThe keyquestionis:tFormanyAmericans,theanswerapparent
38、lyisWhen opinion pollsericans about privacy, mostsay theyareconcerned about it. A survey found an overwhelming pessimism about privacy, with 60 percent of sayingtheyfeeltheirprivacyisaway, tbothersBut people say one thing and do another. Only a tiny fraction of Americans change behaviors in an effor
39、t to preserve their privacy. Few people turn down a few turn down series of tests) to avoid using the EZ-Pass t can trackautomobile movements. supermarket loyalty cards. Privacy economist Alessandro Acquisti has run t reveal people will ersonalinformation like l Security justtogettheirhandsonapitifu
40、l50-cents-off 券But privacy does matterat least sometimes. Its like health: When you have it, you dont notice it. Only when its gone do you wish youd done more to protect it.72. What does the author mean by saying the 21st century equivalent of being naked(Para.2)? A) he 21stcenturypeopletryeverymean
41、stooothersC)PeopletendtobemorewitheachheinformationdvancedD)Criminalsareeasilycaughtonthespot73.WhatwouldpsychologistsadviseontherelationshipsFriendsshouldopentheirheartstoeachFriendsshouldalwaysbefaithfultoeachn friends? ThereshouldbeadistanceevenThereshouldbefewerdisputesnn74.Whydoestheauthorsaywe
42、live inaworldwhereyouThereshouldbeadistanceevenThereshouldbefewerdisputesnn74.Whydoestheauthorsaywelive inaworldwhereyousimplycannotkeepa A)ModernsocietyhasfinallyoanopenB)PeopleleavearoundwhenusingmodernTherearealwayspeoplewhoarecuriousaboutothersManysearchenginesprofitbyrevealingpeoples75.Whatdomo
43、stAmericansdowithregardtoprivacyA) TheychangetmightdisclosetheirB)TheyusevariousloyaltycardsforbusinessC)Theyrelymoreandmoreonelectronic.D)Theytalkalotbu Keys:ACBDSectionrdlydoanythingaboutRead the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-Ffor Thereisone extraheadingwhichyoudonot76
44、. Try to identify any vecontributed toyour .When you know has got you feeling blue and why, talk about it caring friend,for talking is a way to thefeelingsandtoreceivesomeunderstanding.Iftheresnoonel,pouringyourheartouttojournal works just as well. Once you air out these thoughts and feelings, turn
45、your attention itive. Feeling connected to friends and family can help ve and mayalsohelpthemfeeltheressomethingtheynstead ofjustwatchingyou77. affects s thoughts, making everything seem miserable, negative, hopeless. If has you noticing only the negative, make an effort to notice the thingsinlife,s
46、ayconsideringyourstrengths,gifts,orblessingsmay78. With imaginationbypa those creative jui, s creativity and sense of fun may seem blocked. Exercise nd then you not only flowing, youalsoloosenup itive emotions.Take time toplayfriend t, or do something fun for yourself, or find something to laugh abo
47、ut a movie,perhaps,becauselaughterhelpslightenyour Lookonthe brightsideofyour ProvideyourselfnutrientRealizeyourandveFightyourbytalkingwithGetyourfancyandsense ofhappiness79. Takinga15-to30-minute briskwalkeverydayordancing,jogging,orbikingifyoumakes you feel less depressed. Once you he exercise hab
48、it, it79. Takinga15-to30-minute briskwalkeverydayordancing,jogging,orbikingifyoumakes you feel less depressed. Once you he exercise habit, it wont take long to notice difference inyour mood. Inaddition togetting aerobic exercise,some es can help feelings of peoplewith. Two aspects of yoga breathing
49、exercises and ion can feel80. In , some people may not feel like eating at all, while others might overeat. has affected your appetite, youll need to be extra mindful of getting the nourishment,forpropernutritioncanrsonsmoodandenergy.Soeatplentyof and vegetablesand getregular mealsevenif youdontfeel
50、 a piece of fruit, to keep you going.7680 Sectiongry,try toeatsomething light, ReadthepassageThenanswerthequestionsorcompletethehe sible“Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” Although this might be excellent advice in matters concerning family and friends, borrowing and lending are frequently the fou
51、ndation of a booming A loan is a sum of money borrowed for a limited period. A loan may be obtained from individual or from an institution such as a and is generally granted at a specific rate erest is the t the borrower pays to use the money. An extremely high rate erestandcertainlyanyamountbe a ri
52、skybusiness,for there isalways nlawpermits iscalledusury.Lendingmoneytthe borrower may notbe able to pay loan.Forthisreason,a lendergenerallyrequirestheborrowertoregistersomethingvaluable ofor hers, known as collateral (抵押), as a part of the loan agreement. A house or an he stock market, even the va
53、lue of a business, are all les of t lendermaybewillingtohettheborrowerfailstopaytheThere are two major sorts of loans: consumer loans and l loans. A consumer is t ismadetoanindividual,anditmaybe to buya houseoranautomobile orto finance education. A l loan may be used to start a new business, pay for new equipment staff, or expand an office or factory. The business of making loans also contributes to a healthy economy by enhancing the employment market. Loans allow consumers to buy and improve homes, creating jobs for car
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