九年级英语总复习阶段复习七上 试题_第1页
九年级英语总复习阶段复习七上 试题_第2页
九年级英语总复习阶段复习七上 试题_第3页
九年级英语总复习阶段复习七上 试题_第4页
九年级英语总复习阶段复习七上 试题_第5页
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1、2o 一2o 一岁4.用英语6o看起来象8o照顾10.帮助某人做某事12.课后14o在家16o坐下18.在沙发上20o请随意吃点22o 一杯饮料24.等会儿26 o吃饭28o在那边30. 一多少钱?32o空闲34o去购物36.不得不38o和一说话2022年元月元日九年级英语总复习练习(七年级Unitl-Uni一.翻译以下短语1.来自3o多少岁5o看起来一样7.看着9o把一给一11o没问题13o 一点点15. 一点也不17o在农场19o家谱.-怎么样?23o记下顾客点的饭菜25o下馆子.为什么不?29o试穿o -多少?.去钓鱼35o唱一些中文歌曲37o放风筝创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日39.给

2、一回39.给一回41 o是的时间是43o下次45 .吃早饭/午饭/晚饭47.忘记做某事49.认为51.想要参观长城53 .什么颜色?55.-也一样57.乘地铁59.在工作日61.做家庭作业63.在某人空余时间是65.理解67. 一会儿69.擅长71 .像某人借某物73.把一拾掇好75.给某人写信77.在游泳池游泳79.和某人交谈81 .做户外运动2022年元月元日40o野餐42.回家44 o起床46o在某人回家的路上48 o考虑50 o居住在英格兰52o互相帮助54 o例如56o步行58。快点60o看电视62o稍做休息64。多久一次66o听音乐68o上四节课70o准时72o穿上74o带某人参观

3、一76o在-后部78o在操场上跑步80o完毕82o对某人友好创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日83.告诉某人某事84o感谢某人做某事85.从一-学到一一86o在踢足球-o根据中文意思或者首字母写出以下单词或者短语。.Welcome to C! Thank you.Nice to meetyouiNice to meetyou ,t. How are you ?r m f.Thankyou!飞 her n?She is Jane.W are you from? FmfromJapan. How o are you?Fm twelve years old. Can you

4、 sapple ?Yes,A-P-P-L-E ,apple. He has a phone.His phone n is 4562789.They are not in the same class,but they are good 朋友).What are(这些)?They are English books.1 have a(小的)nose,but he has a big one.12.(谁的)jacket is this? Ifs Li Mings.3.1(认为)ifs Jane5s skirt. We look the same but we are in different(衣

5、月艮). His pants are blue and mine are(白 色的).She has a round face and bigs 饵朵)-.His nose is very b,but his mouth is very small.Yoa Mings legs are long,but Toms legs are s. Meimei has a big head and aw mouth.创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日. They have k to cut apples.m in Class One and Lee is in Class Tw

6、o.You are in d classes.Li Ming doesnt like English and his English is p. She works in a hospital .But she is not a doctor.What does she do?She is a. She works in a school.Her English is very well and she teaches English. What does she do ?She is a.Reworks in a factory (工厂),but he is not aboss.Heis a

7、.He has a farm .He works on the farm .Heis a.he man drives a bus every day(每天).He is a.Xiao Ming studies in a high school.He is a.9 . Look! This is a photo of Jane s f.hen the baby see his mother ,he is very h.Misswangisteacher. Shet us English.32They are my father parents.They are my g.My son is o

8、he isvery c.he man has a son and a d in his home.5. LooklThe boy on the sofa is my cMy uncle,s son.Howdoyoul ike the(裤子)? 一Theyre too short.What would you like then,Mr.Cat? -Td like a fat(老鼠)。. Our students will go home this S.The box is too heavy. Can you help me c it? Of course. I can sing an Engl

9、ish s .创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日. Im (恐怕I have no time.I have to look after my baby. If you are free,pleaseL 打 ) me today. Are you free t?Yes,whats up?.1 have no t to play now.I have to work.f to bring your guitar.When they have a picnic ,they are all very h.Um going to 看) the football match at

10、 7:00 p.m.Sunday is the f day of the week.The Great Wall is very w. Many people want to go there.Peter is s me around his new house.He likes reading. He often b some books from the library.W is between Tuesday and Thursday.May luseyour computer for a while? Sorry, Pmu it now.Science Today is my favo

11、rite. I can 1 a lot from it.Thankyou foryourh work.The early bird c the worm. So I get up early to read books every day.Which s do you like better, English or math? English.Look! The children are playing soccer on the p.How does she go to school?She usually 随a bike to school.Most of students like pl

12、aying computer g.What about s English after class?The girl is reading the school newspaper with greai (兴趣)。创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日The Great Wallis b. I want to go to the Great Wall.We often read books in the 1 after school.lt has many books there.Youmustr the book on time.A tall b is at the b

13、ack of the school. Ifsour school library.Liste!The music is beautiful .The girls are d in the gym now.s d for me to learn math.So I dont do it very well.My school life is i.1 like it very much.Miss Gao is a good teacher.She is very f to us.III.单项选择。1 Im looking clothes my daughter.A. for, for B.at,a

14、t C. of, forD. in, for2.一Can I help you? . Do you have a yellow skirt?A. Yes, please B. No, please C. No, Im not D. Sorry, I dont know.3.is it? Ifs 20 yuan.A. How many B. How muchC. How aboutD. What about4. These clothes are sale.A. on B. atC. ofD. in5.1 want eggs, please.A. two kilosB. half a kiloC

15、. two kilo of D. half a kilo of 6. Dont wony. We have water in the glass.A. a little B. many C. fewD. a few7.water do you want to drink?创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日A. How many B. How much C. How about D. What about8. We dont have any food dinner.A. on B. atC. forD. in9. Please, Tom! Ifs your book.

16、A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pickup them D. pick them up10. Theyre out milk. They must go to buy it.A. on B. atC. forD. of)11. , Maria? 一My watch doesnt work.A. Whats wrong with you B. Where is your watchC. What about you)12o Your English is very good. Can you help with my English?A. myB.meC. ID.不

17、填)1 3 “does your pen friend say in his letter? He likes China a lot.A. WhoB. WhereC. WhatD. Which)1 4. You speak English so well. Can you help with English?A. I; meB. me; mineC. I; myD. me;my)1 5.1 can speak English now,only a little.A. butB. andC. orD.so)1 6. Do Jane and Kangkang havefriends here?A

18、. someB. anyC. aD. an)1 7. Her parentsEnglish teachers.A. are allB.all areC. are bothD. both are)1 8. rd like egg and chicken.创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日A. some ; an B. a; some C.an;some D. some ;a()1 9. Uncle Wang is a farmer. Reworks the Red Star Farm.A. onB. inC. atD. to()201 want to go to WC.

19、 Please my schoolbag.A. look atB. look afterC. look likeD. see四.综合填空but, thing, once, if, cry, behind, sudden, bag, do, thinkOnce a little boy was traveling with his father. They were on a train. Everything was new to the little boy. He wanted to see many. Then he put his head out of the window of t

20、he train for a long time. Ted, dont put your head out of the window, the father said.the little boy did not stop that. At last the father, “I willteach him a lesson/ So when the boy put his head out of the window, he took the boys hat at, and put in behind him. uThere ,now! said the father, uYou hav

21、e lost your hat. I told you the wind would take it away you put your head out of the window:Then the boy began. He was very unhappy. So at last his father said/Dont cry, and I will ask the hat to come back again. Soon the father suddenly said, uCome back! and he showed the hat from his back. The boy

22、 was very happy. He sat quietly for a while.He said to himself, uHowdid my father make the hat come back? He wanted to see it once again. The boy picked up his fathers bag and threw it out of the window. There wasa lot of money in theFather, he said, “please ask the bag to come back again. 励志赠言经典语录精选句;挥动*,放飞梦想。厚积薄发,一鸣惊人。关于努力学习的语录。自古以来就有


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