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1、IRREVOCCABLE LETTEER OF CREDIIT不可撤销信用证证Octoberr25,199961996年100月25日All draafts ddrawn must be maarked:Drawn UUnder“B of A”Crediit NO1818凡根据本信用证证签发的汇票票都必须注明明:根据美国银行第第1818号号信用证签发发Wonder Co,LttdChongqiing,Chhina中国,重庆万德有限公司Gentlemmen:敬启者: We herebby esttablissh ourr irreevocabble leetter of crredit in y

2、our favorr for accouunt off FOREEIGN IIMPORTT AND EXPORRT CORRPORATTION,LOOS ANGGELES,UUSA upp to tthe agggregaate ammount of USS $ 100,00000(Teen Thoousandd US DDollarrs) aavailaable bby youur draafts drrawn aat Sigght onn us ffor 1000 innvoicee valuue andd accoompaniied byy the folloowing docummen

3、ts: 我行特特开立以贵公公司为受益人人的不可撤销销信用证,应应付贷款人为为美国洛杉矶矶对外进出口口公司,本信信用证总面额额为10,00000(壹万万)美元,可可签发以本行行为付款人的的即期汇票,汇汇票金额可按按发票金额全全额开出,检检附下列单证证: 1CCommerrcial invoiice inn tripplicatte 商业发发票3份。 2SSpeciaal USSCusttoms iinvoicce,in dupliicate 专门的的美国海关发发票2份。 3FFull sset off cleaan on boardd oceaan Billls off Ladiing isss

4、ued to orrder oof shiipper, blannk enddorsedd,markked:“Notiffy Forreign Imporrt andd Expoort Coorporaation,LLos Anngeless,USA”,“Freigght Coollectt” 全套清清洁海洋装仓仓提单,不记记名背书,注注明:“到货通知美美国洛杉矶对对外进出口公公司”,“运费到付”。Evidenccing sshipmeent off单据上均应载明明: “1,0000 paairs oof spoorts sshoes FOB SShanghhai” “1,0000双运动动鞋,

5、上海港港离岸价”。 Shiipmentt lateest Maay 1,22000,ffrom SShanghhai,Chhina tto Loss Angeeles,UUSA 最迟装装船日期为22000年55月1日,装装货港为中国国上海,卸货货港为美国洛洛杉矶。 Parrtial shipmment iis proohibitted 不得分分批装船。 Traansshiipmentt is ppermittted 可以转转船。 Inssurancce is to bee effeected by thhe buyyer 由买方方负责投保。 Thee negootiatiing baank m

6、uust foorwardd all documments to uss in oone coover bby airrmail 议付银银行必须将所所有单据一次次用航空邮寄寄开证银行。 Thee amouunt annd datte of each negottiatioon musst be endorrsed oon thee backk hereeof byy the negottiatinng bannk 议付银银行必须在每每次议付之后后将议付金额额和时间登记记在该信用证证背面。 We herebby agrree wiith drrawerss, enddorserrs andd b

7、onaa fidee holdders oof draafts tthat aall drrafts drawnn undeer andd in ccompliiance with the tterms of thhis crredit shalll meett withh due honorr uponn pressentattion aand deeliverry of documments as sppecifiied too the draweee if drawnn and preseented for nnegotiiationn not laterr thann May 20,

8、22000 本行在在此与出票人人、背书人和和汇票合法持持有人达成协协议,一旦向向付款人出示示并交付各种种规定的单据据,且签发和和出示日期在在2000年年5月20日日之前,本信信用证项下的的所有汇票均均会得到及时时议付。 Thiis Creedit iis subject tto thee “Unifoorm Cuustom and PPractiice foor Doccumenttary CCreditt Creddits (11983 RRevisiion),IInternnationnal Chhamberr of CCommerrce,Brrochurre NO400” 本信用用证受跟

9、单单信用证统一一惯例(11983年修修订本)(国国际商会第4400号出版版物)规定。Yours FFaithffully您忠实的_(签名) 例2The Briitish Bank of thhe Midddle EEast Orriginaal forr BeneeficiaaryIncorpooratedd in EEnglannd by Royall Charrter 受受益人所持原原件1889 wiith liimitedd liabbilityy DATTE OF ISSUEE:member Hong Kong Bank groupp 20 May 11999中东不列颠银行行 开证日期


11、D 15,0000000ADVISINNG BANNK:U S DDollarrs FIFFTEEN THOUSSANDThe Honng Konng andd ShannghaiONLY Bankiing金额:155,00000美元,Corporaation Limitted,Shhanghaai(壹万伍千千美元整)The Peoopless Repuublic of ChhinaEXPIRRY DATTE ANDD PLACCE:通知银行:1 Auggust 11999香港上海汇丰银银行有限公司司中华人到期时间:1999年年8月1日 民共和国上上海分行,THE PPEOPLEES REEP

12、UBLIIC OFPARTIALL SHIPPMENTSS: alllowedCHINAATRANSSHHIPMENNT:seee beloow地点:中华华人民共和国国准许分批装船CREDIIT AVAAILABLLE WITTH:信贷转船:参见下文文提供:SHIPMENNTNEGOTTIATINNG BANNK由议付银银行FROM: TTHE PEEOPLES REPPby neegotiaation议议付, OF CHHINADraftts at sightt drawwn on the aappliccantTO:DUBAAIfor ffull iinvoicce vallue off

13、goodds,装运quotiing thhe nummber oof thiis creedit从:中华人民共共和国使用以申请请人为付款人人的即期汇票票,至:迪拜金额按货物物发票全额开开出,写上本本LATEST:31 Juuly 19999信用证最迟发货时间:1999年年7月31日日编号。DOCUMENNTS REEQUIREED所需单据据: 1SSignedd Invooice iin fouur coppies 签名发发票4份。 2FFull sset orriginaal cleean“On Booard”Billss of LLadingg madee out to thhe ordd

14、er off shippper,eendorssed inn blannk,marrked“Freigght Prrepaid”and nnotify thhe Briitish Bank of thhe Midddle EEast,PPOBoox 66,DDeira Dubaii undeer Reff:DEI 1818 and tto Al Istakkamah Compaany,PO Boxx NO11213,DDubai UAEE 全套应应货主订单开开具的原始清清洁装仓提单单,不记名背背书,且注明明“运费预付”,货到请通通知中东不列列颠银行(迪迪拜市代若,邮邮政信箱第666号),查查询

15、事项:DDEI18118,并至AAl Isttakamaah公司,阿阿联酋迪拜市市,邮政信箱箱第12133号。 3AA Certtificaate off Chinnese OOriginn signned byy Chinna Couuncil for tthe Promootion of Innternaationaal Traade AA Certtificaate off Origgin inncorpooratedd in tthe innvoicee willl not be accceptaable 一份由由中国贸促会会出具的证明明原产地是为为中国的证明明书。原产地地证不能与发发

16、票混开在一一起。 4PPackinng lisst in four copiees 装箱单单4份。GOODS货物物: 30,0000 PPCS STAR BRANND FLLUORESSCENT TUBEE, 4 FEET,DDAYLIGGHT,400W,32MMM DIAA AT TTHE RAATE USS DO55626 PPER PCC 30,0000 件星星牌日光灯管管,4英尺长长日光灯,440瓦,直径径32mm,每每件价值05美元。 ALLL OTHEER DETTAILS AS PEER INDDENT NNOOQ5284 DATEDD 6496 OFF MS 其他细细节详见第C

17、CQ5284号号订单,日期期1996年年4月6日 APEEX TRAADING EST,P O BBOX 53341,DUUBAI UUAE INVVOICESS TO CCERTIFFY THEE SAMEE发票上同同样注明。 TO BEE CONTTINUEDD ON PPAGE 22(第二页待待续)p1(第一页页)_ Thiis pagge is attacched tto andd formms parrt of Crediit NODE 199993877 本页隶隶属且构成第第DE19999387号号信用证的一一部分。Insurannce cooveredd by tthe appp

18、licaant由信信用证申请人人负责投保。CFRDUBAAI参看迪拜拜 Doccumentts to be prresentted wiithin 15 daays affter tthe isssuancce of the sshippiing doocumennt butt withhin thhe vallidityy of tthe crredit 单据应应在货运单发发出15天,且且为信用证有有效期内提示示。ADDITIOONAL CCONDITTIONS附附加条件: 1BBills of laading must be acccompaanied by a certiificatte

19、 isssued bby thee shipp owneer or agentt,certtifyingg thatt the carryying vvessell is aalloweed by Arab Authooritiees to call at Arrabiann portts 提单必必须附有船主主或代理人出出具的证明,证证明阿拉伯当当局准许货船船停靠阿拉伯伯码头。 2 Transsshipmment aalloweed at Hong Kong Port only The name of thhe traansshiippingg vesssel att the time of

20、shhipmennt if knownn shouuld bee decllared on thhe invvoicess or aalternnativeely thhe doccumentts to incluude yoour ceertifiicate that you wwill ttelex the ddetaills to the oopeninng bannk as soon as thhe traansshiipmentt is eeffectted 只准在在香港转船。如如在装货时得得知所转船的的船名,应在在发票上写明明或提供文件件(包括证书书)证明一旦旦转船,将尽尽快将详情

21、电电告开证银行行。 3 The name and aaddresss of the mmanufaactureers/prroduceers muust bee decllared on thhe invvoicess 发票上上必须写明制制造商或生产产商的姓名、地地址。 4 The IInsuraance PPolicyy (if calleed forr) andd Certtificaate off Origgin inn langguagess otheer thaan Engglish or Arrabic are aaccepttable only if duuly coounter

22、rsigneed by a Chaamber of Coommercce Anny othher doocumennts suubmittted unnder tthis CCreditt in llanguaages oother than Engliish orr Arabbic arre nott acceeptablle 英文或或阿拉伯文之之外的其他文文字的保险单单(如需要)和和原产地证明明,必须经商商会连署,方方能被接受。与与本信用证有有关的其他文文据,如不用用英文或阿拉拉伯文作成,一一律不予接受受。 5 Shipmment aadvicee showwing tthe naame

23、off the carryying vvessell, datte of shipmment, markss, amoount aand thhe nummber oof thiis Doccumenttary ccreditt mustt be ssent bby reggisterred aiirmaill to GGeneraal Acccidentt Firee and Life Assurrance Corp, P OO Box 7017, Dubaai U A E Teleex No 466114 GENNAC EMM Fax: 2267781 reeferriing too Op

24、enn Poliicy Noo CAMM/675/ISTAKKAMAH The relattive ppostall regiistrattion rreceippt andd a coopy off the shipmment aadvicee mustt be aattachhed too the documments 装船通通知要注明运运输船名、装装运日期、装装运标志、数数额及该跟单单信用证编号号,并用航空空挂号信邮寄寄火灾和人寿寿保险总公司司;邮政信箱箱第70177号,阿联酋酋迪拜市;电电挂466114 GENNAC EMM;电传2226781;有关事项:预定保单第第CAM6675IS

25、STAKAMMAH号。随随件附上有关关邮政挂号收收据和一份装装船通知单副副本。 6 This crediit is validd for drawiings nnegotiiated throuugh thhe advvisingg bankk or tthrouggh Bannk of Chinaa, Choongqinng Braanch, the PPeoplee s RRepubllic off Chinna 7 Undeer no circuumstannces mmay a Bank listeed in the AArab TO BEE CONTTINUEDD ON PPAGE

26、33(第3页待待续)p2第2页_ Thiis pagge is attacched tto andd formms parrt of Crediit NoDE 199333877 本页隶隶属且构成第第DEl9333387号号信用证的一一部分。 Boyycott Blackk listt be ppermittted tto neggotiatte thiis creedit 在任何何情况下凡列列入阿拉伯抵抵制名单的银银行均不得作作为此信用证证议付银行。 8 Shippping MMarks:AL ISSTAKAMMAH52284DUUBATTTEL:2226424 装运标标志;AL ISTAK

27、KAMAH5284迪拜电话话:2264424。 9 Shoulld thee Negootiatiing Baank foor whaateverr reasson, ddecidee to nnegotiiate aany biill drrawn uunder this crediit undder Reeservee or aagainsst an Indemmnity, all discrrepanccies mmust bbe advvised by Teelex tto thee openning bbank ffor accceptaance oor reffusal and r

28、reimbuursemeent cllaimedd onlyy afteer accceptannce off disccrepanncies by thhe opeening bank 议付银银行不论出于于什么理由,如如要决定根据据保留条款或或不依照赔偿偿条款议付本本信用证项下下的汇票,必必须先将一切切与信用证不不符之处电告告开证银行,只只有在开证银银行确认所述述不符点后,方方可要求得到到偿付。 10 A USSD 25 00 (oor equuivaleent) ffee shhould be deeducteed froom thee reimmburseement claimm for

29、 each preseentatiion off disccrepannt doccumentts undder thhis doocumenntary crediit Nootwithhstandding aany innstrucctionss to tthe coontrarry, thhis chharge shalll be ffor thhe acccount of beeneficciary 如提示示的单据与本本信用证不符符,每次应从从偿付金额中中扣除25(或或等值)美元元。不论有无无相反规定,该该费用都应记记到受益人账账户上。 11 Docuumentss to iinclud

30、de a ccertifficatee statting tthat oone fuull seet of non-nnegotiiable shippping ddocumeents hhave bbeen ssent tto thee appllicantt, P OO Box No 55256, Dubaii U AA E withiin thrree daays affter sshipmeent byy regiistereed airrmail The relattive ppostall regiistrattion rreceippt musst be attacched tt

31、o thee origginal documments 单据中中应包括一份份证书,证明明整套不可转转让装运单据据已在装运后后3天之内用用航空挂号寄寄给信用证申申请人,邮政政信箱第52256号,迪迪拜,阿联酋酋。有关的挂挂号收据得附附在原始单据据内。 12 Goodds to be shhippedd by RRegulaar Linne vesssels only coverred byy Insttitutee Classsificcationn clauuse annd a ccertifficatee to tthis eeffectt fromm the shippping ccomp

32、anny or theirr agennt musst acccompanny thee docuumentss 由定期期航班船装运运的货物只能能根据伦敦保保险协会分类类条款投保,单单据中必须附附有装运公司司或其代理商商出具的说明明此情况的证证明。 13 In ccase oof shiipmentt by UAASCline vesseels, cclausee no 1 is not aappliccable 如由阿阿拉伯联合货货运公司装运运,不得适用用第一条款。 14 Goodds to be shhippedd in ccontaiiner(ss)and bill of laading

33、 to evvidencce thee samee 如用集集装箱装运,提提单上必须加加以说明。 BANNK TO BANK INFORRMATIOON: 银行须须知: Proovidedd docuumentss confform tto thee termms of this docummentarry creedit 所有单单据必须符合合本跟单信用用证的条款规规定。 1 Pleasse claaim reeimburrsemennt givving tthree interrnatioonal wworkinng dayys aftter neegotiaation by drrawing

34、g on oour BBBME, DDUBAI reimbbursemment aaccounnt NO 000-045277-6 wiith Maarine Midlaand Baank, 22 Worlld Traade Ceenter, Grouup Traade Seervicees- Opperatiions, 24Th Floorr, Neww Yorkk NY 110048, ATTNN: Worrkstattion MManageer, Teelex No: 662822 MMB UUW, Swwift: MRMD US 333, FAXX: (2112) 9112-28220, byy airmmail oor tellex/caable pprovidded teelex/ccable chargges arre forr the accouunt off beneeficiaary 付议后后请在3个国国际工作日向向我行迪拜BBBME分行行索偿,账号号:NO00000452776Mariine Miidlandd银行,纽约约第二世界贸贸易中心,集集团贸易


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