



1、Childrenlearnbestbyobservingthebehaviorofadultsandcopyingit.WhatisyouropiniononthisAndwhydoyouthinklikethis?Detailyourthoughtsonthis The s of growing up is very complex for children. Among countless t influence growth, Childrenlearnbestbyobservingthebehaviorofadultsandcopyingit.Whatisyouropiniononth

2、isAndwhydoyouthinklikethis?Detailyourthoughtsonthis The s of growing up is very complex for children. Among countless t influence growth, the behavior of adults plays a significant role in childrens inclination and character. After baby is born, and the nearest adults are his or arents. The aby has

3、started to learn from parentsbyobservingand copyingtheadultstalk.Thislearning environmentisimportan forthe There is a l case reported by the press. A baby was abandoned when she was born. A sow fed her as piglet. When she was about eight years old, some villagers found her, but elligence was just si

4、milar to two-yearold baby and all of her behaviors looked like those of a pig. From this case, we know child is a whichwillreflectthebehaviorofthecloseAlong with the childrens growth, adults will influence them ore, such as logical thinking, ,cooperation with others, etc. The behavior ofadults can g

5、ive children both good and badinfluence. of the behaviors represent adultsinclination. For instance, if media report chiefly on the dark side of the childrenwilleasilyinclineandsivesex.Therefore,theywillbeinfectedwithbadmentalBehavior is a direct and convincing method to teach children. Things are e

6、asier to be n to be Parents l their children those principles repeatedly, but most children can not accept it through boringmethod.Adultsbehavioristhemosteffectiveeducationmethod.Ifyouletthemobservethewholeofhowtodealwiththeproblems,childrenwilllearnfromyousChildren are like young trees. They need t

7、o be carefully irrigated, fertilized and trimmed. Your behavior beyhelpfultoouseful 8.Zoosaresometimesseenassarybutpooralternativetoanaturalenvironment.Isitsarytoanimalsinzoos? Whatis your he modern society, zoos are almost indispensable in large cities for people to visit. In some zoos, there are v

8、arious animals from space to sea, and from primitive invertebrates to advanced he zoos, all animals, including those rare animals, such as panda, Africa elephant, and North-tiger, could enjoy good care and protection away from any hurt. However, along with the stronger environmentalprotectionconscio

9、usness,manypeopletto put osmallcageswillchangelivinginstincts,anderrupttheecologicalViewed from the basic relations n animals and human beings, animals should have the same freedom as human beings. They are also a form of life. Animals have their own living instinct, and it is tformsthebiological ch

10、ain ofthe Earth. Thisrelation iscalled “Ecological Balance” academically. le, insectbirdsnake. If most birds in a region are killed and o cages by human beings, pests will eat out all crops, and snakes will lose a large part of food (bird)-starvationand, therefore leading This opinion sounds ideal t

11、heoretically. However in reality, human beings and other animals cannot sold,eacefully on the Earth. Because of human beings lust for fortune, many valuable animals are killed lly thoseendangered species.Therefore, zoosappearasanactivewayfor peopletoprotectthoseThis opinion sounds ideal theoreticall

12、y. However in reality, human beings and other animals cannot sold,eacefully on the Earth. Because of human beings lust for fortune, many valuable animals are killed lly thoseendangered species.Therefore, zoosappearasanactivewayfor peopletoprotectthoseanimals. In biological chain place, this is an ac

13、tion not only for animals but also for human being itself. Once broken, human beings will be punished inevitably. In the second place, zoos can serve eofeducatingandentertaining people,narrowingthedistance nhumanbeingsand animals.Last not least important, zoos can be a scientific study center to res

14、cue more endangered species and make betterservepeoplesThe key of this topic is freedom or y opinion, those two aspects can be unified. It sary to keep animals in zoos for the e of protection, teaching and study. Lets think it furthereof alltheseactionsis tomake animals livehappier. Therefore, to he

15、ecologicalbalance is toprotectourownliving 8.Nowadays,thesportstarsarepaidinsuchahighsalary,whichismu common family. Should athletes have a high salary like this?nthewholelifesalaryofSleShouldathleteshaveahighsalary?Frommyofview,IttheyshouldgetagoodTo begin with, the development of athletic level re

16、presents er of a country. Athletes make contributions to the society and earn great glories to their country. When our national anthem is stadium, we feel very proud of our countrys strength. Therefore, a high salary is a reward to the efforts Whats more, athletes devote themselves fully to the trai

17、ning and exercises. Every day, they do a lot exercises viewto setting new hesportsgames. Athletes areapt to be he matches, some sports games are dangerous, for good medicalcareiftheyget le, football, boxing and wushu. High pay guarantees prompt Last but not least important, the athletic career is ve

18、ry short. Many athletes retire when they are still young. High salary can t they can have a better life after they retire. If they want a further study, willhavenol Tosumup,itisreasonableforathletestogethighsalary,becausetheyareworthofSleSalaries should reflect peoples dedication and job responsibil

19、ities. However, sports figures, who benefit the community in general, earn millions of dollars donetochange this y opinion, this is wrong. Things should If we take the le of a sport star such as Tyson, it is hard for us to say in what way he benefits society. In fact, his disobeying game rules sets

20、a bad le for young people, and his abandoned encouragespeople toexperiment with sex .Besides, his job does not require l skills or years training and education. Although he can entertain and excite audience, I do not t he is justified to sooneyandhisjobcanbeconsidered On the other hand, most people

21、in “ordinary” s like nurses, doctors and teachers earn only a fraction of e of these “stars”. However, if we give a careful look at these s,sooneyandhisjobcanbeconsidered On the other hand, most people in “ordinary” s like nurses, doctors and teachers earn only a fraction of e of these “stars”. Howe

22、ver, if we give a careful look at these s, we will tthey not only require l skills and years of education but also help the people and the whole society. instance, teachers disseminate knowledge to the society; doctors and nurses atients good medical care prolong their life. They are Withoutthese “o

23、rdinary” ore helpful, and actually more essential to n s, oursociety wouldstopprogressing. Theirsalaries shouldberelatedto educationorthevalueoftheindividualtoThings should be done to make salaries fairer. Huge amounts of money shall be given to more 8.Traditionalartscivilizedanation.Doyou ernmentsh

24、ouldsubsidizens,artists,actorsdramacompanies?WhatshouldernmentTraditional arts, as valuable cultural relics of a nation, are disappearing far away from the modern China, as one of the highly-civilized he world, abound in various forms of traditional arts, such ing,calligraphy, music,architectureand

25、dramas,which are notonlyour national cultural treasures,butalso richfortuneoftheAs essence of a local culture, traditional arts reflect a nations artistic talents and traditions. For watercolor ing cts a harmony n people and nature. Architecture illustrates a nations value and religious f. Cathedral

26、s, highlighted by Baroque he17th century,representPagodas, totally different from cathedrals stylistically, are a symbol of Buddhism. Peking Opera describes historyofourHowever, traditional arts are leaving contemporary people further and further away. One of the main for the fact t the authorities

27、concerned and some institutes lack funds and als, which are essential to the research and promotion of traditional culture. Another radical reason should be attributed to impact of western cultures on traditions. Young people, lly youngsters, are addicted to western music rock and roll, without any

28、knowledge about traditional musical instruments. With the economic traditional culture and arts will he danger of assimilation. How to ain and develop traditional esthe biggestconcernofTo begin with, ernment should establish a fund for the research and promotion of traditional Whats more, the resear

29、ch institutes and universities should work out a long-term systematic research on traditional arts. Arts belong to a nation and the whole world as well. The prosperity traditionalartswilldiversifythecultureofthe 8.Write an essay, considering and assessing arguments for and against the following view

30、: As reading is important for a good education, we should encourage our children to read whatever appeals to them.The famous English philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Reading makes a full man”. Reading books strongly you inclination, mature your thoughts, widen you horizon and enrich ality. Life limi

31、ted, but knowledge is boundless. The more books we read, the more knowledge we get. Hence, we The famous English philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Reading makes a full man”. Reading books strongly you inclination, mature your thoughts, widen you horizon and enrich ality. Life limited, but knowledge i

32、s boundless. The more books we read, the more knowledge we get. Hence, we encourageourchildrentoreadmoreHowever, books so be harmful, particularly ographic books. Bad books contain evil hem, there might be much description , superstition, and sex. t you ition of a parent. Would you allow your childr

33、en to read whatever appeals to them? If your answer to the questionis “yes”, you are either extremely permissive or just plainly irresponsible. If children read bad books, evilthoughtswouldpoisontheirmindgradually.TheywillbedispiritedandperhapscommitaGood books, on the other hand, teach and help chi

34、ldren to do good things. Good books are childrens real companions, and they are both instructive and inspiring. Children know past events from history books, study communication by language books; learn space and numbers through mathematics books. In a word, differentkindsofgoodbookscangive thema la

35、rgeamountof ideasandConsequently,thosewhoreadgoodbookscanbeinspiredtogrowhealthily,whilethosewhoreadbadwill lead a wicked life and meet with miserable failure. So shouldteachandhelpthemtoidentifygoodandbad ncourage our children to read books, 8.Therateofyoungwomencrimesishecurrentsociety.Whatarethec

36、ausesandhowtosolveJuveniledelinquencyisaveryseriousproblemconfrontingodernsociety.Atthesametime,theof young women crimes spearheads very fast. Some sociologists and educationists show great concern about hisessay,Iwillfindoutthecausesforthiseandexploresibleof all, the development of society and the

37、changes of peoples value of the world account for the he old days, women were confined to housework and baby-sitting, which barricaded steps. Now, with the eye-catching development of economy, many young women go out to find a job, renders them more opportunities to contact the outside world. As a c

38、onsequence, young women are apt to influencedbythehe In addition, the rise of criminal rate can be attributed to the lack of education of women. The prosperity luxury in some metropolises are very attractive to some young women. Some of them leave the t they can make a good he cities, where they oft

39、en find themselves ed for lack goodeducationorskills.Therefore,someofthem felldespairedandembarkonthecriminal The last factor is the over-description on the media. TV is the erful medium, transforms abundant information around the world. However, some programs are full sexualalluringandbloodycontent

40、s,whichareeasytomakeyoungwomenIn order solve the problem, people work out up various solutions. Form my of view, I deem following are worth mentioning. On the one hand, ernment should pay more attention to the problem ierelevant laws to crackdown young women crimes. Meanwhile, we should strengthen e

41、ducation and raise quality of people, them set up a correct outlook of the world. Only when ernment and the joinhandsinsolvingtheproblemwilltherateofyoungwomencrimesfall 8.car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 2005 there may be as many as 29 vehiclesonBritishShould alternative forms of

42、transport be encouraged and ownership and use?ernational roduced to controljoinhandsinsolvingtheproblemwilltherateofyoungwomencrimesfall 8.car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 2005 there may be as many as 29 vehiclesonBritishShould alternative forms of transport be encouraged and owner

43、ship and use?ernational roduced to control There is general t there are far too many automobiles crowding the roads nowadays. In fact, isttherewill be asmany as29 million motorvehicleson British roadsby theyear2005. Not only these motor vehicles cause planetsever-worseningairhe form of traffic jams

44、and accidents, they also contribute to y opinion we must encourage alternative forms of transport. If more people rode bicycles or traveled public transport, they would be healthier and suffer less from stress, the roads would be less congested and andtheairinourcitieswouldbecleaner.Subwaysystems,ta

45、kepassengersoffthetirely.Privatecars hedowntownareas,wheretheonlyformofwheeledtransportallowedistheHowever,itisttheseefforts toimprove thetraffic situationbe backedupernationalto control the ownership and use of cars. This is of all, pollution caused by automobiles is worldwideproblem.Whatsmore,more

46、peoplearetravelingbycartoothercountriesIf measures are taken in a planned way to encourage alternative forms of ion, lawsputin placeto controlcar ownershipand use,thereisnolifestyleand aless-polluted ttheresultwillbesaferroads,a8.Humanbeingdoesnotneedtoeatmeatinordertoaingoodhealthbecausetheycangeta

47、lltheirneedsfromessproductsandbstitute.DoyouagreeorMeat provides human beings lot of nutrition needed for aining good health. People get fat,heatandcholesteroletc.frommeattobuildthemselvesnHowever, along with the development of ess products and nutrition bstitute, people so get Vegetarians are the b

48、est le. They dont eat meat, but only depend on vegetables, eggs and milk. live a happy life, working every ng sports, going for disco and traveling for sightseeing, etc. Most of are in such good health; they can even compete thletes in sports games. Monks are another le. Due their faithful religious

49、 f, they are not allowed to eat any meat, yet they are in good . Moreover, secretoflongevityistoeatmeataslittlesible,according tomostofpeopleover100yearsold.peoplewillbeingoodhealthsolongastheyhaveenoughproteinandvitamin.Peoplecaneasilygetprotein milkandegg,whilegetvitaminfromfruitsandvegetables.Sci

50、enceandtechnologymakesBased on the above, t people can live without meat, particularly along with advancementofthescienceandtechnology,whichcancreatemorebstitutes.Peoplecanainhealth,evenifthey donoteat any8.Manypeopletcountrieshaveamoralobligationtohelpeachother,soernationalaidbegiventothepoorheworl

51、d.Discustheviewernationalaid,and give yourWith the s of economic globalization, many countries and health,evenifthey donoteat any8.Manypeopletcountrieshaveamoralobligationtohelpeachother,soernationalaidbegiventothepoorheworld.Discustheviewernationalaid,and give yourWith the s of economic globalizati

52、on, many countries and regions have strengthened cooperation he fields of industry, agriculture, trade and finance. In order to dedicate to the mutual many developed countries spare no effort to help the poor countries by means of technological, medical laids,which,tomymind,arequiteessentialtothedev

53、elopmentoftheTo begin with, aids from developed countries optimize peoples living standard and eradicate poorcountries. Due to the backwardnessof science and technology, people in some underdeveloped countries ch as Africa, Latin America and Asia suffer a great deal from ger and the scarcity of erna

54、tional aids from developed countries have improved their living environment and helped them with developmentofagriculture,industryandIn ernational aids give good medical care and help promote hygienic condition in the counties. Malaria (疟疾), cholera (霍乱) and smallpox (天花) were evere threats to peopl

55、es health. the help of the World anization and some developed countries, these diseases have been soon and the he infected rvived these deadly diseases, which would have devoured oflivesernationalLast but not least important, aids to the underdeveloped urn benefit the donators. Due to ion of natural

56、 and human , the production cost rises he developed countries. view to reducing cost, many countries transferred their assembly lines and production basses to the countries,whichnotonlysolvestheproblemoflowrateof he countriesbutalso fulluseofthelocal .Nevertheless, some countries are showing great c

57、oncern about the mal-expense of their aid aroused bureaucracy and corruption of ernments. Therefore, ernments should take effective measures ernational aids reasonably and prevent abuse. Only with the help ernational aids, can our developmorequicklyand8.A number of different medical traditions are n

58、ow widely known and used: Western medicine (using and surgery), herbal medicine, acupuncture (using needles at certain (usingminutedoseofpoisons),andsos of the body), Howimportant is the patients mental attitude towards his / her treatment in determining the of the Awiderangeofmedicaltreatmentsisava

59、ilabletoday.Patientsmaywonderwhichwillbethemostandwhethertheirownmentalattitudetothetypeoftreatmentmightaffectsecondofthesecs.ThisessaywillconsiderManypeoplevisittheirotohospitalwithcompleteheexpertcareofferedbyle, the drugs which are prescribed . However, some people do notget a Manypeoplevisitthei

60、rotohospitalwithcompleteheexpertcareofferedbyle, the drugs which are prescribed . However, some people do notget a satisfactory result. For haveunpleasantsideeffects.TheiritiveattitudetowardstheirtreatmentdoesthemlittleSimilarly, those patients who trustfully choose alternative treatments over tradi


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