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1、印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤2outlineInfrastructure ChallengesMid Term National Development Plan 2010-2014Central Government FinancingRupiahExternal Loan/ GrantGovernment GuaranteePublic Private PartnershipSummary印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤INFRASTRUCTURE CHALLENGES印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤44Signal from Asian Economi

2、c Growth and Emerging Market becoming at Q3 Economic Growth印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤5Infrastructure Financing of other countries (%from GDP)THE PERCENTAGE OF INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING AND GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT0. World Bank印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤

3、6Actual investments are less than half of the annual requirements to achieve target growth and poverty reduction; So, a continued push for the development of infrastructure is expected for rapid growth and poverty reduction; Budget for infrastructure only 1 % of GDP , meanwhile requirement about 5 %

4、. Insufficient budget allocation in infrastructure at all levels of government. Fiscal space does not allow all infrastructure needs to be funded by the public sector; From total national budget, 20 % for education sector, repayment of foreign loan 9,8 %, subsidy 16 %, transfer to local goverment 30

5、 %. Thus, the potencial for infrastructure not more than 25 % from national budget or 5% from GDP.Deteriorating quality and shortages of infrastructure are major impediments to growth and recovery;Quality infrastructure services are necessary to sustain growth and maintain or improve competitiveness

6、. And inadequate infrastructure services mean a lower quality of life; However, the huge investment needs in infrastructure during the next five years and beyond, clearly confront us with enormous challenges.Indonesia Infrastructure financing chalLEngeSNote: Infrastructure: Transport, Power / Energy

7、, Housing, Telecommunication, Water Resources. 印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤7Competitiveness Rating of IndonesiaGrowth Competitiveness Index/GCI Ranking (2003 - 2008)ArgentinaIndonesiaPhilipinesBrazilKoreaChinaJapanThailandMalaysia2003787266541844113229200474697657294693431200572747765174912362420078554717211348

8、2821200888557164133093421Difficult challenges to promote foreign and domestic investmentNational competitiveness is lowBased on World Economic Forum (WEF), Indonesia ranked 55th out of 134 countries. Meanwhile, Malaysia and Thailand ranked 21st and 34th, respectively.Note: In 2003 cover 101 countrie

9、s, 2004 cover 104 countries, & 2005 cover 117 countries, 2007 cover 131 countries, 2008 cover 134 countriesSource: World Economic Forum印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤8Indonesias infrastructure competitiveness 2008印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤9Competitiveness Rating of Indonesia Based on : World Competitiveness Report, 2009 Arg

10、entinaIndonesiaPhilippinesBrazilKoreaChinaVietnamThailandMalaysia20082009Infrastructure949684988120661114127Roads841059410410614501023524Railroad7858609286827585219Port85104951121273661994719Air Transport1137568100892180842627Electricity978296875521611034139Telephone5210079102612349368472Sumber: Wor

11、ld Competitiveness Report, 2009 2010In 1996, Competitiveness Rating of Indonesia better than China, Thailand, Taiwan, dan Srilanka. This fact indicate that Indonesia Infrastructure development is slowing downGrowth Competitiveness Index/GCI Ranked 2009, (out of 134 countries)印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤10Water

12、Resources Competitiveness印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤11HousingHousing Problems: Limited access to land acquisition and legality for low income communityLimited public access to housing financingLow efficiency level in housing devt.Non-optimal utilization of housing and settlement resourcesStrategy:Subsidy for H

13、ousing Credit for Rumah Sederhana Sehat (RSS) is 685,000 units until 2014.The accumulated backlog is expected to continue to occur due to growth of 710,000 new households per yearHousing Backlog (in thousand units)Outstanding Ratio for housing credit to GDP USA (47%) Malaysia (27 %) Indonesia (1,8%)

14、 印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤12Drinking WaterSlow growth of improved drinking water coverage, especially piped drinking water from 18.91% to 47.63% (1994-2009)Supply capacity growth can not keep up with population growthSusenas, BPS, various years 印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤13Government investment is IDR 200/capita/year.

15、If the investment for sanitation infrastructure is around IDR 47,000/capita/year Increase in community productive time : 34%-79%Decrease in health cost : 6%-19% Decrease in medical cost : 2%-5%SANITATIONImpact of Poor Sanitation:75 % river polluted70 % ground water polluted150 thousand peoples died

16、annually by diarrheaFor every increment of 1 mg/liter of BOD in river 25% of increase in PDAM cost production from national average tariffEconomic loss related to poor sanitation estimated about US$ 6,3 billion annually (2.3% of GDP)印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤14Solid WasteOnly 20.63% solid waste collected, the

17、 remainder is burnt, burried, disposed to rivers, and anywhereOnly 2% of existing Final Disposal Site using sanitary landfill methodImproper solid waste management contributes to global warming climate changeOther impacts : flood, environmental pollution, public healthPersentage of Collected Solid W

18、asteCities in Indonesia produce solid waste 10 million ton/year10 million ton of solid waste produce 404 million m3 of metan annually印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤15ElectricityNational Target 75/100 : Year 2020 (75 years after indipendent day) electrification ratio will rise 100 %印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤RPJMN 2010-2014(M

19、id-Term National Development Plan 2010-2014)印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤17Creating noble, moralized, ethical, cultured, and civilized society2. Creating competitive nation 3. Creating democratic society based on the law 4. Creating the safe, peace, and united of Indonesia5. Creating fair and equal development6.

20、 Creating harmonized and eternal Indonesia7. Creating Indonesia to be independent, advance, strong, and prioritizing national interest8. Creating Indonesia to be participated in international community2005-2024 MISSION2005-2024 VISIONADVANCE, INDEPENDENT, FAIR, WEALTHTYSufficient and advanced Infras

21、tructure Government focus to the infrastructure development policy formulation, and enhancing private participation (PPP)Development of water resources infrastructureDevelopment of transportation infrastructureDevelopment of post and telecommunication infrastructureDevelopment of energy and electric

22、ity infrastructureDevelopment of drinking water provision and sanitation infrastructureSystem of food security is directed to sustain reliability and independency of national food by developing domestic productFulfillment of housing infrastructureFulfillment of society basic needs in the form of dri

23、nking water and sanitationTo utilize the renewable natural resourcesTo manage the non-renewable natural resourcesto sustain the energy provisionTo sustain and conserve water resourcesTo mitigate natural disaster according to the Indonesia Geological ConditionTo decrease the impact of coastal disaste

24、r and sea pollutionDIRECTION OF LONG TERM DEVELOPMENT PLANNING (RPJP) 2005-2024 IN INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤18(1)(2)(3)(4)Estimated infrastructure needs and priority for the next 5 years (2010 2014)印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤19FOCUS AND PRIORITYOF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT FOR 2010-2014Enhanc

25、ement of infrastructure services according to the Minimum Standard of Services (SPM)RehabilityAccessibilitySafetyInfrastructure support to the enhancement of Real Sector CompetitivenessNew developmentEnhancement of infrastructure investment through PPP印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT DEVT

26、TARGETNumber of Dam ConstructedNumber of Small Dam/Ponds Constructed Number of O & M Dams/PondsPerformance 2005-2009Length of Coastal Protection (km)areas protected from flood hazards (thousand ha)Performance 2005-2009Improvement of irrigation system(thousands ha)Rehabilitation of irrigation system(

27、thousands ha)O & M irrigation system(thousands ha)Improvement / rehabilitation of swamps(thousands / ha)O & M swamps system(thousands / ha)印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤21Transportation devt target by 2014From 83 % in 2009, National Road targeted 90 % in “Good Condition” and no damaged;Average vehicle velocity in

28、 increase from 44,4 km/hour to 60 km/hour in national roadShare of cargo sea transport incease from : domestic 85, 7 % and export import 9 % in 2009 ; increase 100 % and 12,5 % respectively in 2014 Market Share of Railway Transport : Freight : from 0,6 % in 2009 to 7 % in 2010 and passenger from 6 %

29、 in 2009 to 23% in 2014Keep growth of air transport passenger : domestic 9,78 % /year and non domestic 12,3%/year;印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤22Housing and Settlement DEVT TARGETSAccess to drinking water to 70% of total population which is divided into detailed target: 32% of piped system and 38% of improved no

30、n-piping systemThe realization of Open Defecation Free condition (BABS), which is marked by the available access to off-site wastewater management system for 10% of the total population, either through a off-site wastewater treatment system at city-scale (5%) or communal scale (5%) and access provis

31、ion and quality improvement of adequate on-site wastewater management systems for 90% of the total populationAccess to solid waste management system for 80% of urban householdThe reduction of inundation area of 22.500 hectares in 100 strategic urban areas印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤23Energy and Electricity Devt

32、 target by 2014Energy Mix Oil Utilization : 38,33 %New & Renewable Energy Utilization: 16,1 %Energy Elasticity : 1,48Natural gas infrastructure development e.g. city gas distribution, natural gas station for transportation (SPBG)Power plant additional capacity 30.500 MWElectrification Ratio : 80,0 %

33、 Rural Electrification Ratio : 98,9 % 印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤24GOVERNMENT PLANCentral Government Financing (APBN)Public Private Partnership (PPP)Government Plan: finance by private execute by privateExternal Loans/Grants (PHLN)RUPIAHBlue BookPPP BookGOVERNMENT GUARANTEE FOR SOES PROJECTFinancial structure

34、for infrastructure印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤Central Government FinancingRupiahExternal Loan/ GrantGovernment Guarantee印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤26Estimation of infrastructure financing needs based on 5% of gdp 200920102011201220132014Growth (%)5,1 5,56,26,87,37,7Nominal GDP (Rp Trillion) 5.206,5 5.989,5 6.718,3 7.632,3

35、 8.611,0 9.523,3 Infrastructure Needs 5% GDP (Rp. Trillion) 260,3 299,5 335,9 381,6 430,6 476,2 Total of Infrastructure Needs (2010 2014) Rp. 1.923,7 Trillion印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤27ESTIMATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT based on project readiness, 2010-2014*) exclude PSO for PT. KAI, PT. Pelni, PT. Posi

36、ndo, TVRI dan RRI20102011201220132014TOTAL2010-2014 (Rp. Trillion)Central Goverment * 82,65 104,37 105,30 108,24 110,47 511,02Local Goverment 75,7177,6179,5581,5484,19398,59 Provincial 16,9717.39617.83118.27719.34689,82 Regency/Municipality 58,7460,2161,7263,2664,84308,77PPP 10,00 -397,11 407,11Priv

37、ate / SOE 16,8819,6919,6925,3130,94112,47TOTAL OF INFRASTRUCURE INVESTMENT 185,24201,66204,53215,09622,701.429,19(Rp. Triliun)印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤28ESTIMATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT NEEDS 2010-2014FINANCING GAP is expected to be funded through PPP development, CSR, and community participationNeeds

38、Rp. 1,429 TrillionFinancing Gap (Rp. 519,58 trillion) 36,55 %Govt ability (central % Local Gov) (Rp. 902,3 trillion) 63,45 %印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤29Estimation of Central goverment financing capacity for infrastructure 2010-2014 based on trend of nationalMNISTRY / AGENCY20052006200720082009Total(APBN-P) (I

39、ndicative) MIN. OF PUBLIC WORKS3,082 8,014 24,213 32,710 34,987 123,006 MIN. Of TRANSPORTATION(*)5,826 8,452 10,468 15,399 16,978 57,123 MIN. Of ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES3,297 5,382 6,458 5,508 6,745 27,390 MIN. Of COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATICS 279 2,062 2,459 2,129 2,601 9,529 STATE MIN. HOUSING

40、 - 414 533 675 964 2,585 BPLS - - -1,100 1,194 2,294 TOTAL 22,484 34,324 44,131 57,520 63,470 221,929 (*) Including Search and Rescue Agency MINISTRY/AGENCY2010 20112012 2013 2014 Total MIN. OF PUBLIC WORKS 46.666,158.472,656.208,555.372,9 52.084,1 268.804,3 MIN. Of TRANSPORTATION(*) 16.008,9 21.735

41、,323.259,627.775,1 30.984,8117.763,7 MIN. Of ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES 14.984,215.672,7 15.757,6 16.496,5 17.910,0 80.821,0MIN. Of COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATICS 2.811,073.282,63.616,54.107,24.432,218.250,2STATE MIN. Of HOUSING 2.395,7 2.759,54.199,4 2.065,12.274,813.694,5BPLS 1.216,0 1.286,0 1.45

42、6,0 1.516,0 1.737,0 7.211,0 SEARCH AND RESCUE AGENCY 565,71.163,8 798,6 902,8 1.046,8 4.477,7TOTAL 82.648,5 104.372,4105.296,5 108.235,2 110.469,5511.022,2印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤30*)Exclude financing from local goverment, private, and SOE*) Potential PPP Poject Rp 340 billion for water supply under DG. Hou

43、sing and Resetlement . Currently, Water Conveyance in Banten (Karian) and Lampung are proceed as PPP project.Estimation of Central Govt Financing Capacity for Infrastructure 2010-2014 *)SECTORPUBLIC PRIVATE TOTAL RUPIAH PHLN TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE426.513,584.508,8511.022,3 407.110,3 918.132,6Min. Of P

44、ublic Works 205.626,263.178,1268.804,3209.173,0477.977,3DG. Water Resources39.355,120.594,459.949,50,0*)59.949,5DG. Highway120.334,928.084,0148.418,9201.438,0349.856,9DG. Cipta Karya (Housing and Resetlement )35.500,214.499,8 50.000,07.735,057.735,0Others (supporting program)10.435,90,010.435,90,010

45、.435,9State Min. of Housing 13.694,50,0 13.694,50,013.694,5Ministry of Transportation98.113,819.650,0117.763,8150.987,3268.751,1DG. Land Transportation11.401,0450,011.851,01.228,013.079,0DG. Railway19.992,513.800,033.792,5133.935,0167.727,5DG. Sea Transportation 28.044,75.000,033.044,75.455,538.500,

46、2DG Air Transportation19.135,6400,019.535,610.368,829.904,4Others (supporting suporting)19.540,00,019.540,00,019.540,0Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources80.821,00,080.821,046.950,0127.771,0Min istry of Communication and Informatics 17.420,0 830,218.250,20,018.250,2Search and Rescue Agency4.052,

47、7425,04.477,70,04.477,7BPLS 7.210,80,0 7.210,80,07.210,8印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤31Planning Process OF EXTERNAL LOANS AND GRANTSMinister of FinanceMinister of NDPM/A/LG/SOEProposals RKPLN (Borrowing Strategy)Donor/LenderLendingProgramEvaluationDRPHLN-JM (Blue Book)Synchronization of projects Preparation of D

48、etailed Activity PlanIndications of the LG/SOEsfinancial capacityRequest for Indications of the LG/SOEsfinancial capacityEnhancing PreparednessReadinessDRPPHLN (Green Book)List of ProjectsFunding Commitment IndicationFund AllocationLoan/Grant AgreementRPKPHLN (Brown Book)Risk ManagementPlan for Proj

49、ect ImplementationProjects of LG/SOEProjects of M/A31印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤32DRPHLN-JM (Blue Book)The Blue Book is in line with the period of medium-term development plan (5 years), issued after RPJM completed and could be up-dated if needed.Currently in transition period, thus the new Blue Book cover per

50、iod of 2006-2009.Contains list of projects that are viable to be funded by external loans / grants and used as basis for preparing development cooperation with Donors/LendersThe projects should : be in line with RPJM and Borrowing Strategy (RKPLN)be proposed and signed by Minister / Chairman of Agen

51、cies / Head of Local Governments / Director of State Own Enterprises ( One Gate Policy)have approval letter from local parliament for project proposed by LG, and from Ministry of SOE for project proposed by SOEOnly projects listed in DRPHLN-JM will be proceed to financed by foreign assistance.印度尼西亚基

52、础设施发展及规划步骤33DRPPHLN (Green Book)Contains list of projects that already have indicative funding sources from lender/donor and will be negotiated within 1-2 year ahead.The project listed in DRPPHLN should meet certain readiness criteria and ready to be Appraised, and will be put in Daftar Kegiatan (De

53、finite Projects List) after having commitment for funding by lender/donor and put in corresponding annual work plan. Readiness Criteria:detailed activity plan has already been compiled;performance indicators on implementation of projects for carrying out monitoring and evaluation have already been c

54、ompiled;a statement is already available on the willingness of the Regional Government/BUMN to prepare funds for implementing projects that constitute the tasks of the relevant Regional Government/BUMN, including the availability of counterpart funds, in accordance with the schedule of implementatio

55、n;counterpart fund for the first-year implementation of the project has already been prepared in the Work Plan of the State Ministry/Agency/Regional Government/BUMN;there is already the plan on procurement of land and/or on resettlement, including the availability of funds that are needed in the Wor

56、k Plan of the State Ministry/Agency/Regional Government/BUMN;the draft on the formation of the Project Management Unit and the Project Implementation Unit has already been compiled;projects management plan has already been compiled印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤34Project Implementation Plan (RPK-PHLN/Brown Book)Co

57、ntains further information of signed and agreed project for project implementation. Source of information for : Monitoring and evaluation during implementation period.Preparing DIPA (Government annual budget).Assist Executing Agencies to implement projects in timely manner. Should be prepared 3 mont

58、hs after Loan Agreement was signed (the latest).印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤35BLUE BOOK 2006-2009 INFRASTRUCTURESEKTOR Blue Book 2006-2009, Revisision I and II Project Cost Loan Grant Counterpart Fund Total Ministry of Transportation 1.381.038 197.648 201.658 1.780.344 Ministry of Public Works 5.781.523 439.433

59、 1.216.392 7.437.348 Ministry of Communication and Information 67.521 20.199 22.329 110.049 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources 5.000 76.860 840 82.700 State Ministry of Housing 150.000 21.000 32.550 203.550 PT Merpati 232.444 - - 232.444 PT. KAI 51.000 - 7.650 58.650 PT PLN 6.968.762 38.000 61

60、5.671 7.622.433 TOTAL 14.637.288 793.140 2.097.091 17.527.519 印度尼西亚基础设施发展及规划步骤36CANDIDATE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT FOR bb 2010-2014SECTOR Project Cost Loan Grant Counterpart Fund Total Ministry of Transportation 1.818,80 - 285,50 2.104,30 Ministry of Public Works 4.517,06 11,00 574,14 5.102,20 Ministr


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