1、Part I. Little Practice for an Interview ( 练习 )Part II. How to Write an English Resume (如何撰写英文履历表 )A. Choosing the Proper Form (选择正确的格式 )B. Clearness, Certainty, and Simplicity 清(晰,正确、简单 )C. Categories and Order 项(目及排列 )Personal Information (个人基本资料 )Objective (申请的职位 )Education (教育背景 )Working Experie
2、nces (工作经验 )Workshop (在职训练或讲习班 )Computer Skills (计算机技巧 )Languages (语言 )Interests (兴趣 )References 查(询或推荐 )D. Cultural Differences (文化差异 )Part III. How to Write a Covering Letter ( 如何写应征涵 )Autobiography VS. Covering Letter (自传 vs.应征涵 )Choosing the Formal English Writing Form (选择正式英文写作方式 )Important Eng
3、lish Grammatical Hints in Writing ( 英文文法摘要 ) The Magic NumberB-Verbs V.S. Action Verbs Relative Clauses 关(系子句 )Categories and Order 项(目及排列 )The purpose of writing the covering letter (写信的目地或动机 )Personal Information (各人资料 )References 备(询或推荐人员 )Conclusion (结尾 )E. 20 Useful Vocabulary in writing a cove
4、ring letter (二十个最常用到的字汇 )Part IV . Knowing How to Talk in an English Interview (英语面试需知 )Six Ws (六个 W 开头的问句 ) A. Six Ws ( 六个 W 开头的问句 )Rebound the Tense反(弹时态 )Cultural Differences (文化差异 )Preparation Before an Interview (面试前的准备 ) Talking to Yourself (自我讲话训练 )Find Out the Company (了解公司背景 )Five Common Qu
5、estions in an Interview (面试常问问题 )Part V. Little Practice for the EndingAppendix I(附录一 )A Covering Letter(求职信 )How to Write an English Resume 如(何撰写英文履历表 )Choosing the Proper Form (选择正确的格式 ): Writing an English resume is totally different than writing an English essay. Sentence structures and grammar
6、are not really considered in writing a resume, and all the sentences are short and must be in POINT FORM .(撰写依英文履历表跟一般作文形式完全不一样。履历表中的句子全都需用简短的断句方式,而不需要一般的英文句型及文法 )Clearness,Certainty, and Simplicity (清晰,正确、简单 ): The key point to write a resume is to transmit certain pieces of personal information to
7、 the company in which you wish to apply. So, try to make your resume simple and clear.(撰写英文履历表的目的只是为了向公司传达本身的资料,因此简单、清晰、正确的断句就可清楚的表达 )Categories and Order (项目及排列 ): A formal English resume must at least include the following nine categories personal information, objective, education, working experie
8、nces, workshop, computer skills, languages, interests and references.(一份正式的英文履历表最少要有下列九种项目 )Personal Information ( 个人基本资料 ) including your name, home address, phone number, cell phone number, and e-mail address. (包括姓名、住址、电话及手机号码、电子邮件信箱号码 )Objective (申请的职位 ) the job position you are looking for in th
9、e company.(你所需要应征的职位 )Education (教育背景 ) including your degree, major, the name, the place and the time of the school you graduated. (包括学历、主修科目、学校名称及地点、在学年限 )Working Experiences (工作经验 ) including the name and the placeof the company, your position in the company, the period of time you spend in the c
10、ompany, and to summarize the responsibilities you have taken in the company.(包括公司名称、在职职位、在职年限、工作类别及性质)Workshop (在职训练或讲习班 ) including all the training schools (name, place, and time) you have attended. (包括讲习班名称、地点及在学年限 )Computer Skills (计算机技巧 ) including all the computer software and hardware.(包括各种计算
11、机软、硬件 )Languages (语言 ) including all the languages you know how to speak.Interests (兴趣 )References(查询或推荐 ) always write the same thing “ references upon request.(通常填写推荐人或信涵将应要求而补上Cultural Differences (文化差异 ) if you are applying for a foreign company, you do not need to mention your age, sex and mari
12、tal status in your English resume. However, if you are applying a Taiwanese company, you may need to write them as they are requested by the company.(如果你应征的是外商公司,通常不会要求你填写你的年纪、性别及婚姻状况等问题。但是一般台商公司可能会要求这些资料。如有要求则需填写)How to Write a Covering Letter (如何写应征函 )Autobiography VS. Covering Letter (自传 vs. 应征函
13、): Unlike the Chinese culture, western people do not write an autobiography when they try to apply for ajob. A covering letter is good enough to show the company some of the basic personal information that it wants to know. So a covering letter in a sense is like an autobiography, but is more simpli
14、fied.(一般而言华人在应征工作时除了撰写履历表外,大都会附加一份自传。但根据欧美的文化,大家在应征时只会附加一份应征涵。如同自传一样,应征涵内也包括一些个人基本资料,但以非常简单及清楚的方式表达 )Choosing the Formal English Writing Form (选择正式英文写作方式 ): It is now not like a resume, formal English sentence structures and grammar must be considered as you are writing a covering letter.(与用断句方式填写的履
15、历表相比较,写应征涵时,正式的英文构句及文法都需包含再内,如同一篇正式的文章 )Important English Grammatical Hints in Writing ( 英文文法摘要 ):1. The Magic Number 12345 _01234 _B-Verbs V.S. Action Verbsb-verbs _action verbs _Relative Clauses 关(系子句 )_D. Categories and Order (项目及排列 ): A formal covering letter must at least include the following
16、four categories the purpose of writing the covering letter, personal information, references and conclusion.(一份正式的应征涵至少包括下列四种项目)1The purpose of writing the covering letter ( 写信的目地或动机) including the job position you are looking for, and how you find out thisopportunity.(包括职位的名称、如何发现该工作机会)Personal Inf
17、ormation (各人资料 ) it may include your age, date of birth,education background, workingexperiences, trainingexperiences andspecial abilities.(可以包括年龄、出生年月日、教育背景、工作经验、在职训练或特殊技能)References 备(询或推荐人员 ) including the name and the contact number of the person (or persons) who recommends and affirms your work
18、ing effort. (备询人员姓名及联络电话号码 )Conclusion (结尾 ) it is the end of the letter, and you should express your wish for an interview opportunity with the company. (在结尾希望并请求未来的顾主允以面谈的机会 )20 Useful Vocabulary in Writing a Covering Letter (二十个最常用到的字汇 ):verbs动词nouns名词reply回覆advertisement广告indicate指示application申请
19、require要求opportunity机会qualify资格qualification资格conceive表明interview面试offer提供knowledge知识apply申请position职位graduate毕业reference参考consider考虑recommendation推荐Knowing How to Talk in an English Interview(英语面试需知 )A. Six Ws ( 六个 W 开头的问句 ): Before you start talking in an interview, you must understand what the in
20、terviewer talks about. In other words, you must improve your listening ability before you do an interview. Most people underestimate the importance of knowing how to answer six Ws questions, and that is why they cannot do well in an interview, but you can do so well.(在面式时,你一定要先听懂对方的问句。换句话说,想要成功的通过英文
21、面第一步要做的就是要加强自己的听力。大部分的人在训练听力时都忽略六个头的问句的重要性,所以很难通过英文面试)W 开When (何时 ) - _Where (何处 ) - _Who (何人 ) - _Why (为何 ) - _What (何物 ) - _How (如何 ) - _Rebound the Tense (反弹时态 ): Chinese People are so afraid of talking in English, because there is no “ TENSES”in Chinese, but in English. However, once you know th
22、e six Ws, most of the time you can just try to match the same tense as the tense in the question when you try to answer it. They always match each other.(大部分的人在面试时都害怕开口,因为说英文要强调时态。但是当你知道如何回答 W 问句之后,大部分的时候,你可以直接将你听到的问句中的时态,套用在你的答句中 )C. Cultural Differences (文化差异 ): In most of the cases, the interview
23、er is always a foreigner. Do not ask something too personal, and try not to be shy to ask about your benefits of working in the company.(在大部分的清况下,面试者是一位外国人。因为文化上的不同,你要避免问太私人的问题。但可以询问有关在这间公司工作的福利或休假等问题)D. Preparation Before an Interview (面试前的准备 ):Talking to Yourself (自我讲话训练 ): Before you go to an int
24、erview, you probably can guess what kind of questions the interviewer will ask. Find amirror, and start talking to the mirror as you are doing the interview.Remember, “ Practice Makes Perfection”.(在你去面试前,你可能已经可以猜测到应征者将会问你的问题。先在家中对着镜子不断的练习,因为练习创造完美 )Find Out the Company ( 了解 公司 背景 ): After you have b
25、een confirmed for a job interview, you should try your best to know the background of the company in which you have applied for. The more you know about the company, the better you can talk in the interview.(在接到公司的面试通知后,应立刻寻找一切与该公司有关的背景资料。知道越多的资料,可以帮助你在面试时讲的更好 )Five Common Questions in an Interview
26、面(试常问问题 ):What kind of work were you doing at your previous employer s company?(你在前一位顾主的公司做那方面的工作? )Why do you quit your previous job?(你为何离开上一份工作?)What kind of salary did you get at the previous job? (你以前的薪水是多少? )Can you talk about your education?(可以谈下你的教育背景吗?)Why do you want to work in this company? (你为何要在这间公司工作? )AppendixA Covering Letter(求职信 )Manager
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