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1、合成法 compounding1第1页CompoundingConceptCharacteristicsFormation第2页Concept将两个或两个以上词合成一个新词构词法称为合成法。Compounding: a process by which a compound lexeme is derived from two or more simpler lexemes.3第3页4Characteristicsto distinguish a compound from a free phrase:Semantic Features(语义学标准): a compound has it ow

2、n semantic features, rather than the meaning combination of each word.E.g. greenhouse vs. green houseOrthographic Features(正字法标准): Compounds are written in various ways.E.g. a. Solid(字间不留空): bedroom, newspaper, horseback; b. Hyphenated(用连字符连接): part-time, good-looking; c. Open(字间留空): air force, air

3、raid, black list, black sea第4页Phonological Features(音位学标准): compounds have a high or unity stress in the first component.E.g.Grammatical Features(语法特征): compounds have their own grammatical features.e.g. v.+ n. breakwater n.; n + -ed homemade adj. ; adj + -ed newborn adj. 扬声器 loudspeaker rather than

4、 louder speaker 5compoundsphrasesbluebird a blue birdblackboarda black board第5页Formation合成名词 (Noun compounds)合成动词(Verb compounds)合成形容词(Adjective compounds)合成副词和合成代词 (Adverb compounds and Pronoun compounds)6第6页合成名词 Noun compounds方式例词名词+名词football, notebook, seafood, hand-book.形容词+名词blackboard, first-

5、class, green house动名词+名词waiting-room, writing-desk, sleeping bag.动词+名词pickpocket, turn-coat, sleepwalker副词+名词income, overcoat, inland代词+名词he-goat, she-wolf名词+介词+名词father-in-law, editor-in-chief动词+副词take-off, breakup, breakdown副词+动词output, download, overflow7第7页合成动词 Verb compounds组成方式例词名词+动词sleepwalk

6、, waterski, daydream, sunbathe副词+动词overcome, overeat, upload, uphold形容词+副词whitewash, quick-charge, blacklist, ill-treat其它方式blow-dry, spin-dry8梦游 滑水 做白日梦 沐日光浴克服 吃太多 上传 维护刷白 快速充电 列入黑名单 虐待 吹干 甩干第8页合成形容词 Adjective compounds 组成 方式 例词 过去分词或-ed词尾 kind-hearted, middle-aged, new-born-ing词尾 good-looking, easy

7、-going, man-eating形+名或名+形full-time, first-class, ice-cold, brand-new其它方式 two-hour, out-door, up-hill, see-through9好心 中年 新生 好看 随和 吃人 全职 头等 冰凉 全新 两小时 户外 上山 透明 第9页合成副词和合成代词 Adverb compounds and Pronoun compounds组成方式例词合成副词empty-handed, single-handed, sidewayshowever, anywhere, downstairs合成代词myself, hims

8、elf, ourselvessomeone, anybody, nothing, everyone10空手地 单枪匹马地 向一边 然而 任何地方 往楼下 我自己 他自己 我们自己某人 任何人 没事 每个人第10页Word Formation: Blending 混成法第11页Blending The meaning of blending The structures of blending conclusion第12页The meaning of blending MIXmeaning: to mix things together so that they become one thing

9、 to combine parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word brunch= breakfast + lunchblends or portmanteau words第13页混成法(Blending)定义混成法:也叫混正当或拼缀法,是把两个词合在一起,其中最少有一个词失去部分音节或字母,新词意义是它组成成份意义融合或叠加。比如:news broadcast newscast 新闻广播television broadcast telecast 电视播送smoke and fog smog 烟雾photo and grap

10、hy photography摄影,摄影术第14页More and more police and traffic experts believe that autocide is an important cause of traffic death. The black woman supported her big family to live in the slurb where far away from the center. slurb (美.市郊贫民区)= slum + suburbThe chunnel beneath the English Channel, put into

11、 service in 1994, linked England and France. chunnel (水底隧道)= channel + tunnelautocide (撞车自杀 )= automobile + suicideheadtailheadtailtailheadStructure 1 The structures of blending第15页Structure 1automobile + suicide = autocide slum + suburb = slurb channel + tunnel = chunnel 狮虎兽: 广告统计学: 经济滞胀: 雾霾: head

12、+ tail lion + tiger=ligeradvertising + statistics= advertisticsstagnation + inflation= stagflationsmoke + fog = smog第16页Structure 2The sitcom Growing Pains is quite popular in America. These stations would hold a private key that let them recognize tagged connections from telex clients. With the hel

13、p of comsat, Google Map could captured every details of the environment to an extreme degree. telex (电传)= teleprinter + exchangersitcom(情景喜剧) = situation + comedyheadheadheadheadcomsat (卫星通讯)= communication + satelliteheadhead第17页situation + comedy= sitcom teleprinter + exchange = telex communicatio

14、n + satellite = comsat Structure 2head + head 第18页Structure 3 医疗救助 head + word medicaid = medical + aid 汽车野营autocamp= automobile + camp 欧亚Eurasia = Europe + Asia第19页Structure 4 劳动福利 流动书店bookmobileword + tail = talk + marathonworkfare= work + welfare= book + automobile冗长谈话talkathon第20页Conclusion Blen

15、ding is a very productive process and many coinages resulting from blending have become well-established. Moreover, they even serve as models for new formations (hamburger beefburger, cheeseburger, etc.). The overwhelming majority of blends are nouns; very few are verbs and adjectives are even fewer. The few verbs are:


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