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1、等速肌力测试主要指标1PEAK TORQUE峰力矩:即在肌肉收缩时产生的最大力量输出,反映肌肉收缩最大力量的能力,是肌肉绝对力量;Highest muscular force output at any moment during a repetition. This can be determined within each rep for the entire set. Peak Torque indicates the muscles maximum strength capability. This is also the equivalent to a 1-repetition ma

2、ximum (RM) isotonic strength test.Peak Torque can also be evaluated specific to time (Torque .20sec) or to ROM (Torque 30).2随年龄增大而呈直线下降趋势,同名肌运动速度相同时男性的峰力矩大于女性;体重越重,身高越高时峰力矩越大;可测试任一角度及时间点的峰力矩。3PEAK TQ/BW相对峰力矩,即相对于体重的峰力矩,更好地用来描述功能性活动,可以用来个体间比较。Peak Torque is represented as a percentage normalized to b

3、odyweight and compared to an estimated goal. This value is more relative and pertinent to functional activity.4ANGLE OF PEAK TORQUE峰力矩产生的角度,相同速度及相同活动产生峰力矩角度相同,一般出现在中间ROM,最大的长度-张力关系点。Defined as the point in the ROM where peak torque is produced. It usually occurs at the same range in the ROM for simi

4、lar movements and speeds. Angle of peak torque typically occurs in the mid range of a motion.5TIME TO PEAK TORQUE到达峰力矩的时间,即肌肉从开始收缩到产生最大力矩所需时间,反映肌肉快速产生力矩的能力。A measure of time from the start of a muscular contraction to the point of the highest torque development (Peak TQ). This value is an indicator

5、of the muscles functional ability to produce torque quickly.6DEFECIT左右侧差异,10%为正常参考范围;负值说明患侧肌力大于健侧。7COEFFICIENT OF VARIANCE变异系数,均值与样本均数的比值,反映测量观察值离中心值之间的距离,反映离散趋势。大肌肉15%小肌肉20%8WORK FATIGUE疲劳系数 前1/3做功后1/3做功之间 前1/3做功This is a ratio of difference between the first 1/3 and the last 1/3 of work in the tes

6、t bout.9AVG.POWERPower represents how quickly a muscle can produce force. An important value to evaluate as power development is important for injury prevention.平均功率向心收缩时当运动速度达到一定时平均功率不再增加反而下降;离心收缩时随运动速度加快而增加。10AGON/ANTAG RATIOImbalance may predispose a joint to injury as opposing muscle groups provide dynamic joint stability.屈伸比61.4%74.4%比值随速度加快而增大11Following concentric exercise, CK activity reached a peak value of 1150 364 IU/l after 24 h recovery. Eccentric mode was followed by a significantly gre


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