1、Section B 14Heroes of our timeUNITA heros aspirationTo master the reading skillTo understand the textTo practice the phrases and patternsTo learn about story writingObjectives第1页 Warming-up Reading skills Text study Comparative studyContents Unit projectA heros aspirationSection B第2页 Warming-upLead-
2、inBackground informationA heros aspirationSection B第3页1. What happened in the story?Why was the speaker stunned with jealousy?Watch a video clip and answer the following questionsVideo WatchingTipsTips2. What did he learn from both of his vocation and avocation? What did he remind? Lead-in第4页BackWat
3、ch a video clip and answer the following questionsLead-in第5页TipsLead-inMiddle of a rainy night; second volunteer on the fire scene; asked to go into the house and past the fire to get a pair of shoes.The man who arrived earlier than him could save a living creature.1. What happened in the story?Why
4、was the speaker stunned with jealousy?Watch a video clip and answer the following questions第6页Acts of generosity and kindness on a monumental scale AND acts of grace and courage on an individual basis all matter.Dont wait until you make your first million to make a difference in somebodys life. If y
5、ou have something to give, give it now. Serve food at a soup kitchen. Clean up a neighborhood park. Be a mentor. Not every day is going to offer us a chance to save somebodys life, but every day offers us an opportunity to affect one.Lead-in2. What did he learn from both of his vocation and avocatio
6、n? What did he remind?Watch a video clip and answer the following questionsTips第7页1. What is the Sixth Sense?2 . What are the traditionalfive senses?TipsTipsBackground information第8页1. What is the Sixth Sense?Thesixth senseis another term forextrasensory perception. Extrasensory perception (ESP) wou
7、ld involve the reception of information not gained through the recognized senses and not internally originated. According to theNational Science Foundationextrasensory perception is listed aspseudoscience.Background informationTips第9页2. What are the traditionalfive senses? The expression “Sixth Sens
8、e is a misnomer that falsely suggests that there is only one additional sense besides the traditionalfive sensesof sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, a classification attributed toAristotle. Humans have at least five additional senses that include:nociception(pain);equilibrioception(balance);p
9、roprioception and kinaesthesia(joint motion and acceleration);sense of time;thermoception(temperature differences); and possibly an additional weakmagnetoception(direction). Background informationTips第10页 Reading skillsPresentation of the skillReading skill practiceA heros aspirationSection B第11页Sca
10、nning is a technique used in reading to gather specific information in a text by going through it rapidly. In most cases, you know what you are looking for, so you are concentrating on finding some particular information. The most familiar way of scanning you may have experienced is searching for na
11、mes in a phone directory, or looking up words in a dictionary.Presentation of the skillScanning第12页ScanningPresentation of the skillReading skillsWhen reading, you should have a clear idea of what you are looking for, think of questions, and scan for answers. Do not read every word. Watch for defini
12、tions, highlighted words, especially words in italics or bold print. Learn to spot dates, statistics and other numbers.第13页ScanningPresentation of the skillReading skillsLook for the authors use of numbers, letters, or signal words such as first, second, next , etc. Look for key words or repeated wo
13、rds.第14页Example 1: since the title of Text A is “Heroes Among Us”, it is most likely to deal with “heroes”. We may want to find out who are the heroes among us. Therefore, it is worthwhile to scan for the word “hero(es)” in order to get important information related with the topic.Presentation of th
14、e skillScanning第15页ScanningExample 2: in Text A, there are many questions raised and then answered by the author. These questions can help us get the general idea of Text A, that is, what kind of people can be called heroes. The questions include: 1 Whos a hero these days? (Para. 1)2 Who are the her
15、oes among us? (Para. 1)3 But what about first responders, whose job is, in the words of one widow of a fallen police officer, to “rush toward danger”? (Para. 5)Presentation of the skill第16页ScanningReading skill practice In which month did the story take place? Where did the accident happen? What is
16、the name of the hero? What is the name of the woman saved?Questions第17页 Text studyText comprehensionLanguage focusCritical thinkingA heros aspirationSection B第18页Text comprehensionWhy did Jondas pulse quicken while she was driving? (Para. 1)Why did Jonda fail to save the teenager many years ago? Aft
17、er this issue, what happened to Jonda? (Paras.1-2)3. What did Jonda mean by “This is too much, too familiar”? (Paras. 5)4. Why did Jonda have to work quickly when she tried to save Sandy? (Para. 7)5. Why did Sandy ask Jonda to tell her grandchildren that she loved them? (Para. 8-11)6. Why does Jonda
18、 feel she has much to be grateful for too? (Para. 15) Questions previewing第19页Why did Jondas pulse quicken while she was driving? (Para.1)The car ahead of her was in trouble. swaying/barely within the lane/winding road in the fierce rainTipsText comprehension第20页原句:It was not swaying violently, and
19、was still barely within the lane, but on the winding road in the fierce November rain, it was enough.(Para.1, L3)解释: It was not swaying violently, and the driver still managed to keep it within the lane, but it was clear that she did so with great difficulty. With the road having a lot of turns and
20、the heavy rain on the cold November night, an accident was likely to happen.译文:即使歪得不算厉害,还勉强开在车道里,但在十一月大雨滂沱中蜿蜒道路上,这已经够悬了。Text comprehensionSentence Interpretation第21页Why did Jonda fail to save the teenager many years ago? After this issue, what happened to Jonda? (Paras.1-2)driven back / intense heat
21、 of/ fire;memories never turn off/leaned on training for support/ never ignored any signs of accidentBecause the car was on fire and she could not get near it. She became very sensitive to signs of potential accidents.TipsText comprehension第22页3. What did Jonda mean by “This is too much, too familia
22、r”? (Para. 5) This reminded her of the terrible accident involving that teenager mentioned in para.1.teenager screaming for help/she was driven back by the intense heat of car fire/ water heaved the car against a tree/passenger seat submerged/water rushed over the windshield/prayed “Never again”Tips
23、Text comprehension第23页译文:那辆车二分之一已被水流淹没。Text comprehensionSentence Interpretationcover sth. completely with water原句:And half submerged in the current was the car. (Para. 5, L2)解释: Half of the car was under the river water.Note有时为了强调,可将部分谓语置于句首,组成倒装结构。用于这类倒装结构动词大多表示位置或状态,如 hang, stand, sit 等。第24页4. Wh
24、y did Jonda have to work quickly when she tried to save Sandy? (Para.7)TipsText comprehensionwater rushed up to her waist/cold/ encased in ice/ lose the feeling and collapse.第25页5. Why did Sandy ask Jonda to tell her grandchildren that she loved them? (Para.8-11)Because she thought she was going to
25、die.she was old/would not last long in the icy water/the thick glass/barely cracked/Water rushed in / the car soon to be carried downstreamTipsText comprehension第26页译文:这辆旧车车身大,窗玻璃也厚,几乎不见裂缝。这时, 琼达感到车起伏了一下,她不禁心头一沉。水流正把车推离那颗树。Text comprehensionSentence Interpretationfeeling sad原句:The glass, thick as th
26、e old car was big, barely cracked. And with a heavy heart Jonda felt the car heave. The current was loosening it from the tree. (Para. 9, L3)解释: Just as the old car was big, the glass was thick, so the hammer could hardly break it. And Jonda felt sad as the car moved a bit. The current was pushing t
27、he car away from the tree.第27页6. Why does Jonda feel she has much to be grateful for too? (Para.15) Jonda feels she has much to be grateful for too, because finally, she is healed and free of the acute nightmares of her past.TipsText comprehension第28页Retell the story based on the clues: Officer Jond
28、as pulse quickenedRoad conditionsThe car aheadJonda had a sixth sense for accidentsThese were memories Jonda could never teally turn offThe car slipped off the road into the Dalton RiverJonda rushed toward the carDavid caught up with Jonda and Sandy tried to speak through her shivering lipsJonda wra
29、pped her arms aroundSandy was crying in Jondas armsThe two women have becom close friendsJonda is healed and free of the acute nightmare of her past.Text comprehensionText Summary第29页Practical PhrasesLanguage focus Practical Phrases Specific Meanings1. live in terror of sb. / sth.一直很害怕某人 / 某物2. turn
30、 off不再听;不再想 3. a string of一连串,一系列(事件等)4. beat sb. to sth.抢在前面5. bring sth. to a halt 使停顿,使停住6. fill up with 挤满;占满;7. break through (sth.) 冲破;突破8. let go of (sth.)放手,松开(某人或某物)第30页一直很害怕某人 / 某物(lived in terror of / gang of /robber) Everyone for miles lived in terror of the gang of robbers. live in terr
31、or of sb. / sth. 短语逆译短语应用方圆几英里人们一直都很害怕这伙强盗。意群提醒Language focusPractical Phrases第31页不再听;不再想turn off短语逆译(takenointerest / turn off) I takenointerest at allin whattheyare talking about, so I just turn off.短语应用我对他们所讨论事情毫不感兴趣, 所以不再听他们说话。意群提醒Language focusPractical Phrases第32页一连串,一系列(事件等)(signing up for /
32、optional course/ time schedule) Iwanttobuildacareer, butnot just have a string of meaningless jobs. a string of短语逆译短语应用我想要创建我事业,而不是做一系列毫无意义工作。意群提醒Language focusPractical Phrases第33页抢在前面(aimed to / South Pole / beat him to it) Scott aimed to get to the South Pole first, but Amundsen beat him to it.be
33、at sb. to sth.短语逆译短语应用斯科特原打算第一个抵达南极,不过阿蒙森却捷足先登。意群提醒Language focusPractical Phrases第34页使停顿;使暂停(general strike / production/ brought to a halt) Duringthegeneral strike, production was brought to a halt.bring sth. to a halt短语逆译短语应用大罢工期间,生产被迫暂停。意群提醒Language focusPractical Phrases第35页挤满;占满;装满(bar/ fill u
34、p with /local resident ) At night the bar will fill up with local residents ending their day.fill up with短语逆译短语应用到了晚上,酒馆里就会挤满结束一天工作当地居民。意群提醒Language focusPractical Phrases第36页冲破;突破(fearlesssacrificespirit / firm determination/ breaking through ) With thefearlesssacrificespirit andthefirm determinati
35、on, our troop had little difficulty in breaking through the enemy lines.break through (sth.)短语逆译短语应用凭着大无畏牺牲精神和坚韧不拔毅力,我们部队轻而易举地突破了敌人防线。意群提醒Language focusPractical Phrases第37页放手,松开(某人或某物)(let go of / target) Never let go of your target, and you will eventually get near it.let go of (sth.)短语逆译短语应用绝不要放弃
36、目标,这么你最终会离它越来越近。意群提醒Language focusPractical Phrases第38页Language focus Functional Patterns Functions & Usages1. sth./sb. is/do, and is/do, but , it is/isnt enough.用于表示“在特定情况下,某人或某物做事情足以/无法抵达一定效果 ”。2. as adj. as sb./sth. is, sb./sth. do用于表示“某人或某物虽具备一定有利条件,但出现意料之外情况”。3. by the time sb do, sth. is, and
37、is, like用于表示“在一些时间点,某人或某物做某事最终抵达某种程度”。Functional Patterns第39页句型提炼即使歪得不算厉害,还勉强开在车道里,但在十一月大雨滂沱中蜿蜒道路上,这已经够悬了。原句译文逆译练习It was not swaying violently, and was still barely within the lane, but on the winding road in the fierce November rain, it was enough. (Para.1, L3)Language focusFunctional Patterns第40页句
38、型应用sth./sb. is/do, and is/do, but , it is/is not enough句型提炼应用提醒用于表示“在特定情况下,某人或某物做事情足以/无法到达一定效果 ”。Language focusFunctional Patterns第41页(show up for shift / put off / furiouscompetition) You always show up for shift ontime, and neverput offyourwork, but with so furious competition nowadays, it is not
39、enough.经典例句即使你按时上班,也从不拖拉工作,但在竞争如此激烈今天,这是不够。意群提醒Language focusFunctional Patterns第42页句型提炼尽管车不小,不过水流力量把它顶在一棵树上。原句译文逆译练习As big as it was, the force of the water had heaved it against a tree。 (Para.5 L3)Language focusFunctional patterns第43页句型应用As adj. as sb./sth. is, sb./sth. do句型提炼应用提醒用于表示“某人或某物虽具备一定有利
40、条件,但出现意料之外情况”。Language focusFunctional patterns第44页(qualified to / school basketball team) As tall as he was, he was not qualified to get into the school basketball team.经典例句即使他很高,不过他还是没有资格进入校篮球队。意群提醒Language focusFunctional Patterns第45页句型提炼当她来到驾驶员一侧车门时,水已经涨到她腰部,而且冰凉刺骨,她双腿就像被冰包裹住一样。原句译文逆译练习By the ti
41、me she was at the driver door, the water was rushing up to her waist, and unbelievably cold, like her legs had been encased in ice. (Para. 7, L2)Language focusFunctional Patterns第46页句型应用By the time sb do, sth. is, and is, like句型提炼应用提醒用于表示“在一些时间点,某人或某物做某事最终到达某种程度”。Language focusFunctional Patterns第47
42、页(soak insweat / clingto / shower) By the time he finished the training, clothes was soaked insweat, and clungtohis body, like he had been caughtina particularlyheavy shower.经典例句当训练结束时,衣服已经被汗水浸湿,全部贴在身上,就像淋了场大雨一样。意群提醒Language focusFunctional patterns第48页 1.事后事故汇报subsequent report on the incident 2.一直
43、摆脱不掉记忆memories that could never be turned off 3.猛踩刹车to slam on the brakes 4.拍打车窗to bang the window 5.身体失去知觉lose the feeling in sbs body 6.流露出极度恐惧betray intense fear 7.双臂箍住某人wrap arms around sb 8.被水吞没be swallowed by the water 9.泪水顺着脸颊滚落下来tears streak down sbs cheeks10.摆脱了痛苦噩梦be free of the acute nigh
44、tmaresLanguage focusGenuine Collocations第49页 熊熊燃烧着金属、溜滑水泥地上刺眼车胎痕迹,还有散落在血泊中、如天然水晶般闪烁安全玻璃碎屑描述和回想竟会如此不一样,着实令人奇怪。 a. A string of facts for a police report; and to think about them in another: burning metal and deep tire tracks on the slippery concrete, bits of safety glass like primitive crystals reflec
45、ting in pools of blood.Language focusLanguage Appreciation第50页 雨水使河水猛涨,变成一头凶猛怪兽。它咆哮着冲上两岸,夹杂着被急流冲下树枝,汹涌飞跃。 b. The rain had swelled the river into a raging monster. It roared well over its banks, rushing swiftly with tree limbs caught in the raging current.Language focusLanguage Appreciation第51页 她在冰凉水
46、中支撑不了多久。她眼中流露出极度恐惧,直直地盯着琼达眼睛。“救救我,”她大声呼叫着。 c. She would not last long in the icy water. Her eyes, betraying her intense fear, were locked on Jondas. “Save me,” she screamed.Language focusLanguage Appreciation第52页Further Discussion1. Do you think that police officers like Jonda should be blamed for f
47、ailing to save victims of accidents? Why or why not?2. What do you think is the best way to free a person from a sense of guilt?3. Do you think it worthwhile to give ones own life for other people? Why?Critical thinkingTipsTipsTips第53页No, I dont think so. Although it is the duty of police officers t
48、o save victims in accidents, they should not be blamed for failing to save them on some occasions. It would be unfair to blame them as situations may become out of their control. Sometimes they themselves may get injured or even die in their efforts to save those in danger. However, there is no poin
49、t risking their lives when there is obviously no way to save the victim.Further DiscussionCritical thinkingTips1. Do you think that police officers like Jonda should be blamed for failing to save victims of accidents? Why or why not?第54页It is painful to feel guilty for having failed to save or help
50、others. To help a person free from the sense of guilt, we can: let them know that they have tried their best; let them know that what happened is not their fault; tell them that similar things have happened to others, too.Critical thinkingTips2. What do you think is the best way to free a person fro
51、m a sense of guilt?Further Discussion第55页 I think it depends on the situation. If you know your sacrifice will save another persons life, it is undoubtedly worthwhile even if you have to risk your own life. Nonetheless, if you clearly know that your efforts wont save them even at the cost of your ow
52、n life, then it is not a good idea to give up your own life. Maybe a better andmore practical way is to ask more people for help. This way, you will not only save the victim, but also avoid unnecessary casualties.Critical thinkingTips3. Do you think it worthwhile to give ones own life for other peop
53、le? Why?Further discussion第56页Talk about the differences of American and Chinese heroism.Critical thinkingFurther discussion第57页1. What are the differences between American and Chinese heroism?2. What kinds of elements cause the differences betweenAmericanandChineseheroism?Critical thinkingTipsTipsF
54、urther discussion第58页 In the west, people have the greatest esteem for humanism and democracy. Even if the heroes are deified, they are still human beings, who have feelings and emotions, and shortcomings all the time. Especially in movies and plays, the pure and sincere humanity is extremely amplif
55、ied. The heroes lay down their lives for honor and ideal, love and freedom. Even when the justice conflicts with the interest of the nation, they will resolutely select justice.Critical thinking1. What are the differences between American and Chinese heroism?Further discussion However, heroes are co
56、vered with a layer of idealism in Chinese culture. In the circumstance of altruism and nationalism in Chinese culture, what is extremely amplified is the loyalty and devotion to the nation and leaders, and the sacrifice of individuals. The heroes die for the interest of the country or community. Thu
57、s, heroes in China cannot have private desire. For thousands of years, rulers defined the concept and model of heroes, so heroes tended to be godlike, perfect and supernatural.Tips第59页 The keywords that distinguish Chinese values from American values on heroism are collectivism and individualism. As
58、 early as in elementary school Chinese students are taught that personal interest should give way to that of collective group. While in America, kids are trained to treat themselves as separate individuals who should be responsible for their own life from early ages. 2. What kinds of elements cause
59、the differences betweenAmericanandChineseheroism?Critical thinkingFurther DiscussionTips第60页Thematic study Comparative studyThematic studyLanguage features analysisA heros aspirationSection B第61页2. Will you stand out when circumstances call on you to act heroically?Thematic study1. Make a comparison
60、 between the policeman Sergeant Ryan Russell in section A and officer Jonda in section B to see different kinds of heroism.TipsTips第62页1. Comparison between Sergeant Ryan Russell and Jonda:Sergeant Ryan Russell1. believed deeply in his commitment 2. moved quickly to protect others from harm 3. tried
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