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1、天合联盟服务英语第47页 共47页第一部份公共英语一、公共服务英语50句Good morning/ afternoon / evening, Sir/Madam. May I help you? 先生、小姐早上/下午/晚上好,要我帮忙吗?Excuse me. 对不起。(为了引起他人注意或因为打扰别人)I am sorry. 对不起.( 为某事道歉)It doesnt matter/Never mind. 没关系。Youre welcome./ Its my pleasure./Dont mention it.别客气。Have a nice trip./ Enjoy your trip./ Ha

2、ve a pleasant stay in (China). 祝您(在中国)旅途愉快!May I have your name?/Could you please spell your name?/ What is your family name/surname? 请问您尊姓大名?/请问您的姓名如何拼写?您贵姓?/请问您大名?What is the departure time / arrival time? 飞机几点起飞/到达?It depends (on). /Im not quite sure.看情况吧。/ 我不太确定。Very nice to meet you! 很高兴认识您。It

3、is a direct flight. 这是直达航班。When do I have to get to the airport?我要何时到达机场?/You should get to the airport hours before departure.您至少要在起飞前到达机场。Can you tell me the telephone number of the inquiry office? 您能告诉我问讯处的电话号码吗?hat is the reason for the delay? Because of bad weather/ mechanical difficulties/inco

4、mplete check-in procedures/poor visibility/air traffic control?为什么延误?因为天气原因机械原因飞机调度原因末完成值机程序能见度差空中管制。Please wait a moment .请稍等Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.感谢您的合作.You can book an E-ticket online or if you call 95539, we can provide you the ticket delivery free of charge.您可在网上购买一张电

5、子客票或打电话到95539,我们提供免费送票。Im sorry to keep you waiting so long.让您久等,实在抱歉。We will keep you informed.我们将随时通知您.Please fill out this form.请填写这张表格。It takes about hours and minutes.You will arrive at about . 飞行时间是小时分钟。到达时间约_ .Special meals should be booked 24 hours before departure.特殊旅客餐食应在起飞前二十四小时预订.I beg y

6、our pardon?请再说一遍,好吗?/ You are speaking a little bit too fast for me. Could you speak a bit slower? 您说得太快了,请说慢一点.Just a moment, please. Im going to check. 请您等一等,让我查一查。I wish I could help you but this is our companys policy. 我真想帮您,可是我们只能按规定办理Dont worry, we will try our best to help you. 别担心,我们会尽力帮助您。W

7、hat a pity!/I am sorry to hear that.非常遗憾非常抱歉听到这事Please call our CustomerServiceCallCenter. The number is 95539.请拨打电话到旅客呼叫中心,电话号码是95539.There is a shuttle bus operating between downtown and the airport. 可乘座豪华巴士空港快线到市区机场SkyTeam members are AM-AeroMxico/ AF-Air France /Az-Alitalia/ Ok-CSA Czech Airline

8、s /DL-Delta Air Lines/ KE-Korean Air/CO-Continental Airlines/KL-KLM Royal Dutch Airlines/ NW- Northwest Airlines天合联盟成员有墨西哥航空法国航空意大利航空捷克航空达美航空大韩航空大陆航空荷兰皇家航空美国西北航空What is that type of aircraft? Boeing777Airbus320 /ERJ145. 这是什么机型,波音777空客320喷气ERJ145Welcome to China Southern Airlines. 欢迎乘坐中国南方航空公司的航班Weve

9、 already sent the information to the appropriate department and theyll inform you as soon as possible. 我们已将有关信息送到相关部门,他们会尽早通知您You only need to check in once if connecting to other SkyTeam flights.联乘天合联盟航班时,只需办理一次报到登机手续.The free baggage allowance/baggage weight limit for every Economy/Business/First

10、Class passenger is 20/30/40kg.免费行李头等舱公务舱经济舱是20/30/40kg.You can take two pieces of hand luggage within a total weight of 5 kgs. 您可携带2件手提行李,重量不超出5公斤Please go to the Transfer Counter/Connecting Counter for your next China Southern flight. 请到中转柜台The flight number and the date, please.航班号、航班日期。Do you hav

11、e a FFP mileage card?您有里程卡吗?Please present your Sky Pearl Club membership card when making your reservation and when checking in.请在订坐和值机时出示明珠会员卡。Could you give us your telephone number and address in case of any change in your flight? 由于更改航班请留下您的电话号码和地址。 Merry Christmas!/Happy New Year! 圣诞快乐新年快乐Are

12、you a frequent flyer of SkyTeam? I am a Member /Elite /Elite Plus您是天合联盟的常客?我是普通会员优选会员尊荣会员The flight is already fully booked because of the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair (Canton Fair).由于广交会期间,航班已满No problem/Of course/Certainly. We care about you!没问题当然了,我们更关注您I will ask someone else to help you. P

13、lease wait just a moment.我找别人来帮您,请稍等Good bye! Have a nice day!再见,祝您愉快!This is a code-share flight.这是代码共享的航班You may inquire with the ground staff after your arrival.飞机到达后,您可询问地面服务人员Breakfast/ Brunch /Lunch / Dinner will be available on the flight. Snacks/Light meals/Special meals are available on thi

14、s flight.机上供应早餐中餐晚餐早午餐点心轻便餐特殊餐第二部份 业务英语一、呼叫中心服务英语句Just a moment, Ill transfer you.请稍等,我给您转过去。May I call back later? 您一会再打来好吗?You will have to pay a cancellation fee.您必须付退票费。May I have your flight number, please?我可以看一下您的航班号吗?Would you hold on, Ms / Sir? Ill check for you.先生小姐请别挂断,我给您查一下Thank you for

15、calling. Good-bye.谢谢你的电话,再见Im very sorry, Ms./Sir. Your reservation from _ to _ has been cancelled. 先生小姐对不起,您预定的从到航班的座位已被取消Any reservation without reconfirmation 72 hours prior to departure will be cancelled.所有的定座在小时前没有再确定会被取消It leaves at _ in the morningafternoon /evening.飞机在上午下午晚上起飞There are seats

16、 available on Flight CZ338 departing _ at 19:30 on the 19th.19日19:30时CZ338航班仍有座位One way or return?单程还是双程?A one-way economy ticket to Beijing is 800去北京经济舱单程800 元May I have your passport number, please?请问您的护照号码?It is the high season and the air fare for this route is much higher than usual.现在是旺季,这条航线的

17、票价比平常要高得多Customer Service Call Center, Agent 6610 speaking,May help you?旅客呼叫中心,6610号服务员为您服务,有什么要帮忙的?Which date would you like to change to?您要更改的日期?Is your ticket still valid on that date?您那天的机票仍有效吗?Ive changed your flight itinerary to 25 July, still the same flight CZ 385 and it will depart at the s

18、ame time at 08:15 in the morning. Please write down your confirmation code. It is JQCS1.我已将您的行程改为月日,航班仍是CZ385,出发时间相同是上午的8点15分请写下您的定座记录编码JQCSI.Please tell me the route you would like to take. 请告诉我您要定的航段There is staff available at our ticketing office that will be available to answer your questions.在售

19、票处有我们的工作人员为您服务The ground service staff at the airport will attach a sticker onto your ticket.机场的工作人员会在您的客票上粘贴更改条Let me check. 让我查一下.Your mileage account has six thousand miles. 您的里程帐户中有6千公里.The connecting time for your domestic flight should be two hours. 国内运输要两小时的衔接时间.Im very sorry, M class is not

20、available. You can change another time or another day. 对不起, M舱已无可利用座次, 您可以选择改期.Please call back to check to see if you have cleared the waiting list for this flight .请随时打电话来查询候结果.Be sure to pick up your ticket before noon tomorrow. 请于明天12点前取机票.If you want to use your points to upgrade your flight, p

21、lease apply for the seat within 72 hours before departure. 如果您要用里程积分升舱,请在起飞前72小时申请座位.The password is originally set is your birthday, and in the form of YY/MM/DD.密码设置通常为您的生日, 形式为年/月/日.Please modify your password as soon as possible by calling 95539.When your flight mileage adds up to 150,000 km in t

22、wo calendar years, you will automatically upgrade to our Sky Pearl Club Silver membership.当您的里程累积两年内达万公里数,您可升级为银会员If you want to make a reservation, you should provide us with the exact name of the passenger, ID card or passenger number and telephone number.如果要预定机票,您要提供旅客的名字、身份证号码和电话号码。You will only

23、 receive the statement when your accumulated mileage increase or decrease within a two-month period.您的累积里程增加或减少在两个月内会收到的通知。A mileage retro claim is valid within six months after departure.里程累加请在到达后个月内申请China Southern will be collecting a fuel surcharge. 南航要收取燃油附加费If you would like to change the rout

24、e of your flight or passenger name, your ticket will be handled as a refund ticket.如果您要更换航程(线)或姓名,您的机票作为退票处理。Promotional seats are limited.增加的座位是有限的,如果全部售出就没有多余的座位。According to our reservation system, we can offer you a twenty percent off our morning departure - this is also our lowest available pri

25、ce. 根据定座记录系统,早上的航班有的折扣,也是最低价的。We are not sure that you can change back to the original schedule.我们不太确定您是否可以更改回您原定的时间。Would you like to make a reservation? 您要预定吗?Which class of service do you prefer?First Class or Economy Class?您选择什么舱位,头等舱、经济舱?May I suggest another flight?我建议您选择另一个航班?You must go thro

26、ugh customs inspection if you will be transferring in Los Angeles.如果您需要在洛杉矶中转,您必须要经海关检查May I put your name on the waiting list?/ Maybe you can stand-by at the airport.我把您的名字放在候补名单里吗?也许您可到机场等待候补You have to refund your ticket. Children under 12-years old pay 50% /Infant under 2-years old pays 10 perce

27、nt fare. 12岁以下的儿童,付50%费用;2岁以下的婴儿,付10%费用.You have to refund your ticket in the place of issuance. 您必须在出票处退票。Here is your confirmation code. When you come to pick up the ticket. Please show the code to the ticket agent. 这是您的定座记录编码, 取票时请向代理出示编码.Would you like to upgrade to First Class? 您愿意升舱到头等舱吗?It de

28、pends on the sale of the flight. 这很难说, 因为这要根据航班的销售情况.There are three flights a week from _to_. 从_ 到_ 每周有三个航班.The excess baggage charge for one kilogram is 1.5 percent of Economy fare. 逾重行李费每公斤按经济舱全票价的1.5%收取.二、售票服务英语50句Here is your ticket. 您的机票.Would you like to make a reservation? 您想预订座位吗?How many p

29、assengers (are traveling together)? 多少人(一起旅行)?Please repeat your name? 请重复您的名字?Where are you going?/(Would you please tell me) your destination? 您要去哪里?您的目的地?One-way or round trip? 单程还是来回程?Would you like to reserve a return flight?/ I want to reserve a seat from _to_ 您想预订回程航班吗?我想预订一个从_到_的座位.Which cla

30、ss do you prefer?/First Class or Economy Class?您想订什么舱位?头等舱还是经济舱?Would you please tell me your departure date?/What date are you leaving for Shanghai? 请问您的出发日期?你打算哪天去上海?Would you please tell me where are you staying? 您(这几天)住哪?Which flight do you want, morning or afternoon?/Do you prefer morning fligh

31、t or afternoon flight? 您想要什么时候的航班,上午还是下午?您更喜欢上午还是下午的航班呢?The earliest flight will leave Guangzhou at 08:20. 广州出发最早的航班是上午8点20分. It is the high season now, and the flight is fully booked. 现在是旺季,航班已经爆满.May I suggest that you take another flight? 您介意乘坐另一个航班吗?Would you like to take CZ3109 ? The departure

32、time is 15:05./ How about CZ3109? The departure time is 15:05.您想乘坐3109航班吗?起飞时间是15:05。3109航班怎么样?Would you like to buy another ticket? 您想买票吗? There are no direct flights to San Francisco, you will need to connect at LAX. 没有直达_的航班,您需要中转You can transfer in Hong Kong or in Los Angeles. 您可以在香港或者洛杉矶转机.(您自己

33、决定吧)You must go through customs inspection if you transfer in Los Angeles. 如果您在洛杉矶转机,需要(在洛杉矶)通过海关检查. You will arrive in Los Angeles International Airport at 18:50 您将于下午6点50分达到洛杉矶机场.You will have to stay at Los Angeles airport for more than three hours. 您需要在洛杉矶机场停留3个多小时.A round-trip ticket to Shangha

34、i is 3,020 Yuan 到上海的往返程机票是3020元. It saves you 40 percent.(You only need to pay 60 percent) 您可以购买到6折的机票(节省40%). The earlier you pay, the more discounts you can enjoy. 您越早付款,得到的折扣就越多. If you pick up ticket seven days before departure, it will save you 40 percent. 如果您在起飞前7天出票,将节省40%的费用It is high season

35、 fare, and this route becomes the most traveled route during Christmas holidays.这是旺季价格,这条航线在圣诞节期间非常火暴.Would you be paying in cash or by credit card? 您想现金支付还是信用卡支付?Children under 12-years old pay 50% /Infant under 2-years old pays 10 percent of the fare. 12岁以下的儿童,付50%费用;2岁以下的婴儿,付10%费用.All the window

36、seats have been taken, how about aisle seat?/ Id like to have a seat by the window. 所有靠窗的座位已被预订,过道座位怎样?/我想订一个靠窗的座位.Would you like to confirm your ticket? 您想确认您的机票吗? Your reservation has been cancelled due to no reconfirmation before 72 hours. 由于您没有在72小时之前确认,您的预订座位已经被取消. May I put your name on the wa

37、iting list?/ Maybe you can stand by at the airport.可以将您的名单列入候补吗?/您可以在机场候补.Here is our telephone number and your confirmation code, you can check your reservation by calling 95539. 这是我们的电话和您的编码,您可以通过拨打950333查询您的订座情况.We must send a telex to our Los Angeles office.我们需要给洛杉矶办事处发一个电报.You have to refund yo

38、ur ticket in the place of issuance. 您必须在出票地办理退票.Here is your confirmation code. When you come to pick up the tickets, please show the code to the agent. 这是您的编码.您过来取票时,请向工作人员出示(编码).Would you like to upgrade to First Class?您想升到头等舱吗?Would you like to pick up your ticket at the airport counter? 您想在机场售票处

39、取票吗?Theres a flight at 10:30 in the morning. 上午10点半有一趟航班.We have seats available for that date. 这天的(航班)有座位。Sorry, the flight has been cancelled. 抱歉,这个航班已被取消了We have discount tickets. 我们这里有折扣票The excess baggage charge for one kilogram is 1.5percent of economy fare. 每公斤逾重行李费按经济舱票价的1.5%计算.How long is t

40、he ticket valid? 这张票的有效期多长?Is there an earlier flight? 还有更早一点的航班吗?Youll have to pay a cancellation fee. 您需要付退票费.May I have you your flight number, please? 您的航班号是多少?The ground service staff at the airport will attach a sticker onto your ticket. 机场地面服务人员将在您的票上贴更改条.Your mileage account has six thousand

41、 miles. 您的里程帐户里有6000公里里程.If you want to upgrade by using your FFP mileage, please apply within 72 hours prior to departure. 如果您想通过里程积分升舱,请在起飞前72小时内提出申请.When your flight mileage reaches 150,000 km in two calendar years, you will be upgraded to the Sky Pearl Club Silver membership level. 如果在2周年内里程积分达到

42、150000公里,您将升为银卡会员.If you would like to change the route or name of the passenger, your ticket will be handled as a refund ticket.如果想更改姓名或航程,您的机票将视为退票处理.Its very hard to say, because it depends on the sale of the flight.这个说不准,因为它取决于航班的销售情况.There are three flights a week from _to_ . 从_到_的航班每周有三班.三、地面服

43、务英语、国际、国内值机服务英语50句What is your nationality? 请问您的国籍?Could you tell me which class of service you are flying? 请问您乘坐的是什么舱位?Your flight will be on a Boeing 777. Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? 您乘坐的是波音777。您需要靠窗座位还是靠走廊的座位?Its an aisle seat / a window seat/ a seat next to the emergency exit.

44、 它是个走道位子/靠窗的座位/靠紧急出口的座位。Your seat is in the middle section of the cabin.您的座位在机舱的中部。:You can apply for a mileage retro claim at counter C13, which is a Sky Pearl Service Counter. You can also check your mileage account there. 您可以在C13明珠服务柜台进行里程补登,或者查询您的里程累计情况。You have already got the VGML in your rese

45、rvation. It will be supplied aboard. 您已经预定了素食。将在客舱中为您供应。Do you have any check-in baggage? 请问您有托运行李吗?How many pieces of baggage would you like to check in? 您有几件托运行李?Please put your check-in baggage on the conveyer belt. 请把您的托运行李放在传送带上。Do you have anything fragile or any valuables in your checked bagg

46、age? 请问您的行李里面有易碎或贵重物品吗?Are you carrying any of the items shown here on the Dangerous Goods Chart? 您是否携带危险品标示图所示的任何一种物品?Please go over to that counter to have this box properly packed because the packing is not adequate. 这个箱子包装不符合要求,请您到那边柜台打个包。The handle of the suitcase is broken. Please sign this Li

47、mited Release Tag.您的箱子把手有破损。请在行李免责牌上签名。Your luggage is made of metal. It might damage the conveyor belt. Please check it at the Oversized Baggage Counter.您的行李是金属质地的,可能会损坏传送带,请到大件柜台去办一下托运。If your luggage is oversized or irregular, please go to the Oversized Baggage Counter over there.大件行李、不规则行李请您到那边的

48、大件行李托运处托运。Where is your final destination? 您的最终目的地是哪里?Please show me your onward ticket. 请出示您的续程机票。Do you want to check your luggage to the final destination or to your first stop? 您是要将您的托运行李托运到您的目的地还是您的第一站?Because a customs check is required, you must claim your luggage in Beijing yourself and chec

49、k it again for your onward destination.由于海关检查,您需要在北京自行提取行李,重新办理托运手续到您的目的地。For the air routes between China and North America, a passenger is allowed two pieces of free checked baggage. 在中国与北美之间的航线上,一位乘客可以免费托运两件行李。Your luggage exceeds the weight limit of five kilograms. Please go to counter H1 and pa

50、y for the excess weight limit fee. 您的托运行李超重了5公斤,请您到H1号柜台交付超重费。Miss, please come back and take your boarding pass after paying for the excess weight. 小姐,请交完行李逾重费后回来领取您的登机牌。The excess baggage charge per kilogram is 1.5% of the highest normal direct adult one-way economy fare. 逾重行李的费率按直达单程成人正常经济舱票价的1.5

51、%计算。Im very sorry but we cannot accept credit cards here. .对不起,我们不接受信用卡。If you want to upgrade to either First or Business Class, you should pay RMB800 for the difference. 如果您要升级至头等/公务舱,您需要支付800元的差价。Do you have any carry-on luggage? 您有随身携带行李吗?Liquor, oil and honey cannot be carried on board. Please

52、check them in. 您的酒(油、蜂蜜)必须托运,不能随身携带。The size of your carry-on luggage is too large/heavy to carry on the aircraft.这件手提行李超过了规定尺寸/重量,所以不能带入客舱内。Here are your passport / identity card, ticket, boarding pass and baggage tags. 这是给您的护照/身份证、机票、登机牌和行李牌。Please go straight ahead and then turn right. Please boa

53、rd the aircraft after you pass the immigration and security check.请向前方(右转)通过边检、安检后登机。Youd better go to that counter first to make your customs declaration. It is very useful for you when you come back. 您最好到那个柜台办理海关申报。您回国时对您很有用。Well take good care of your child / We will seat your child in a forward

54、area so that our flight attendants will take care of her/him on the trip.我们会照顾好您的小孩/我们会把您的孩子安排在前排的座位上,在途中乘务人员会照顾她/他。Please fill in the UM form / Customs Declaration Card/Immigration Card.请您填写这张无人陪伴儿童表格/海关申报单/出(入)境卡。Would you please stand back a little? Please queue up. 请向后退一下。请排队。Who is your tour gu

55、ide/leader? 谁是您们的导游(领队)?How many passengers are there in your group? Please confirm the total number of luggage pieces in your group. 您的团里有多少人?请确认您团里行李总数。Your reservation is not confirmed in the system. 您的机票在电脑里没有确认。Your reservation is already in the standby list. 您的订位已经在候补名单里了。You can get the refun

56、d at the issued place or the local ticketing office authorized by China Southern Airlines. 您可以在原购票地点或经南航授权的当地南航售票处办理退票。I am sorry to tell you that your flight has been closed. 很遗憾,您乘坐的航班已经停止办理乘机手续了。I am very sorry to tell you that we cannot offer you a seat in Business Class because of a change in a

57、ircraft. 对不起,由于您今天的航班更改了机型,我们将无法给您提供头等舱座位。We regret that your flight has been canceled. But we will rebook the first available flight for you. 非常抱歉,您所乘坐的航班取消了。但是我们会做出相应的安排/为您改订最早的下一个航班。China Southern Airlines is not responsible for compensation if the delay is due to severe weather conditions. 由于天气原

58、因引起的航班延误,航空公司不承担赔偿责任。We are waiting for the weather to improve. Well keep you informed. / We dont have any further information about the flight我们正在等待天气好转。我们将随时通知您。/我们还没有得到有关于航班进一步的消息。Usually, most of the delayed luggage will arrive on the following flight. 根据我们的经验,大部分行李会搭乘下一航班到达。We are sorry to info

59、rm you that due to mechanical reasons, your flight will be delayed until 22:30。 我们抱歉的通知您,您的航班由于出现机械故障延误到22:30。Please go to the baggage claim area to get your luggage. 请到行李认领区去领取行李。Please take some food and drinks with your boarding-pass in the Irregular Flight counter. 请您凭登机牌到航班不正常柜台领取饮料和餐食。Your fli

60、ght does not check-in here .Please go to the Check-in Counter G to inquire the manager on duty. 您的航班不在这里办理登机手续。请您到G岛问一问值机经理。、贵宾休息室服务英语50句You are flying Economy/Business/First Class, arent you? 您坐经济舱/公务舱/头等舱,对吗?Would you please follow me and go to the First and Business Class lounge? 请您随我到头等舱商务舱休息室休息


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