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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他 答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.第一部分(共20小题,每小题L 5分,满分30分)How come? I cant

2、find my key. I just left it it had been.A. whereB. whichC. when D. howBob made a promise to the manager the work would all be finished on time.A. thatB. whatC. which D. whetherI could not my tears when I saw the picture of my father working at the quake zone.A. bring InB. turn upC. take offD. hold b

3、ack- Dad, have you seen my Christmas card?-you painted last night? Im afraid I havent seenA. One ; oneB. The one ; itC. One ; it D. The one ; thatCongratulations! I hear youve won the first prize in the singing competition4 -You be mistaken. Im in thedance class.A. must B. may C. should D. couldonli

4、ne payment is safe, people will be more likely to link their bank cards to WeChat.A. Even though B. As thoughC. Ever since D. As long asMr Johnson, I have something I would like to trouble you with._, Just tell me what I can do.A. You have my word B. Don*t give me thatC. You can say that again D. Do

5、nt stand on ceremonyThe incident turned him into different person, even if he did not realize it at beginning.A. a; a B. the; the C. the; a D. a; theFor many days I have been trying to what it is that makes Jack so annoyed.A. carry outB. figure outC. watch outD. stand outAccording to the school rule

6、, no child be allowed out of the school, unless accompanied by his or herown parents.A. shouldB. mustC. shall D. canIfs for people to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life.A. reasonableB. availableC. accurate D. cautiousThats the third time youve done that!Yeah,?A. w

7、hat of it B. what飞 onC. what about D. what for“Cell phone is a American usage9 but British speakers always use “mobilephone”.A. normal B. common C. formal D. usual-The prices of vegetables are going up madly. Ifs really too much for us.-But for the situation where many vegetable producing areas cons

8、tant low temperature, things would not be likethis.A. meet withB. have met withC. met with D. had met withchallenges in Chinas car-sharing economy, shared mobility still has a promising future.A. DespiteB. BesidesC. Concerning D. RegardingSome pre-school children go to a day care center,they learn s

9、imple games and songs.A. then B. thereC. while D. whereWhy are you so upset?I had my computer repaired yesterday, but it work again.A. doesntB. didntC. wont D. wouldntNot until the bus disappeared in the distance her school bag was gone.A. Tina had foundB. had Tina foundC. did Tina find D. Tina foun

10、dPrivate cars will be required to stay off roads one out of five weekdays the traffic pressure.A. to reduce B. reducing C. reduced D. reduceWe were scared to death when the fire. Fortunately, it was put out before it caused much damage.A. broke outB. came outC. gave out D. turned out第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅

11、读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(6 分)Instructor Tip Sheet #1Thank you for your interest in sharing your passion, enthusiasm and love of lifelong with Edina Community Education! We look forward to partnering with you to enrich lives and strengthen our community.This series of sheet is designed provid

12、e some of the best strategies to help us deliver our program mission better. We hope that they also help you learn and grow as a lifelong learner and instructor.This sheet will discuss how to write good itles. Please feel free to use them for your course descriptions.Your title is critical. Ifs your

13、 main opportunity to attract your reader attention and generate interest in reading further.Good IdeasExamplesMake it interactiveEverything You Always Wanted to Ask Your DentistMake it personalYou Ttibe and Your Business: What You Need to KnowUse humorYou Genes Do Fit Just for the Halibut (大比目鱼)Keep

14、 titles simple and positiveSimple Winter SoupsUse numbers in the titleTen Ways to Turn Out Terrific KidsEmphasize curiosity, fun,No Bones about It: Discover The Skeleton in Yourdiscovery, unique ideasCloset407、Which of the following titles uses titles the humor strategy?A.It*s Magic!B.Clean up Your

15、Man CaveC.Live Better on LessD.What*s Your Home Longingto Tell You?1、 This tip sheet is intended to .A.write belter course descriptionsB.make instructors life colorfulC.support the community programsD.promote effective learnin22. (8 分) Student photographer Madeline Morales has had experiences most 1

16、5 year-olds have not. At the age of 15, she developed cancer and had to go through chemotherapy(化疗).But today will be a unique kind of experience-something most people will never have. It makes me feel excited, a little bit nervous,said Morales, whose photos were on display at a gallery show in Los

17、Angeles. These images reflect her journey while battling cancer.She tried to look at things with a lot of light, a lot of what draws her to positivity and something that means love or happiness. think photography has really helped me a lot to stay positive and be motivated to keep fighting this dise

18、ase.Morales is one of 23 students sharing their experiences with cancer through photos at this gallery. They are graduates of the PABLOVE foundations SHUTTERBUGS advanced photography class. The foundation aims to improve the lives of children living with the disease through its photography program.

19、It also provides money for underfunded cancer research. Incomes from sales of these prints will go toward cancer research programs.The PABLOVE program offers classes in eight cities across the United States. Being in these classes with other people who understand their experience has been really ben

20、eficial, and it has really made them feel a lot more comfortable in what theyve been through,M said Ashley Blakeney, program manager of PABLOVE SHUTTERBUBS. She said the photography classes give students living with cancer a sense of community at a time when they often feel isolated in their experie

21、nce.With photography many young students gain an identity that is not controlled by cancer. “There飞 more to us than just having cancer. We want people to see what we see even if ifs through the (镜头)says Luckman who was diagnosed with cancer when he was 10 years old. “Photography has given me a small

22、 chance to actually assist in the world a bit. Id love to express my story and allow it to hopefully reach other kids so they can understand how to deal with it hopefully.1、Which of the following is true of Madeline Morals?She has suffered from cancer for 15 years.She has had a full recovery from ca

23、ncer.She has a positive attitude towards life.She uses her photos to record her suffering.2、The PABLOVE Foundation was created specially for.A. homeless peopleB. photography-loversC. researcher on cancerD. children with cancer3、What is the main idea of Paragraph 4?A. The popularity of the program.B

24、The great significance of this program.The contributions of Ashley.The future plan of the program.4、The underlined word “isolated can be best replaced by.A. lonelyB. painfulgratefulD. positive5、According to Lukman, how can photography class benefit children with cancer?A. By giving them an identity

25、card.B By offering a chance to help others.C. By getting their cancer cured.By offering a way to make money.(8 分)To make room for agriculture, trees and other plants are often cleared away so that farmers have space to grow crops. The clearing of forests forces many animals from their homes. They of

26、ten flee the area in search of a new place to live. There is a big downside to that. Some of those animals are natural predators. They control pest populations. They can help to clear the fields of rats, mice, and other rodents that eat and damage crops.This happened at one small farming village in

27、Indonesia. After land was cleared for farming, rats and mice began appearing in large numbers. Villagers tried to target the animals by smoking them out and hunting them. But the villagers were unsuccessful.one farmer decided to try another method- a natural one.Pujo Arto brought owls to his farm. O

28、wls, after all, are experts at hunting rodents. It is what they do. And it worked! However, Pujo Arto didnt stop with his own field. He set up a Natural Predator Program. Now, owls are busy catching rats and mice in the fields around the village of Tlogoweru. There is a huge upside: no need for chem

29、ical pesticides which can harm not only rodents, but other creatures.In 2011, the Indonesian man began setting up boxes where the owls live. He is also raising owlets in the village. After about four months, the young birds are released. These facilities have raised more than owls. They have also ra

30、ised awareness in the community about the importance of owls. They raised awareness within their community by building homes for those owls. At the same time, government officials helped to create laws to protect those owls.In addition to controlling pests naturally, there is another upside to the p

31、rogram. His village is now a popular stop for eco-tourists. People interested in learning more about owls, wildlife protection and natural pest control come to his village to learn more.1、Why did the owls get away from the land around the village?A. There was no food to eat.There were too many rats

32、and mice.They were smoked away.They had no place to live.2、Natural Predator Program is.to use owls to catch the crop-damaging rodentsto attract eco-tourists to the villageto raise awareness of protecting foreststo control pests by using chemical pesticides3、Which of the following is the right order

33、according to the passage?introducing owlspests being controlled naturally c. rodents appearing in large numbers.d. clearing forestsabedbedadcabdabc4、What is the main idea of the passage?The importance of protecting owls.Indonesian village uses owls to protect crops.The advantages of using natural pr

34、edators in agriculture.The governmenfs role in using owls to control pests.24.(8 分)Microsoft has developed a new smartphone app that interprets eye signals and translates them into letters, allowing people with motor neurone disease to communicate with others from a phone.The GazeSpeak app combines

35、a smartphones camera with artificial intelligence to recognize eye movements in real time and convert them into letters, words and sentences. For people suffering from ALS (渐冻症),also known as motor neurone disease, eye movement can be the only way they are able to communicate.“Current eye-tracking i

36、nput systems for people with ALS or other motor impairments are expensive, not robust under sunlight, and require frequent re-calibration and substantial, relatively immobile setups,M said Xiaoyi Zhang, a researcher at Microsoft who developed the technology.“To mitigate the drawbacks.we created Gaze

37、Speak, an eye-gesture communication system that runs on a smartphone, and is designed to be low-cost, robust, portable and easy to learn.The app is used by the listener by pointing their smartphone at the speaker. A chart that can be stuck to the back of the smartphone is then used by the speaker to

38、 determine which eye movements to make in order to communicate.The sticker shows four grids of letters, which each correspond to a different eye movement. By looking up, down, left or right, the speaker selects which grids the letters they want belong to. The artificial intelligence algorithm is the

39、n able to predict the word or sentence they are trying to say.Zhangs research, Smartphone-Based Gaze Gesture Communication for People with Motor Disabilities, is set to be presented at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in May.1、What should people with motor neurone disease do when

40、 they communicate with other people?They need speak to the smartphone loudly.They have to predict the sentence they are trying to say.They need choose a grid on the back of the smartphone with eye movements.They should work out the artificial intelligence algorithm in the smartphone.2、How does the G

41、aza Speak app work?The GazaSpeak app can hear what the speakers say.The GazaSpeak app can convey speakers movements to the listeners9 smartphone.The camera in the phone can record speakers9 gestures and predict what they want to say.The artificial intelligent camera in the phone can recognize eye si

42、gnals and translate them into words and sentences. 3、Which of the following statement is true ?DazaSpeak is designed for blind people.GazaSpeak is low-cost, robust, portable and easy to learn.Current eye-tracking input systems dont need any re-calibration and setups.Smartphones with GazaSpeak app ha

43、ve been popular among people with Motor Diseases25. (10 分) It is obvious that all of our childhood memories are not accidental. When you are a child, every scent, every sound, every move, every toy, the first day of school, the first kiss, the first step. . Everything together makes what is the pers

44、onality of a man. All these are pieces of one whole entity.I was about 6 years old. My moms best friend left to another town and asked my mom to stay at her place with me for two days in order to look after her two sons. One was a little older than I was. and the second boy appeared to be super grow

45、n-up, for he was already fourteen. I always enjoyed staying at their place.I remember the second day we were supposed to have the come-back party for my moms friend at her place. I woke up. Mom went to work and reminded me to be nice and clean by the time she came back. I stayed with Tony, the older

46、 of the boys and suddenly somebody called him and though he was not permitted to leave me alone-he left. He said it would not be long. But it took him forever. I realized that I was alone. I could not come out of the house, so I opened the window. I was so desperate. So lonely. So betrayed. At that

47、moment I pulled the curtain so strongly that I fell on the floor. And there I was standing-one little criminal-desperate to escape and knowing that I would be punished for destroying the curtain that was not even ours.But then something changed. I stopped weeping. I looked around and realized that I

48、 was in a safe place, and that mom would come back and kiss me no matter what I had done.This was a moment of pure happiness, not the happiness of getting a new toy or a dog, or going to the party of your best friend. It was the moment of clarity for me-the first time in my life when I realized that

49、 I was happy to have my mom and that I was safe. My eyes saw the world in different shades that moment. And by the way-I was not punished for the curtain. I fell asleep on my moms knees.1、What is the best title for this passage?An Unforgettable PartyA Childhood MemoryA Happy Day in My Moms Best Frie

50、nd*s HomeThe Rules You Should Follow2、What best describes the authors feelings toward childhood memories?Childhood memories are easy to forget.They make what is the personality of a man.Good memories are always much easier for us to remember.Childhood memories are always strange and incomprehensible

51、.3、What happened to the author when he was 6 years old?His family moved to another apartment.He always fought with moms friends children for toys.He was punished by his mom for destroying her friends curtain.He was locked inside a house and failed to get out by the window.4、In the last paragraph, th

52、e word H It M refers to.the moment he received a present from his momthe time he spent in moms friends homethe moment he realized his moms loveD. the time he destroyed the curtain 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、 C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.(30 分)A gentle breeze blew through Jennif

53、ers hair. The golden red sun was 1, She was on the beach,looking up at the fiery ball. She was 2 by its color, deep red in the middle, softly fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the waves and the seagulls 3 up above in the sky.The atmosphere 4 her. After all she had been through, this was

54、 what she needed. Its getting 5 J she thought, MI must go home. My parents will be6where I am. She wondered how her parents would 7,when she got home after the three days she wasX.She kept on walking, 9 herself to the bungalow where shespent every summer holiday. The road was deserted. She walked sl

55、owly and 10, Just in a few hundred meters shewould be safe in her house.It was really getting dark now. The sun had set a few minutes before and it was getting cold too. She wished she 11 her favorite sweater on-it kept her really warm. She imagined having it 12her. This thought disappearedwhen she

56、finally saw her front door. It seemed 13, The outside garden seemed14. She was shocked: herfather was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy.She entered the house. First, she went into the kitchen where she saw a 15 written by her father. It said: MEllen, there is some coffee 16.1

57、 went looking.n Ellen was her mother butwhere was she? She entered herparenfs home. Then she saw her. Her mother, lying on the bed, 17 .Jennifer would have wanted to wake her up but she looked too tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep beside her. When Jennifer 18, something was different. Shewas in he

58、r cozy bed in her pajamas.It felt so good being back home. 19 she heard a voice, MAre you feeling better now? You know you got usvery, very 201、A. disappearingB.settingC. risingD.shining2、A. amazedB.excitedC. disappointedD.frightened3、 A. movingB.flyingC. steppingD.flowing4、A. surprisedB.confusedC.

59、relaxedD.exhausted5、A. earlyB.coldC. warmD.late6、A. wonderingB.knowingC. ignoringD.finding7、A. sayB.takeC. likeD.react8、A. workingB.missingC. spendingD.traveling9、 A. pointingB.enjoyingC. directingD.teaching10、A. easilyB.silentlyC. happilyD.willingly11、A. believedB.wishedC. guessedD.judged12、A. with

60、B.forC. atD. in13、A. sameB.familiarC. difHcultD. different14 A. crowdedB.tidyC. desertedD. clean15、A. textB.letterC. noteD. sentence16、A. readyB.goneC. presentD. available17、A. criedB.laughedC. coughedD. slept18、A. woke upB.stayed upC. broke upD. held up19、A. FortunatelyB.SimilarlyC. SuddenlyD. Cons


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