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1、 SafetyUnit 3 Staying Safe in an EarthquakeLesson 17 课文呈现知识讲解Lesson 17 Staying Safe in an Earthquake课堂导入课文1课堂小结课后作业课堂练习词汇听写冀教版初三英语上册 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!冀教版初三英语上册What should you do when an earthquake happens?冀教版初三英语上册THINK ABOUT IT Have you ever experienced an earthquake? When

2、 and where?What is the first thing you should do when an earthquake ?Earthquakes are terrible.冀教版初三英语上册 Earthquakes usually come without warning .What should you do if this happens to you?Stay calm as the earth begins to shake and move. An earthquake is dangerous,but there are things you can do to p

3、rotect yourself. If you are inside when the earthquake starts,get under a table or a bed. You need to have something strong around you to protect you from falling objects. Do not stand near walls or windows and stay out of the kitchen. 冀教版初三英语上册The kitchen is dangerous because there are so many glas

4、s objects. Also,never get into a lift during an earthquake. If you are outside,get to an open area as fast as you can. Stay away from buildings and trees. If you are in a car,pull over to a place where there are no trees or tall buildings and stay in the car. If you are close to the sea,try to get a

5、s far away from the water as possible. Earthquakes can cause huge waves that can really harm the people nearby.冀教版初三英语上册 When the earthquake is over,there is still plenty of danger. If you see a fire,quickly move outdoors to an open area. Keep an eye out for things that can fall on you. If you have

6、a phone,use it only once to call your family or a friend. Too many calls will bring down the phone system. Your chances of survival in an earthquake go up if you stay calm. Staying calm is not easy,but it can save your life.冀教版初三英语上册Learning Tip An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground. It ha

7、ppens because there is movement in the earths crust.冀教版初三英语上册讲解来自点拨知识点1 warn/wn/ v.警告;提醒eg:I tried to warn him, but he wouldnt listen. 我设法提醒过他,可他不听。考向一warn sb. of sth.警告某人某事eg:I must warn you of your wrong decision again. 对于你的错误决定我必须再一次警告你。冀教版初三英语上册warn sb.(not)to do sth. 告诫某人(不要)做某事eg:He warned her

8、 to keep away from the dog. 他告诫她离那条狗远点儿。讲解来自点拨考向二考向三warn sb. against doing sth. 告诫某人不要做某事eg:I warned him against smoking, but he wouldnt listen. 我告诫他不要吸烟,可他不听。冀教版初三英语上册典例【点拨】 warn sb.not to do sth.警告/提醒某人不要做某事。The sign warns me _ in this river.AswimBswimmingCnot to swim Dnot swimmingC讲解来自点拨冀教版初三英语上册

9、讲解来自点拨知识点2protect/prtekt/ v. 保护;保卫eg:It is my duty to protect my sister. 保护我的妹妹是我的责任。考向一protect sb./sth. 保护某人/某物eg:These soldiers will protect our country. 这些士兵会保卫我们的国家冀教版初三英语上册protect sb./sth. from/against sth.保护某人/某物不受到某物的损害eg:We wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun. 我们戴太阳镜以防阳光伤害我们的眼睛。

10、讲解来自点拨考向二冀教版初三英语上册讲解来自点拨知识点3寻找中心句法 此句为全段的中心句,在本段中起到了引领全段的作用,我们在写作的时候,段落中心句可以放在句首,也可以放在句末。冀教版初三英语上册讲解来自点拨知识点4pull over 靠边停车eg:The police ordered him to pull over. 警察命令他靠边停车。拓展与pull相关的短语: pull down 拆毁eg:The cinema she used to visit has been pulled down. 她过去常去的那家电影院已经被拆除了。pull out 驶出;离开eg:She pulled ou

11、t into the street. 她开车来到大街上。讲解来自点拨讲解来自点拨知识点5close to 靠近;接近eg:The church is close to the school. 教堂在学校附近。考向一 close to 后接人称代词时,需用人称代词的宾格。eg:She is close to me. 她紧挨着我。close 作形容词时,和be动词连用;作副词时,用来修饰动词。eg:His house is close to the factory. 他家靠近工厂。 They live close to the museum. 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。讲解来自点拨考向二讲解来自点

12、拨魔法记忆close常和to连用,意为“接近;靠近”,指距离、场所、地点等“接近”。She lives close to our school. 她住在我们学校附近。closely 指抽象意义上的“接近”,有“仔细地,严密地”的含义。He is looking at the bill closely. 他正仔细地看着账单。close 和closely的辨析拓展典例【点拨】由第一个空格后的to可知应填close;由后半句句意“他们很感兴趣地认真听讲”可知用closely。所以选C项。The kids seated themselves _ to the teacher and listened

13、_ with great interest.Aclosely;close Bclosely;closelyCclose;closely Dclose;closeC讲解来自点拨讲解来自点拨知识点6keep an eye out for 注意;警惕eg:Its always best to keep an eye out for your pet. 多注意你的宠物总是最好的。 讲解来自点拨keep an eye out for(look out for)注意;留心;警惕When you buy something,you must keep an eye out for fake products

14、.当你买东西时,一定要留意假货。keep an eye on(look after)照看;注视Can you keep an eye on my children for a while?你能照看一会我的孩子们吗?keep an eye out for 和 keep an eye on的辨析考向讲解来自点拨知识点7chance/tns/ n. 机会;可能性eg:I dont get many chances to talk to her recently. 近来我不太有机会与她交谈。考向一【重点】 chance 表示“机会”时,是可数名词,要表示做某事的机会,其后可接“to do sth.或o

15、f doing sth.”;若表示做某事对某人来说是一次机会,其后可接“for sb. to do sth.”。eg:I never miss a chance to play/of playing football. 我从不错过踢足球的机会。 Its a good chance for you to meet. 这是你们见面的好机会。讲解来自点拨考向二【易错点】 chance 作“希望;可能性”讲时,要表示做某事的可能性,通常后接“of sth./doing sth.或that 引导的同位语从句”。eg:We have a good chance of winning the game. 我

16、们很可能赢得这场比赛。魔法记忆讲解来自点拨There is still a chance that you will pass the exam.你通过考试还是有希望的。典例 The people who are more confident have more _ to make themselves successful.(山东德州) Aeducation BchancesCpride Dexcuses【点拨】education “教育”;chance“机会”;pride“自豪”;excuse “借口”。句意:更自信的人会有更多的机会让他们自己成功。故选B项。B常见短语:by chance

17、 偶然,碰巧。use it once to call your family or a friend. get as far away fromthe water as possible.get under a table or a bed.move outdoors to an open area.pull over to a place where there are no trees or tall buildings.1)Read the lesson and match the sentences1If you are inside, 2If you are in a car, 3I

18、f you are near the sea,4If you have a phone,5If there is fire,Lets Do It !InsideDos_a table or a bed.Donts_near walls or windows._the kitchen.Never _a lift.2)How can you stay safe in an earthquake? Complete the chart.Get underDont standStay out ofget intoLets Do It !OutsideAfter the earthquakeDos_an

19、 open area as fast as you can._to a safe place if you are in a car._to an open area if you see a fire._things that can fall on you.Donts_from the buildings and trees._from the water if you are close to the sea._your phone more than once. Get toPull overStay awayTry to get far awayMove outdoorsKeep a

20、n eye out forDont use 3)Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.1When there is an emergency,it is important to_2The volunteers make great efforts to_ the animals _going extinct.3 He had to _ because he was so tired after three hours of driving.4The sign said:_for falling rocks.Keep an eye out

21、stay calmprotect pull overpull overstay calmprotectfrom keep an eye outLets Do It ! from4)Work in pairs. What can you do to help after an earthquake? Discuss your ideas.Example:We can donate some money to help people rebuild their homes.We can help people by offering some psychological treatment.Let

22、s Do It !魔法记忆We can provide some food to help people solve eating problems.If you are healthy, you can donate blood. Because many people may injure in an earthquake. 本节课主要学习了以下重点内容:(1)重点单词:warn, protect, chance等。(2)重点短语:pull over, close to, keep an eye out for等。一、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词1The town was destroye

23、d by the e 2His paintings are about ordinary o 3Please pull o 4His suggestion is that we should stay c 5We had never e this kind of holiday before and had no idea what to expect. arthquake bjects ver alm 来自点拨训练 xperienced 二、单项选择6(中考潍坊)If it _ rain tomorrow, well go hiking. Awont Bdoesnt Cdont Ddidnt7(中考重庆B)There _ more and more foreigners learning Chinese now. Ais Bare Cwas Dwere8(中考黄冈)What are the rules at your school? Dont run in the hallways and _ arrive late for class. Anot to Bwont Cdont DnoB B C来自点拨训练9You must put


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