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1、1Chapter 14 Business Aspects and Professional Responsibilities企业面向与专业责任2开始您的事业Starting Your Business考虑写出你的目标 Consider writing your Mission Statement:1. 我的目的是什么?What is my purpose?2. 我想让我的未来变成什么样子?What do I want my future to look like?3. 怎样通过每一天的努力来实现我的目标? How am I going to fulfill my purpose on a da

2、ily basis?4. 什么对于我来说非常重要,随着任务目标的接近,我该怎么做? What is truly important to me and how will I act as I go about my mission? 5.为了达到计划目的、任务,我承诺 In order to fulfill my purpose, vision, and mission, I commit to . . . . 3开始您的事业Starting Your Business创立咨询董事会 Create an Advisory Board- Attorney律师 - Accountant 会计- R

3、egistered Dietitian - Cardiologist 营养学家 心脏病学家- Chiropractor按摩师 - Orthopedist整形外科医生- OB/GYN - Physical Therapist临床医疗师- Exercise Physiologist - Massage Therapist 运动生理学家 按摩治疗师- Professor specializing in Exercise Science 运动科学专家决定在哪里进行培训 Decide where youll train- Commercial fitness facility 商业健身场所 - Corp

4、orate fitness facility 合作俱乐部- Hospital-based facility 医疗中心 - In clients homes or offices在客户家中或办公室- In your own gym or home 在自己的健身中心/家里4规划业务计划 Formulating a Business Plan1. Identify the Personal Fitness Trainer needs of your community. Determine your target market. 考察您所在社区对私人教练的需求,确定目标市场2. Develop yo

5、ur plan specific to your area of focus. 针对特定重点目标发展业务计划 。3. Implement your plan. 执行您的计划4. Evaluate your success (e.g. after one year). 评估您的成果 (例如,一年后进行评估)5Marketing and Promoting Your Business 营销及推广您的事业Develop your marketing materials:发展市场推广材料- business cards 名片- stationery 信纸- resume 履历- logo 标志- ad

6、vertising brochure 宣传手册* Identify your typical clients needs andhow you can help 确定你的特定客户 的需要,以及你能提 供的帮助6Attracting your Target Market吸引目标市场与按摩师,营养专家,饮食专家, 精神理疗师,专业护士等社会人士进行联系 Network with massage therapists,dietitians, nutritionists, socialworkers, psychotherapists,registered nurses, etc.与运动器材商店联系合

7、作 Network with equipment stores.为地区商业组织或机构代言 Speak for local organizations.在地区报纸、广播发表健身文章/信息 Write fitness and health promotion articles for local newspapers; have a radio fitness message.制作传单,说明你公司的强势 Create a press release of your companys strengths.口头传达;对某些可见服务行业的人士有免费条款优惠,例如:理发师,宾馆保安等,以达到推广 Use

8、word of mouth; offer free sessions to other visible professionals such as hairdressers and hotel concierges in exchange for referrals.给现有的客户附带证书礼品。Offer gift certificates to existing clients for their friends.建立自己的网站,进行宣传Establish a Web page; direct mail your flyers.关注慈善事业 e involved in charity even

9、ts. Ch. 14 5/20077Establish your Business Policies建立企业政策确定收费标准,如果要求客户提前对一定数目的课程付款,做好记账文档工作 Decide how much youll charge and if youll require clients to pay in advance for a certain number of sessions. Create a billing document for clients to sign.确定针对缺席,迟到,以及课程取消的相关规定 Establish no-show, late, and ca

10、ncellation policies.制定参加课程计划的政策。AFAA建议参考ACSM指导方针,寻求健康检查和体适能评估的建议 Establish policies for entry into your training program. AFAA mends that you adhere to ACSM guidelines for Health Screening and Fitness Assessment.8管理及扩展您的事业Managing and Expanding Your Business作为雇主所要求的技巧与能力 e an employer.New skills req

11、uired: 招生,面试,雇佣,处理矛盾, 委任,激励,建立公平的公司 薪水,福利和发展机会 recruiting, interviewing, hiring, managing conflict,delegating, motivating, establishing fair wages, benefits, possibilities for advancement, etc.产品销售 Sell products继续教育,与特殊的客户一起运动 Continue your education; work with specialty clients健康辅导/生活方式辅导 Wellness

12、coaching/ lifestyle coaching9Legal Considerations (Cont.)法律层面考虑Are you an employee? 你是受雇员工 ?- must adhere to employers standards and methods 必须遵守雇员标准和办法- usually paid by the hour, not by the job 通常是按小时获得报酬,而不是工作.- usually hired for months or years 通常雇佣时间是几个月或几年- sometimes trained by employer 有时候被顾主培

13、训- generally provides services exclusively to employer 通常只针对顾主提供服务- provides work necessary to employers business 对顾主的生意提供必须的工作- may receive benefits (e.g. health insurance, paid vacations) 可能获得的福利(如:健康保险,带薪的假期)- has his or her taxes deducted 扣除税金Or an independent contractor?独立契约商 - more likely to s

14、et own hours and work agendas 更倾向于指定自己的时间和工作日程- pays for own benefits (e.g. health insurance, vacations) 自己支付福利(如健康保险,假期)- often receives single payment for a specific job 经常获得针对专门工作的单独报酬- often provides own equipment and services to several businesses 自己提供设备和服务- is responsible for his or her own ta

15、xes 自己支付税金10企业组织型式 Business Entities股份公司Corporation: 独立存在的法律实体,可以由有所有者,股东,雇员等各自出资组成,在牵扯到法律问题时能够更好的保护自己的财产 Corporation: a legal and distinct entity, having an independent existence separate of any owners, shareholders, or employees. Easier for you to protect your assets in the event of a lawsuit.合伙关系

16、:由两个或更多的个体共同所有的形式。 Partnership: a business owned by two or more individuals.3. 独资企业:属一个人所有,个人享有所有收益,对公司所有债务、商业问题,由一个人负责Sole Proprietorship: owned and operated by one person who is solely responsible for all debts, business issues, and liabilities. This individual also receives all profits.11风险管理Risk

17、 Management以下列方式进行商业管理,以减小起诉风险。 Refers to managing yourself and your business in such a way as to reduce your risk of being sued.行业标准:必须以AFAA,ACSM,ACE,NSCA, IHRSA, 和 AHA等一般的行业标准来提供自己的服务 Standard of Care: you must provide your services according to the industry-wide standard of care, adhering to stan

18、dards established by AFAA, ACSM, ACE, NSCA, IHRSA, and AHA.疏忽:没有以行业内的通用标准来执行自己的商业行为,例如:没有提供恰当的辅助和监督,或者使客户做一些危险动作。Negligence: failure to conform your conduct to a generally accepted standard of care (e.g. not providing proper spotting or supervision, or having a client perform a dangerous exercise).要

19、客户签署同意书,免责书 Have clients sign Informed Consent Forms, Releases and Waivers of Liability.执行正确的专业责任保险Carry appropriate professional liability insurance.12风险管理的其他建议Other Suggestions for Managing Your Risk:定期更新客户的病例 Regularly update clients medical history forms.每件事情都做好备案Document everything.时刻都保持有相关的证明文

20、书 e and stay certified.始终保持最新的ACSM指导方针 Stay up-to-date and follow testing guidelines outlined by ACSM.始终保持你的指导与主要机构(如ACSM,AFAA)的指导方针一致Keep your instruction consistent with guidelines outlined by major organizations (ACSM, AFAA, etc.).确保客户的计划有利于其身体健康 Be sure clients programs are appropriate for their health/fitness status.做好紧急事件准备Plan for emergencies.在工作范围内作业 Stay within your scope of practice.牢记你的最终责任是保证你的客户的安全和健康 Recognize that your ultimate responsibility is the safety of your clients.13执业范围


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