



1、,CLIMAX,ANDhelatenineteenthcentury,ecologybegantoo an independentfrom its roots in natural history and plant geography. The emphasis of this community ecology was consisting of different the ition and structure of he early,CLIMAX,ANDhelatenineteenthcentury,ecologybegantoo an independentfrom its root

2、s in natural history and plant geography. The emphasis of this community ecology was consisting of different the ition and structure of he early twentieth century, the American Frederic Clements after a ed uch as t a of plant communities would volcanic eruption, heavy flood, or forest fire. abandone

3、d field, for (plants withlittleor nowoodywill be invaded sively by herbaceous e), shrubs,and trees, inga Light-lovingspecies are always among invaders, while shade-tolerant appearhe .在 19 离出来成为一门独立的学科。这种新的概念“群落生态”的群落中的组成和结构。在 20 植物群落会在一个大变动(比如火山爆发、泥石流或者森林大火)演变。比如一块废弃的土地,就会接连受到草类植物(结构的植物)Clements and

4、 other early ecologists saw almost lawlike he order , s not been substantiated. Ageneral trend can be recognized, the details are usually unpredictable. is influenced by many factors: nature of the soil, ure to sun wind, regularity of ion, colonizations, andmanyother random 预见。演变受很影响:土壤状况和曝风,降水规律,意外

5、殖民The final stage of a , called the by Clements and early ition. There is usually mature community. ecologists, is likewise not predictable or of预见。演变受很影响:土壤状况和曝风,降水规律,意外殖民The final stage of a , called the by Clements and early ition. There is usually mature community. ecologists, is likewise not pr

6、edictable or of uniform good deal of turnover in species ition, even in nature of the climax is influenced by the same t influenced .Nevertheless, mature natural environments are usually in equilibrium. They relativelylittlethroughtimeunlesstheenvironmentitself成For Clements, the climax was a anism”,

7、 anic entity. Even authors who accepted the climax concept rejected Clements characterization of it as anism, and it a misleading metaphor. An ant colony may anism because its communication system is so y called a t the colony always works as a whole and y according to . But there is no evidence for

8、 such eracting network in a climax plant formation. Many authors prefer the term tion thetermcommunityinordertostresstheloosenessof来讲,顶级群落是一个“超级有机体”相比“群落”,很多作者更喜欢用“联系”Even less fortunate was the of this type of thinking to include as well as plants. This he biome, a combination of coexisting flora f

9、auna. Though it is t many animals are 相比“群落”,很多作者更喜欢用“联系”Even less fortunate was the of this type of thinking to include as well as plants. This he biome, a combination of coexisting flora fauna. Though it is t many animals are strictly ted with certain plants, is misleading to speak of a spruce-moo

10、se biome, for le, because there is ernal to their tion as in anism. The spruce community is substantially affected by either the presence or absence of , there vast areas of spruce forest without moose. The ition to the Clementsian of plant ecology was initiated by Herbert Gleason, soon joined by va

11、rious ecologists. Their major t the distribution of a given species controlled by the requirements t species t therefore the typeswereasimpleconsequenceoftheecologiesofindividualplant概念物紧密联系,但诸如“云杉麋鹿生态系统”With climax, biome, anism, and various other technical terms the tion of animals and plants at a

12、 given locality being criticized, the ecosystem was more and more widely adopted for the whole system of assoanisms together with the physical factors of their environment. Eventually, the energy-transforming role of such a system was emphasized. Ecosystems thus involve the circulation, transformati

13、on, and accumulation of energy and matter through medium of living things and their activities. The ecologist is concerned primarily ties of matter and t pass through a given ecosystem, and with ratesatwhich theydo 的专业术语都被批评,但“生态系统”Although the ties of matter and t pass through a given ecosystem, an

14、d with ratesatwhich theydo 的专业术语都被批评,但“生态系统”Although the ecosystem concept was very he 1950s and 1960s, it no longer the dominant paradigm. Gleasons arguments against climax and biome largelyvalidagainstecosystemsaswell.Furthermore,thenumber eractionsis t they are difficult yze, even with the help of large c


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