人力资源english 面试问答_第1页
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1、最全的英英文面试试问题加加答案。不要再再看只有有分析没没有答案案的版本本了_ EEngllishh joob iinteerviiew Queestiionss annd AAnswwerssWhaat aare youur ggoalls ffor thee fuuturre? orr WWherre ddo yyou seee yooursselff inn fiive yeaars? Dont ddisccusss yoour goaals forr reeturrninng tto sschoool or havvingg a fammilyy, ttheyy arre nnot re

2、llevaant andd coouldd knnockk yoou oout of conntenntioon ffor thee joob. Rattherr, yyou wannt tto cconnnectt yoour ansswerr too thhe jjob youu arre aappllyinng ffor. 最佳答案案 * MMy llongg-teerm goaals invvolvve ggrowwingg wiith a ccomppanyy whheree I cann coontiinuee too leearnn, ttakee onn adddittionn

3、al ressponnsibbiliitiees, andd coontrribuute as mucch oof vvaluue aas II caan. * II seee mmyseelf as a ttop perrforrminng eemplloyeee iin aa weell-esttabllishhed orgganiizattionn, llikee thhis onee. II pllan on enhhanccingg myy skkillls aand conntinnuinng mmy iinvoolveemennt iin (rellateed) proofess

4、sioonall asssocciattionns. * OOncee I gaiin aaddiitioonall exxperriennce, I wouuld likke tto mmovee onn frrom a ttechhniccal possitiion to mannageemennt. * IIn tthe XYZZ Coorpoorattionn, wwhatt iss a typpicaal ccareeer patth ffor sommeonne wwithh myy skkillls aand expperiiencces? 第一个问问题一般般都是这这个Teell

5、 me aboout youurseelf/ Hoow wwoulld yyou desscriibe youurseelf?You wallk iintoo thhe iinteerviiew rooom, shaake hannds witth yyourr innterrvieewerr annd ssit dowwn wwithh yoour besst iinteerviiewiing smiile on. Guuesss whhat theeir firrst queestiion is? TTelll mee abboutt yooursselff. Youur iinteerv

6、iieweer iis nnot loookinng ffor a 110-mminuute dissserrtattionn heere. Innsteead, offferr a razzor shaarp senntennce or twoo thhat setts tthe staage forr fuurthher disscusssioon aand setts yyou apaart froom yyourr coompeetittorss.Yourr Unniquue SSelllingg Prropoosittionn (UUSP)说出你你的卖点点Givee thhem yo

7、our synnopssis aboout youu aanswwer, sppeciificcallly yyourr Unniquue SSelllingg Prropoosittionn. KKnowwn aas aa peersoonall brranddingg orr a vallue-addded staatemmentt, tthe USPP iss a succcinnct, onne-ssenttencce ddesccripptioon oof wwho youu arre, youur bbigggestt sttrenngthh annd tthe majjor be

8、nnefiit tthatt a commpanny wwilll deerivve ffromm thhis strrenggth. Heere is an exaamplle oof aa Unniquue SSelllingg Prropoosittionn: Imm a seaasonned Rettaill Maanagger strrongg inn deevellopiing traainiing proograams andd looss preevenntioon ttechhniqquess thhat havve rresuulteed iin rreveenuee sa

9、avinngs of oveer $2.33Milllioon ffor (emmplooyerrs namme) durringg thhe ppastt 111 yeearss.Whatt a diffferrencce yyouve madde wwithh thhis staatemmentt. YYourr innterrvieewerr iss noow ssitttingg foorwaard in herr chhairr giivinng yyou herr fuull atttenttionn. AAt tthiss poointt, yyou migght addd th

10、he ffolllowiing senntennce: IId likke tto ddisccusss hoow II miightt bee abble to do sommethhingg liike thaat ffor youu. Thee baall is noww baack in herr coourtt annd yyou havve tthe begginnninggs oof aa reeal disscusssioon aand nott ann innterrroggatiion proocesss. “Myy baackggrouund to datte hhas

11、beeen ccenttereed aarouund preeparringg myysellf tto bbecoome thee veery besst ffinaanciial connsulltannt II caan bbecoome. Leet mme ttelll yoou sspeccifiicallly howw Ive preeparred mysselff. II amm ann unnderrgraaduaate stuudennt iin ffinaancee annd aaccoounttingg att _ UUnivverssityy. MMy ppastt e

12、xxperrienncess haas bbeenn inn reetaiil aand higgherr edducaatioon. Botth aaspeectss haave preeparred me welll ffor thiis ccareeer.”首先要明明确他们们想了解解的是哪哪方面的的内容DDo ttheyy waant to knoow aabouut yyourr caareeer sso ffar, abboutt yoour hobbbiees oor ffamiily liffe? If in douubt, ASSK tthemm too cllariify w

13、haat ttheyy wiish youu too taalk aboout. Thhen givve aa shhortt faactuual ansswerr, eendiing witth is theere anyythiing elsse yyoud llikee too knnow aboout me?* Hoow wwoulld yyou desscriibe youurseelf?这个问题题的答案案应该是是和他们们的招聘聘广告上上对于雇雇员的要要求的基基本一致致,所以以,看看看你有哪哪些特质质满足了了他们的的要求吧吧 TTry to thiink aboout whaat t

14、the inttervviewwerss arre llookkingg foor aand keeep tthiss inn miind as youu annsweer iinteerviiew queestiionss. RRemeembeer tthe jobb addverrt? Werre ttheyy loookiing forr innitiiatiive, a goood ccommmuniicattor, soomeoone witth ggoodd atttenntioon tto ddetaail? Deescrribee yooursselff inn thhesee

15、 teermss. SStarrt wwithh II amm. annd nnot witth I tthinnk. or I bellievve. sso tthatt yoou ssounnd sselff awwaree annd cconffideent.-Whenn yoourre iinteerviiewiing forr ann innterrnall poosittionn wiithiin yyourr coompaany, yoou mmay be askked whaat yyou willl ddo iif yyou donnt gett thhe jjob. Thh

16、e iinteerviieweer wwantts tto kknoww whhethher youu arre cconccernned aboout jusst tthe advvanccemeent oppporttuniity or thee coompaany. 内部部职位竞竞聘常会会被问到到如果你你没有得得到这份份工作的的话你将将会怎么么办的问问题。最佳答案案I amm coommiitteed tto tthiss coompaany andd itts aadvaanceemennt sso, shoouldd I nott bee seelecctedd, II wiill

17、worrk wwithh annd ssuppportt whhoevver migght gett seelecctedd. HHoweeverr, II doo feeel thaat mmy eexpeerieencee inn thhe ddepaartmmentt annd wwithh thhe tteamm woouldd maake me thee beest canndiddateeHow wouuld youur bbosss deescrribee yoou?If yyou gett thhe jjob, yoour inttervviewwer mayy bee yoo

18、ur futturee booss so youu neeed to ansswerr thhis queestiion carrefuullyy. DDesccribbe yyourrsellf aas aany bosss wwoulld wwantt too seee yyou. Yoou mmighht ssay:My bosss wwoulld ddesccribbe mme aas hhardd woorkiing, looyall, ffrieendlly aand commmitttedd. HHe wwoulld ssay thaat II woork welll oon m

19、my oown iniitiaativve aand delliveer wwhatt hee waantss onn tiime andd too a higgh sstanndarrd. Agaiin, donnt usee thhe ttermm “II thhinkk myy booss wouuld sayy.” as it givves an eleemennt oof ddoubbt. Be possitiive andd ceertaain witth tthe inttervvieww annsweer yyou givve.* Whhat mottivaatess yoou

20、?I amm mootivvateed bby bbeinng aarouund othher possitiive peooplee, wwe mmighht qquesstioon iif wworkkingg allonee woouldd suuit theem.I amm mootivvateed bby ttarggetss.* Whhat do youu loook forr inn a jobb?Thiss iss reeallly aa quuesttionn abboutt suuitaabillityy, tthouugh weve inccludded it herre

21、.Remeembeer tthe advvertt? FFocuus oon tthe advvertt crriteeriaa annd yyou wonnt go farr wrrongg. FFor exaamplle, if thee addverrt ccallled forr soomeoone to leaad ootheers, yoou mmighht ssay:I llikee a jobb whheree I cann leead andd mootivvatee ottherrs aand enjjoy seeeingg immproovemmentts iin tte

22、amm peerfoormaancee.If tthe advvertt caalleed ffor a ttargget-foccuseed iindiividduall, yyou migght sayy:I llikee haavinng ttarggetss. TTheyy enncouuragge mme tto sstreetchh myysellf aand beaat tthemm!* Whhat is youur pperssonaal mmisssionn sttateemennt oor mmottto?Not eveeryoone hass onne, butt bee

23、cauuse youu miightt bee asskedd, tthinnk wwhatt yoourss woouldd bee. Juust do it! Riightt fiirstt tiime, evveryy tiime. Leess tallk, morre aactiion. Trreatt ottherrs aas yyoud wwishh too bee trreatted. Foortuune favvourrs tthe braave. Quualiity, quualiity, quualiity. OOur advvicee: TThiss iss onne o

24、of tthosse ttimees wwhenn wee assk ccanddidaatess too exxplaain theeir ansswerrs tto oour inttervvieww quuesttionns. So, whhateeverr yoou ssay, itts likkelyy yooulll bbe aaskeed tto ggivee a reaasonn orr exxampple so havve oone in minnd. Forr moost jobbs, youu waant to souund possitiive andd mootivv

25、ateed, butt poossiiblyy noot rruthhlesss oor iincoonsiiderratee.* Whhat do youu ennjoyy moost aboout whaat yyou do noww?I rreallly enjjoy thee teechnnicaal nnatuure of thee joob aand thee sppeedd att whhichh Im aablee too fiix ffaullts. I gett a lott off saatissfacctioon ffromm geettiing peooplee ba

26、ack to worrk aas ssoonn ass poossiiblee.If worrkinng aas ppartt off a teaam iis mmenttionned as a rrequuireemennt oof tthe jobb, yyou migght ansswerr:I reaallyy ennjoyy beeingg paart of a tteamm. II liike it wheen tthe teaam ppullls ttogeetheer tto aachiievee soometthinng aand eveeryoone cann taake

27、somme ccreddit.* Whhat do youu ennjoyy leeastt abboutt yoour currrennt rrolee?A goood inttervvieww annsweer mmighht ggo ssomeethiing likke tthiss:Acttuallly, I enjjoy eveerytthinng aabouut wwhatt I do. I suppposse iif II haad tto ggivee soometthinng uup, it wouuld be.Thee ssomeethiing deepennds on y

28、ouu, bbut its bbestt too meentiion sommethhingg innciddenttal to youur jjob, liike admmin or papperwworkk. SSo yyou migght sayy: IIm nott suure (paausee). I ssuppposee iff I hadd too piick sommethhingg too giive up it wouuld be papperwworkk. II knnow its iimpoortaant, annd II doo itt weell, buut iif

29、 ssomeeonee ellse didd iff foor mme, thaat wwoulld bbe ggreaat!* Whhy ddo yyou wannt tto lleavve yyourr cuurreent jobb/coompaany?If youuree appplyyingg foor aa moore senniorr joob, youu miightt annsweer:I reaallyy ennjoyy whhat I ddo, butt Im rreaddy ffor morre rrespponssibiilitty aand chaalleengee

30、whhichh yoour jobb offferrs. Unfforttunaatelly, my currrennt jjob/empployyer cannt givve mme tthiss. IIf tthiss issntt thhe rreasson, usse yyourrs iinstteadd, bbut alwwayss bee poosittivee inn yoour ansswerrs tto ttouggh iinteerviiew queestiion * WWhatt doo yoou tthinnk oof yyourr cuurreent bosss? M

31、My ccurrrentt booss is greeat. Hee seets thee teeam chaalleengiing butt reealiistiic ttarggetss annd mmotiivattes us to achhievve tthemm. MMy ccurrrentt booss is verry ggoodd. SShe deaals witth hher teaam ffirmmly butt faairlly aand enjjoyss ouur rresppectt beecauuse of thiis. IIf yyourr cuurreent b

32、osss iis nnot greeat, annd yyou aree prrepaaredd too annsweer mmoree innterrvieew qquesstioons aboout thiis, sayy soo, bbut do ballancce eeachh crritiicissm wwithh a possitiive poiint. Reememmberr thhe nneedd too apppeaar pposiitivve iin yyourr annsweers to inttervvieww quuesttionns. Youu miightt sa

33、ay:My currrennt bbosss haas sstreengtths andd weeaknnessses. Hee iss veery goood aat llistteniing to peooplee buut ssomeetimmes, inn myy viiew, dooesnnt deaal wwithh unnderrperrforrmerrs ffirmmly enooughh. TThiss afffeccts teaam mmoraale sommetiimess.* Whhat willl yyou misss aabouut yyourr prreseent

34、 jobb?Peopple is thee beest inttervvieww annsweer hheree. SSay anyythiing elsse aand youuree suuggeestiing thee joob yyoure appplyiing forr woontt giive youu evveryythiing youu haad aand morre, andd miightt evven leaave youu waantiing!As yyou thiink aboout ansswerrs tto iinteerviiew queestiionss, aa

35、lwaays havve iin mmindd thhe nneedd too crreatte aa poosittivee immpreessiion.Welll IIm connfiddentt thhat thee joob yyoure offferiing willl ggivee mee evveryythiing I hhavee noow aand morre sso II doontt thhinkk Ill misss aanytthinng aabouut tthe jobb ittsellf. Butt Ill misss ssomee off thhe ppeopp

36、le of couursee. * WWhatt caan yyou telll mme aabouut XXYZ Commpanny? IIf yyou neeed tto, staart by sayyingg IIs iit ook iif II reeferr too myy nootess?. Whhen youu geet tthe nodd, ooff youu goo. AA goood inttervvieww annsweer sshouuld inccludde sshorrt ffacttuall sttateemennts covveriing succh tthin

37、ngs as thee Coompaanys hhisttoryy, iits prooduccts, sttafff nuumbeers, tuurnooverr annd ffutuure bussineess objjecttivees. Sommethhingg liike thiis iis ffinee:I bellievve tthe Commpanny bbegaan iin 119677, wwithh juust onee ouutleet, butt noow hhas 25. Frrom whaat IIvee reead, yoou sselll A, B andd

38、C prooduccts acrrosss Euuroppe aand thee Sttatees aand havve aa tuurnooverr inn exxcesss oof $5 mmilllionn. YYou empployy 1225 sstafff. I bbeleeivee yoou hhopee too ennterr thhe AAsiaan mmarkket by 20110. Ive donne ssomee reeseaarchh annd ccan telll yyou morre iif yyou likke.You willl llikeely heaar

39、 No, thhats ffinee. TThannk yyou.Youur iinteerviieweers willl bbe iimprresssed thaat yyou preeparred andd maade nottes andd yoourre ooff to a ggoodd sttartt. * WWhatt doo yoou tthinnk XXYZ Commpanny ccan offfer youu? TTherre aare twoo biits to thiis iinteerviiew queestiion, thhe rrolee annd tthe Com

40、mpanny. Menntioon bbothh. YYou migght sayy: IIm tolld tthe Commpanny hhas a ffirmm coommiitmeent to inddiviiduaal ttraiininng aand devveloopmeent. Thhis is greeat newws ffor me beccausse IIm keeen tto llearrn aand advvancce iin tthe Commpanny. Thee roole itsselff apppeaars chaalleengiing andd reewar

41、rdinng wwhicch IIlll fiind verry mmotiivattingg. * IIf yyoure succcesssfuul, whaat ddo yyou thiink youulll bee dooingg daay-tto-dday? YYou migght staart by sayyingg II unnderrstaand thaat IIlll bee. Theen yyou couuld tallk aabouut tthe maiin rrolee, aany othher acttiviitiees aand anyy taargeets youu

42、 exxpecct tto bbe ggiveen.Whaat aare youur sstreengtths/weaakneessees?IMPOORTAANT - thiis ccommmon jobb innterrvieew qquesstioon ccan be askked in manny ddifffereent wayys, succh aas Whaat qquallitiies do youu addmirre iin ootheers thaat yyou wouuld likke tto ddeveelopp inn yooursselff?Streengtths s

43、hoouldd bee eaasy enooughh too thhinkk abboutt (kkeepp thhe pposiitioon iin mmindd).Talkkingg abboutt weeaknnessses cann bee haardeer bbut goood iinteerviiew ansswerrs aare stiill posssibble. Maany peooplee chhoosse tto mmenttionn soometthinng wwhicch ttheyyvee reecoggnizzed as beiing a wweakknesss

44、bbut havve ooverrcomme. Id llikee too bee moore orgganiizedd, llikee onne oof mmy ccollleagguess. SShe doeesnt hhavee too trry. Butt beecauuse I ddont ffindd itt ass eaasy as herr, II usse tto-ddo llistts aand a ddiarry tto hhelpp mee suucceessffullly mmanaage my worrk.On aa fiinall noote, itts mucc

45、h ssafeer tto hhighhligght youur llackk off exxperriennce or knoowleedgee ass a weaakneess thaan aa faaultt inn yoour perrsonnaliity. Emmplooyerrs ccan alwwayss giive youu exxperriennce butt feew wwantt too heelp youu ovverccomee shhorttcomminggs iin yyourr peersoonallityy! SSo aavoiid ttelllingg in

46、nterrvieewerrs tthatt yoou gett booredd oor tooo innvollvedd oor fruustrrateed!Why didd yoou tthinnk yyou aree suuiteed tto tthiss joob?Whatt thhey aree reeallly aaskiing is Yoou kknoww whhat we aree loookiing forr soo caan yyou telll uus wwhatt yoou hhavee doone or whaat yyou havve, thaat iis rrele

47、evannt.Whyy shhoulld wwe ggivee thhe jjob to youu abbovee ottherr apppliicannts?Thiss iss offtenn ouur cclossingg quuesttionn. WWe wwantt too knnow, inn a nuttsheell, whhy yyou aree thhe bbestt caandiidatte ffor thee joob. Thiis iis aa chhancce tto llistt yoour besst aattrribuutess ass thhey rellate

48、e too thhe vvacaancyy. DDont bbe ccockky, butt doontt bee shhy.* Hoow wwelll doo yoou wworkk unnderr prresssuree?“I kknoww thhat alll joobs invvolvve ssomee soort of preessuure at somme ttimee. I ccan worrk aas wwelll unnderr prresssuree ass I do at anyy ottherr tiime butt whhen I aam bbusyy, II prr

49、iorritiize acttiviitiees sso tthatt myy woorklloadd iss maanaggeabble.”If tthe inttervviewwerss foocuss onn ottherr prresssuree, ssuchh ass prresssuree too meeet tarrgetts, deaalinng wwithh diiffiicullt ccusttomeers etcc, ggivee ann appproopriiatee reeplyy, mmenttionningg paast sittuattionns wwherre

50、 yyou havve ccopeed uundeer ssuchh prresssuree.* Whhat sorrt oof ppeopple do youu fiind it diffficcultt too woork witth?“I aam aan eeasyy gooingg peersoon wwho seeems to gett onn wiith eveeryoone. Iff I havve tto ppickk a typpe oof ppersson thaat bbothherss mee, iitss thhe oone whoo dooesnnt pulll t

51、theiir wweigght or isnnt worrrieed aabouut tthe staandaard of theeir worrk bbecaausee itt reefleectss baadlyy onn thhe rrestt off thhe tteamm.”* Seell me thiis ppen! Inn innterrvieews forr saaless joob, youu maay hhearr thhis, beelieeve us! Inn faact, onne oof uus hhad a nnon-salles inttervvieww ann

52、d wwas askked thiis, uneexpeecteedlyy. TThe objjectt yoou aare askked to selll ccoulld iin ffactt bee annythhingg. SSomee innterrvieewerrs llikee too seee wwhettherr yoou ffocuus oon tthe bennefiits of thee obbjecct oor iits feaaturres. Thhe ffeatturees oof tthe penn miightt bee thhat its bbluee, ww

53、ithh a rolllerr baall andd pllasttic coaatinng. Thee beeneffitss miightt bee thhat its rreliiablle,eeasyy too hoold andd leeak prooof.* Whhat keyy skkillls ddo yyou thiink youu neeed to be succcesssfuul iin tthiss roole?You gott thhis farr beecauuse youur jjob apppliccatiion forrm oor rresuume or CV

54、 mattcheed tthe inttervviewwerss ccritteriia aas sspeccifiied in thee joob aadveert. Juust exppandd onn thhis in youur jjob inttervvieww annsweers. Liist thee skkillls yyou thiink aree reequiiredd, ggiviing a llitttle expplannatiion as to whyy eaach is neeededd.You migght theen bbe aaskeed tto ggive

55、e exxamppless whheree yoouvve uusedd onne oor mmoree off thhesee skkillls. Theese aree beehavviouurall innterrvieew qquesstioons.* Whheree doo yoou ssee youurseelf in fivve yyearrs ttimee? TThiss caan bbe aa diiffiicullt jjob inttervvieww quuesttionn too annsweer, esppeciiallly iif yyouve nott thhou

56、gght beyyondd geettiing thiis jjob! WWhenn yoou aanswwer, yoou wwantt too sooundd ammbittiouus eenouugh to be mottivaatedd too doo a goood jjob, buut nnot tooo ammbittiouus iin ccasee yoour inttervviewwerss thhinkk yoourre oonlyy ussingg thhis jobb ass a steeppiing stoone to sommethhingg beetteer.I

57、caan bbe ssucccesssfull inn thhis jobb annd ttakeen oon aaddiitioonall reespoonsiibillitiies andd bee coonsiiderred suiitabble forr prromootioon.* Hoow ddoess thhis jobb fiit iintoo yoour carreerr pllanss? TThiss iss a simmilaar jjob inttervvieww quuesttionn too thhe oone aboove reaallyy, eexceept t

58、haat iit llookks bbeyoond fivve yyearrs. Be reaalissticc. YYou migght sayy soometthinng llikee thhis if youuree gooingg foor aa miiddlle-mmanaagemmentt poosittionn:My ambbitiion is to leaad aa deeparrtmeent andd bee innvollvedd inn sttrattegiic ddeciisioon-mmakiing at a sseniior levvel. I exppectt t

59、hhe rrolee Im aappllyinng ffor to givve mme mmoree exxperriennce of leaadinng aand somme iintrroduuctiion to strrateegy so thaat IIm reaady forr a senniorr roole in a ffew yeaars timme. * Whheree diid yyou thiink youud be at thiis sstagge iin yyourr liife?Avoiid ssayiing furrtheer tthann yoou aare n

60、oww! IItss beetteer tto sshoww yoouvve mmet or excceedded youur aambiitioons thaan ffalllen shoort of theem. Telll tthe inttervviewwerss thhat youu arre hhapppy wwithh yoour liffe aand carreerr, bbut aree loookiing forr moore chaalleengee ass yoou llikee too sttrettch youurseelf to achhievve mmoree.


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