



1、河北省保定市外国语高级中学2022年高一英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. I think you should think twice .Once _, the decision wont be easily changed .A. making B. to be made C. being made D. made 参考答案:D2. You dont need to describe her. I her several time.A. had met B. have met C. met D. meet参考答案:B3. The school is widely admired _ its

2、 excellent teaching.A. in B. forC. as D. by参考答案:B句意:这所学校因出色的教学而备受赞誉。admire . for . 是固定搭配,意为“因为而赞美/钦佩”。12. Everyone passed the exam. It _ difficult. A. cant have been B. must have been C. couldnt be D. might have been 参考答案:A略5. I worked in a foreign company for five years. Still, I dont regret _ the

3、well-paid job. A. to give up B. giving up C. give up D. given up参考答案:B6. Knowing _ price of farm produce rose again, he sat down with _ sigh.A. /; aB. the; /C. the; aD. /; /参考答案:C7. Mr. Smith is very popular with us because he is easy _. A. to be getting along B. to be got along with C. to get along

4、 with D. to get along参考答案:C略8. I still remember my wonderful stay there _ I worked in the distant mountain village.But everything is changing so fast, the persons there arent the ones _they used to be.A. when; that B. where; whomC. during which; who D. which; what参考答案:A9. Do you need any help, Lucy?

5、-Yes. The job is I could do myself.A. less than B. more than C. no more than D. not more than 参考答案:B10. He is afraid to admit his mistakes. From this point we can see he lacks a(n)_ of responsibility.A. ideaB. senseC. thoughtD. feeling 参考答案:B11. If I were any younger, I would do _ Im interested in.

6、A. whichever B. whatever C. no matter which D. no matter what 参考答案:B略12. Little Tom was so enthusiastic about learning Chinese and after six months, he could speak it _ fluently. A. professionally B. correctly C. pretty D. locally参考答案:C 13. He looked at the envelope(信封) and _ Jennys handwriting imme

7、diately. A. realizedBrecognized Creminded Dremembered参考答案:B14. “Have you your things, Bob?” asked the father, “The train is leaving at 2:30 this afternoon, so we dont have too much time.”A. added upB. hidden awayC. set downD. packed up参考答案:D15. He said, I will not do so again. He said that he _ not

8、do so again. A. will B. must C. would D. do 参考答案:C16. I went shopping in the supermarket yesterday. The lift _ and we were trapped inside. A. broke up B. broke into C. broke down D. broke out参考答案:C二、 完型填空17. Today, caring people across the country are finding creative ways to improve the lives of th

9、e homeless. These efforts _41_ mental health services, and _42_ haircuts a service offered by the Nashville Street Barbers.The Nashville Street Barbers is a group of hairdressers _43_ are “trying make their community a _44_ place one cut at a time.” The inspiring group was _45_ in 2017 by hairdresse

10、r Caroline Lindner, who created the _46_ to help the homeless.Since then, the Nashville Street Barbers has _47_, thanks to a $10.000 donation from the Hardees All Stars program and, most importantly, thanks to a growing group of _48_ visitors. Linder _49_ that the barbers have seen such a success be

11、cause of the connections theyve made with their visitors, who they treat just like paying(付费的) customers. “I know most people are particular about their _50_ and our _51_ are not different”, she told. “We had to prove and gain trust which _52_ people to come back every Monday _53_. What started as a

12、 one-person effort has become a city-wide _54_ that now provides up to 80 free haircuts a week. Lindner even has plans to _55_ the program, bringing the Nashville Street Barbers to locations beyond the city. Until then, the team hopes to make a _56_ through their _57_story. “Our final goal, ” they s

13、ay, “is to _58_ others around the world to start their own barbering communities and _59_ their communities. “And now, we can see in fact there are many people _60_ their steps.”41. A. includeB. startC. finishD. doubt42. A. expensiveB. freeC. timelyD. cheap43. A. whoB. whichC. whomD. when44. A. heal

14、thierB. colderC. betterD. stronger45. A. releasedB. honouredC. soldD. founded46. A. schoolB. groupC. familyD. society47. A. grownB. decreasedC. disappearedD. stopped48. A. carefulB. thankfulC. generousD. faithful49. A. forgetsB. managesC. believesD. sighs50. A. hairB. clothesC. shoesD. dress51. A. m

15、embersB. neighboursC. workersD. friends52. A. letB. madeC. gotD. took53. A. successfullyB. importantlyC. especiallyD. finally54. A. activityB. festivalC. argumentD. dream55. A. reachB. arriveC. enlargeD. improve56. A. mistakeB. promiseC. decisionD. difference57. A. InspiringB. surprisingC. embarrass

16、ingD. damaging58. A. forceB. inviteC. encourageD. refuse59. A. findB. helpC. organizeD. donate60. A. changingB. followingC. lovingD. measuring参考答案:41. A 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. D 46. B 47. A 48. D 49. C 50. A 51. D 52. C 53. D 54. A 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. C 59. B 60. B这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了纳什维尔的理发师们为流浪者们免费理发,努力

17、闯将美好社区的故事。【41题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些努力包括心理健康服务。A.include包括;B.start开始;C.finish完成;D.doubt怀疑。根据mental health services, and _ haircuts可知,这些努力“包括”这些行为。故选A。【42题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些努力包括心理健康服务和免费理发这是纳什维尔街理发师提供的服务。A.expensive昂贵的;B.free免费的;C.timely及时地;D.cheap便宜的。下文提示尤其是to help the homeless可知,这些理发师为流浪者提供的是免费的理发服务。故选B

18、。【43题详解】考查定语从句。句意:纳什维尔街理发师是一群理发师,他们“一次剪一个,试图让他们的社区变成一个更好的地方。”A. who谁;B. which哪一个;C. whom谁;D. when当时候。该句是定语从句,先行词hairdresser是人,在从句中充当主语。故选A。【44题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:纳什维尔街理发师是一群理发师,他们“一次剪一个,试图让他们的社区变成一个更好的地方。”A.healthier健康的;B.colder冷的;C.better更好的;D.stronger更强壮的。根据trying make their community可知,这些理发师的目的是让社区变

19、得更美好。故选C。【45题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个鼓舞人心的团体是由发型师卡罗琳林德纳于2017年创立的。A.released发布;B.honourd纪念;C.sold出售;D.founded建立。根据created可知,这些理发师群体是由 Caroline Lindner创立的。故选D。【46题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:她创建了这个团体来帮助无家可归者。A.school学校;B.group小组;C.family家庭;D.society社会。根据上文The inspiring group可知,纳什维尔理发师是一个团体。故选B。【47题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,纳什维

20、尔街的理发师开始成长。A.grown成长;B.decreased减少;C.disappeared消失;D.stopped停止。根据下文thanks to a growing group of_8_visitors.提示可知,该团体的影响扩大了,及该团体的理发师数量不断增长。故选A。【48题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最重要的是,还要感谢越来越多忠实的访客。A.careful仔细的;B.thankful感恩的;C.generous慷慨的;D.faithful信任的。下文提到that now provides up to80 free haircuts a week.可知,该团体每周都能提供多

21、达80多次的免费理发,所以流浪者们对该团体信任,并且是忠实的。故选D。【49题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:林德认为,理发师们之所以能取得如此的成功,是因为他们与来访者建立了联系,他们对待来访者就像对待付费顾客一样。A.forgets忘记;B.manages管理;C.believes相信;D.sighs叹气。根据because of the connections theyve made with their visitors可知,Caroline Lindner认为他们能够取得成功,使他们对流浪者一视同仁,这是她的信念。故选C。【50题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道大多数人都很在意自己

22、的头发。A.hair头发;B.clothes衣服;C.shoes鞋子;D.dress裙子。上文一直从理发角度讲述。故选A。【51题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的朋友也不例外。A.members成员;B.neighbours邻居;C.workers工人;D.friends朋友。根据语境可知,Caroline Lindner是一个充满爱心的人,所以称呼这些流浪者为“朋友”。故选D。【52题详解】考查动词的固定结构。句意:我们必须证明并获得信任,这使得人们每个星期一都回来。根据语境可知,理发师们获得了流浪者的信任,这使他们定期来这里理发,get sb. to do使某人做某事。故选C。【53题

23、详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:最终,原本一个人的努力变成了全市范围内的活动。A.successfully成功地;B.importantly重要地;C.especially特别地;D.finally最后。根据to come back every Monday可知,流浪者们最后相信这些理发师,每个星期一都来理发。故选D。【54题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:最终,原本一个人的努力变成了全市范围内的活动,现在每周提供多达80次免费理发。A.activity活动;B.festival节日;C.argument争吵;D.dream梦想。根据that now provides up to80 free h

24、aircuts a week可知,此处指原先只是一个人的努力,现在成了全城的活动。故选A。【55题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:林德纳甚至计划扩大这个项目,把纳什维尔街的理发师带到城市以外的地方。A.reach到达;B.arrive到达;C.enlarge扩大;D.improve提高。根据bringing the Nashville Street Barbers to locations beyond the city可知,Caroline Lindner计划把这个团体带到城市以外的地方,这是想要扩大该团体。故选C。【56题详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:在那之前,这个团队希望通过他们鼓舞人心的

25、故事来改变现状。该团体希望通过自己的故事产生大的影响,make a difference起作用,有影响。故选D。【57题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那之前,这个团队希望通过他们鼓舞人心的故事来改变现状。A.inspiring激励人心的;B.surprising令人惊讶的;C.embarrassing尴尬的;D.damaging毁灭的。根据hopes to和此处承接上文内容可知,该团体的故事,是具有鼓舞人心的作用。故选A。【58题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我们的最终目标,”他们说,“是鼓励世界各地的其他人建立自己的理发社区。”A.force强迫;B.invite邀请;C.encour

26、age鼓励;D.refuse拒绝。根据to start their own barbering communities可知,他们的目的是鼓励世界各地的人们像他们自己之前被鼓励一样,去帮助社区。故选C。【59题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:帮助他们的社区。A.find找到;B.help帮助;C.organize组织;D.donate捐赠。根据上一句可知,该团体希望人们都能成立自己的理发店,去帮助自己的社区。故选B。【60题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在,我们可以看到,事实上有很多人都在追随他们脚步。A.changing改变;B.following跟随;C.loving爱;D.measurin

27、g测量。固定短语follow ones steps追随某人。故选B。三、 阅读理解18. Two teachers are greatly needed in Zejiang Province!8000-9000 RMB / month (25 lessons / week) plus benefits!The school is located in Yuhang Town, which is only two hours away from Hangzhou City by bus.Requirements:Native English speakers from Australia, C

28、anada, UK, etc. Bachelor s degree and teaching experienceWe offer:Airfare reimbursement & Travel bonusA spacious, private and on-campus apartment with the following items included:Computer with free Internet access; Telephone; Color TV; Heater; Washing machine; Refrigerator; Microwave; Cooking facil

29、ities (plates, glasses, cups, pots and pans, etc.)Water dispenser; Western-style toilet; Bath-tub; Non-stop hot waterTo apply for the job, please send your resume to zlO.Application:To apply for the job, please dont forget to include the following information:Personal data (age, place of birth, etc.

30、)Description of your academic history and teaching experienceA recent pictureScanned documents, such as diploma(s), passport and current visa (if already in China)A phone number where we can reach youFor inquiries, call +86 (871)3803085; 1370064181325.This advertisement is planned to _.A. take on En

31、glish teachers B. introduce a school C. attract foreign students D. arrange the subjects26.What is Not needed for you to apply for the job?A. your resume B. your personal dataC. your academic history D. a recommendation letter27. If you are employed, you may_.A. live far away from the campus B. shar

32、e a room with another teacherC. surf the Internet for free D. enjoy three free meals every day28.Where are you likely to read the advertisement?A. In a telephone book. B. In a newspaper.C. In a travel guide. D. In a textbook.参考答案: 25.A26.D27.C28.B试题分析::本文是一则招聘英语外教的广告。25.A 细节理解题。根据第一段“Two teachers ar

33、e greatly needed in Zejiang Province!”可知这是一个招聘教师的广告, take on English teachers雇用英语教师,符合题意。故选A。26. D推理判断题。根据文中信息可知,申请这份工作需要简历,个人信息,学术史和教学经历等,没有提到推荐信。故选D。27. C 细节理解题。根据文中如果被雇用了,单位可以提供Computer with free Internet access,免费无线网接入的电脑。故选C。28.B 推理判断题。通读全文可知,这是一则招聘广告,所以最可能出现在报纸上。故选B。19. I had the meanest mothe

34、r in the whole world.While other kids ate candy for breakfast,I had to have cereal,eggs or toast.While others had Cokes and candy for lunch,I had to eat a sandwich.As you can guess,my supper was different from the other kids too.But at least I wasnt alone in my sufferings.My sister and two brothers

35、had the same mean mother as I did.My mother insisted on knowing where we were at all times.She had to know who our friends were and where we were going.The worst is yet to come.We had to be in bed by nine each night and up at eight the next morning.We couldnt sleep till noon like our friends.She mad

36、e us work. We had to wash dishes,make beds,and learn to cook.We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath every day.Through the years things didnt improve a bit.We could not lie in bed“sick”like our friends did and miss school.Our marks in school had to live up to expectations.Our friends report cards had beautiful color1 s on them,black for passing,red for failing.My mother,being as different as she was,would be satisfied with nothing less


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