1、中英文股份制经营协议中英文股份制经营协议258/258中英文股份制经营协议中英文股份制经营协议DATED 200 200 年 月 日JOINT VENTURE CONTRACT 合资经营合同- by and between - 由PARTY A NAME (甲方名称)PARTY A 甲方- and - - 及 -PARTY B NAME (乙方名称)PARTY B 乙方IN RESPECT OF 签订TABLE OF CONTENT 目录1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1 1. 定义和解释 12. PARTIES TO THE CONTRACT 1 2. 合
3、 99. OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT 22 9. 经营管理 1510. MARKETING AND SALES 23 10. 市场营销 1611. EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE PROCUREMENT 23 11. 设备及服务的采购 1612. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 24 12. 知识产权 1713. NON-COMPETITION 25 13. 不竞争 1814. SITE 26 14. 经营场所 1915. LABOUR MANAGEMENT 27 15. 劳动管理 1916. FINANCIAL AFFAIRS AND ACCOU
4、NTING 27 16. 财务及会计 1917. TAXATION AND INSURANCE 29 17. 税收和保险 2118. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 30 18. 陈述及担保 2119. THE JOINT VENTURE TERM 31 19. 合营期限 2220. TERMINATION, DISSOLUTION, BUYOUT AND LIQUIDATION 32 20.终止、解散、相互收购股份及清算 2221. BREACH OF CONTRACT 37 21. 违约 2622. CONFIDENTIALITY 37 22. 保密义务 26
6、PERMITS 54 29. 附录四 39SCHEDULE E - TAX CONCESSIONS 55 30. 附录五 40 CAVEATS AND DRAFTING NOTES 56 31. 注意事项及说明 42 THIS CONTRACT (Contract) is made in city and province, China on this day of , 200 by and between Party A name, Party A entity form established and existing under the laws of China, with its l
7、egal address at address (hereinafter referred to as Party A), and Party B name, Party B entity form organized and existing under the laws of Party B jurisdiction of incorporation with its registered address at address (hereinafter referred to as Party B). 本合同(“本合同”)于200年月日由以下双方在地点签订:甲方名称,一家根据中华人民共和国
8、法律组建并存续的甲方组织形式,法定地址为甲方法定地址(以下简称“甲方”);和乙方名称,一家根据乙方所在国法律组建及存续的乙方组织形式,注册地址为乙方注册地址(以下简称“乙方”) Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a Party and collectively as the Parties. 甲方和乙方以下单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 前言 After friendly consultations conducted in accordance
9、 with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to establish an equity joint venture in accordance with the EJV Law and the EJV Implementing Regulations, other Applicable Laws, and the provisions of this Contract. 双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法、中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法实施条例
10、以及其他相关法律,同意按照本合同的条款,组建合营企业。 NOW THE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 双方特此协议如下: 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1. 定义和解释 Unless the terms or context of this Contract otherwise provide, this Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with, and each of the terms used herein shall have the meaning as
11、cribed to it in Schedule A. 除非本合同条款或上下文另有所指,本合同应按照附录一进行解释,并且本合同中所有相关术语的定义见附录一。 2. PARTIES TO THE CONTRACT 2. 合同双方 2.1 Particulars of Parties 2.1 本合同双方的具体情况: The Parties to this Contract are: 本合同的双方为: (a) Party A, Party A name (in Chinese: (Chinese name), Party A entity form established and existing
12、under the laws of China with its legal address at Party A legal address (in Chinese: (Chinese address). (a) 甲方:甲方名称(英文书写:(英文名称),一家根据中华人民共和国法律组建并存续的甲方组织形式,法定地址甲方法定地址(英文书写:(英文住址)。 Legal Authorized Representative of Party A: 甲方法定授权代表人: Name: Party A rep name (in Chinese: (Chinese Name) 姓名: 甲方代表姓名(英文书写:
13、(英文姓名) Title: Party A rep position 职务: 甲方代表职务 Nationality: Chinese 国籍: 中国 (b) Party B, Party B name, Party B entity form organized and existing under the laws of Party B jurisdiction of incorporation with its registered address at Party B registered address. (b) 乙方:乙方名称(英文书写:(英文名称),一家根据乙方所在国法律组建并存续的
14、乙方组织形式,注册地址乙方注册地址(英文书写:(英文住址) Authorized Representative of Party B: 乙方授权代表人: Name: Party B rep name 姓名: 乙方代表姓名(英文书写:(英文姓名) Title: Party B rep position 职务: 乙方代表职务 Nationality: Party B rep nationality 国籍: 乙方代表国籍 2.2 Parties Authorised Representatives 2.2 双方的授权代表的更换 Each Party shall have the right to c
15、hange its legal or authorized representative and shall promptly notify the other Party of such change and the name, position and nationality of its new legal or authorized representative. 双方有权撤换其各自的法定代表人或授权代表,并应将新法定代表人或授权代表的姓名、职位和国籍及时通知另一方。 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMPANY 3. 成立合营公司 3.1 Establishment
16、 of Company 3.1 合营公司的设立 The Parties hereby agree to establish the Company promptly after the Effective Date in accordance with the EJV Law, the EJV Implementing Regulations, other Applicable Laws, and the provisions of this Contract. 双方特此同意在本合同生效后依照合资企业法、合资企业法实施条例、其他相关法律以及本合同的条款及时成立合营公司。 3.2 Name of
17、 Company 3.2 合营公司的名称 The name of the Company shall be “JV Chinese name” in Chinese, and “JV name” in English. 合营公司的中文名称为“ ”,英文名称为“ ”。 3.3 Company Legal Address 3.3 合营公司的法定地址 The legal address of the Company shall be JV legal address, China (in Chinese: Chinese address). 合营公司的法定地址为中国合营公司法定地址,(英文书写:英文
18、地址)。 3.4 Company Branch Offices 3.4 合营公司的分支机构 The Company may establish branch offices inside China and overseas with the consent of the Board and approval from the relevant governmental authorities. 合营公司经董事会决议并经有关政府机关批准可在国内外成立分支机构。 3.5 Limited Liability Company 3.5 有限责任公司 The form of organization o
19、f the Company shall be a limited liability company. Neither Party shall have any liability to the Company except to the extent of its agreed capital contributions. The Company shall be liable to its creditors to the extent of its assets. 合营公司的组织形式为有限责任公司。任何一方仅以其出资额为限对合营公司承担责任。合营公司应以其资产对其债权人承担责任。 3.6
20、 Chinese Laws Applicable 3.6 适用中国相关法律 The Company shall be a legal person under the laws of China. The Company shall be subject to the jurisdiction of and shall be protected by all relevant laws, decrees and rules and regulations of China. The activities of the Company shall comply with the Applicab
21、le Laws of China. 合营公司按照中国法律为独立法人。合营公司受中国相关法律的管辖和保护。合营公司的活动应该遵守中国的相关法律。 4. PURPOSE, SCOPE AND SCALE OF OPERATION 4. 宗旨、经营范围及运营规模 4.1 Purpose of Joint Venture 4.1 合营公司的宗旨 The purpose of the joint venture shall be to utilize the combined technological, management, operational and marketing strengths o
22、f the Parties within the approved scope of business of the Company to achieve good economic results and a return on investment satisfactory to the Parties. 合营公司的宗旨是结合双方在技术、管理、运营以及营销方面的优势,在合营公司经批准的经营范围内开展业务,以取得良好的经济效益以及令双方满意的投资回报。 4.2 Scope of Business 4.2 经营范围 The scope of business of the Company sh
23、all be to design, manufacture and market JV products to provide services. 合营公司的经营范围是设计、制造以及营销合营产品并提供合营服务。 4.3 Business Plan 4.3 业务计划 The Business Plan of the Company shall be established by the Board in view of actual market conditions, expected sales volumes, the employees ability to absorb new tec
24、hnology and any other factors considered important by the Board. Such plan may be expanded or reduced by the Board from time to time in light of market and other relevant conditions. 合营公司的业务计划由董事会在考虑市场实际情况、预计的产品销售额、雇员吸收新技术的能力以及其他董事会认为重要的因素后确定。该业务计划可由董事会不时根据市场行情以及其他相关的情况予以扩大或缩小。 4.4 Independent Entit
25、y 4.4 独立实体 The Company shall conduct its business as an independent economic entity and will operate autonomously. 合营公司作为独立的经济实体开展业务,自主经营。 5. TOTAL INVESTMENT AND REGISTERED CAPITAL 5. 投资总额和注册资本 5.1 Total Investment Amount 5.1 投资总额 The total amount of investment required by the Company is presently
26、estimated by the Parties to be total investment amount. 双方目前估计合营公司所需的投资总额为 。 5.2 Registered Capital Amount 5.2 注册资本 The Companys registered capital shall be registered capital amount. 合营公司注册资本为 。 5.3 Contributions to Capital 5.3 出资 (a) Party As contribution to the registered capital of the Company s
27、hall be Party A registered capital contribution, representing a Party A equity share percentage share of the registered capital of the Company. (a) 甲方对合营公司注册资本的出资为 ,占合营公司注册资本份额的百分之 。 (b) Party Bs contribution to the registered capital of the Company shall be Party B registered capital contribution,
28、representing a Party B equity share percentage share of the registered capital of the Company. (b) 乙方对合营公司注册资本的出资为 ,占合营公司注册资本份额的百分之 。 5.4 Payment of Registered Capital; Conditions Precedent 5.4 注册资本的缴付;先决条件 (a) Subject to Article 5.4(c) below, each Party shall make its contribution to the registered
29、 capital of the Company in accordance with the schedule set forth in Schedule C. (a) 在遵循以下第5.4(c)条规定的前提下,每一方应按照附录三中规定的时间表及条件缴付其认缴的注册资本。 (b) Subject to Article 5.4(c) below, in the event that a Party fails to make its capital contribution, in whole or in part, in accordance with the provisions of thi
30、s Contract, such Party shall be liable to pay simple interest to the Company at a rate equal to default interest rate per annum on the unpaid amount from the time due until the time the full outstanding amount including penalty interest is paid to and received by the Company. (b) 在遵循以下第5.4(c)条规定的前提下
31、,如果一方未依照本合同的条款全额或部分出资,则该方应就欠缴的出资额按年利率 的单利向合营公司支付罚息,计息期为该笔出资的应缴日期至该笔出资及罚息全额支付,并由合营公司收到之日。 (c) Neither Party shall have any obligation to make its contribution to the Companys registered capital until it has received each of the following documents: (c) 在一方收到以下各份文件之前,该方没有向合营公司缴付出资的义务: (i) a copy of th
32、e Approval Letter and the Approval Certificate approving this Contract and the Articles of Association without 的批复和批准证书,且其中没有对本合同和公司章程作实质性修改; (ii) a copy of the Business License incorporating the business scope set out in Article 4.2 without Material Modification. (ii) 载有本合同第4.2 条所述经营范围的营业执照,且其中对上述经
33、营范围无实质性修改。 (d) If the Approval Letter, Approval Certificate or the Business License (each being an “Approval Document”) is issued with a Material Modification, the Parties shall consult together to determine whether: (d) 如果批复、批准证书或营业执照(合称“批准文件”)中某一份含有对相关内容的实质性修改,则双方应共同协商并做出以下决定之一: (i) to accept such
34、 Material Modification and waive the corresponding condition precedent in Article 5.4(c), or (i) 接受这些实质性修改,并且放弃第5.4(c)条所载相应的先决条件,或者 (ii) to apply to the relevant government departments to have such Approval Document amended and re-issued in a form which remedies the Material Modification to the sati
35、sfaction of both Parties. (ii) 向相关政府机关申请,对该份批准文件以双方均可接受的方式进行修订,并且重新颁发。 In addition, if the Approval Letter and/or the Approval Certificate is issued with a Material Modification, and the Parties do not agree to accept such Material Modification and to waive the corresponding condition precedent, the
36、n the Parties shall not apply to the SAIC for the issuance of the Business License until such Material Modification is remedied to the satisfaction of both Parties. 此外,如果所颁发的批复或批准证书含有实质性修改,且双方未能达成一致接受这些实质性修改并放弃相应的先决条件,则在就这些实质性修改以双方均可接受的方式得到解决前,双方不应向工商局申请颁发营业执照。 (e) In the event that: (e) 如果发生以下情形之一:
37、 (i) any Approval Document is not issued within ninety (90) days of the date of submission of the relevant application in respect thereof; (i) 任何一份批准文件未在提出相应申请后的九十(90)日内颁发; (ii) the Examination and Approval Authority rejects any of the documents submitted for approval and the Parties cannot agree on
38、 the changes needed to obtain such approval within ninety (90) days of the notification of such rejection to the Parties; or (ii) 审批机关不予批准任一批准文件的申请,并且双方在接到该不予批准通知九十(90)日内未能达成一致使该批准文件的申请得以批准; (iii) there is any Material Modification to any Approval Document that is not accepted by the Parties and tha
39、t cannot be remedied in the manner described in Article 5.4(d) above within ninety (90) days of the date of issuance of such original Approval Document, (iii) 批准文件中有一方无法接受的实质性修改,且在颁发原批准文件之日后的九十(90)日内未能按照上述第5.4(d)条的规定得到补救。 and the Parties do not agree to waive the corresponding condition precedent in
40、 Article 5.4(c) or to extend the time for fulfilling the same, then either Party shall have the right to issue written notice to the other Party declaring this Contract and the Articles of Association immediately null and void, whereupon the Parties shall apply for the cancellation of the Business L
41、icense (if issued) and, where any capital contributions have been made to the Company, the liquidation of the Company pursuant to Article 20.4. 且双方无法达成一致意见,同意放弃第5.4(c)条中的相应先决条件或顺延该先决条件成就的期限,则任何一方有权向对方发出书面通知,宣布本合同和公司章程立即撤销;在宣布合同撤销后,双方应申请注销合营公司的营业执照(如果已经颁发),并且对于已经缴付的出资,双方应根据第20.4 条进行清算。 In such case,
42、neither Party shall have any right whatsoever to require the other Party to make any further contribution to the registered capital of the Company or otherwise to require any other performance of this Contract or (except in cases of wilful misconduct) to claim any damages from the other Party. 在这种情况
43、下,任何一方均无权要求另一方向合营公司进一步缴付出资,或履行本合同项下其他义务,也无权要求另一方赔偿任何损失(但由于另一方故意不当行为造成的损失除外)。 5.5 Investment Certificates 5.5 出资证明书 When a Party has made all or any part of its contribution to the registered capital of the Company, a Chinese registered accountant appointed by the Board shall verify such contribution
44、 and issue a capital contribution verification report in the form required under Applicable Laws. 一方向合营公司部分或全部出资后,由董事会聘请的中国注册会计师验资并按照相关法律要求的形式出具验资报告。 In accordance with such report, the Company shall issue an Investment Certificate to the relevant Party. 合营公司依据验资报告向出资方颁发出资证明书。 An interim certificate
45、 shall be issued in respect of each partial contribution made by a Party. 如果一方部分出资,则就该部分出资颁发临时出资证明书。 Upon completion of all capital contributions by a Party, any interim certificate(s) shall be returned to the Company for cancellation and a final Investment Certificate shall be issued. 一方全额出资后,合营公司将
46、从该方收回所有临时出资证明书并予以注销,同时颁发正式出资证明书。 Any interim or final Investment Certificate shall be signed by the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Board and stamped with the Company seal, and shall certify the amount of registered capital contributed by such Party and the date on which such capital contribut
47、ion was made. 临时或正式出资证明书应由董事长和副董事长联合签署,加盖合营公司公章,并注明出资方的出资金额和出资日期。 5.6 Assignment of Registered Capital 5.6 注册资本的转让 (a) A Party may sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of (each a transfer) all or any part of its interest in the registered capital of the Company to any third party only with the prior
48、written consent of the other Party, the approval of the Board and the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority. (a) 只有在另一方事先书面同意、经董事会一致通过、并经审批机关批准后,一方才可向第三方出售、转让或以其他方式处置(合称“转让”)其对注册资本享有的全部或部分权益。 Upon receipt of approval from the Examination and Approval Authority, the Company shall registe
49、r the change in ownership with the SAIC. 收到审批机关对转让的批准后,合营公司应在工商局登记股东变更事宜。 All transfers shall be handled in compliance with the Changes in Equity Interests of Investors in Foreign Investment Enterprises Several Provisions issued by MOFCOM and the SAIC on 28 May 1997 (“Changes in FIE Equity Interests
50、 Provisions”) and all other Applicable Laws. 所有转让事宜应按照商务部及工商局于1997 年5 月28 日联合颁布的外商投资企业投资者股权变更的若干规定(以下简称外商投资企业股权变更规定)以及其他相关法律进行。 (b) If a Party (the Assigning Party) proposes to transfer all or any part of its interest in the registered capital of the Company to a third party, the other Party shall h
51、ave a pre-emptive right to purchase such interest at the price offered to the third party. (b) 如果一方(“转让方”)拟将其在合营公司注册资本的部分或全部转让给第三方,另一方有以及转让方向第三方提出的同等价格优先购买的权利。 The Assigning Party shall notify the other Party in writing of the terms and conditions of the proposed transfer. 转让方应以书面方式告知其他方拟进行的转让的条款及条件
52、。 If the other Party does not exercise its preemptive right of purchase within thirty (30) days after delivery of such notice, such other Party shall be deemed to have consented to such transfer and covenants that it will sign all necessary documents in connection therewith and will cause the direct
53、ors appointed by it to attend in person, by proxy or by telecommunications any Board meeting at which such transfer is to be considered and to vote in favor of a resolution approving such transfer or to sign a written resolution circulated in lieu of such a meeting of the Board, as the case may be.
54、如果在递交上述通知后的三十(30)日内另一方没有行使其优先购买权,则视为该方同意此转让,该方承诺将签署所有必要的相关文件,并将促使其委派的董事亲自参加、通过代理人或通讯设备参加审议此转让事宜的董事会并投票赞成批准此转让的决议,或签署在董事间传阅的相关书面决议。 (c) If a Party desires to sell all or part of its interest in the registered capital of the Company to the other Party, and the other Party desires to purchase such inte
55、rest, the Parties shall request an Independent Appraiser to conduct a valuation of the Company using the Industry Valuation Method. (c) 如果一方希望将其在合营公司注册资本中的份额全部或部分出售给另一合营一方,且另一方也愿意购买该份额,则双方应聘请一家独立评估师采用行业评估方法对合营公司进行评估。 The Independent Appraiser shall complete the valuation of the Company within forty-
56、five (45) days. 独立评估师应在四十五(45)日内完成评估。 The valuation determined by the Independent Appraiser shall be the valuation adopted by the Parties for purposes of this provision save that where the valuation is a Stateowned asset valuation required by Applicable Laws, the Parties may agree an adjustment to s
57、uch valuation where and to the extent permitted under Applicable Laws. 在本条中,由独立评估师确定的价值为双方认定的合营公司价值。但如果相关法律就国有资产的保全另有规定,双方可同意对上述评估价值在相关法律允许的范围内进行调整。 The purchase price for all or part of a Partys share of the registered capital of the Company shall be calculated by multiplying the value of the Compa
58、ny as determined above by the percentage of such Partys share of the registered capital to be transferred. 购买合营公司注册资本全部或部分份额的价款计算方法如下:以上述方式确定的合营公司的价值乘以转让方拟转让份额占注册资本总额的比例。 (d) Notwithstanding clauses (a) and (b) of this Article 5.6 above, the Assigning Party may transfer all or part of its amount of
59、the registered capital of the Company to an Affiliate (the “Affiliate Assignee”) of the Assigning Party on the following conditions: (d) 尽管有上述5.6 条(a)、(b)款的规定,转让方可将持有的合营公司注册资本份额部分或全部按下列条款转让给其某一关联机构(“关联受让方”): (i) the Affiliate Assignee shall assume and undertake to perform fully all of the obligation
60、s of the Assigning Party under this Contract and to have assigned to it any shareholder loans made by the Assigning Party to the Company; and (i) 关联受让方应承担并全部履行转让方在本合同项下的所有义务并且受让转让方对合营公司的任何股东债权;并且 (ii) the Assigning Party shall acknowledge and agree that to the extent that the Affiliate Assignee fail
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