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1、高考英语历年真题含答案解析1.She is _ out on 译文. 星天她大部分时间在外面。A. almost B. mostlyC. most D. the 答案:。 mostly 用作语大部2.His diet can not be considered as healthy because it a lot of fat _ meat, cakes and cream.译文. 他食品不是健康食品,因为含有大量的肉,蛋糕,奶酪等脂肪。A. in forms of B. in the form ofC. in form of D. by答案:。 in the form of 固定搭配以的形

2、式。3.Hillen used to be very shy, but she has grown_it now.译文. Hillen 过一直很害羞,但现在已经不样。A. without B. overC. away D. out 答案:。 grow out of 在此示因岁增大而改的思。4.I like to be friends with John. He easy _.译文. 我和约翰成朋友,他很好相处。A. get along to get alongC. get along with D. to get along with答案:。 be easy to get along with

3、 很易与某人相处。5.Is this the watch you wish to _?译文. 这是你想修的表吗?A. have it repaired B. repair itC. have repaired it D. repaired答案:。 have sth. done 结中的宾和主语都不发出这个动。 6.I can _ BBC English programmes clearly on my radio.译文. 在的收音机里我能听到清晰的 BBC 英语广。A. picked up B. pick upC. picks up D. picking up答案:。 情态动词要跟动词原形。7.

4、Look, they seem _ about you.译文. 看他们好像在议论你呢。A. Talk B. to talkC. to be talking D. to be talked答案:。 Look,后面一般是进时态。8.Ill never forget the day _ we spentt together in London. 译文. 我不会忘记我们一起在伦敦度过的那些日子。A. when B. whileC. D. on which答案:。 定语从句先行词在从句中充当语。9.He studies the subject _.译文. 他究这门学科较深。A. far B. farth

5、erC. further D. farthest答案:。 far 副词,示程度。由于没有比较对象能比较级或者最高级。 10.When he was a little boy,he _ on the farm.译文. 但是一个小孩时,常常在农场里劳动。A. used to working used to workC. got used to work was used to work答案:。 used to do sth.意为过经常做某事。be used to do sth.意为被用 来做某事。be/get used to doing sth.习惯做某事。11.My brother _singi

6、ng _ dancing while I _ dance _sing. 译文. 我哥喜欢唱歌不喜欢跳舞,而我恰恰相反。A. prefers , to , would rather , than B. would rather , than , prefer toC. prefers , than , would rather ,to D. would rather , to ,prefer to答案:。 prefer doing sth. to doing sth. = would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁而不愿。12._ that she should co

7、me here on time.译文. 她天准时到这儿来就好了。A. Suppose B. DemandC. Think D. Believe答案:。 Suppose 表示假设,后面的从句用拟语气13.It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, _ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.译文 . 这一个令足球迷们激动的时刻,多少年来这是他们的球队第一次获得世界杯。 A. that B. whileC. which D. when答案:。 非限

8、制性语从句,先行词是 an exciting moment,从句中充当时间状 语。14.English examination I would gone to the concert last Saturday. 译文. 要是英语考试,我就会去听周六音乐会。A. But for B. As forC. In spite of D. Because of答案:。 but for 要不是用于虚拟语气; as for 至;in spite of 尽; because of 因。15.The brave soldier _ die than give in.译文. 这勇敢的战士宁死不降A. would

9、 rather B. had betterC. would rather not D. had better to答案:。 would rather .than宁愿而不愿16.We must find a dictionary. _ will do.译文. 我应该找到一本辞典。任何一本都可以。A. Some B. AnyC. Every D. Each答案:。 any 表示任一本都行。17.Anne looks _ in red while green clothes are nice _Helen. 译文. Anne 穿红色的衣服看;而 Helen 穿绿色的好看A. good; on B.

10、well; inC. good; at D. well; 答案:。 look good 看起来很美look 是系动词。taste,sound,feel,look,smell 与形容词连用表某人或某物的一种状态18.Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer. 译文. 一都认为是 Charles Babbage 发的第一台脑。A. to invent B. inventingC. to have invented having invented答案:。 不定式的作发生在谓语动词之,不定式要用完成时。19.If you

11、carry on working like this, you will _ sooner or later. 译文. 如你继续像这样工作,你迟早会病倒的。A. give off B. get downC. break down D. hold on答案:。 break down 意不,病倒衰。20.Hardly _ when suddenly pulled away.译文. 他一到车站,车就开走了。A. they had got to the bus stop B. they got to the bus stopC. did they get to the bus stop D. had

12、they got to stop答案:。 否定副词 hardly 放句首构成倒装句。Hardly+had+主+done when.did.是定的句式。选项 A21.According to time table , the train for Beijing_ at sevenoclock in the evening .译文. 根时刻表,去北京的火车晚上七点发车。A. leaves B. has leftC. was left will leave答案:。 火车时刻固定的用一般现在时。22.Its getting late. We must be off now. Which of the

13、following cant replace the underlined part?译文. 下的词语中那个不能替换句中的划线部分?A. begin B. be C. start D. go答案:。 be off 出发。23.Are you pleased with what he has done? in the least. It couldnt be _.译文. 你对他所做的工作满意吗?一点也不满意。没有比这个更糟的了。 A. so bad B. betterC. any worse the best答案:。 否定词与较级连用表最高级含。24.How about the two of u

14、s _ a walk down the garden?译文. 我两到花园散步如何?A. to take B. C. taking D. to be taking答案:。 how about 后接动名词。25. is _ going with you?- So so.译文. 你最近一切都好吗?一般。A. everything anythingC. something D. nothing答案:。 everything 在里是一切的意思。How is everything going you?意是:你近如何?26.In the cinema, there was an man_ beside me

15、.译文. 在影院,有个老头坐在我的旁边。A. at B. sitC. sitting D. to sit答案:。 用现在分做定语。不定式表示来。27.Mr. Wang was a good teacher _ the students love and 译文. 王师是一个受到学生热爱和尊敬的好老师。A. who B. whomC. that D. as答案:。 suchas.引导的定从句。28.A new school was _ in the village last year.译文. 去一所新的学校在这个村庄建起来了。A. held up set upC. sent up brought

16、up答案:。 hold up 举; up 建起; send 发; bring up 抚。 29.The war against the Japanese invaders _ in 1937.译文. 抗战争在 1937 年爆发。A. was broekn out B. was broke outC. broke out D. was breaking 答案:。 break out 是不及物动,不能被动形式。30.This material _ very soft.译文. 这材料摸起来很柔软。A. is felt B. feelsC. has felt feeling答案:。 连系动,摸起来,后

17、面跟形容词作表语。31. are you going to be when you grow up? -I want to _. 译文. -长大后干什么?我想当手。A. go to the sea B. go to seaC. work beyond the D. go to Qindao by sea答案:。 go to the sea 到海边; to sea 当水手。32.The question is easy _.译文. 这问题不易回答。A. to answer B. to be answeredC. answered D. answering答案:。 表示形容后接不定式,如果不式与该

18、句主语有动宾系,不定式用主 动形式。33.Help yourself _ some more fruit.译文. 请便吃点水果。A. with B. toC. for D. on答案:。 help to sth. 固定搭配,随便吃点。34. often do you go home? - _.译文. -多久才回家一次? -一周一次。A. For B. After a weekC. Once week D. 答案:。 对频率提,用 how often。35.She reached the top of the hill and stopped _ on rock by the side of t

19、he path.译文. 她达了小山顶,停了下来,在路边的岩石上休息。A. to have rested B. restingC. to rest D. 答案:。 不定式表目的。36. happened that new area? - New houses _ recently over there.译文. -个新的地区发生了什么呀?那里最修起了许多新房屋。A. are built buildC. have built D. have been built答案:。 考查时态现在完成时态一般和 yet, already, by this time, so far, recently, since

20、, for a long time 等副连用。37.Mr. Wang was a good teacher _ the students love and 译文. 王师是一个受到学生热爱和尊敬的好老师。A. who B. whomC. that D. as答案:。 suchas.引导的定从句。38.He usually goes to on time _.译文. 除下雨天外,他总是按时上班。A. except for raining days besides it rainsC. but that it rains D. except on rainy days答案:。 表示排除外用 exce

21、pt而表示不影响整体评价的前提下,有一些不足 或缺点 except for 用。39.What shall have for dinner tonight? -Oh,I dont care. _. Its your job to come up with the menu,so get on it.译文. 今天晚上我们吃什么好呢?喔,我不介意,什么都行。A. Anything will do B. wont have lessons C. neednt to talk about it with someone D. a nice meal答案:。 do 为不物动,合适,行。40. - Wha

22、ts your opinion about it? -You can _at a glance that the building was poorly built.译文. -对此的看法如何-一眼可以看得出这座楼房修建得很差。A. say B. seeC. tell D. take it for granted答案:。 see 在该句意思是明,道。say说;tell分;take it for granted当然。41._ the day on, the weather got worse.译文. 随时间的推移,气候变得越来越糟。A. With B. SinceC. Which D. As答案:

23、。 with +名词 + 副构成的复合结构,表示伴随42.Ill give the prize to _ finishes the work first.译文. 我把奖品给最先完成工作的人。A. whomever B. whoeverC. who D. anyone答案:。 名词性从中的“救从不救主原”和“首选原则”。43.We like the oil painting better, _ we looked at it.译文. 每我们看到这幅画,我们越喜欢它。A. as B. whileC. the moment D. the 答案:。 the moment 引的时间状语从句44. _ t

24、o sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin. 译文. 暴在阳光下太久将对一个人的皮肤有害。A. Exposed B. having exposedC. Being exposed D. After being exposed答案:。 动名词短做主语,用系表结构示状态。45.about the universe till now.译文. 到在我们对宇宙了解甚微。A. So little had me known B. Only a little do we knowC. Very little have we known D. L

25、ittle shall we know答案:。 否定词在首句子要部分倒装。46.Whom can you trust, if not 译文. 如不是他,你还能信谁呢?A. himself B. heC. him D. his答案:。 这儿是个略句,作宾语。47.My house is ten kilometers _ our school.译文. 我里学校有十公里远。A. far B. awayC. far away away from答案:。 句中有表距离的具体数字,其不再用 far48.The cost of oil is less than _ of gas.译文. 油费用比气的费用低。

26、A. it B. oneC. the one D. 答案:。 在比较级用 that 来代替前面提到过的不可数词49. are you going to be when you grow up? -I want to _. 译文. -长大后干什么?我想当手。A. go to the sea B. go to seaC. work beyond the D. go to Qindao by sea答案:。 go to the sea 到海边; to sea 当水手。50.He _ prison two years ago and now he _.译文. 两前他悲观进监狱,现在被释放了。A. wa

27、s put in; was set B. was into, is set freeC. put into, has been freely D. was put into; has been set free答案:。 put sb. into prison;set sb. free 都是固定搭。51.Though some foreign scientists had a _ of his new invention, his fellow never thought _ of it.译文. 尽有些外国科学家对他的新发明评价很高,他的同事却对此评价不高。 A. highly; low B.

28、highC. high; highly D. poor; highly答案:。 第一个空用形容词;第二个空用副词。Have a high opinion of, think highly of 对评高。52.We used to work in the same office and we _ have coffee together.译文. 我过去在同一个办公室上班,常常一起喝咖啡。A. would B. shouldC. which D. might答案:。 as 引导非限制性定语从句,as 代整个主句。53.The child _ away from father and ran out

29、.译文. 小挣脱了父亲,跑开了。A. took B. brokeC. drove D. caught答案:。 take away 拿走;break away 脱,断绝往来;drive away 开车离开。54.Not until Mr. Smith came to China _what of a country she is from.译文. 直他来到中国,斯密斯先才知道她来自一个什么样的国家。A. Didn he know Had he knownC. Hadn he known D. Did he know答案:。 not until 在首主句要部分倒装。55.Historically,

30、 _ main material for making tables has been wood, but _ metal and stone have also been used.译文. 历地说,做桌子的的原料一直是木料,但是金属和石料也可以用了。A. the; B. /; /C. the; the D. /; the答案:。 第一个为指第二个空不填是因为 meta, stone 不数名词表示种类。56.She likes playing _ guitar while her brother is fond of playing _ football.译文. 她欢弹吉他;可她弟弟的却喜欢踢

31、足球。A. the; the B. the; aC. /; the D. /答案:。 乐器名词必须加冠词 the;球名词前不能加冠词。57._ the moonlight cooked the meat _ an open fire.译文. 借月光,他们在野外的篝火上烧肉。A. To; over From; inC. In; near near答案:。 by the moonlight 借着月光;on an open fire 在野外的篝火上。58.He _ to lend me his bike but I refused, for I didn want to trouble him.译文

32、. 她动要借钱给我,但我谢绝了,因为我不想麻烦他。A. failed B. offeredC. considered insisted答案:。 offer to do sth.主动做某事;fail to do sth.没做谋事;insist / consider doing sth.坚持某事。59.Mr. Chen is a teacher and works very hard. _ his wife.译文. 陈生是一个老师工作努力。他的妻子也是这样。A. So does B. So itC. So it is with It is same with答案:。 句型考查前面提及到的。60.T

33、he box is _ what I saw in the shop.译文. 这盒子和我在商店里看到的一样。A. same as the same likeC. the same that D. the same as答案:。 same 总是定冠词 the 连用;当表示类似时用 as;表示同一物时用 that。61.He thought the painting was of little _, so he let me have it for only ten pounds.译文. 他为这幅画不值价,他就让我只给十镑给买走了。A. cost B. valueC. price D. expen

34、ses答案:。 value = the proper or fair price 价值62.You _ child. You can take careof yourself.译文. 你再是小孩了。你能自己照料自己了。A. no longer are B. not any more areC. are no longer no more are答案:。 no longer 不再 常放在助动词或 be 动后。63.If you _ the medicine you _ better now.译文. 如你吃了这药,现在会感觉得好些。A. took would feel B. had taken f

35、eltC. had taken ; would feel D. ;would have felt答案:。 错综复杂件状语从句中的虚拟气问题。从句与主句时态各自判断。 64._ the beginning of the meeting, we heard a report by Li.译文. 在议之初,我们听了李先生的报告。A. By B. InC. At D. On答案:。 at the beginning of 在初65.My command of Chinese is not_ yours.译文. 我汉语的掌握没有你的一半好。A. as half as B. so half good as

36、C. good as half as D. half so good as答案:。 表示倍数词应放在比较级结构前面so+形容词as 用于否定。66.Speech is _ heard when it is given in a clear voice just slightly louder than normal.译文. 如用较清晰比平时大一点声讲,演讲效果更好。A. hardly B. C. completely best答案:。 副词修饰词。67.Do you know town at all? No, this is the first time I _ here.译文. 你解我们城市

37、么?不,我这是第一次到这儿来。A. was B. have beenC. came D. are coming答案:。 this is first time that在这个句型中,从句要用完时态。68.Do you know anyone in Paris?-No, Ill make once_ . 译文. -在巴黎有熟人吗-没有一旦我在那儿安家会交朋友的。A. m settled I have settledC. ll be D. I settling答案:。 探寻,look 看不及物动,不加宾),find 找到,put 放。 69.Until the present century, _

38、demand for natural gas.译文. 直本世纪才有对天然气的要求。A. little B. and littleC. there was little D. was there little答案:。 本题实际考查的是 not构。70.Henry cant attend the party _ at Toms house at present he is preparing the speech at the party _ at Maries house tomorrow.译文. Henry 不可能出席今天在汤姆家举行的舞会,因为她在准备明天在 Marie 家 会上的演讲。A.

39、 held; being held B. to be held; to be heldC. to be held; held D. being held; to be held答案: 此题考查现分词的动式和不定式的被动式作定语的情;前者表示正在进 行,后者表示还发生。71. nice time in the winter vacation. -_.译文. -假愉快 -彼此此。A. Of course, I have The same to youC. Of course, I will What about you答案:。 交际语。别人的问候或祝愿的答要用 The to you。相于汉语 的:彼此彼!72.Do you have _ bananas? -Yes, I have_.译文. -有香蕉吗?有哇,我有些。A. some, any B. some, someC. any, some D. any, any答案:。 当说话认对方的答复将是肯定,或语气委婉时,some 可在疑问句中。73.The sun was shining brightly, _ e


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