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1、Unit 5 Lets celebrate!Integrated skillsObjectivesTo identify main points from postersTo learn to catch the main points when you are listeningDo you know how people in Chinatown celebrate the Chinese New Year?People feel _.fireworkslion danceexcitedChinese New Year Party Lion dance Chinese dinner Fir

2、eworks Music and danceDate: Saturday, February 9Place: Chinatown, New YorkFind out more on New York Radio.Which festival is it? 2. When will they have the party?3. What can they eat at the party? 4. How can they get more information? Chinese food.On Saturday, February 9th.On New York Radio.Questions

3、: Chinese New Year.ListeningActivityTimePlaceLion dance_StreetChinese dinner_ StreetFireworks _ StreetMusic and dance _ Street Listen and finish the table below.1 p.m.Peel 2 p.m.Peel 8 p.m.Mott 9 p.m.Mott February 6Dear Millie,Happy New Year! I am on holiday in _. The Chinese people here always have

4、 a party to celebrate _. There are lots of interesting things at the party. The _ starts first. People take a lot of photos. Then peopleComplete the following postcard.New Yorkthe Chinese New Year lion dancecan have a nice _. At night, they watch the _. After that, there is a _show.What do you do to

5、 celebrate the Chinese New Year in Beijing?All the best,WendyChinese dinnerfireworksmusic and danceSpeakingSpeak up: Have a nice day!Listen to the conversation between Millie and her mother. Use this conversation as a model, and talk about an activity at your school.Lets enjoy our life.Homework:Have a nice day! PreviewTo preview Study skills To preview TaskTo preview the new words in Unit 6Homework根据汉语意思完成句子。西方人经常庆祝万圣节。People _often _Halloween.2. 谢谢你告诉我们有关那场足球赛。Thank you _ the football m


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