已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 六级听力词汇(全) 一、 学生生活场景 1. 教育有关词汇 graduate school 研究生院 higher education 高等教育 adult education 成人教育 undergraduate 本科生 postgraduate 研究生 universal education 普及教育 technical school 技校 admission office 招生办公室 2. 图书馆场景 written permission 书面批准 online catalogue 网上图书一览表 reference material 参照资料 reference desk 征询处 c

2、atalogue 目录 index 索引 reference stacks 书库 delivery / circulation desk 借书台 check out 登记并借出 library card/admission card 借书卡 date slip/deadline/date of expiry 期限 due 应付费 overdue 过期 pay a fine 交罚款 renew 续借 out on loan 借出的 reserve/book 预借 in circulation 在发行中 out of circulation 停止发行 periodical( magazines a

3、nd journals )定期刊物bibliography 书目(藉者检索目录) paper back 平装 hard back 精装 information desk 征询处 3. 课程作业谈论 lose ones voice 某人失声(可比方某人回忆或上课缺席) lay great emphasis on academic excellence(把重点放在学术成就上) tie up with study 忙于学习 brush up on 温习 draw up a plan 作筹划 skip the class 逃课 a case study 案例学习 causal attribution

4、归因理论 get through 读完 reading list 读书清单 TA(teaching assistant ) 助教 reference book 参照书 seminar schedule 论文安排 be fed up with 受够了 pull ones weight 尽本分 essay contest 散文竞赛 come in handy 到手 read it through the way 按章节顺序读 read books from cover to cover 完整地读完一本书 keep drifting away 走神 hold your interest 抓住你的爱好

5、 take sb. out of sth. 说服某人不干某事 make a copy of 复印一份 take the course 选课 go over 略过 narrow down 缩小的范畴 makding public speeches 公众演讲 introductory poetry course 诗歌简介课程 fill up 课程人数已满 information science 信息科学 go over ones notes 复习笔记 on-line education 网络教育 term paper 学期论文 research 研究 poll 民意测验 project 学生独立钻

6、研的课外课题 presentation 针对某一专项刊登的演讲 class list 班级人名列表 the English speech contest 英语演讲比赛 get frozen up 僵住 make a start 开始 cover every aspect of the topic 涉及主题的每个细节 lecture notes 课堂笔记 fill sb. in 给某人补课 schedule=school timetable 课程表 attendance/participation 课程安排 miss a class 缺课 course arrangement 课程安排 asse

7、ssment 综合评估 give to lecturer for marking 给教师批改 extension 延期 enforce attendance/participation 逼迫到课 resource 资料 at least xx年时的梦中找到灵感 an impressive reputation 名誉不错 right candidate for this position 职位的合适候选人 head broker 经纪人经理 stock market 股票市场 deal with the clients on the daily bases 与底层的客户打交道 handle ac

8、counts 解决账务 report to sb. 向某人报告 two weeks of paid vacation 两周的带薪假 Personnel Department 人事部 resign from his position 从某一职位辞职 exchange information 交流信息 small trading company 小型贸易公司 a public relations officer 公关职工 job prospects 职业前景 marketing director 销售经理 adverstising strategies 广告方略 stay competitive

9、保持竞争力 human resources 人力资源 television commercials 电视类的商业广告 keep ahead of 领先于 draw up a budget 做出预算 strong business competition 剧烈的商业竞争 lower the cost of production 减少生产成本 switch his work time 调换工作时间 annual check-up 年检 三、 家庭生活场景 1. 租房谈判词汇 make a bargain with the landlady over the rent 与房主就租金讨价还价 make

10、 a reservation 预定 landlord 房东 tenant 住客 two guests under the name 用这个名字登记的是两个客人 get a discount for the inconvenience 为导致的不便打折 an additional 15% discount 额外15%的折扣 make a mess 弄乱 cut down on their living expenses 削减生活 开支 have an apartment for rent 有房出租 save the trip 缩短路段 book a hotel 预定旅馆 dispose 定金 d

11、eposit 押金 enrolment 登记注册 landlady 房东太太 property 房产 2. 住房格局词汇 a sunny window 朝阳的窗户 unfurnished two-bedroom apartment 未装修的两居室 double room 双人间 single room 单人间 shared kitchen 公用厨房 balcony 阳台 entrance hall 门厅,大堂 proch 走廊 share room 公用房间 shared social area 公用空间 3. 住房家具词汇 paint house 粉刷房子 refrigerator 冰箱 t

12、emperature control 温度控制 四、 公共生活场景 1. 交通场景 run a red light 闯红灯 speeding 超速 make a wrong turn 拐错弯 fast lane 快行车道 ticket 罚单 fourth ringroad 四环路 turn into the lane right 右转 slam on your brake 踩刹车 be held up in traffic 交通阻碍 traffic light 信号灯 go straight 直走 get fuel for the car 给汽车加油 made a sudden turn 急转

13、弯 lost control of 失去控制 spot a place to park the car 找地方泊车 a parking space 停车位 speeding 超速行驶 crash into 撞上 ran into a tree 撞到树上 fall off 坠落 turned suddenly 打了急转弯 non-stop train 直达火车 a dining car 餐车 bitro car餐车subway entrance 地铁入口 break down 抛锚 flast tire 爆胎 rush hour 高峰期 traffic jam 堵车 give sb a ride

14、/lift/hitchhiker 搭车 shuttle bus 班车 parking lot/area,car park 停车规则 tow away 拖走 pay a fine 罚款 2. 餐厅场景 Slot machine 自动售货机 Watch ones weight 关注体重 tip(a flat tip)小费 order 点菜 be on diet 节食 snack bar 快餐小吃店 take-away 外卖 delicious/tasty/terrific 好吃 horrible/awful/disgusting 难吃 3. 银行场景 bank book/pass book 存折

15、open an account 开户 earn interest 赚取利息 savings account 储蓄存款账户 current account 活期存款账户 check/cheque account 支票账户 deposit account 定期存款账户 annual interest rate 年利率 instant account 速成户头 service charge 服务费/手续费 signature card 签名卡 draw/withdraw 提款 order check/cheque 记名支票 blank check/cheque 空白支票 the balance of

16、 your bank account 账户余额 travelers check/cheque 旅行支票 value/worth 面值 extension 延期 overdraw/overdraft 透支 payday 发薪日 pay slip/envelop 薪水单 mortgage 抵押 by installment 分期付款 apply for /grant a loan 申请/批准贷款 debt 债务 fill out/in 填写 loan 贷款 joint account 联名账户 cashier 收银员 teller 银行职工 statement 对账单 money order 汇票

17、 accountant 会计 4. 天气场景 freeze to death 冻死 be sensitive to weather changes 对天气变化敏感 weather forecast 天气预报 turn cold all of a sudden 忽然变冷 foggy/dense/heavy fog 雾天/浓雾 snowstorm 暴风雪 warm up 转暖 5. 打电话场景 phone box 电话亭 hold the line/hold on 别放电话 hang up 挂电话 telephone bill 电话费 on the phone 在电话里 make a phone

18、call to sb. 给某人打电话 pay phone 公用电话 long distance call 长途电话 local call 市话 phone book/ yellow pages/telephone directory 电话簿 put/get through to 接通 take/leave a message 捎/留口信 answer the call 接电话 return the call/call back 回电话 dial the wrong number 打错电话 (toll) free call 电话 dial the number 拨电话 static 干扰 6.

19、医院场景 high blood pressure 高血压 sneak up on sb. 悄悄溜到某人身上,不知不觉 preventative measure 防御措施 drive 动力 A double blessing has descended upon sb. 双喜临门 epidemic 流行病 dentist 牙医 stand the terrible smoke 忍受烟味 major breakthrough in方面的重要突破 beyond cure 无法治愈 get treatment 治疗 twist ones ankle 扭伤 mental hospital 精神病医院 s

20、urgeon 外科医生 have/catch a cold 感冒 have a sore throat 嗓子痛 give a prescription 开药方 tablet 药片 pills 药丸 injection 注射 capsule 胶囊 take an X-ray照片子 stay in hospital 住院 aspirin 阿司匹林 preventive injection 避免针 take ones temperature 量体温 take ones blood pressure 量血压 have a toothache 牙痛 feel chilly 觉得发冷 throw up 呕

21、吐 have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通 7. 机场场景 put sb. up for the night 安排某人过夜 arrange accommodation for sb. 给某人安排食宿 plane ticket 飞机票 be back to normal 恢复正常 make a reservation 预订 confirm a reservation 确认预订 cancel ones reservation 取消预订 one-way ticket 单程票 round-trip ticket 来回票 timetable时刻表 fare 票价 toll 通行费 non-st

22、op flight 直达航班 first class 头等舱 business class 商务舱 economy class 经济舱 excess charge 超重 vacant seat 空座 extra charge/surcharge 附加费 seat arrangement/assignment 定座 (estimated time of arrival)估计达到时间 (estimated time of departure)估计起飞时间 Fight, airport, air ticket 航班 飞机场,飞机票 board 登机 transfer 转机 departure/arr

23、ival time 起飞/达到时间 check-in 登机处 outer mechanical problems 机械故障 五、 娱乐休闲场景 1. 看电影、购物、约会场景 on the net 上网 surf the net 浏览网站 talk show 脱口秀 jewelry site 珠宝网站 promote a new champagne 推出一款新的香槟酒 rich food 脂肪含量高的食品 fruit juice 果汁 mineral water 矿泉水 plot 情节 applaudable 值得鼓掌的 convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人去干某事 bad

24、taste in clothes 衣着品位低 horror movie 恐怖电影 the stangest combination 最奇怪的搭配 electronic product 电子类商品 digital video camera DV机 DVD player DVD 播放机 booth 展区 talk sb. into doing sth. 劝某人做某事 a farewell dinner 辞别晚宴 serve sb. right (不幸事等)应某人承受 You said it! 你说的太对了! home-cooked meal 家常饭 make some coffee 冲点咖啡 ta

25、me dog 驯狗 get over the show 忘掉表演 tennis shoes 网球袜 sportswear department 运动用品柜台 daily business 平常事务 round the corner 即将到来 in advance/ beforehand 提前 tickets at the door 临近开演前的票 buy the tickets on the spot 现场买票 at half price 半价 go out of ones way to do sth. 竭力做某事 out of stock 脱销 be sold out 卖光 violent

26、content 暴力内容 strong language 剧烈的语言 put a warning leabel on albums 在唱片上贴警示标签 booking office/box office 售票处 be moved/touched 感动 student discount 学生折扣 appreciate 喜欢/欣赏 exaggerate 夸张 be taken/occupied 座位被占 dress circle 前排坐稳 back seat 后排座位 bargain 便宜货 a clearance sale 清仓甩卖 horror movie 恐怖片 tragedy 悲剧 com

27、edy 喜剧 science fiction (movie) 科幻电影 action movie 动作片 love story/romance 浪漫爱情片 detective movie 侦探推理片 leading role 主角 2. 旅游场景 lessen the discomfort 减少不适 cut down the expenses for air travel 减少飞机旅行的费用 East,west,homes best. 金窝银窝,不如家里的草窝 scrimshaw carvings 贝雕 tent 帐篷 sleeping bag 睡袋 cookout 野炊 scenic res

28、ort 旅游胜地 beyond description 用语言无法描述 go on a canoe trip / go canoeing 漂流旅行 upriver 上游 bathing suit 游泳衣 well-being 有关健康的一种整体概念,它涉及身体、情绪、社会、精神和文化五个方面jet lag 飞行时差 show sb. around 带着某人到处转 hotel accommodation 旅馆住宿 water skiing 滑水 go sightseeing 观光 historical events 名胜古迹 street signs 结晶标志 the great natural

29、 wonders of the world 世界自然奇迹 surfing 冲浪 resorts 胜地 ferry 渡船 river cruise 巡游 六、 人物评价场景 lost ones temper 发脾气 straightforwardness 坦白 out of line 过度 idle around all day 成天闲逛 have a long face 气愤或情绪低落 put ones finger on sth. 精确地找出或支出某事的因素 cosmetic surgery 整容 make sb smile 使某人开心 get upset easily over littl

30、e things 容易在小事上气愤 a strange personality 个性古怪 emotional problems 情绪问题 had a great time 过的不久乐 in a bad mood 情绪糟糕 a very bad temper 脾气很不好 talkative 多嘴的 half a dozen of words 没说几句话 hit the ceiling 勃然大怒 made a fuss over this issue 把某件事搞得特别糟糕 share ones feeling 有同感 sleeping bag 睡袋 cookout 野炊 scenic resort

31、 旅游胜地 beyond description 用语言无法描述 go on a canoe trip / go canoeing 漂流旅行 upriver 上游 bathing suit 游泳衣 well-being 有关健康的一种整体概念,它涉及身体、情绪、社会、精神和文化五个方面jet lag 飞行时差 show sb. around 带着某人到处转 hotel accommodation 旅馆住宿 water skiing 滑水 go sightseeing 观光 historical events 名胜古迹 street signs 结晶标志 the great natural wo

32、nders of the world 世界自然奇迹 surfing 冲浪 resorts 胜地 ferry 渡船 river cruise 巡游 六、 人物评价场景 lost ones temper 发脾气 straightforwardness 坦白 out of line 过度 idle around all day 成天闲逛 have a long face 气愤或情绪低落 put ones finger on sth. 精确地找出或支出某事的因素 cosmetic surgery 整容 make sb smile 使某人开心 get upset easily over little t

33、hings 容易在小事上气愤 a strange personality 个性古怪 emotional problems 情绪问题 had a great time 过的不久乐 in a bad mood 情绪糟糕 a very bad temper 脾气很不好 talkative 多嘴的 half a dozen of words 没说几句话 hit the ceiling 勃然大怒 made a fuss over this issue 把某件事搞得特别糟糕 share ones feeling 有同感 一、 学生生活场景 1. 教育有关词汇 graduate school 研究生院 hi

34、gher education 高等教育 adult education 成人教育 undergraduate 本科生 postgraduate 研究生 universal education 普及教育 technical school 技校 admission office 招生办公室 2. 图书馆场景 written permission 书面批准 online catalogue 网上图书一览表 reference material 参照资料 reference desk 征询处 catalogue 目录 index 索引 reference stacks 书库 delivery / ci

35、rculation desk 借书台 check out 登记并借出 library card/admission card 借书卡 date slip/deadline/date of expiry 期限 due 应付费 overdue 过期 pay a fine 交罚款 renew 续借 out on loan 借出的 reserve/book 预借 in circulation 在发行中 out of circulation 停止发行 periodical( magazines and journals )定期刊物bibliography 书目(藉者检索目录) paper back 平装

36、 hard back 精装 information desk 征询处 3. 课程作业谈论 lose ones voice 某人失声(可比方某人回忆或上课缺席) lay great emphasis on academic excellence(把重点放在学术成就上) tie up with study 忙于学习 brush up on 温习 draw up a plan 作筹划 skip the class 逃课 a case study 案例学习 causal attribution 归因理论 get through 读完 reading list 读书清单 TA(teaching assistant ) 助教 reference book 参照书 sem


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