



1、 PaSSage OneOUr clothes are a thi ng Can affect OUr moods. Wear colorful clothes shows and affects our feelings.When We re sadly, We will Wear dark clothes.So When happy,We Often choose to Wear brightly-colored clothes. OUr ChOiCe of color shows What We are feeling. SUPPOSe We are felt sad, if We We

2、ar black We may begin to feel worse.However, if We Wear gree n, red and yellow We may feel good. Orange makes US more happier, White makes We helpful, and so on. So remember, if you are not feeling your best, you Can try out some clothes of different colors. If One color has not effect On your feeli

3、 ngs, maybe ano ther will.OUr clothes are a thing Can affect our moods. Wear colorful clothes shows andaffects ourthat / WhiChWeari ngfeel ings. Wherwe re sadly, wewill Wear dark clothes. Sa When happy, We often choose to WearSadBUthowbrightly-colored clothes. OUr ChOiCe of color shows What We are f

4、eeling. SUPPOSe We are felt sad,howfeeli ngif We Wear black We may begin to feel worse.However, if We Wear green,red and yellowif We Wear black We may begin to feel worse.However, if We Wear green,red and yellowWe mayorfeel good. Orange makes US happier, if youWhite makes We helpful,and so on. So re

5、member,USWe mayorfeel good. Orange makes US happier, if youWhite makes We helpful,and so on. So remember,USare not feelingyour best, you Can tryout some clothesof differentcolors. If Oneare not feelingyour best, you Can tryout some clothesof differentcolors. If Onecolor has notnoeffect On your feeli

6、 ngs, maybe ano ther will.PaSSage twoAttention,please. There is going to have a talk by a well-known AmeriCa writer,Sara Jones. You may have read her the IateSt novel. It S in all bookshops at themoment. Well, the talk is to be given at 8 p.m. in SatUrday evening in the library. That S the building

7、next Allen Hall, the English DePartment BUiIding. MiSS JoneS have just returned from AfriCa and will talk about all her experience there. She traveled through three differentCOUntriesand meet lots of interestingpeople. NowI d like to remind you What the talk is for every one, not just for the fourth

8、-year StUdents. I m SUre the talk willbe Very interested and hope you all have a greattime.Atte nti on,please. There is going to have a talk by a wellk nown AmeriCa writer,Sara Jon es.beAmeriCa nYoU may have read her IateStnovel.talk is to beItin all bookshops at the moment. Well, thegiven at 8 p.m.

9、 jn_ SatUrday evening Hall, the En glishOninthebeAmeriCa nYoU may have read her IateStnovel.talk is to beItin all bookshops at the moment. Well, thegiven at 8 p.m. jn_ SatUrday evening Hall, the En glishOninthetolibrary. That S the buildingnext AllenDePartme nt BUiIdi ng.Miss JoneS have JUStJetUr ne

10、d from AfriCa and will talk about all herhasexperience there. She traveled throUgh three differe nt CoUn tries and meet lots of in terest ing people.experie ncesmetNowI d like to remi nd yoU What the talk is for every one, n Ot JUst for the fUrth-yearStUde nts.thatI m SUre the talk will be Veryinter

11、ested and hope yoU all have a great time.in teresti ngPaSSage threeAfter school I Went home for the SUPPer. Whe n I got home, I fUnd my mother liein bed. She WaS ill. My father WaS away from home for bUS in ess. “ What shall I do?” I thoUght to me. SinCe MOther WaS ill, I mUSt take well Care of her.

12、 So I decidedto try cook ing by myself. I did the cook ing With great diffiCUlt and it got bUrntat last. I had thoUght MOther WoUld n ever like it. So I had to ask my mother to haveSUpper. With my joy, MOther PraiSed me for the meal I cooked. She said, “It tastes delicioUS. I m Very PIeaSed With it.

13、 ” I know that MOther WaSenCOUraging me todo mUCh by myself.After school I Went home for SUPPer. Whe n I got home, I fUnd my mother lie inbed. Shelyi ngWaS ill. My father WaS away from home for bUS in ess.“ What shall I do? ” I thoUghtto me. SinCeOnmyselfMOther WaS ill, I mUSt take Well Care of her.

14、 So I decided to try cooking by myself. I did thegoodcook ing With great diffiCUlt and it got bUr nt at last. I had thoUght MOther WOUldn ever like it. So I _diffiCUltyBUthad to ask my mother to have SUPPer. With my joy, MOther PraiSed me for the mealI cooked. SheTohadsaid, “It tastes delicioUS. I m

15、 Very PIeaSed With it. ” I know that MOther WaS en CoUragi ng me to do much by myself.morePaSSage fourMark TWai n, One of the best-k nown AmeriCa n Writer in the 19th Cen tury, who WaSborn in Missouri. HiS hometown lie on the banks of the MiSSiSSiPPi River, there heSPe nt his childhood. When he grew

16、 up, he WOrked like a pilot On a river boat forSOmetime. Mark TWain is his Pen name. He took it from the shout of the sailors measure the depth of the water. Mark TWain wrote a lot of no vels, but One of them isTheAdVentures of Tom SaWyer. It brought his fame and honor. Some of his Writings havetran

17、SIatedinto many Ianguages. He and his works are deep loved by readers throughoutthe world.Mark TWain, One of the best-known AmeriCan Writer in the19th Century, WaS born in Missouri. HiSWriterShometown Iie On the banks of the MiSSiSSiPPi River, there he SPent his Childhood.When he grew up, he WOrkedl

18、iesWhere /力口 andIike a pilot on a river boat for some time. Mark TWain is his Pen name. He took itfrom the shout of the sailorsasmeasure the depth of the water. Mark TWain wrote a lot of novels, but One of themis The AdVentures of Tommeasuri ngandSawyer. It brought his fame and honor. Some of his Wr

19、itings have tranSIated intomany Ian guages. He and hishimbee nworks are deep loved by readers throughout the world.deeplyPaSSage fiveDear Joh n,How are thing going With you in Beijing? I am Writing to thank you. You help me a lot With my SPeak ing En glish before you Went to Beiji ng last mon th. With your help I made so rapid PrOgreSS Whe n I Won the first PlaCe in the En glish SPeeCh COmPetitiOn Of OUr City. Thank you Very much. I Ve been heard that you will PayViSit to OUr school n ext mon th. If it is possible, We Can See each other aga in. Iam really look ing forward On your visit. I


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