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1、同位语从句练习(1 ) 2020/02/12一、语法填空The factthe money WaS gone does not mean it WaS stole n.2.lm sorry to hear the awful n ewsyour brother died at a youngage.We have some doubthe CanWin the first prize.Most importa ntly, you should always hold the beliefyou are SUre toSUCCeed as long as you keep your direct

2、 ion all the time.The factI WaS a foreig ner WaS a big disadva ntage.We all agree With the ide We should make most of our time tostudy.Whe n I heard the n ewsour team had won, I burst into tears.The manager PUt forward a SUggeStiOnWe should have anassista nt.There is too much work to do .Accord ing

3、to the professor, the questi onit is right or wrong depe nds onthe final result of the experiment.10.I am in favor of the VieW We must make full USe of the existingtech ni cal equipme nt.Is there any POSSibiIitytheir team will Win in the fin al?Word Camethe astro no mers had take n the first ever im

4、age of a blackhole, WhiCh is located in a dista nt galaxy.There no doubtShe will run out of money Very soon if SheSPe nds like this.The POSSibiIitythere is life on other pla nets in the Uni VerSe has alwaysin SPired SCie ntists to explore the outer space.The Patient son asked the doctor the question

5、his father couldSUrViVe the big OPeratiO n.、单句改错:1.The fact whether man has landed on the moon is true.2.She expresses her hope whether she will come and visit China again.3.I could no longer ignore the fact what he was unhappy.Dad made a promise he would buy me a new iPad if I passed the English te

6、st.There is no doubt whether teachers play an important role in children s growthThe news they had won the game soon spread over the whole school.However, we canot verlook the fact it must be operated with a phone and a network.The news which he won the first prize is true.Many children are not awar

7、e of the fact which life is hard for their parents.We are glad at the news the headmaster will join us in hiking this Sunday.There is no doubt if English has become a universal language nowadays.We shared the belief what if you re fortunate enough to have success, you shouldput something back.The ne

8、ws which my brother failed to win the speech contest is really disappointed.Finally I want to express my hope which all the young fellows can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no man.There is a popular belief among parents who schools donpt ay any attention to handwriting.参考答案语法填

9、空:1.答案: that解析:考查同位语从句。句意 :那笔钱不见了 ,这一事实并不意味着它被偷了。分 析句子结构可知,空处引导的是同位语从句,解释说明Thefact,且从句成分完整,故 填 that。答案: that解析:设空处应填that引导同位语从句,解释说明news的具体内容。答案: whether解析:句意 :我们怀疑他是否能获得一等奖。doubt 做名词 ,用于肯定句时 ,应用Whether引导同位语从句。答案: that解析:句意:最重要的是 ,你应该总是持有这种信念 ,只要你一直坚持你的方向就一 定会成功。设空处引导的是同位语从句该从句不缺内容,结构完整,应该用that引 导。答

10、案: that解析:that引导同位语从句,说明the fact的内 容。其中that不充当任何成分。6.答案: that解析:【解题思路】考查同位语从句。句意:我们一致赞成我们应 充分利用我们的时间来学习的观点。根据句意并分析句子结构可知,idea后为同位语从句,对idea进行解释和说明,且从句不缺少任何成分,故此处应用that。答案: that解析:考査同位语从句。句意 :当我听到我们队获胜的消息时 ,我哭了起来根据句 子的结构来判断 ,空处引导同位语从句 ,且在从句中不作成分 ,故用 that。答案: that解析:句意:经理提出一个建议 ,我们应该有个助手。 有太多工作要做了。 sug

11、gestion 之后的从句不缺少句子成分,且是对SuggeStiOn内容的具体说明,可见是一个同位 语从句,应由that引导。答案: whether解析:句意为 :据那位教授所说 ,这个问题是对还是错要看实验的最终结果。分析 句子结构可知,设空处引导同位语从句,解释说明the question的具体内容,根据设 空处后的or可知,此处位用Whether引导该从句。故填 WhetherO答案: that解析:【解题思路】考査同位语从句我们必须充分利用现有的技术设备。空后面 的句子解释说明 vieW 的内容,所以空处引导同位语从句,所填词在从句中不作 成分, 所以填 that。答案: that解析

12、:there is the POSSibiIity of.that从句表示 有的可能性”此处that引导的从 句作 poSSibility 的同位语 ,是同位语从句。答案: that解析:答案: that解析:答案: that解析:句意 :宇宙中其他星球上存在生命这种可能性总是激励科学家们对外太空 进行探索。 poSSibility 后的从句中不缺少句子成分 ,且句意完整 ,由此可知这是一 个同位语从句 ,是对 poSSibility 的具体解释 ,应填入 that。答案:Whether解析:考査同位语从句。此同位语从句表示一种不确定的状态,故用Whether引导, 表示the questio

13、n的具体内容。单句改错:1答案:The fact Whetherman has Ianded on the moon is true. that解析:that引导同位语从句,解释说明the fact的内容。2答案:She expresses her hopewhether She will come and ViSit China aga in.解析:分析句子结构可知,本句包含一个同位语从句,解释说明名词hope而且从句中不缺少成分,故用that。答案:I could no Ionger ignore the fact hat he WaS Unhappy.that解析:分析句子结构可知,本句

14、包含一个同位语从句,而从句中不缺 少句子成分,故用that。答案:Dad made a PrOmiSe that he would buy me a new iPad if I PaSSed the English test.解析:he前加上that抽象名词PrOmiSe后接同位语从句。从句的意义和句子结构都是 完整的,故用that引导,且同位语从句中的引导词that 殳不可省略。5.答案:There is no doubtWhetherthatteachers play an importa nt role in ChiIdre nThere is no doubtWhetherthatte

15、achers play an importa nt role in ChiIdre nS growth.解析:般来说,doubt用Whether tha此处doubt后面跟般来说,doubt用作名词时,在肯定句中 doubt后的从句要用 Whether/if引导,在否定句中doubt后的从句需用that引导6.答案:The news that they had won the game soon SPread over the whole school.解析:7答案:However, We cant overlook the fact that it must be OPerated With

16、 a phoneand a n etwork.答案:We Shared the belief答案:We Shared the beliefwhat if you that?should PUt SOmethi ng back.re fortun ate eno Ugh to have success, you解析:8.答案:WhiCh that解析:9.答案:Many ChiIdre n are not aware of the factwhich life is hard for their Pare nts. that解析:10.答案:We are glad at the news tha

17、t the headmasterwill join US in hiking thisSun day.解析:11答案:ifThere is no doubtEn glish has become a Uni VerSalla nguage no Wadays.that解析:解析:答案:The newsmy brother failed to Win the SPeeCh COntest is reallythatdisappo in teddisappo int ing解析:答案:Finally I Want to express my hope WhiCh all the young fellows Can ma


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