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1、PAGE 采 油 六 厂 工 程 建 设 项 目 工程报审报验监 理 表 格石油化工建立工程工程监理SH/T 3903-2004濮中油工程理工 程 理 六 站 ST/T 3903-2004SH/T 3903-A.1工程开工/复工报审表Works mencement/Resumption Approval Request工程名称 Works Title:编 Item No:致 濮中油工程理监理To CS/CMC 我承当的 采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝 工程已完成了以下各项工作具备了开工/复工条件特此申请施工请核查并签发开工/复工指。We have fulfilled the following a

2、ctivities for the work contracted by us, the works mencement/works resumption conditions are available, therefore the construction is applied hereby, please review and issue works mencement/works resumption orders.附Attaed:1 开工 mencement Report;2 证明 Sporting documents。 工程经理 Project Manager承包章 日 Contr

3、actor(op) Date审查 Review ments: 总监理工程师 ief Servision Engineer工程监理机构:工程理六站 日 CS/CMC DateSH/T 3903-A.2施工组织设计方案报审表Construction Organization Design Approval Request工程名称 Works Title:编 Item No:致 濮中油工程理监理To CS/CMC 我方已根据施工承包合同的有关规定完成了采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝工程施工组织设计方案的编制并经我技术负责人审查批准请予以审查。According to the regulations of

4、 the construction contract, we have pleted the preparation of the construction organization design ,and it has been reviewed and approved by the tenical responsible people of our pany, please review it.附Attaed施工组织设计/施工方案。Construction Organization Design/Construction Plan工程经理 Project Manager承包章 日 Con

5、tractor(op) Date专业监理工程师审查 专业监理工程师 Discipline Servision Engineer 日 Date总监理工程师审核 Review ments from ief servision engineer:总监理工程师 ief Servision Engineer工程监理机构:工程理六站 日 CS/CMC DateSH/T 3903-A.3分包资格报审表Subcontractor Qualification Approval Request工程名称 Works Title:编 Item No:致 濮中油工程理监理To CS/CMC 经考察我方认为拟选定的 菏泽

6、方明集团 分包具有承当以下工程的施工资质和施工才能可以保证本工程工程按合同的规定进展施工。分包后我方仍承当承包合同的全部责任。请予以审查和批准。After investigation, we think the proposed (subcontractor) has the qualification and capability for contracting the fallowing works, and can assure that this woks will be constructed as per the contract regulations. After subcon

7、tracting this works, we still hold the whole responsibilities of the lump sum contractor. Please review and approve it.附Attaed1 分包资质材料 Subcontractor Qualification Documents;2 分包业绩材料 Subcontractor Performance Documents。分包工程名称部位Subcontracted works(location)工程数量Works Quantity拟分包工程合同额Contract Price of p

8、roposed subcontracted works分包工程占全部工程Percentage of subcontracted works 合 计 Totals工程经理 Project Manager承包章 日 Contractor(op) Date专业监理工程师审查 专业监理工程师 Discipline Servision Engineer 日 Date总监理工程师审核 Review ments from ief servision engineer:总监理工程师 ief Servision Engineer工程监理机构:工程理六站 日 CS/CMC DateSH/T 3903-A.4隐蔽记

9、录 报验申请表 Inspection Request工程名称 Works Title:采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝工程编 Item No:致 濮中油工程理监理To CS/CMC 我已完成了采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝工程之电缆的隐蔽工作经自检合格先报上该工程报验申请表请予以审查。We have pleted the works, after self inspection, the works is on spec, now we submit the inspection request for this works, please inspect and accept.附Attaed:工程经理

10、 Project Manager承包章 日 Contractor(op) Date审查 Review ments: 总/专业监理工程师 ief /discipline servision engineer工程监理机构:工程理六站 日 CS/CMC DateSH/T 3903-A.5工程款支付申请表Works payment Request工程名称 Works Title:编 Item No:致 濮中油工程理监理To CS/CMC 我方已完成了采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝工程 工作按施工承包合同的规定建立应在 年 月 日前支付该项工程款共大写 小写 现报上 工程付款申请表请予以审查并开具工程款支付

11、证书。We have pleted the Works,according to the contract regulations, the owner should make the payment of total of (amount in works),(say ) fort his works before . Now we submit the Works Payment Request, please review and issue the works payment certificate.附件 Attaed:1 工程量 Quantity List;2 计算 Calculat

12、ion Methods:工程经理 Project Manager承包章 日 Contractor(op) DateSH/T 3903-A.9工程材料/构配件/设备报审表Works Materials/ponents/Equipment Inspection Request工程名称 Works Title:采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝工程编 Item No:致 濮中油工程理监理To CS/CMC 我方于 年 月 日进场的工程材料/构配件/设备数量如下见附件。现将质量证明及自检结果报上拟用于下述部位:采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝工程集水池的施工请予以审核。We have mobilized the f

13、ollowing materials/ponents/equipment for the works on Its quantity is listed below(see the attaments)Now, we submit the quality documents and our self inspection results, The proposed locations for use as follows:Please review it. 附件 Attaed:数量 Quantity List;质量证明 Quality Documents;自检结果 Self Inspectio

14、n Results。工程经理 Project Manager承包章 日 Contractor(op) Date审查 Review ments: 经检查上述工程材料/构配件/设备符合/不符合设计和的要求准许/不准许进场同意/不同意适用于拟定部位。 After the inspection, the abovematerials/ponents/equipment, meet do not meet the requirements of the design documents and specifications. site mobilization is allowed/site mobil

15、ization is not allowed. use for the proposed locations is allowed/not allowed.总/专业监理工程师 ief /discipline servision engineer工程监理机构:工程理六站 日 CS/CMC DateSH/T 3903-A.10工程开工报验单Works pletion Inspection Request工程名称 Works Title:编 Item No:致 濮中油工程理监理To CS/CMC 我方已合同要求完成了 工程经自检合格请予以检查和验收。We have pleted the works

16、according to the requirements of the contract, after the self eck, it is on spec, please inspect and accept.附 Attaed:工程经理 Project Manager承包章 日 Contractor(op) Date审查 Review ments: 经初步验收该工程: After the preliminary inspection and acceptance, this works: 符合/不符合我国现行法律、法规要求;meet/not meet the requirements o

17、f the current state laws and regulations;符合/不符合我国现行工程建立; meet/not meet the requirements of the current national standards;符合/不符合设计要求; meet/not meet the requirements of the design documents;符合/不符合施工合同要求。meet/not meet the requirements of the construction contract. 综上所述该工程初步验收合格/不合格可以/不可以组织正式验收。 Based

18、on the above points, the preliminary inspection and acceptance of this works is on spec/off spec, formal inspection and acceptance can be/ can not be organized.总监理工程师 ief Servision Engineer工程监理机构:工程理六站 日 CS/CMC DateSH/T 3903-A.11施工进度方案报审表Construction Sedule Approval Request工程名称 Works Title:编 Item No

19、:致 濮中油工程理监理To CS/CMC 我方已根据承包合同的有关规定编制完成了采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝工程施工进度方案We have pleted the preparations of the following sedules from to according to the related regulations of the construction contract:1 工程施工总进度方案 Project Construction Overall Sedule2 工程施工月进度方案Project Construction 3 工程施工周进度方案Project Constructi

20、on4 方案Project Construction并经我技术负责人审查批准先报上请予以审查。我们将严格按审查通过的进度方案组织施工。附Attaed:图表、说明书共 1 页。Drawings and arts, instruction book, totally in pages.工程经理 Project Manager承包章 日 Contractor(op) Date审查 Review ments:同意此方案。Approved this sedule.不同意此方案请按以下要求修改再报。Not approved this sedule, please modify it according t

21、o the following requirements, and resubmit it:专业监理工程师 Discipline Servision Engineer 日 Date审查 Review ments:总监理工程师 ief servision engineer工程监理机构:工程理六站 日 CS/CMC DateSH/T 3903-A.13主要施工设备进场报审表Major Construction Equipment Mobilization Approval Request工程名称 Works Title:采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝工程编 Item No:致 濮中油工程理监理To C

22、S/CMC 我承当的 采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝工程按合同规定的主要施工设备、机具及检测设备、工具拟进场并经自荐合格请查验。We contracted the works, we are going to mobilize the major construction equipment and tools as well as the inspection equipment and tools specified by the contract, after the self inspection, they are on spec, please inspect.附Attaed:工程经理

23、 Project Manager承包章 日 Contractor(op) Date审查 Review ments经检查上述施工设备、机具及检测设备、工具符合/不符合施工组织设计和相关要求准许/不准许进场。According to inspection, the above equipment, tools and the inspection equipment and tools meet/do not meet the requirements of the construction organization design documents and other rules, site m

24、obilization allowed/site mobilization not allowed.不准许进场原因如下:The reasons for not allowing site mobilization are listed below.总/专业监理工程师 ief /discipline servision engineer工程监理机构:工程理六站 日 CS/CMC DateSH/T 3903-C.2工程变更单Works ange Order工程名称 Works Title:编 Item No:致 濮中油工程理监理To CS/CMC由于 原因兹提出 工程变更内容见附件请予以审批。Du

25、e the reasons ,We request hereby the Works ange Order (for its contents, see the attaments),please approve it.代 表 人Representative提出 日 Requested by Date一致 consistent ments:建立代表签字Owner representative(Signature)日Date设计代表签字Design unit representative(Signature)日Date工程监理机构代表签字Project CS/CMC(Signature)日Dat

26、e承包代表签字CC representative(Signature)日DateSH/T 3903-A.2施工组织设计方案报审表Construction Organization Design Approval Request工程名称 Works Title:采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝工程编 Item No:致 濮中油工程理监理To CS/CMC 我方已根据施工承包合同的有关规定完成了采油六厂马厂结合站防洪排涝工程灯架运输及吊装方案的编制并经我技术负责人审查批准请予以审查。According to the regulations of the construction contract, we have pleted the preparation of the construction organization design ,and it has been reviewed and approved by the tenical responsible people of our pany, please review it.附Attaed施工组织设计/施工方案。Construction Organization Design/Construction Plan工程经理 Project


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