



1、I nt roducePlaceFrom Module2 Unit4 Communication WorkshopTeaching aimsAt the end of this lesson, students willbe very interested in writing an article to introduce a place.be able to use suitable person, tense, layout, sentence structures and linking words to introduce a place .be proud of our capit

2、al Beijing and our hometownJiaozuo and love them.II. Teaching key points and difficult pointsTeacher leads students to understand and master the layout, sentence structures and linking words effectively.Teacher leads students to master the way to use advanced and various sentence structures.Teaching

3、 and learning methodsProcess-focused writing approach, Group work, Cooperative learning.Teaching procedureTeacher arouses students interests by showing some photos of some famous cities in the world, and singing the song,“ Welcometo Beijing ” .Teacher shows the sample article of Beijing to students.

4、 This articleserves as language input before writing.Teacher asks students questions to lead them to understand and master the layout, sentence structures and linking words effectively.“How many paragraphs are there in the article? ”Answer: (1. Introduction. 2. Things to see. 3. Things to do. 4. End

5、ingwords.)“What factors are included in the first paragraph? ”Answer: (General description, Location, Area, Population, History,Climate and Temperature.).“ Can you find and circle the beautiful and advanced sentences in the article? ”Answer:(Location : 1.-is located in 2.lies inArea: 1.covers an are

6、a of 2. .is the second/third/largestcity in the world as regards area. etc.)Students work in groups and cooperate with each other to answer these questions.Teacher introduces the writing task“write an article to introduceJiaozuo.Teacher divides students into groups of six and arouses them to express

7、 the photos of Jiaozuo in best possible ways according to the sentence structures in the article of Beijing. Meanwhile, teacher encourages students to join simple sentences together with linking words, relative pronouns, present participles, etc. to form more advanced and more various sentence struc

8、tures.Students write the first drafts by themselves.Teacher stimulates students to check and correct their own drafts;meanwhile, teacher provides the standards of checking and correcting. For example, the content, the layout, the language, the linking words, the handwriting, the tense and person, th

9、e grammar and the spelling.Teacher divides students into groups of six and arouses them to check and correct their partners articles. Teacher provides the standards of checking and correcting again.Teacher chooses two typical articles to examine before class; students learn how to check fully and ef

10、fectively.Teacher help the students to summarize some typical and common mistakes among students articles, and correct and analyze them.12. Homework. Polish the first draft and rewrite it.V. After-class reflection( 教后反思)By singing a song to lead in, students are deeply aroused to read the sample art

11、icle of Beijing, but mysinging is not professional and perfect.The article is well designed with many good sentence structures and linking words, students can understand them by answering the questions intended for them, but the time spared for them is too limited, and theycan t fully master and practice them.The time given students to write is 10 minutes, which proves relatively short and limited. I should have given them more time to write the article better.The


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