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1、单选题AIthOUgh he WaS in a hurry, he StOPPeelthe Old man to Carry the heavy box.A.helpigB JLohelpCbeingheIpedDheIped答案:查看店名获取具体答案单选题I WiSh Iher address yesterday.A.kow3.hadkow,C.wouldknow,D.knew单选题WithI the man had to go OUt Of his hiding place.A.hisfoodranout,Bhisfoodrun nin gout7C.himru mingout,D.his

2、foodru nout单选题The job made her dependenther husband.A.on,B.from,C.ofD.to单选题One Of the requirements for a fire is that the materialto its burning temperature.A.wereheated,B.mustbeheated,C.isheated,D.beheated单选题I regrettedthe days When Ihard at SChOOLA.wastig musthaveworkedB.havingwasted shouldhavewor

3、ked,C上OWaStecouldwork,D.tohavewasted Wouldwork单选题I don,t think we Can take itSOme PrObIemS StiIl remain.Aonhan d,B.bychance,Cforgranted1D.atwill单选题The theory SOUnClS quite.A.convinci IigBconvincedCtoconvince,D.c OrMnCe单选题He,s SUre youll PaSS the examiation,?A. i sn,thej B. Cl OyOUl CW On ,tyou,D.has

4、 rYthe单选题HiS Car broke down When he WaS Onlyhome.AahaliWay,BhalfawaylChaIfway1DhaIiwayto单选题ThiS is ideal for businessmen, Or anyonehas a busy timetable.AwhomBwhoseCwhoDwhich单选题Their debts700.A.addedto,Baddsup,C.addto,D.addupto单选题I am Veryto you for your help.A.grateful,B.agreeable,C.pleasedsD 上 hank

5、s单选题It is Very kindyou to SUPPly USSO much information.A.for WithBforin,C.ofwithQd i n单选题He had to give UPthe football match because he had his Ieg injured in the accident.AXakingparti n,B too kpartin,C to takepartin,D.takeparti n单选题If you WiIl do that PleaSe take me into.A.think,B.thinking,C.though

6、t,D.account单选题HiS father Ciied andhim a IOt Of money.A.sen t,B.afforded,Ceft,D.gave单选题There isbread in the Cupboard5?A.omoreisthere,B. no tanymoreis,tthere,C .nologer-isthere,D.notaylo ng eri SiYtthere单选题It WaSthat a hundred PeOPIe IOOked IOSt in it.A.soalargeroom,Basolargeroom,Csuchalargeroom,D-Suc

7、hlargearoom单选题The refugees need many things, but、they need food and medicineA. atmost,B aboveall,Cafterall,D.atthefirst单选题YOU OUght not tohim the news that day.A.tell,B.betelling,ChavetoId1D. betOId单选题d Iike to buy a digital Camera-Well, We have SeVeral models.A 上 OChOOSefrOmBOfChOice,C 上 ObeChoSen,

8、D.forchoosing单选题WOUld you minda PhOtO Of you?A.metake3 上 Otake,C.mytaki ng:D.metOtake单选题HiS hard WOrkWherl he WOn the prize.A.paidoff5BshOWedOff,C.rangoff,D.keptoff单选题We took SOft drinks to theand OUr friends took beer there.A.bench,B.beach,C.bank,D.bend单选题DUnng the holidays I ShaIl help my father.A

9、.withworkinglB.withhiswork,C.forwork,D.forworki ng单选题Wherl there are SmaIl Children around,it is necessary to PUt bottles Of PilIS OUt OfA.hold,B.reach,C.placefD.place单选题NO SOOner had he Sat down to IUnChthere WaS a knock at the door.A. when,Bthatf C.as ,D.than单选题Jane WaS 川 for about a week, She did

10、ntUntil yesterday.A.getgood,Bgetrido tC.getover,D.getOn单选题AS the journey WaS a IOng one, he took a friend With him for.A. p I ea sure, B. entertai nm ent, C. company,D.defence单选题The Silk feels.A.soft,B.softly,C.softness,D.softy单选题He had a Painhis back.A.onhand,Bwith,C.in,D.oto单选题My Pen hasink.Arunou

11、tof, B.afew,C.r Un away,D.nolittle单选题I Iearned how toa bicycle When I WaS SiX years old.A.drive1B.ride1C.pulllD.draw单选题HiS articlePreSent-day economics deserves CarefUl study.A.on,B.for,C.i,D.at单选题He is SO Shy that heSPeakS in the public.A. Often1BfrequentIylCseIdomtD-Sometimes单选题YOUr COathis.Ajikel

12、Blikes,C.islike,D.wi IIIooklike单选题I knew him better, I discovered that my impression had been right.A.Which,B.As,C.Until,D.Unless单选题the friendship between OUr two PeOPIe IaSt forever!A. CouldBMaycWouIdDMust单选题ShaIl I help you With the washing-up? DOn,t. ll do it later.A.trouble,B-bother,C.worry,D.di

13、sturb单选题BiIling PitChed SO Welleveryone Cheered him at the end Of the game.A.as,Bsince,C 上 hat,D.whereas单选题He isStTOng a manhe Can Iift ten StOneS Iike this one.A.suchso,B.sothat,C.suchathat,D.soafor单选题a raincoat With you in CaSe it rains.A.Bring,B.FetchlCJ ake,D.Hold单选题A COmPIetely new SitUatiOn Wi

14、IlWhen the exami nation SyStem COmeS into existe nce.A.arise,B.rise,C.raise,D.arouse单选题YOU are WOrthythe honour.A.to,B.atCforDOf单选题their homework, the Children Went for a WaIkA.Whentheyweredoi OgBAftertheyhavedone,C.Havi ngdone,D.Theyhaddo ne单选题The heavy SnoW COUld not keep USgoing OUt to WOrkA.from

15、,B.on,C.upon,D.up单选题With the SiZe Of the WhOle earth, the highest mountain doesrft Seem high at all.A.Whe ncomparedB.CompareCWhilecomparing,D.Compari ng单选题HiS report On the SPaCe exploration WaS really.A. exciti ng,BfxcitedCexciternentQexcitedIy单选题In his time he enjoyed a reputation.A.asgreatasMozar

16、tjfnotgreaterthanfB.asgreatas,ifnotgreaterthan,Mozart, Casgreatjfnotgreat er,asMozartjD.greater,IfnotasgreatasMozart单选题Wherethe Camera? I ca,t See it anywhere.Iit right here. BUt now its gone.A.didyouputput,B.haveyouputhaveput,Chadyouput-wasputting,D.hadyouputhaveput单选题We are determined to Ieam it w

17、ell.A-NomatterhowEngIishisdiffcuIt,BHoweverdifficuItEngIishis,CNomatterE nglishmay bedifficult orot,D.HoweverE Dglishisdifficult单选题What Shall We do this Weekend, Sara?What about to a movie?A.go,Bgoing,C.wet,D 上 OgO单选题Grammar books here WeiLA.aresold,Bsell,C.sells,Dhavebeensold单选题I Can hardly Standa

18、PianOSO badly.A.hearingbeingplayedfB-hearingplaying,C.tohear-playing,D 上 Ohear play 单选题Be CarefULbeCaUSe that knife is Very.A.fast,B.hard:CqUiCkD.sharp单选题does Mr RobinSOn go to LOndOn On business?A.Howmay,B.Howlo ng1C.Howoften1D.Howusually单选题 TOC o 1-5 h z My ParentS Wantedme.AmakeascientistlB 上 Oma

19、keaSCienti st,Cmakeascientistof,D 上 o Riakeascientistof 单选题All that Can be done.A.havebee ndon ejB.haved On e,C.hasbee ndoneQ.hasdo ne单选题I haven,t CleCided WhiCh Seat.A.tosi t,BStOSit, C.上 OSitOnQ JSforSitting单选题When I took his temperature, it WaS two degrees above.A.average,Bordi naryCregular,D. no

20、 rmal单选题FOr miles and miles, I COUld See nothinga great fire and IOtS Of smoke.A.beside,B.besides,C. exceptfor,D.without单选题ThiS means the boy may be Out OfjOb for SOme time. In this SentenCe ?be OUt OfjOb ?meansA.beontheirdaysoff?IBgOOUtSide,C.losehisjob,D.fiishhiswork单选题May I COme to attend your le

21、cture?A.No,you,dbetter no tcome,BSure,Cjfsnotworthlisteni ngto,D.Mypleasure单选题There are,of course, bad teachers as WeIl as.A.goodo ne,B.somegoodCgoodones,D 上 hosegood单选题FiVe minutes earlier,We COUld have CaUght the IaSt train.A.of,B.but,C.and,D.so单选题lt,s Very kindinvite me to your birthday party.A.f

22、romyout:OBofyOUtOCbyyOUto,D 上 hatyou单选题There is much WOrk to do,?A.is,tit,B isthere,C.isn,tthere,D.isit单选题StamPS WhiCh you dont Want to keep Can beWith OtherS-A.changed,B.traded1C 上 hrew,D.collected单选题He Offereel toher a hand, for the SUitCaSe WaS too heavy for her to carry.A.help,Bshow,Cend,D.borro

23、w单选题The teacher told you to do it.AhowhesaicllBasyouhadbeenshown,Cwhichhetoldyou,D.whatyouhadheard单选题WhiCh isCOUntry, the United StateS Or Canada?A.alarger1B.larger,C 上 helargerQ.thelargest单选题Mary USed to Stay UP Until far into the night,?AddrftsheBusedrrtsheCdoessheDBothA&B单选题SheWalked across immen

24、se roomevery One Iooking at her.A. with,B.as,CwhiIeDwhe n单选题He failed in the examination three times buthe passed.A. aten d5B.atfi ni shC atl a st, D. atl ea St单选题Why did they refuse to take your SUggeStiOnaccount?AjnlBjntojCfor1D-Under单选题WhO WiIlthe bill?A.pay,B.payfor,C.payoff,D.payout单选题Of them k

25、new about the PIan because it WaS SeCretA.Some,B Ay,C.Noone,D.Noe单选题BrnOng the firstFranCe ViUarcl an excellent POlitiCal SPeaker but She WaS also members Of the POPUliSt Party.BrnOng the firstA.Notonly,B-fo nly,C.0n Iy lD.N Otonlywas单选题It esterday. The ground is Still Wet now.Amusthaverai ned:B.was

26、raini ng,C.rai DedD.hadrained单选题AS a POOr fresh StUdentt he had to do a part-time jobmoney.A. owingto,B.becauseof C.onaccou ntof,D.forthesakeof单选题JaCk WOrkS SO hard as he dreamsOWning his OWn house SoOrTA.to,B-with,C.of,D. On单选题lt,s about time that this PrObIem.Atosettle1BshouIdbesettIed1CbesettIed1

27、D 上 ObeSettIed单选题I Iike black COffee SO much, the StrOnger it is,.AJIikeitbetterfBthemoreIlike, C. t:hebetterllikeit,D.I IikeitTnOre单选题SOme PeOPIe Iike to eat apples. BUt SOme Prefer ban anasapples.A.to,Bfor,C. with,D.against单选题I didn,t know What to do but then an idea SUddenIyto me.AhappenedfBe Dte

28、redCoccurredDhit单选题EXCUSe me,but it is time to have your temperature.A.take3taki ngCtook,D.take单选题He SPOke SO quickly that I did notWhat he said.A.catch,B.accept,C.take,DJiste n单选题One Of his many faults is that he neverany thing Very long.A.decides On BStiCkStOCgoeSoVerDmakeSUP单选题If I Were you, I WO

29、UId take it easyis no need to be nervous.A.it,Bthi s,C.there,D.whi Ch单选题SCience SeemSClOSer tothequestion.A.tobegettinganswegpuzzling,B 上 oget a nswer PUZZIed,C 上 Obegettirg answer PUZZli g,D.getting-a nswer PUZZling单选题There is Iittle ink in the bottle,?A.is,tthere,Bisn,tit,C.isthere,D.isit单选题Mr. Br

30、own, together With his students,to the SCienCe Museum.A.hasgone,B.aregoi JigChavegoneDhave been单选题lt,s a goodto eat With the mouth ClOSeCI.A.custom,B.habit,C.way,D.style单选题Many a boy and many a girlit SinCe then.A.haveseen,B.hassee,Chasbeenseeing1D.hadseen单选题Generally, the thicker a mammas Skin is,

31、the IeSS hair.AthathasitBthatithasjChasit5D.ithas单选题She never agree you, did she?A.to,B.with,C.in,D.at单选题The room is a IittIe SmaII;it is SO hot.AJnadditio,B.Inadditionto1Cadditio nal,D.adding单选题He Came to the PartyJhe hadrft been inVited.AjnCaSe.Binspiteof1C. even,D.although单选题OUr friendship is and

32、 We WiIl never again be SeParated.A.restored,B.reserved5C.restrainedjD.repeated单选题My EngliSh teacherme to try for a POSitiOn at university.AjnSiStedJBperSiSted,C.e ncouraged,D.proposed单选题The mountain is 1,000 feetthe Sea IeVeLA.over,B-higherjC.above,D.high单选题LUCkilyI the fire fighters arrived andthe

33、 terrible fire.A.puto,B.putout,Cputdown,D.putaway单选题The tailor made him a new.A.clothes,B.wear,C.dress,D.suit单选题EaCh has an apple?A.hashe,B.doesn,the,C.doeshesD.do,tthey单选题Beijing is One Ofin the world.Athemostbeautifulcity,B.A.mostbeautifulcities,C 上 hemost beautifulcities:D 上 hemostbeautifules tci

34、ties单选题There isU andS in the WOrd US .A.aa,B a a,C.ara,D.anan单选题The teacher Will tell USto have the exam next Monday.Ajf1Blhat1CifnotD-Whether单选题AIlis a COntinUOUS SUPPly Of the basic necessities Of life.Awhatisneeded1Bforour needs,C 上 hethi ngneededD 上 hatisneeded单选题HetOIcl her nothingUPSet her.A.t

35、hatlB.forwhichlC.aboutwhich,D.which单选题ThiS is the SeCOnd time Sheimprovement On that equipment.AhadmadeBmadeCismakingDhasmade单选题HiS exp I a natio n is far from.A.satisfied,B.satisfactory,C.bei ngsatisfiedD.beingSatiSfaCtOry单选题Lindaat the dance tonight, nor WiIl Peter.A.ca IitbeBwiIIbeCmaynotb etD.w

36、Orrtbe单选题SUCh an interest!ng film.A. N ever I have beforeseen,B.Neverhaveseenlbefore,CNeverbeforeIseen,DNeverbeforehaveIse en单选题go to the Great WaIl for a visit?A.Whydon,t,BHowabout, CWiIIwe5D-Whynot单选题COUld I have SOme milk, SOme Orange juice, and SOme eggs?AjnSteadof,BinadditionjC.aswell,D.somuch单

37、选题When WOOd is burnt, itheat and light, together With heavy smoke.A.giveupB.sendsupfC.sendsawaD.se ndsout单选题The train WiIlBeijing at about half PaSt seven.A.arrive,Bget.C.reach,D.reachto单选题round the city, We Were impressed by the City,s new look.A.T aken,BT aking,C.T Obetake n,DBeingtake n单选题TheCand

38、Ie is Still.lit.burnedAJighted .burnin g,B.it.burning,CJighted.burned单选题InanOther year Or so, youall about it.A.wouldforgetlBforget,C.haveforgottenjD.willhaveforgotte n单选题They kept Ontill they got to the foot Of the hill.A 上 OnJn ,B.ru ning,C.runing,D.ru n单选题The reasonm Writing is to tell you about

39、a Party On SatUrday-AbecauseBwhyCforQ.as单选题He is WOrking Very hard tothe IOSt time in the PaSt 10 years.A.makefor,B makeupfor,C.makeup,D.makeout单选题YOU had bettera jacket,because it is COld outside.A 上 ake on,Bto take On ,C.put OrtD 上 OPUt On单选题The IaSt man the Sinking ShiP WaS the CaPtain.Aeft,Beave

40、s,C 上 ObeleaVi ng,D 上 OleaVe单选题OUr ClaSSrOOm isin the SChOOl building.A.b iggerthana ny Other On e.B.biggerthanall,C 上 Iiebiggestofalltheothers,D 上 hebiggestOfanyOne 单选题as he is, he CarrtUnderstand the EngIiSh film.A-StudentofEnglishlBThoughastudentofEnglish1CstudentofEnglishjDBeingastudentofEngIish

41、单选题COme into Ieaf Or bloom is ObViOUSly a Sign Of spring.ATreesBThetreesCThattreesDWhattrees单选题, We Won the war.AIntheendBOntheendCBytheendDAttheend单选题The CityI WaS born is On the new railway line.A.which3that,C.onwhich,D.where单选题TWO nuclear POWer StatiOnsin the PaSt ten years.A.are BuiIt1Bhavebeenb

42、uiIt1 C.wouldbebuilt,D.arebuilding单选题TheSe PeOPle Carned the WOUnCled PeOPle to.A.safe,B.safety,C.safe ness,D.safer单选题It WaS CliffiCUIt for him to buy good ShOeS because he had SUCh a bigOf feet.A.pairsB.sizejC. couple,D.number单选题SOmething alwaysWrOng When We try this recipe.A.hasgo neBhavegone,C.go

43、,D.goes单选题the WOrkerS COntinued their WOrk in toe OPenAHeavyaswastherainlB-AstherainwasheavytCAsheavywastheraintDHeavyastherai nwas单选题The IetterS PTOParent-teacher organization.A. sta ndfor,BCaIIfOrlC.headfor,D.carefor单选题lt,s the first turningthe Ieft after the traffic lights.A.by,B.in,C.on,D.for单选题

44、YOUr COat WiIl IOSe its COlOrit is washed.A. after, B.utiLC.th OUghJDnOtUntil单选题WeYe Iate The PIay has started. I WOnder how IOng ago.A.didit begin,Bitbegan1Cwasitbeginni ng,DJthasbegu n单选题haste, the IeSS SPeed is good advice he Often gives us.A.More.B.Themore,CThemorer,DMorer单选题The research IabOrat

45、Ory is going tothe new type Of COmPUter to use.A.take1B.makesC.havegone,D.havebeen单选题The SOIClierfrom aWoUnd and died a heroic.A.deddeadlydeath3.wasdead dying -death,C died - Clead dying,D.wasdyingdeadde ath单选题DO you mind if I SmOke here?. A.Nofpleasedon,t,B.Yes,please,C.No,notatall,D-YesJfyouIike单选

46、题We ShOUld IoOk the matter before We reach a COnClUSiOn.A.ito,Bfor,C.to,D.at单选题determines a good meal VarieS from COUntry to country.A. What, BThatCItAWhich单选题 ives US help is welcome.A.Whoever,BWhoeverlCNomatterwho,DThosewho单选题TheOf blood always makes him feel SiCkA.sight,Bview,C.lookD.form单选题The d

47、aily news reported that 305 PeOPleWith SARS in GUangdong Province.Ahasbecomei DfectedBhasbecomeinfectingchadbecorneinfectedDhadbecomeinfecting单选题WhileCleaning a long-deserted house the Other day I Camean Olcl PhOtO Ofmy grandpa.A. to, B - by, C. a cr 0 ss, D. wi th单选题He inSiStS that heinnocent.A.is,

48、B.be, Cshouldbe,D.were单选题YOUr Chair needs.Ato repair,Brepairing,C 上 o repairingtD. beingrepair单选题We all enjoy WOrkinghim because he is a kind IeaderA.along,B.i,C.uderlD.o n单选题The OId in the COUntrytaken good Care of.A.have,Bhas,C.is,D.are单选题I know no thing about himhe is a teacher.A.besides,B.i nadd

49、itio n,C.exceptfor,D.exceptthat单选题I Iike that new WatCh Very much, but I Carrtit.A.costlBoffer,C.pay,D.spe nd单选题If everybody isI Iefs begin OUr class.A.sat,B.seated,C.seat,D.sit单选题a microscope We Can See different kinds Of things that are Unable to be Seen by OUr naked eyes.AJntermsof?,BlnPlaCeOf,CB

50、ymeansof?,D.Byfar单选题HardIythe ClaSSrOOm Wherl the CIaSS began.Ahadheentered1Bhehadentered,C.heentered,D.hewasentered单选题The OId WOman has a Ietter from her SOn in the armyto her.A.write,B.written,C.received,D.read单选题I hope my teacher Will take my recent illness intoWhen judging my examination.A.regar

51、dSB-COUtig,C.accout,D.observation单选题The innovation Of engines for OUr PrOdUCtS Willthe WOrking efficiency.A.reducefBmprove:CdeCreaSe,D.make单选题We,vesugar.Ask him to Iend US some.A.run awaywith,Bru ndown,C.j no ff,D.ru noutOf单选题He WaS asked to SPeak IOUderall the Other StUdentS in the CIaSSrOOm COUld

52、hear him.A.as,B.soastosC.sothat,D.soas单选题The medicine is On SaIe everywhere,you Can get it atChemiSfS.A.both,B.some,C.certain,D.any单选题I hadthat I WOUld always remember it.A.soagoodexperience1B.suchagoodexperie nce,Csogoodexperie nce,D.suchgoodanexperienc e单选题He WaS determined tothe CaUSe Of the food

53、 SPOiIage-A,fin dout,Bfigureout1CJookafter,D .turnb ack单选题I SUPPOSe I Can COUntyou for help in this matter.A.of,B.o,C.at,D.to单选题riding to SChOOI, Mary USUaIIy goes to SChOOl On foot.A.Without,B-RatherthaniCJnsteadof,DJnspiteof单选题Of the earth is made UP Of VaSt OCeans.A.Two-thirdJB-TWOthirdS,CTwothir

54、d,D.Twos-third单选题It is quite Clearhe wont See us.AwhatBthatCWhyDhoW单选题I am glad that I feel quitefor the POSitiOn you advertised.AqualifiecIjBquaIification,Cqualiiying,D.qualiiy单选题My fatheran invitation to a dinner Partyl but heit.A.accepted -received,B.received- accepted5C.accepted didn,treceivelD.

55、receiveddid,taccePt单选题He Came herefor making more moneyfor WOrking With you.A.notyet,Brotbecauseof but,Crot but, D.except but单选题It is ObViOUS that there are at IeaSt two Vitamines.is SOlUble in fat;is SOIUble inwater.A.TheOnetheother,BOnetheother,C.Oe-another,D.0ne theanother单选题I PUlIed the handleI

56、could.A.sohardlyaslBashardlyastC.sohardas,D.ashardas单选题JaCk is no more CarefUl than TOm means.ABothJacka ndTomarecareful,B.NeitherJackn OrT OrniSCareIeSS,CBothJackandTomarecareI ess,DTomiscarefuLbutJackis nt单选题It isn,t quitethat he WiIl be PreSent at the meeting.A.certain,B.sure,C.right,D.exact单选题En

57、glish isinterest!ng to us.A.much,B veC.verymuch,D.more单选题HeWhen the bus Came to a SUdden StOP.A-Wasalmosthurt7B-Wastohurthimseltc-WashurthimseIflD-WashurtinghimseIf单选题lt,s too expensive for me. I Carrtit.A.spend,B.cost,C.pay,D.afford单选题It WaS his doctor WhO advised that hehis job.AxhangedlBcha ngeCw

58、ouldcha nge,D.hadcha nged单选题Where On earth do We get Iight and heat?It is from the SUnWe get them. A.which,Bo nwhich,C.where,D.that单选题HOSPital CiOCtOrS do,t go Out Very Often as their WOrkall their time.A.takeaway,BIakesin1Ctakesover,D takesup单选题The PnCeS Of fridges have beenrecently.ApressedBbrough

59、toutC. cutoff,Dbroughtdow n单选题after his death that he WaS recognized as a great COmPOSerAjtwasnotuntillBjtisuntil1CjtwasuntiI1D-NotuntiI单选题a SenSef your exp I a natio n is right, but there is a better one.A,With,B.ln,C.On,D.For单选题There is no easyto the problem.A.result,BconsequencejC.solution,D.reas

60、on单选题There are manyin this hospital.A. WomandoctorsjBwomendoctorstCwomendoctor1D-Joctorwoma n单选题lately? I have not Seen you for quite SOme time.A.Wherewereyougone. BWheredidyougo,CWherewereyougoi ng,D.Wherehaveyoubeen单选题YOU never told US Why you Were Iate for the PartyJ?A.weren,tyou,B-did ntyou,Chac


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