



1、2022-2023学年四川省乐山市踏水中学高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Where is your mother working?In a hospital_ our town.A.is located in B.located in C.set in D.is set in 参考答案:B2. Youre rather energetic today. Whats going on?Oh, _. I think Ive had a few too many coffees.A. nothing really B. no end C. no problem D. nothing ser

2、ious参考答案:A【详解】考查情景交际。A. nothing really真的没什么;B. no end非常、大量;C. no problem没问题;D. nothing serious没什么大问题。句意:你今天活力四射,发生什么事了?真的没什么,我想我喝了太多咖啡。根据“I think Ive had a few too many coffees.”判断此处是说“真的没什么”,故A项正确。3. _ cleaning the yard and making up the beds for the old, we also read newspapers for them and had ch

3、ats with them. A. Except forB. Rather than C. Apart from D. Instead of参考答案:C4. _in the leg made it impossible for him to walk home.A.Injured B.Being injured C.To be injured D.Having injured参考答案:B5. It is the best for this kind of plant to grow in _ is warm and rainy.A that B what C which D where参考答案

4、:B6. The forest is a world _ is full of life and _ diverse species of plants and animals remain if human beings do not destroy them. A. wherehow B. whatwhere C. whichthatD. thatwhere参考答案:D7. _ doesnt really matter whether you win or lose. As long as you have tried your best, you wont regret. A. What

5、 B. This C. That D. It 参考答案:D8. With all of the things_, the manager went to America for sightseeing.A. dealing with B. to deal with C. dealt with D. deal with 参考答案:C9. Oh no! Were too late. The train _. Thats Ok. Well catch the next train to London.A. was leaving B. had left C. has left D. has been

6、 leaving参考答案:C10. Little _ about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself. A. did Rose care B. Rose did care C. Rose does care D. does Rose care参考答案:A11. Mike _ in touch with his former schoolmates, who had been living there for ages, as soon as he arrived in America. A. is bound to ge

7、t B. set about getting C. get down to get D. set out getting参考答案:B12. - My wife and I will celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary next month.- Oh, _! A. cheer up B. go ahead C. never mind D. congratulations参考答案:D略13. To their great relief, the missing child returned home, _.A. felt tired and so

8、und B. tiring and sound C. feeling tired but soundly D. tired but sound参考答案:D14. When _ in the classroom, you should never get angry, as your classmates are just playing a joke on you.A. tease B. teases C. teasing D. teased参考答案:D15. _ from above, the heaven-like campus, with two man-made lakes and a

9、 bridge respectively _ in the east, the west and the south, looks like a face.A. Photographing; locatedB. Photographed; situatedC. Photographing; locatingD. Photographed; laying参考答案:B考查非谓语动词。句意:从高处拍摄,这座天堂般的校园,两个人造湖和一座桥分别坐落在东边、西边和南边,看起来像一张脸。分析句子结构可知,“_ from above”是状语,主语the heaven-like campus和photogra

10、ph之间是被动关系,故第一个空要用过去分词作状语。第二个空考查“with+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,two man-made lakes and a bridge和situate之间是被动关系,故要用过去分词作宾语补足语。综上所述,B选项切题。16. The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to its reality.A.make outB.figure outC.look throughD.put off参考答案:B提示:本题考查动词短语。句意:目前的局面很复杂,所以我觉得理解它的现

11、实性是要花点儿时间。make out“识别,辨认出”;figure out“计算出,理解”;look through“浏览”;put off“推迟”。二、 书面表达17. Editors note: China is the top country of origin for international students in the US, with more than 274,000 Chinese students reportedly accounting for 31percent of all international students at US universities. M

12、any Chinese parents save up a lot of money for their children to pursue an overseas education. Is it worth spending big to study abroad. You are welcome to leave your comments.Arsa (Russia): I went to study abroad when I was 17. First year was a total waste as I met plenty of Russian students in my

13、collage and we spent most of our time shopping and hanging out at cafes. It wasnt until two years later that I realized that my English hadnt improved. I changed my mindset entirely and started studying hard. I ended up staying in UK for 10 years, which opened a lot of doors and introduced me to gre

14、at people, so Im all for studying abroad.Truth (US): There is an assumption that American education is the best in the word, so Chinese parents are pushing their kids to American collages. And some are even sending their children overseas at junior or high school level. I often think this is a mista

15、ke as the education a Chinese child gets in a foreign country is very different from what they are used to and they often struggle. Some students have trouble understanding their lecturers and their assignments keep coming back with poor scores.写作内容1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:(1)支持或反对“国外

16、留学”;(2)用2至3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。写作要求1. 可以支持文中任一观点,但必须提供理由或论据;2. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句;3. 作文中不能出现其真实姓名和学校名称;4. 不必写标题。_参考答案:(赞成)More and more Chinese parents prefer to send their children to study abroad, assuming that their children can receive the best education despite heavy financial burdens. Peoples opin

17、ions on this vary. (31 words)I think it makes good sense to send children to study abroad for the following reasons. First, when studying abroad, children are exposed to a different culture, which will help broaden their horizons and provide them with a chance to improve their foreign language. Seco

18、nd, living apart from their family, children can learn to adapt to the new environment and live on their own. Last but not the least, faced with fierce competition in a job market, a person owning a foreign diploma can have an edge over others.In summary, it goes without saying that studying abroad

19、is an excellent experience from which children can benefit a lot, so if possible, children should make the most of the great chance. (151 words)(反对)More and more Chinese parents prefer to send their children to study abroad, assuming that their children can receive the best education despite heavy f

20、inancial burdens. Peoples opinions on this vary. (31 words)I dont think it is a wise option to send children to foreign countries for education, especially those at junior or senior level. For one thing, we have good universities in China where students can receive an equally good education and ther

21、efore owning a foreign diploma doesnt necessarily mean an edge over others in hunting for jobs. For another, so high is the tuition that not every family can afford it. Besides, finding it hard to adapt to the new environment, some students feel depressed or even drop out without achieving anything.

22、 Whether to send children to study abroad is a vital decision worthy of careful consideration. It is not where to study but how to study well that really makes a difference. (154 words)【分析】本文是一篇读写任务类书面表达,是一篇议论文,要求考生阅读关于中国学生出国留学的短文,归纳全文以后就支持或反对“国外留学”发表个人观点,并给出具体的理由和根据。全文以一般现在时和第三人称为主。【详解】第1步:审题。本文是一篇

23、议论文,要求考生归纳全文以后就支持或反对“国外留学”发表个人观点,并给出具体的理由和根据。全文以一般现在时和第三人称为主。第2步:组织要点。归纳:很多中国父母亲宁愿送孩子去国外学习,他们认为在国外孩子可以接受更好的教育。赞成理由:1.孩子接触不同文化,拓宽视野和眼界同时学习英语。2.提高适应环境的能力。3.拥有海外文凭在就业方面有优势。反对理由:1.中国有很好的大学,学在国内也可以接受良好的教育。2.出国留学费用太高,增加了家庭负担。3.难以适应新环境,一些学生可以会因此辍学。第3步:根据提示及关键词组进行遣词造句,关键词为despite heavy financial burdens、var

24、y、be exposed to、adapt to the new environment、have an edge over、in summary等,写作时注意议论文的格式。第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。【点睛】本篇范文结构完美,条理清晰。范文时态和人称运用准确,归纳部分涵盖了短文中所有要点,在个人观点方面所给观点有理有据,很有说服力。范文里运用了多样的句型结构,整篇文章富有变化,并不死板。使用了较多的高级词汇,如fierce competition、prefer to 、drop out、worthy of、

25、make a difference等;也尽量运用了丰富的句式,如定语从句which will help broaden their horizons and provide them with a chance to improve their foreign language.分词做状语when studying abroad, children are exposed to a different culture.同时文章运用了一些串联成分,如for one thing、for another、besides等;这些串联成分把各个要点更为紧密地结合在一起。以上写作技巧的运用提升了文章的层次

26、,显示了考生具有很强的驾驭语言的能力。三、 阅读理解18. My friend Jason and I wanted to do something to help other people who are less fortunate and help us grow at the same time. After we decided that we would volunteer in Nepal, I did some research on the Internet and I found Volunteer Nepal and felt strongly that it was t

27、he right choice for us.While making our plans, Jason and I realized that others might like the opportunity to be a part of our experience. So before leaving for Nepal, we asked the people we knew whether they would be interested in donating (捐赠) cash or goods to Nepal Orphans (孤儿) Home.One friend, w

28、hose family owns a chain called Drake Supermarket, told others about it. His effort paid off. We received donations that filled 29 boxes with sporting goods, toys, color1 ing books, pencils, childrens books, and more. The boxes were later taken to Drakes warehouse (仓库)where I prepared them for shipm

29、ent(运输). Drake agreed to ship them to Nepal for free.The boxes had arrived at the Volunteer House when we arrived there. The next day, Jason and I unpacked the boxes. The children from the orphanages lined up and were each able to choose a gift. This process took about an hour, but the looks on their faces and the happiness that we saw in their eyes made it one of the best days of our life.We visited the orphanages there in the following days. Being with the children at the orphanages was both sad and


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