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1、 PAGE 页码 13 / NUMPAGES 总页数 13五年级冀教版上册英语期末整理复习过关题班级:_ 姓名:_ 【看图写单词】1. 根据图片写单词。1I make good_.2You_cool.3I have a_book.2. 写出下列相应的单词。1 23 45 67 83. 看图填单词。1 23 454. 看图片,写单词。1 23 45 67 89 105. 看图,填上适当的单词完成句子,每线一词。 1. Hi, Lily. Where are you going? Im going to_my_.2. Henry goes to the_chess club every week.

2、 Me too.3. Do you live with your grandparents, Tommy? No. We visit them three_a year.4. Tomorrow is the Double Ninth_. Lets go and buy some Double Ninth_.5. _does Grandpa Chan water the plants? He_the plants every morning.6. Whats Mr Plutos_? He_to be a traveller. I want to be a【填空题】6. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

3、1He_(watch) TV too often.2I like_(dance).3All the girls are_(play) volleyball.4Well have a_(meet)in it this afternoon.5Listen to the teacher_(careful).6Dont_(is) late.7Tom and Lucy_(be) singing songs.8Im_(worry) about my lessons.9How many_(music lesson) do you have in a week?10You_(should) go home l

4、ate.7. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1The English test is on June_(eight).2Sarahs cat_(have) two kittens.3When is_(you) birthday?4I see_(ten) kids in the garden.5Its_(six) oclock.6My birthday is on August_(two).8. 写出下列动词的ing形式。1walk 2swim3run 4write5jump9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1I usually_(go) to school by bike, but he_(come)

5、 to school by taxi.2He_(try) on his best to_(open) the car, but he cant open it.3My grandmother_(carry) some grapes for me.4Nancy is so busy, she_(sweep) the floor and_(clean) the table.5Liu Tao_(live) with his parents.6He plays basketball_(good).7Sam likes_(ride).8I often help_(she).9Mike sometimes

6、_(show) his new shoes to the twins.10They want_(fly) kites at weekends.10. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We like_(watch) the dragon boat races at the Dragon Boat Festival.2Halloween is on the_(thirty-one) of October.3Yang Ling likes eating moon_(cake).4There are three_(month) in a season.5My favourite festival_(be)

7、the Mid-Autumn Festival.6Mike is_(talk) to Leo about Chinese festivals.7She_(visit) her grandparents with her parents.【选择题】11. 选出与所给单词同类的一项:working ( )A.studying B.sing12. What is the fifth month of a year? ( )_A.Wednesday. B.March. C.May.13. Where can you find English books? ( )_A.In the library. B

8、.At the zoo. C.In the city.14. 选出与其它三个单词不同类的一项:( )A.black B.blue C.green D.wheel15. Can you _ a picture? ( )A.look B.see C.looked【连词成句】16. Are, any, flowers, the, lake, near, there, (?)17. is, Today, Tuesday (.)18. these, Swedish, are, cars (.)19. Friday, have, We, and, art, English, on (.)20. can S

9、he English speak (.)【阅读理解】21. 根据表格情况完成下面的题目。What do they do at weekends?(1)Alex oftenat weekends.(2)Lucy usuallyat weekends.(3)Linda alwaysat weekends.(4)Tony sometimesat weekends.22. 阅读理解。Hello, I am Mike. I get up at six oclock in the morning every day. I eat breakfast at 6:30. Then I go to school

10、 at seven oclock. We do morning exercises at eight oclock. We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I go home at five oclock in the afternoon. I play basketball at 5:30. I eat dinner at 7:30. Then I do my homework. I go to bed at nine oclock. This is my day.( )(1)Where does M

11、ike eat breakfast?A.At 6:30B.At schoolC.At home( )(2)How many classes does Mike have in a day?A.SixB.ThreeC.Five( )(3)When does Mike play sports in the afternoon?A. At five thirtyB.At fiveC.At four( )(4)When does Mike go home in the afternoon?A.At fiveB.At five thirtyC.At six( )(5)When does Mike go

12、to bed?A.At nine oclockB.At seven thirtyC.At eight oclock23. 根据短文内容判断下列说法的正误。My name is Wang FangIm a girlMy birthday is July 23rdI usually get up early on my birthdayMy parents and friends give me many presentsUsually I have a birthday partyWe have a big dinner and eat a birthday cakeWe sing,dance,

13、watch TV and play computer games at the partyIn the evening,I go to the beach with my family because its usually very hotI have a good time on my birthday( )(1)Wang Fangs birthday is in spring( )(2)Wang Fang usually gets up early on July 23rd( )(3)Wang Fang usually has a birthday party on her birthd

14、ay( )(4)Wang Fang doesnt watch TV at the party( )(5)Wang Fang goes to the beach with her friends24. 阅读理解。Linda and Mary are good friends. They are both twelve years old now. Lindas birthday is on 9th September and Marys birthday is on Teachers Day. Their homes are both in Sunflower Estate(住宅区) but i

15、n different blocks(栋). Linda lives in Block 8 and Alice lives in Block1They are classmates. They usually go to school together. They both like sports. But their favourite spots are different. Linda likes table tennis. Mary likes volleyball. Where are they now? Oh! They are playing basketball togethe

16、r in the playground now. How happy they are!( )(1)How old is Linda?A. 8. B. 11. C. 12. D. 9( )(2)Whens Marys birthday?A. On 9th September.B. On 10th September.C. On 11th September.D. On 10th October.( )(3)Where do Linda and Mary live?A. In Sunflower Estate. B. In Block 8. C. In Block 11. D. In Block

17、 9.( )(4)Whats Marys favourite sport?A. Volleyball. B. Table Tennis. C. Basketball. D. Football.( )(5)Which(哪一个) one is right(正确的)?A. Linda and Mary are in different classes.B. Lindas birthday and Marys birthday are both in September.C. Linda and Mary are playing football now.D. Both Linda and Mary

18、like playing basketball.25. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。Good morning. Im Lin Li. Today is Friday. Now here is the 7:00 am. weather report. Hong Kongs sunny and hot. Guangzhous warm. Its raining, too. Shanghai is cool and cloudy today. Beijing is very windy. Its cold and dry, too.() (1)What day is it today?A. Sunday

19、. B. Friday. C. Tuesday.() (2)When is the weather report?Its at.A. 7:00 am B. 7:00 pm C. 2:00 pm() (3)What is the weather like in Hong Kong?A. Sunny and hot. B. Cool and cloudy. C. Warm and dry.() (4)Which place is warm and rainy today?A. Hong Kong. B. Guangzhou. C. Shanghai.() (5)Which place is very cold, dry and windy?A. Guangzhou. B. Hong Kong. C. Beijing.26. 读短文,填空完成句子。My name is George. I am a student at No.5 Primary School. I like seeing films very much. My favourite cinema is Star Cinema.


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