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1、1类金2 人生价值观(biller3 个人集体(billgreen4 (bill5 (billgates 听从/不听从6 科学进步类7 1类金2 人生价值观(biller3 个人集体(billgreen4 (bill5 (billgates 听从/不听从6 科学进步类7 globalsbedisastrous? Can 8 +BillBill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington to William H. Gates, Sr. and teacher Mary Maxwell Gates. His family was wealthy; his fath

2、er was a prominent lawyer and his .Bill Gates, born in 1955, serve as chairman Corporation, the in 1975 with computer software he United es. Gates schoolfriendPaulAllen.ThecsmadeGatesone ofthemostinfluentialfiguresthecomputerindustryand,eventually,oneoftherichestheWhenBillGatesmadehistodropoutofHarv

3、ard,hedidnotcare toomuchoftheGates entered Harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and Allen started engine . Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a opportunities to he worlds No.1 University. However,WhenBillGatesmadehistodropoutofHarvard,hedidnotcare toomuchoftheG

4、ates entered Harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and Allen started engine . Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a opportunities to he worlds No.1 University. However, as size dominates the PC market with its operating system, such as MS-DOS and Windows. richest

5、ethebiggestsoftwarehehe world and Bill Gates e Although Bill Gates started t he had helped toas a small business based on a single innovative develop, his real genius was his business acumen. As long-time CEO , Gates was able to borrow egrate other programmers innovationsandsellthemtoanewandlyexpand

6、inghomecomputerIn1985,10yearswasfounded,d$140million in revenue, whichgrewto billion by technological vi One of the pioneers of home computing, Gates proved himself to be ary and software applications guru. According to ysts, he t he was a shrewd marketing strategist as well as an aggressive APrecoc

7、iouswhen in preparatory school, he relatively new field of programming, met his friend and future business partner Paul Allen, and developed computer software program of 13. Although Gates erested in computers, enrolledrvardUniversitywithentioningalawyerlikehisfather.Bytheerested incomputers and he

8、was a sophomore in 1975, however, Gates was n in his pre-law studies.(关于撒谎)What became Corporation grew out two college undergraduates bluff and bravado. The two called the computers MITS, t Gates had taken a primary computer language called BASIC pted it the machine. When MITS erest,GatesandAllenig

9、nored theirstudiesandspent next ks ally working on turning their o reality. Having written computer language for al computer, Gates and Allen established Corporation in 1975.(理想)He be t there was a market for computer software t the market was going to expand ly as affordable computers were develope

10、d for Although Gates rightfully earned credit profitable companies ever established,for building one of the fastest-growing and started out on a shaky foundation. At the to cover its overhead. Even though Gates and found itself receivedroyalties,theirsoftwarewasalsopiratedbycomputerhackers. Gates al

11、sorecognizedthis in t the future of computer software lay in owning a standard package to be used on most t is also the reason why he t IBM theexclusivesoftwarelicenseefortheirhomecomputers,whichavedthewaythelaterlegendarybusinessgrowth.By the late 1970s the computing giant IBM had plans for marketi

12、ng al computer home use. package to be used on most t is also the reason why he t IBM theexclusivesoftwarelicenseefortheirhomecomputers,whichavedthewaythelaterlegendarybusinessgrowth.By the late 1970s the computing giant IBM had plans for marketing al computer home use. They to develop the standard

13、operating system for their computers.GatesandAllenthenwentoutandpurchasedfor$50,000anoperatingcalled Q-Dos, which had been developed by Seattle Computer. Q-Dos was compatible with el t endedtouse. Thetwo then adaptedtheQ-Dos system andit to IBM. Money magazine quoted Gates as recalling, We bet (July

14、t Gates had learned well his early lessons in the software business. He the exclusive software licensee for their home computers, t IBM t all productswouldoperatingsystems.Furthermore,Gatesnegotiatedatto retain the right to manufacture and license the software, which he Allen had named MS-DOS, to ot

15、her manufacturers. Because there were three other systems for sors t time, Gates didnt own the sole industry standard. But was well on his way. He and Allen made MS-DOS the most attractive system to offeredaflat-feelicensenr-unitcontract.t would broaden and Allen also encouraged software developers

16、to create systems capabilities. Their strategy was a huge s because manufacturers initially money. In addition, the software developers had an easier job designingsuch single aswordsingforuseoncomputersmadebyotherThese negotiations t Gates was willing to defer immediate earnings for greater future p

17、rofits. His plan was based on building a mass of users whichwouldmeanthecompanywouldowntheindustrystandard.OnceGatesscompanythe standard, it could then revert to selling its software at per-unit n thecontractwithIBMonitswaytolegendarybusinessPaulAllen, whohadbeen serving sheadofresearchandnewproduct

18、 leftthecompanyin1982afterbeingdiagnosedwithHodgkinsdisease.Thefollowingyear,faced a major challenge when a company called VisiCorp erface based on graphics s domination of operating systems for home developed a mouse-driven computer system with a user n the keyboard-based and text-driven system of

19、MS-Gates quickly t VisiCorps system would be the wave of the future because it much easier for technologically unsophisticated people to use. Even did have such a he works t , Gates started an n with graphical the Plaza in New York t a operating system erface (GUI) would soon be marketed. This next-

20、generation system was to calledGatess announcement was a bluff; the truth twas nowhere near such a system. But the marketing ploy worked because people preferredhave such a he works t , Gates started an n with graphical the Plaza in New York t a operating system erface (GUI) would soon be marketed.

21、This next-generation system was to calledGatess announcement was a bluff; the truth twas nowhere near such a system. But the marketing ploy worked because people preferred to wait for a designedtobecompatiblewiththeirproductsnundergotheandexpenseofinstallinganentirelynewoperatingsystem.Furthermore,W

22、indowsallowedto avoid buying new software applications to replace currently owned. Windows 1.0 was finally released in patible programs t same $140millioninrevenue,including$46.6millionfromoverseass growth continued to be relatively smooth in spite of several challenges, in because the fiscally cons

23、ervative Gates had financed most of the companys from its earnings. This cautious approach to financing, however, did not reflect an to take risks. In January 1986 Gates launched an ambitious long-term project to develop a data storage system basedon acompact disk,or CD-t could hold any type of file

24、,including music and visual 40 percent ownership of effectively became a billionairearchtsame year, hetook thecompany public.shares made his net worth $390 million by June 1986. arch 1987, when his companys stock rose to $90.75 share,upfrom$21.50persharewhenthecompanywent)Although Gates had establis

25、hed himself as a ary, he did not always hit the mark. For he aid little attention to the business potential of ernet, which led him to say t he regretted not having focused more closely s capabilities networking. In 1995, however, he did an about-face andbegan to redirect thecompanyshisarea.cswasmea

26、suredbythetcernetExplorerWebe the industry leader by 2000. s in a browser,aswellascomingoutontopofthedesktop-databaseanduitewars ofthet he had formed a company nimble enough to andtaketheleadawayfromtheo a t others Although Windows had already gone through several upgrades, Gates wanted to improving

27、itseaseofuseandpportandTofreehimselfupforthiswork,hesteppeddown, itionhehad held sincebutschairmanand(challengefromearned $19.75 billion in revenue during the fiscal year 1999. BillGatese icon not he computer and business worlds but he eyes of eral public.ghostwritten book The Road Ahead, which outl

28、ined his of the future, topped best-seller lists for n three months. In spite of Gatess l and literary cinghisbiggestchallengeyetasthe1990scametoanearned $19.75 billion in revenue during the fiscal year 1999. BillGatese icon not he computer and business worlds but he eyes of eral public.ghostwritten

29、 book The Road Ahead, which outlined his of the future, topped best-seller lists for n three months. In spite of Gatess l and literary cinghisbiggestchallengeyetasthe1990scametoanThe challenge came this time from the United ernment n competitors. Gates had come under increasing scrutiny for unfair f

30、rom the time of the court t s purchase of the Q-operating system from Seattle Computer in 1980. In 1993 the U.S. Justice Department began os contracts with other computer t led to agreement from Gates in 1994 to eliminate some s restrictions on the use of productsbyothersoftwaremakers.In1997,however

31、,theJusticeDepartmentforcing computer makers to sell ernet browser as a condition of using the systema de facto violation of the 1994 consent decree. In December 1997 a U.S. district iedapreliminaryinjunctiontotemporarilystoprequiringmanufacturessoldWindows95oranysorprogramtoinstallernetappealed the

32、 injunction, but the following year the Justice Department and 20 attorneys general , t it illegally thwarted competition to protect won its initial appeal in 1998 to reverse extend its software monopoly. 1997 , Gates soon found himself being questioned for 30 hours over a three-day intd itionforing

33、antitrusttrial.ernmentfinallyresteditson January 13, 1999, and defense team ended its case on February 26. The oralargumentsfromeachsidewerepresentedonSeptember21,After the judge presented his findings of fact on the case on November 5, Gates ed response disagreeing with many of the t went . In a re

34、leased to the press vigorously and reported by Court TV Online, Gates noted, iscommitted to resolving this case in a fair and a factual principles of consumer benefits and innovation are while (November6,t U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled in June which had illegally exploited the do

35、minance of Windows, tt was a installed on over to be percent of the al computers. Judge Jackson then o several smaller companies. It was the most severe antitrust ruling since the breakup AT&Tin 1984. Jacksons wasreversed on appeal, however, and the company received far less severe punishment direct

36、ed toward restricting some of its business . In spite this relatively courtrooms litigation in Europe, e, however, Gates continued to battle competitors in s business . In addition, he found himself subjected was once again accused of exploiting its monopoly Windows to control other computer-related

37、 industries, including media-player and Despite the controversy over whether Gates had created a t used its dominance the desktop computer system to obtain unfair control of newer computer-related continued to prosper. Gates stepped down as CEO in 2000 but kept ition chairman as well as its chief so

38、ftware architect. InDespite the controversy over whether Gates had created a t used its dominance the desktop computer system to obtain unfair control of newer computer-related continued to prosper. Gates stepped down as CEO in 2000 but kept ition chairman as well as its chief software architect. In

39、 2004 he doubled the research and development budget to $6.8 billion and began pushing a new ensebusinessmanwhotypicallyput in16-hourdaysandtook onlytwothree-day five years after establishing the corporation,Gates was demanding and strong-aboutimplementing his.Coworkers, c nts, and ystsalsoremarked,

40、n willing to change his mind thedid not surround himself withyes-sayers butwassomeone convinced him of a better ysts also t one of the keys cs was his ability to focus on the fundamentals of the business while ng aid politics or his own ego from heway.Mostofwhats leading, Gates Electronic Business. Managing s to the people who work directly for m


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