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1、如何提高听力技巧顺利地通过四级听力考试在语言的四个技能中,听与读属“接受型”技能,说与写属“创造型”技能。听力的“接受”性质决定了听能的提高必须依大量的听力实践训练来实现。初期阶段会出现“坐飞机”的现象,但不必担忧,因为在这种不断“轰击”下,耳朵会逐渐敏锐,从开始只能抓住只言片语到能接受一个完整句子,直至大脑完全适应了这种语速,接下来便是行使其记忆与判断的功能了。四级听力能力的训练和应试方法二、 如何听好对话(Short Conversation)如何听好短文(Short Passage)如何听好复合式听写(Compound Dictation) 四级听力能力的训练和应试方法(一)听力训练中注

2、意培养几种能力(二)听力考试的应试方法(一)在听力训练中注意培养几种能力1、短期记忆能力 1)复述记忆法 2)情景记忆法 3)重点记忆法4)关键词、句记忆法短时记忆能力在听力考试中是非常重要的,只有记住了所听的信息,才能将信息进行综合、归纳,填出满意的答案。听力测试中的短文相对较长,这对考生抓细节的能力要求较高,不但要听懂,而且还要能将听懂的信息记住,如果听了就忘,到做题时,什么也想不起来,岂不是令人遗憾?因此,在平日练习时,应有意识地培养自己短时记忆的能力,养成边听边记的好习惯。2、实战中听音会意的能力培养在只听一遍连贯录音的情况下捕捉主要信息的能力。3、快速阅读的能力 为了提高阅读速度,我

3、们在平时的阅读中,可以根据文章的页码和字数的多少来限定读完的时间。(二)应试方法 1、听前(Pre-listening)充分利用考试中可以利用的时间。在放音之前抓紧时机速读书面选择项,对可能提出的问题及涉及的内容方面作出粗略的预测和推断。 2、听时(While-Listening)在听音中要利用在预测中得到的潜在信息和读音的快慢、高低等声音手段抓好听音的重点,并利用符号、图示等方法迅速记录要点,促进有效记忆。这就需要同学们学会巧记,如可以先记下较长单词的首字母,使自己在做题时回忆起听过的内容。还可以自己创造一些小符号,如上升、增加、得到改善等,可以用个向上的小箭头来表示,以帮助掌握听力材料的重

4、点。总之,要养成眼耳并用的习惯,一边用耳听,一边用眼浏览答案,把捕捉信息与选择答案结合起来同时进行。同时一边听音,一边进行分析、整理。在对话或短文的试题中,如有做不出来的题目,请先空在那里,集中精力听好下道题。 3、听后(Post-Listening) 听完录音后要迅速回忆整理所听懂的内容,并根据提问来选择或检验答案。要严格控制答题时间,在短暂的10秒钟左右的时间内作出自信的反应。二、 如何听好对话(Short Conversation)(一)从书面选择项中寻找潜在的信息(二)捕捉对话中的重点信息(三)提高数字与计算题的训练技巧(四)理解对话的内涵意义(五)听懂对话必先把握动词(一)从书面选择

5、项中寻找潜在的信息预测的两大作用预测的四个时机预测的三种方法 1、预测的两大作用 1)有一条鱼分别在一条大河里、一个池塘里和一个水盆里,哪种情况下更容易捕捉到它? 2)在射击中准星为什么要瞄准靶心?因为范围越小就越容易捕捉到目标,故预测的第一个作用就是“缩小”捕捉信息的范围,又因为瞄准方向才能击中目标,故预测的第二个作用就是朝着要搜寻的目标“定向”,有的放矢地去听。 2、预测的时机1)完成快速阅读后,中间有5分钟的收卷时间,即可预习听力部分(短文,长对话)。2)在Section A开始时有一段介绍试题做法的Directions 和Example, 时间约为1分5O秒, 在Section B的开

6、头也有一段Directions,时间约为40秒,考生如已熟悉它们的内容,这些时间也可以全部利用。2)正式考试前将书面选择项浏览一遍,可以对试题的内容有一个粗略的印象。但在录音播放每道题目前,如能将注意力再次集中到该题的书面选择项中,作具体的预测分析,会取得更好的效果。这要求考生控制好答题的时间,在每两题间约15秒的空隙时间里,用l0秒钟左右的时间答完本题的答案,然后用剩余的时间速读下一道题的四个选择项,预测试题内容和问题,做好听音准备。这样依次类推,环环紧扣,直到听力考试结束。 3、预测的两种方法 根据交际语言的特点进行预测根据书面选择项的语言结构来预测根据选择项的异同进行预测1) 根据交际语

7、言的特点进行预测Example 1 A)In a hospital. C)In an office. B)In a restaurant D)At an airport. (如果书面选择项的地点是国家或城市的名称,这种方法不适用,因为上述地名没有必然要交流的信息。) 在听到fax 等词时,就可以知道听力的内容可能是发生在办公室,而听到steak、salad等词时,就应该知道对话可能发生在餐馆,Example 2: A)Boss and secretary. C) Teacher and student B) Customer and salesperson. D) Guest and wait

8、ress 这种题一般是判断两个人之间的关系,听时则要注重说话者的用词和语气。 Example 3: A)Secretary B) Doctor C) Teacher D) Manager 这种题一般是判断职业,注意出现的关键词跟何种职业有关。2)根据书面选择项的语言结构来预测选择项语言结构Example题对话题型问题1(in, on, at)+地点名词A) At a hospital.B) In a restaurant.C) At the theater. D) In a bank.地点型(对话发生的地点或某人现在某处)Where? e.g. 1. Where does the conver

9、sation most probably take place? 2. Where is the man (woman) now? 在听到fax 等词时,就可以知道听力的内容可能是发生在办公室,而听到steak、salad等词时,就应该知道对话可能发生在餐馆2职业名词A) novelist.B) shop assistant.C) secretary.D) reporter.职业型(对话中某人的职业)What? e.g. 1. What is the womans probable occupation? 2. What is the man? 这种题一般是判断职业,注意出现的关键词跟何种职业

10、有关。3职业名词+and+职业名词A) Husband and wife.B) Doctor and patient.C) Boss and secretary.D) Teacher and student.关系型(对话中两者之间的关系)What? e.g. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?听时则要注重说话者的用词和语气4(at)+时刻数(或数词时间单位词)1. A) 12:27. B) 1:10. C) 1:33 D) 1:26 2. A) One hour.B) Two hours.C) Three ho

11、urs.D) Four hours.时间数字计算型(某时刻或做某事需要的时间)When,What,How long.? E.g. 1. When did sth. Begin ? 2. What time is it now? 3. How long does sb. need to do sth?一看这道题,就能预测出对话中出现的数字将是考点,等听到数字时,就要特别注意,将数字记下,再核对答案。注意:在短对话测试中,答案往往不是听到的某个简单的数字而是需要把听到的数字加减乘除。5$+数词或数词+(量词)1. A) $90.00 B) $75.00 C) $60.00 D) $150.00 2

12、.A) 160 pounds.B) 163 pounds.C) 150 pounds. D)153 pounds.价格数字计算型(买某物花了多少钱, 买了多少物,多少人参加)How much (many)?e.g. 1. How much does sb. spend (pay for sth)? 2.How many pounds of sth. does sb. want?注意把听到的数字加减乘除6Because(so that)+从句(词组)(或动词不定式)A)Because she doesnt like it.B) Because it does not fit her.C) Bec

13、ause it is too formal for the occasion.D) Because the man likes an other dress better因果型(事情发生的原因)Why (What is the reason)?e.g. Why does (not) sb. do sth?答案往往跟第二个说话者相关7动名词(词组)(或动词词组)1.A) Walking. B) Boating.C) Shopping. D) Driving.2.A) Visit friends.B)Wash clothes.C)Go to the laundry.D)Do some shoppi

14、ng动作型(打算或正在做某事,已做了或要做什么。动名词前加by,则是如何去做。)What? e.g. 1. What is sb going to do? 2. What is sb doing now? 3.What happened to sb? 4. What does (did) sb want to do? 5. How did sb do sth?8名词(词组)或名词、形容词名词(词组)1.A)The pear. B)The weather. C)The cold. D)The sea food.2.A) Some salad.B)Some dessert.C) Just hims

15、elf.D) Enough food.辨别型(对话者谈论什么,选择什么,是什么。若名词是人名,则问是谁。)What (Which)? e.g. 1. What are they talking about? 2. What has sb. wanted? 3. What probably caused sth.?9主语+be的变化+形容词(过去分词)A)Better. B) Sick.C)Fine. D) Tired.2. A) He is sick.B)He is worriedC)He is confident.D) He is angry.反应型(感觉或反应如何)What (How)?

16、e.g. 1. How does sb. feel? 2. What is ones attitude (response) to sth? 3)根据选择项的异同进行预测Example 1 A)Mary has never studied mathematics. B)Mary must be good at mathematics. c)Mary enjoys learning mathematics. D)Mary probably is poor at mathematics.Example 2 A)He often visits the department. B)He has not

17、 found the department. C)He wants to go to the department. D)He has no idea of the location of the department.(这时要特别注意男性speaker 说的话)Example 1和Example 2的听力原文如下:Example 1 M:Whats the matter with Mary? W:She becomes nervous whenever she comes to learning mathematics Q:What do we learn from the conversa

18、tion?Example 2 W:Excuse meWhere can I find the Foreign Language Department? M:Sorry, I cant help you. Im a stranger here. Q:What does the man mean?另外,注意选项的独特性:Example 3 A)The train leaves from another platform.B)The train may not leave because of a strike.C)The train is about to leave from platform

19、7.D)The train has already left from platform 7. 对于句子结构差别很大,无法从字面上区分异同的选择项,要设法从语义和内容中寻找一些共同点和不同点。Example 4 A) Its too late for the man to go to concert. B) The man must wait for two hours to buy a ticket C) The man can buy standing-room ticket tomorrow. D) People have already been standing in line fo

20、r two hours. 请看听力原文: M: Do you have a seat for concert tomorrow? W: No seats at a11,but we sell standing-room tickets two hours before the performance. Q: what does the woman mean? Example 5 A) The teacher postponed the meeting. B) There wont be a test this afternoon. C) The students will be attendi

21、ng the meeting D) The students will take an English test this afternoon. 录音中的听力原文是这样的: W: Shall we have an English test this afternoon? M: Its postponed because the teacher has to attend a meeting. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? (二)捕捉对话中的重点信息领会对话中的重点句抓住话语中的意流指示词弄清否定的含义把握对话中的关键词 1、领会对话中的重

22、点句 按照对话中男女双方的说话次序,我们把先说话者定为speaker 1, 后说话者定为speaker 2。根据对大量试题的统计,所提出的问题有90左右都与speaker 2的说话内容有关。Example 1: M:Do the students have to do any homework? W: They are given homework once every two days Q:How often do the students have to do their homework?Example 2: M:How much are the tickets? W:They are

23、ten do11ars each for the general public,but student tickets are half price Q:How much will the man pay for two general tickets and two student tickets?Example 3: M:You call Henry a dreamer,but I think hes got a lot of good ideas W: Good ideas are on1y useful if you make something out of them Q:Why d

24、oes the woman think that Henry is a dreamer? 2、抓住话语中的意流指示词 语气性意流指示词转折性意流指示词倾向性意流指示词 1)语气性意流指示词 其中yes,no,sure,certainly,sorry等是表明说活人态度与反应的语气性意流指示词。一般说来,如果在句子开头听到yes, sure, certainly,则表明说话人对某事的肯定或赞许,如果是no,not really,sorry,则表明说话人对某事反对或不同意。Example: W:Have you finished your homework,Bill? M:No,and Im not

25、 going to Q:Will the man do his homework? A) Yes,he may do it B) No,he doesnt want to do it C) Yes,he will by all means D) No, he is not allow to do it. 2)转折性意流指示词 but,yet,however是转折性的意流指示词。其中以but出现的频率最高。当话语中的话题一转,出现but一词时,千万不要被but前的词语所迷惑,而要十分注意but后的内容。Example 7: W:I need a car this weekend,mine has

26、 broken down. M:Im sorry to hear it,but you can a1ways rent one if you have license.Q: What does the man mean?Example 8: W: I wonder if you have some change,I want to make a call. M: I would like to lend you some change, but I have only three coins, and l need them for my bus fare. Q:What does the m

27、an want to do with the coins? 3)倾向性意流指示词 would rather., prefer.to.,had better,Prefer.rather than.,是表示说话人通过比较与选择,喜欢或情愿采取的某种行为,也可以说是倾向性意流指示词。它们多用于购物、就餐、旅游等存在比较与选择机会的场合。例如,当顾客去商店购物时,售货员常会这样问:Which do you Prefer,A or B? 对话情景提供了A、B两种可选择的物品,如果选择了A,那么回答时有以下几种说法: a)I prefer A to B. b)I prefer A rather than

28、B. c)I would like A rather than B. d)I would rather get A than B. Example 9: W: Didnt Marion go shopping with you yesterday? M: Even if she hadnt a 1ot of studying, she would have preferred staying home to going shopping Q: What does the man imply about Marion? A) She doesnt like to go shopping. B)

29、She went shopping yesterday C) She doesnt live near the shops D) She prefers shopping to studying 3、弄清否定的含义 用否定词来表达否定含义用短语表示否定含义否定意义的句型结构 1)用否定词来表达否定含义否定词:no, not, never等含否定意义的词:rarely, hardly, seldom,scarcely,few,1ittIe,none,nobody, nothing, neither,nor,beyond,fail,miss,refuse,dislike,impossible Ex

30、ample 10: When she heard that news, she could hardly control her feelingsExample 11: Nobody believe what he said. Example 12: Professor Wang seldom watch TV at night. Example 13: M: Have you read anything good lately? W: Nothing you would like Q: What does the woman mean?Example 14: M: What kind of

31、drink would you like? Coke or coffee? W: Neither, but actually l prefer Chinese tea to any other drink. Q: What does the woman mean?Example 15: The good and the beautiful do not always go together 2)用短语表示否定含义 短语表示否定含义的有: out of the question 完全不可能,办不到,not in the least 一点也不,与not at all同义, notuntil 直到才

32、, no more than (或notany more than)和一样地不., neither.nor.既不,也不,cant help but不禁, wont.unless. 除非不会 Example 16: M:Can you possibly lend me $10 until payday? W:Its out of the question Q:what do you learn about the woman? Example 17: M:Its very hot,isnt it? W: Yes,there isnt the least wind todayExample 18:

33、 Neither I nor he knows anything about it Example 19: One does not know the value of health until he loses it Example 20: Jack is no more diligent (not diligent any more) than John 3)否定意义的句型结构含有否定意义的句型结构主要有:1)too.to. 太.以至不能 2)It is impossible to是不可能的 3)the last十名词十动词不定式(或从句)极少可能的, 最不合适的 4)Never befo

34、re十(倒装语序) 从来没有 Example 21: Are you sure youre speaking the truth? It sounds too good to be true Example 22: He was so excited as to forget most what he meant to sayExample 23: He is the last man l want to see注意:否定形式表达肯定意义。(I cant like it more.)4、把握对话中的关键词关键词的特征和作用对话中常用的关键词1)关键词的特征和作用 所谓关键词是指在这类试题中最能

35、反映某种场所、环境特征或职业特征的词汇。 Example 26: M: Could you te11 me the departure time of this flight? W: Certainly. The flight takes off at 2pm Q: Where does the conversation take P1ace?Example 27:W:You were absent from class yesterday,Tom. Where were you? M:1 couldnt come,MsSmithI hurt my foot and my father too

36、k me to the doctors. Q:What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?Example 28:W:The music and the flowers are lovely M:Yes,I hope that the food is good,tooQ: Where does this conversation most probably take place?Example 29:W:Can l help you, sir? M:Yes Do you have this coat in a larger

37、 size? Q:What is the woman? 2)对话中常用的关键词 (1)有关学校的常用词和词组: scholarship, credits, degree (academic degree), day student, boarder, required course, optional(elective)course, mark, grade, excellent, good, pass, failure, academic(school)record, diploma (graduation certificate),thesis, term paper, teaching

38、program, break (interval), absent from school, individual study, open-book test (2)有关图书馆的常用词和词组due,over-due,fine,renew,loan desk,library card,bookshelf,book catalog,periodical,publication,reference room,reference book,(3)有关银行、邮局的常用词和词组check,cash,deposit, interest rate,saving account,passbook(银行存折),s

39、tamps counter(window),ordinary letter,overweight,air mail, registered letter, parcel form(包裹单), ordinary telegram, urgent telegram, (4)有关机场、车站的常用词和词组airliner, departure time, take off, to board a plane, flight(flying), booking (ticket) office, express trains, soft(cushioned) berth(软卧),hard berth(硬卧)

40、 platform, waiting room, Gate., direct flight, check-in procedure, passport, visa, 5 minutes behind schedule, conductor, car attendant, make reservation(5)有关餐馆、商店的常用词和词组go Dutch, dinner, snack, dessert, refreshments, cold dish, soup, Chinese food, Western style food, order, menu, banquet, soft drink

41、, be full , packing(wrapping), fixed prices, bargain, be worth the money, treat sb. to sth., pay a bill, rare (underdone, tender),well-done, do some shopping, style, out of style, fashion, on sale, out of stock(all sold out), daily necessities, check-out stand(cash desk), (6)有关医院、旅社的常用词和词组physician,

42、 surgeon, dentist, doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, fever, cough, headache, stomach-ache, sore throat, sneeze, suffer from (be ill with, toothache, flu, vomit, catch cold, blood pressure, injection, take ones temperature, guest house, reception desk, suite, double room, check in, check out (三

43、)提高数字与计算题的训练技巧数字与计算题在对话中的应用听力计算题的解题技巧 1、数字与计算题在对话中的应用计算型辨认型替换型 1)计算型:四个选择项中有加减乘除关系。 Example 1: A)Five lessons B)Three lessons C) Twelve lessons D)Fifteen lessonsW: Professor Clark said that the mid-term exam would cover the first 15 lessons.M: Really? I thought it only included the first 12 lessons.

44、 Then I must spend the weekend to go over the rest of the lessons.Q: How many lessons must the man review over the weekend? 2)辨认型 数字与计算中的辨认型试题主要有以下几种情况: a) 对近音、近形数字的辨认。如fifteen与fifty,twentieth与twenty等。 b)对信息中较长数字(如电话号码、邮政编码)的确认。 c)当信息中出现多个数字时,要求根据提问,对其中某一数词加以辨认。Example 2 M: Does the film start at 7:

45、00 or 7:15? W:It starts at 7:30 and ends at 9:18 Q:When does the film start? A)At 7:13 B)At 7:30 C)At 7:15 D)At 9:18 3)替换型 这类试题主要用于天数、钟点数、星期等不同表示方法的同义异形的替换。书面选择项的正确答案与听力原文的有关数字在音、形上不同,而在意义上相同。Example 3 M:Have you seen my brother? W: No, I havent seen him since the day before yesterday. Q:When did sh

46、e last see the mans brother? A) Yesterday. C)Three days ago. B) Two days ago D) Early last week. 2、听力计算题的解题技巧 1)听清数字间表示和差(倍数)关系的关系词。 在加减法计算题中,这些数字之间的关系往往是用多少(more、less)、迟早(1ate、early)、快慢(fast, slow)、前后(before、after)之类的形容词、副词来表示的。计算时用加法还是用减法就取决于这些词。一般说来,表示增加、延迟、向后意义的用加法,而表示减少、提前意义的用减法。Example 4 W:Hav

47、e the children 1eft for school yet? M:Sally left at 8:00 and Julie did as usual,dashing out 20 minutes later Q:What time did Julie leave? A)8:00 B)8:20 C)7:40 D)8:10Example 5 W:Whats time by your watch? M:Nine-thirty But its three minutes fast Q:Whats the correct time? A)9:33 B)9:27 C)9:10 D)9:30 除了

48、上面提到的形容词、副词和介词之外,还有一些能够说明数的存在或引起数的变化的动词,也有助于确定数字间的加减关系。现将这些动词列举如下:have, get, postpone, arrive, increase, start, begin, decrease, spend,cost, borrow, save, 1end, miss, loan, de1ay, add, prolong 在这些动词中,具有增加、延长、借入意义的要用加法,具有减少、提前、借出、失去意义的用减法。但由于提问的角度不同,加减变化的方向也会随之改变。Example 6 W:Mary bought this pen for

49、5 dollars, saving 4 dollars and 50 cents. M:1ts a good bargain Q:Whats the original price of the pen? A) $5 B) $4 C) $45 D) $95 在四级听力测试题中,我们还发现有些数字与计算题的书面选择项没有明显的标识数(如At 8:00,3 hours,$5等),甚至提问中也一反计算题的提问形式,不以When或How much (many).开头,给应试者在题型上造成错觉,但却要通过简单的加减法计算才能选择出正确的答案。Example 7 W:Excuse me. When will

50、 the 7:15 bus arrive? M:Its been delayed two hours, because a bridge was broken Q:What do we learn from this conversation? A) The bus has broken down and will not arrive. B) The bus was in a terrible accident. C) The bus will probably arrive at 9:15 D) The bus may arrive tonight, but the man isnt su

51、re. 乘除法计算题的解题方法与加减法相似,仍然是要听清对话中出现的数字,以及数字间的关系词,不过这种关系词是用具有倍数或分数意义的名词、形容词、副词或动词来表示的。常用的词或词组有:times, twice, couple, double, percentage, pair(a pair of), quarter, one-third, half(a half), one and a half, one-fifth, divide当信息中出现twice,couple,double,pair等词时,一般都要将原来的数乘以2。而当信息中出现quarter,half, one-third 等词时,

52、要将原来的数分为几个等份。Example 8 M: How much money will I have to spend to rent an apartment in America? I only have $500 a month W: Your rent should be about a quarter of that. Q: How much should the mans rent be? A) $500 B) $125 C) $25 D) $400 2)熟悉一些句型所表示的数的变化 Example 9: I bought this $200 camera at 25 disc

53、ount. buysth at.discount指“打了多少折扣买了某物”。 How much?Example 10: I bought this $200 camera for 150 dollars. buy sth for指“花多少钱买某物”。Example 11: I bought this 150 camera for(a) quarter off the regular price. buy.sthforoff the regular price指“以比原价便宜多少的价格买了某物”。 下面将听力测试中常见的句型和搭配再举几例,请注意其中数的变化:be a half(fifty pe

54、rcent)more than.比.多了一半(涨了50) Its twice as much as.是.的两倍 主语十谓语十times as十被比对象是多少倍(例如This book costs two times as it did last year.这本书的价格是去年的两倍) knock l0 off the price 降价IO take two pills three times a day 一日3次, 每次2粒(每天6粒)be a do11ar more 多一个美元 from 9 a.mto 5 p.m.从上午9点到下午5点(共8小时) from 9 amto noon从上午9点到

55、中午12点(共3小时) 3)预测数的和差(倍数)关系Example 12: A) 10:00 B)10:45 C)10:30 D)10:15 请看录音原文: W:Wasnt our appointment for 10:30? M:It wasBut I had to be l5 minutes late Q:what time did the man arrive? 4)判断数字的计算结果Example l3 M:This pen costs $1100,but I have only got $7.00. W:Ive got $600,so Ill lend you the rest. Q

56、:How much will the woman lend the man? A) $4.00 B)$6.00 C)$7.00 D)$ll.00 根据计算题的特点,当信息中出现两个以上的数字时,这些数字往往是作为已知条件而存在的,真正的答案往往要通过简单的计算后得出,不会直接在信息中出现(这里指的是计算型试题)。在这种情况下应采取听到什么不选什么的方法。Example 14 M:The roast beef is 27 yuan a kg. now. W:Yes,its exactly a half more than it was two years ago. Q: What was the

57、 price of a kgroast beef two years ago? A)13.5 yuan B) 18 yuan C) 27 yuan D)54 yuan (四)理解对话的内涵意义语调不同,含义有异重复词句,两种含义3、反问句式,陈述含义4. 隐含意义,顺藤摸瓜虚拟语气,相反含义1、语调不同,含义有异 1)伴随一般疑问句出现的降调Example 1 W:I dont think English is going to be the international 1anguage of the future. M:Oh, are you going to learn Chinese?

58、Q:What do we learn from his conversation? Example 2 W: Where do you want to eat? M: Is there anything wrong with the coffee shop? Q: What does the man mean? A) He wonders if anything happened at the coffee shop B) He doesnt know why the coffee tastes bad C) He only wants coffee because he isnt hungr

59、y. D) He thinks that they ought to go to the coffee shop 2)伴随陈述句出现的升调 You understand the possible consequences? You mean you have to go tomorrow? 我们可以把这样的句子作为陈述句形式的疑问句。另外在陈述句的句末使用升调,还可以表示说话人的婉转口气和不肯定的态度。 M:Ma,I cant finish math homework,Its too difficult to do W:You know what to do,if theresa proble

60、m? Q:What does the woman mean? A) You should know how to solve math Problems B) There wont be any difficulty in math homework C) Can you find a way out of the difficulty? D) What do you find out about the math problems? 重复词句,两种含义Example 4 W: Do you enjoy majoring in mathematics? M:Enjoy? If I could


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