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1、Chinese Tea CultureTop Ten Tea of ChinaTea in Daily Life“Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day.Cu Cha Dan Fann 粗茶淡饭: coarse tea and tasteless dinner Tea ClassificationThe main varieties of Chinese tea: Green TeaBlack TeaOolong TeaWhite TeaYellow T

2、eaScented TeaGreen tea 绿茶 The most well-known green teas:Longjing Tea from West Lake of Hangzhou 西湖龙井Maofeng Tea from Huangshan Mountain 黄山毛峰Yunwu Tea from Lushan Mountain 庐山云雾 Biluochun Tea from Jiangsu 洞庭碧螺春West LakeLongjing TeaLongjing Tea 龙井a top-grade green tea from Longjing, West Lake, Hangzho

3、uFour characteristics:green in color 色绿fragrant in smell 香郁sweet in taste 味醇beautiful in appearance形美 Biluochun TeaDongtingBiluochun Tea 碧螺春a top-grade green tea from Dongting 洞庭, Taihu, 太湖,Wu County吴县, Jiangsu ProvinceBiluo Peak on Mountain Dongting “Terrifying aroma 吓煞人香 Emperor Kangxi 康熙 named it

4、 biluochun.Qimen black teaThe most well-known black teas: Qimen Black Tea 祁门红茶Yunan Dianhong Tea 云南滇红Sichuan Chuanhong Tea 四川川红 QimenOolong tea 乌龙茶The most well-known oolong teas: Tieguanyin (Iron Goddess Guanyin) 铁观音 Wuyiyan Tea 武夷岩茶 Taiwan Oolong Tea 台湾乌龙Tieguanyin 铁观音Anxi 安溪White tea 白茶It is main

5、ly produced in Fuding 福鼎,Zhenghe 政和, and Songxi松溪 of Fujian Province. The most well-known “yinzhen baihao 银针白毫 (silver needle with fine hair on them)“baimudan 白牡丹 White Peony yinzhen baihao 银针白毫Yellow Tea 黄茶The best well-known:Junshan Yinzhen (君山银针) from HunanHuoshan Huangya (癨山黄芽) from Mt. Huo, Anh

6、uiMeng Ding Huangya (蒙顶黄芽) from Mt. Meng, SichuanDa Ye Qing 大叶青from GuangdongJunshan Yinzhen 君山银针Scented tea 花茶The most well-known:jasmine tea 茉莉花茶magnolia tea 玉兰花茶lotus flower tea 荷花茶chrysanthemum tea 菊花茶rose tea 玫瑰花茶Compressed tea 压制茶The tea which is compressed and hardened into a certain shape br

7、ick tea 砖茶: in the form of bricksTuocha 沱茶: in the form of cakes and bowlsgood for transport and storage mainly supplied to the ethnic minorities living in the border areas of the countrymainly produced in Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan and Yunnan provincesCompressed teaBrick tea: 砖茶huazhuan 花砖茶 (flower bric

8、k)heizhuan 黑砖茶 (black brick)mizhuan 米砖茶 (rice brick)qingzhuan 青砖茶 (green brick) Tuocha 沱茶 Xiaguan tuocha 下关沱茶Puer tuocha 普洱沱茶Sichuan tuocha 四川沱茶Huazhuan & HeizhuanQinghzhuan & MizhuanTuochaGongfu tea功夫茶The gongfu tea ceremony or kungfu tea ceremony , literally tea brewing with great skill, is a type

9、 of Chinese tea ceremony originally used to prepare Oolong tea, though today any loose leaf may be usedTea CeremonyChinese Tea CeremonyChinese tea art is not only the combination of tea and art, but also an art of life.Procedures of the kungfu tea ceremony: Heating cups.(温具 Setting tea.置茶 Washing te

10、a.洗茶 Making tea.冲泡 Drinking and enjoying the tea.品茶Chinese teaism “He The core philosophy of Chinese chadao. “Calm The key to achieving in Chinese chadao. “Joy The enjoyment of Chinese tea makers. “Real The ultimate pursues of Chinese chadao茶道Tea and Health Tea is a natural and healthy drink. Tea co

11、ntains a lot of nutrients that help to build up good health. Tea is refreshing and helps you work efficiently. Tea is a thirst quencher and aids digestion of food. Tea helps to disinfect and alleviate inflammation. Tea helps urinary output and purge toxins. Tea helps fitness and against cardiovascul

12、ar diseases.Tea Customs One should neither pour tea water till the teacup is full nor empty the teapot or teacups while drinking tea. (Shandong Province) If a guest emptied his/her teacup, the host would think he/she does not want any more tea and therefore wouldnt offer him/her any more tea.Tea Cus

13、tomsAs a sign of respect: The younger generation shows its respect to the older generation by offering a cup of tea. To apologize: People make serious apologies to others by pouring them tea. (a sign of regret and submission)To express thanks to your elders on your wedding day:Traditionally, both th

14、e bride and groom kneel in front of their parents and serve them tea. Thank You!低面背景简约商务风PPT模板2021LOGO所涉及提供的PPT模板、PPT图片、PPT图表等PPT素材大多 来自PPT设计大师PPT原创作者个人授权发布作品、PPT设计公司免费作品、互联网免费共享资源精选以及局部原创作品,分享给PPT爱好者交流学习 之用,我们并未授权您将这些PPT模板、素材、图片用于任何商业及其他用途,如果要使用请联系原作者并征求作者同意。38为什么要进行事故分析?392021年15月份各类事故比照月份安全、环保事故生


16、0元、回收车间跑冰盐5000元、中试车间跑冰盐5000元。因员工操作马虎、工作不负责,造成的生产事故有12起,直接损失65200元,占总损失72%。402021年国内事故摘录1、 2021年5月28日晚上9点31分,位于淄博市桓台县唐山镇境内的山东宝源化工股份一车间发生爆燃事故,造成2人死亡,8人受伤。 2、2021年5月12日1时40分,位于山西运城市盐湖区龙居乡二十里店村的山西三维丰海化工发生火灾并伴随小规模的爆炸。3、2021年5月10日13时许,位于广州市黄埔区的中石化广州分公司203号汽油罐灌顶呼吸阀着火爆炸。据介绍,爆炸事故是由气泄漏发生闪燃所致,导致7名施工人员受伤,其中3人伤势


18、、 2021年4月1日晚上20时35分,位于缙云县东渡镇的浙江宏威车业一车 间发生一起爆炸事故,造成现场作业工人3人当场死亡,3人受伤。其中2名伤者 经医院抢救无效死亡,1人仍在救治中。8、 2021年3月31日下午17时,位于武汉市东西湖区京港澳高速往港澳方向1147公 里处,一辆装载危险化学品的货车在等待加油时突发大火并爆炸,经过近一个半 小时的奋力扑救, 消防官兵成功将大火扑灭并保住了邻近的加油站。9、 2021年3月17日12时40分,榆林市一化工厂工人在调试设备时,产生的电弧引 发大火。事故造成1人当场死亡,4人不同程度烧伤。10、2021年3月15日下午1时20分左右,位于嘉兴工业园区东区的东方化工厂发生火 灾事故,经市、区两级消防部门全力扑救,火势于当天下午2时20分被扑灭。该 起火灾未造成人员伤亡。 11、2021年2月27日11时,307国道汾阳仁岩村附近的一家汽修厂门口,一辆正在焊 接的油罐车突然发生爆炸,事故造成一人当场死亡,两人受重伤。422021年国内事故摘录12、2021年1月13日上午11时许,江苏盐城大丰港工业园区的一家化工企业发生爆炸 并引发火灾。经消


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