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1、Externalize(自主巩固)I.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)()l.The Airport Express runs the tunnel fbr 15 kilometres. ()A. overB. acrossC. inD. through()2. My mother was cooking food I went home yesterday. ()A. sadB. angrily C. happyD. happilyA. sinceB. becauseC. whenD. while()3.Computers help make us work

2、. ()A. efficientB. more efficient D. efficientlyD. more efficiently()4. None of the newsbad news. ()A. arcB. isC. beD. will()5. Not only Jack but also Ilate fbr school this morning. ( )A. isB. amC. wasD. were()6. If youhard now, you will make great progress. ()A. are workingB. workC. will workD. hav

3、e worked()7. Dont gothe road now. The red light is on. ()A. overB. crossC. acrossD. through()8. As wc all know, lightfaster than sound. ( )A. travelledB. will travelC. travelsD. travel()9.important electricity is! ()A. WhatB. What anC. HowD. How an()1(). Anna has three sisters, one is a college stud

4、ent,two arc junior schoolstudents. ()A. the othersB. the otherC. othersD. other()11. does May look like? ()-Shes thin and tall.A. WhatB. HowC. WhichD. When()12.has been done by the officials, has it? ( )A. SomethingB. NothingC. AnythingD. Everything()13. Itfive years since he left fbr Beijing. ( )A.

5、 wasB. isC. will beD. is going to be()14. Toms father seemedwith his progress. ()15. Could you please tell us? ( )A. what was his troubleB. what his trouble wasC. what was wrong with himD. whats wrong with him)16.Wc have enough bread, so you don,t need any. ()A. buyB. to buyC. buyingD. bought()17. W

6、eeach other since two years ago. ()A. wont seeB. didnt seeC. hadnt seenD. havent seen()18.A guide willthe tourists around Shanghai. ()A. takeB. leadC. showD. bring()19 You needntit right now if you are busy. ()A. to finishB. finishC. finishingD. finished()20.The teacher with a lot of students visiti

7、ng a car factory at that time. ( )A. areB. isC. wasD. wereH.Complete the sentences with the given words.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)Electricity makes travelling fast, safe and. (convenience)We use a cleaner to clean the floor. (vacuum)The Airport Railway up City Centre with Garden Citys new airport, (link)These m

8、achines are very expensive, (wash)Wc have an interesting and school life, (enjoy)111.Rewrite the sentence as required.(按要求改写句子)Electricity gives power to lights.(对划线局部提问) does electricity give power?Have you ever travelled on the Airport Railway?(否认回答)The trains are very comforlable because il is po

9、wered by eleclricily.(对划线局部提问) the trains very comfortable?Could you tell me how I can get to the railway station?(保持句意不变) Could you tell me get to the railway station?The new book cost Bob 10 yuan.(保持句意不变)Bob 10 yuan the new book.w 2.阅读理解9J Exemplify (例题分析)I.Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

10、Winter is dangerous because ifs so difficult to know what is going tohappcn and accidents take place so easily. Fog can be waiting to meet you/over the top of a hill. Ice might be hiding under the melting (融化)snow,jEwaiting ahead (前面)to send you off the road. The car coming to you may产suddenly slip(

11、滑动)across the road.Rule Number One fbr driving on icy roads is to drive smoothly (平稳地).Sudden movements can make a car very difficult to control. So every time you either start or stop your car, increase or reduce your speed, you must be as gentle and slow as possible. Suppose you arc driving with a

12、 full cup of hot coffee on the scat next to you. Drive so that you wouldnt spill (M) it.Rule Number Two is to pay attention to what might happen. The more ice there is, the further down the road you have to look. Test how long it takes to gently stop your car. Remember that you may be driving more q

13、uickly than you think. Generally, allow twice of your usual stopping distance when the road is wet, three times this distance(距离)on snow, and even more on ice. Try to stay in control of your car at all time and you will not get into trouble.The writer tries to in this passage.A. show his dislikes ab

14、out bad winter weatherC. ask people not to drive in winter winterPeople can after reading this passage.The writer tries to in this passage.A. show his dislikes about bad winter weatherC. ask people not to drive in winter winterPeople can after reading this passage.A. find out about the weatherC. lea

15、rn about better driving travelingAccording to the passage, the writer thinks thatpeople should not drive in the snow drivinggive information about winter weatherD. advise people about safe driving inB. get some infbmiation on driving lessonsD. decide which is the best season fbrB. drivers should be

16、more carefill in winterdrivers should drive too fast in winterdrivers should drive too fast in winterwinter drivers should stop their cars lessIn the passage he writer talks about a cup of coffeedrivers should drive too fast in winterwinter drivers should stop their cars lessto show how important sm

17、ooth movements areto ask the drivers to bring some soft drinks with themto tell the drivers to be more relaxedto show how it can be spilledWhich of the following is NOT true?Traffic accidents take place easily in winter.Fog and melting snow often cause car accidents.The stopping distance on ice is a

18、s long as the usual one.In winter you should drive your car with great care.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完 成短文)Last Tuesday I took my two daughters, aged five and seven, to town by car. It began to rain hardII decided I would leave the children in the carbefor

19、e I went quickly into a shop. I2the girls not to touch anything andtold them I would be back within a few minutes. Then I locked all the doors and left them happily looking out of the window.I returned to the car in less than five minutes but the girls had disappeared! I could hardly believe my eyes

20、. The car doors were 3 locked, the windows were shut and on the back seat were only two coats. Being4, I ran to the corner of the street where there was no sign ofthem. I nished up to an old lady nearby and asked5she had seen two small girls but she saidNo”. Feeling quick sick with fear, I sat on th

21、e drivers seat, and tried to stop trembling. Suddenly, I heard a merry laugh behind me. I got out of the car, ran round to open the boot and there inside were two very rcd-faccd and excited children. They had obviously pulled out the back seat, climbed 6 it and then been unable to push the seat forw

22、ard again. With tears in my eyes, I leaned forward and pulled their ears.()1. A. becauseB. soC. althoughD. until()2. A. letB. warnedC. allowedD. repeated()3. A. hardlyB. againC. alreadyD. still()4. A. excitedB. proudC. frightenedD. pleased()5. A. thatB. whenC. whetherD. how()6. A. behindB. insideC.

23、outsideD. acrossRead the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文内填入适当的词,使其 内容通顺,每格一词,首字母已给)Overhead bridges can be seen in many parts of Singapore, in the places where traffic is very h 1 and crossing the road is not safe.These bridges can help people cross roads s 2. Overhead bridges a

24、re used very muchin the same way as zebra crossings.They are more efficient, t 3 less convenient because people have to climb up a lot of steps. This is inconvenient to the old. When people use an overhead bridge, they do not hold up traffic. But when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, t

25、raffic is held up. This is w 4 the government has built many overhead bridges to help people and keep traffic moving at the same time.The government of Singapore has s 5 a lot of money building these bridges. For theirown safety, people should be advised to use them instead of nishing cross the road

26、. Old people may find it a little d 6 to climb up and down the steps, but it is still much safer than walkingacross the road with all the moving traffic.Overhead bridges are very useful. To stop accidents from h 7, people, both old and young, should always use them.Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答以下问题

27、)Among the four skills in learning English, which one of these seems to be difterent from the others? The answer is speaking. The other three you can do alone on your own. But you cant really speak alone!Where can you find people to speak English? And how can you practice speaking when you are alone

28、?At school If you pay to go to a language school, you should use the chance to speak. If your teacher asks you to speak in pairs or groups with other students, try to say as much as possible.Don,t woiTy about your mistakes. Just speak!脚Conversation Clubs Many cities around the world have conversatio

29、n clubs where people can exchange(交换)one language fbr another. Look in your local newspaper to find a conversation club near you. They are usually free although some may charge a small entrance fee.脚Shopping Even if you dont want to buy anything, you can ask questions about products that interest yo

30、u in a shop. t4How much does this cost?” “How can I use it properly? Often you can start a real conversation and it costs you nothing!Cafe and Bars There are often American, British, Irish and Australian bars in many large cities. If you can find one, youll probably meet many people speaking English as a first or second language.Songs and Video Repeat(重复)the words of an English-language song singing with the music until it becomes automatic(自动的).Its good practice fb


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