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1、高考专题复习阅读理解-主旨大意概括常见阅读题型考查:1细节理解题2推理判断题3猜测词义题4. 篇章结构题5主旨大意题主旨大意题在高考阅读理解中出现的频率很高,因为这类题主要考查考生能否通过理解、分析全文,区分主要信息和次要信息,进而总结归纳文章或段落的大意。 Question forms:7.The subject of the passage is _.1.The main idea is _.4.The title is _.2.The passage mainly talks about _.8.The point of the passage is that _.3.Whats the

2、 topic of the first paragraph?6.The best headline for the passage would be _.5.Which title best gives the idea of the passage?9.Whats the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?10.What is the main purpose of the passage?阅读中主旨大意题的题型分类主旨题段落主旨文章主旨标题类文章的主旨是通过段落来表达的,而段落的大意主要由_来体现,所

3、以段落的主题句是构成文章中心思想的有机组成部分。因此,识别各段落的主题句并由此归纳出文章的中心思想是解答该类题的关键。做这类题时常用_ 法。 主题句(topic sentence )略读How to get the main idea of a paragragh?1 Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. Experiments show that cigarette smoking can cause cancer. Besides the most serious and terrible disease(illness), cance

4、r, cigarette smoking also can cause other health problems. For example, it can give one a “smokers cough”. Finally, studies have shown it is easy for cigarette smokers to catch colds. Whether you get an unimportant cold or terrible killer, cancer, smoking is harmful. Is it worth it?2 Often no one lo

5、oks more guilty than t he innocent. On the other hand, nobody may look more innocent than a professi- -onal criminal. And the man who knows “everything” may really only be trying to hide his own weakness. So, it is foolish to try to judge a person only by his appearance 3 If you were planning to buy

6、 a television set, the following advertisement would certainly draw your attention: “Color TV. Only 79. Two days sale. Hu- -rry.” However, when you go to the store ready to buy. You may discover that they are sold out. But the shop assistant is quick to tell you that he has another model. A much bet

7、ter set which is “just right for you” It costs 395. This sales trick is called “bait and switch”. Buyers are baited with a sales advertisement, and then they are switched to another more expensive one. Buying things on sale needs careful consideration of the goods and the reason for the sale. The pa

8、ragraph could be entitled _. A. Buyer BewareB. Closeout(出清存货) Sale C. Crime Pays D. Buying a TV Set . 4 Tom studied four years at the University of Paris and decided to leave before his graduation. He transferred to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors. Harvard Law School and, later, B

9、oston College provided him with an excellent legal background. He is presently a corporation lawyer in Miami, Florida.The main idea of this paragraph is that _.A. Tom, who had studied at Paris Universities for four years, moved to another university.B. Tom became a lawyer since his graduation from H

10、arvard Law School and later from Boston College.C. Tom was an excellent student when he studied at Berlin university.D. Tom received an excellent education.detaildetaildetailTypes Of Paragraph StructurestypeThe position of the topicAt the beginningAt the endIn the middleNo clear topic sentenceHow to

11、 get the main idea of a passage?快速阅读文章找出各个段落的主题句, 把各个段落的主题句联系起来着眼于全文结构安排,了解文章的重心,就能概括出文章的中心。 Passage B(NMET) Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills(读写能力). With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmenta

12、l listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence (自信心), according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City. The group says it is the first program in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dogs (

13、READ). The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea. “Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard reading as a headache,” said Lisa Myron, manager of the chil

14、drens department. Last November the two groups started “ Dog Day Afternoon” in the childrens department of the main library. About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. Those who attended three of the four classes received a “paw graphed” book at

15、 the last class. The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public relations manager. Passage B(NMET) Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills(读写能力). With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, a

16、nd unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence (自信心), according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City. The group says it is the first program in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with

17、 the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ). The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea. “Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard read

18、ing as a headache,” said Lisa Myron, manager of the childrens department. Last November the two groups started “ Dog Day Afternoon” in the childrens department of the main library. About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. Those who attended th

19、ree of the four classes received a “pawgraphed” book at the last class.The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public relations manager.59. What is mainly discussed in the text?A. Childrens reading difficulties. B. Advantages of raisi

20、ng dogs. C. Service in a public library. D. A special reading program.短文首句“Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills”是文章的主题句。文中叙述了美国盐湖城的ITA组织认为,由于狗具有闪亮的棕色眼睛、摇摆的尾巴及无条件的爱,它为儿童获取自信心提供了“必要的听众”。利用对狗阅读来帮助儿童提高读写能力是一种独特的教育方法,故最佳选项为D。 做这类题,首先要找出文章的主题句。找出文章的主题句,也就明确了文章要讲

21、什么,再通过略读全文,就可以把握文章的中心思想了。由于文章内容和体裁的不同,作者的写作手法也不尽相同,主题句在段落中出现的位置也不固定。不少文章一开头便展示出文章的中心思想,第一段常常是内容的梗概,同时又表达了中心思想,但是不少文章的中心思想贯穿全文,并没有用一句话明确表达出来,这就要求学生学会归纳概括。第一段如果是新闻报道,主题句一定出现在 _; (NEW YORK) A French tourist highly praised for rescuing a two-year-old girl in Manhattan said he didnt think twice before di

22、ving into the freezing East River. Tuesdays Daily News said 29-year who left the spot quickly after the rescue last Saturday. He lifted the little girl out of the water after she fell off the bank at the South Street Scaport museum. He handed the girl to her father, David Anderson, who had dive in a

23、fter him. “I didnt think at all,” Duret told the Daily News. “It happened very fast. I reacted very fast. ”Duret, an engineer on vacation ,was walking with his girlfriend along the pier(码头)when he saw something falling into the water . He thought it was a doll, but realized it was a child when he ap

24、proached the river. In an instant ,he took off his coat and jumped into the water. When he reached the girl, she appeared lifeless, he said . Fortunately, when she was out of the water, she opened her eyes. Anderson said his daughter slipped off the bank when he was adjusting his camera. An ambulanc

25、e came later for her, said Duret, who was handed dry clothes from cookers. Duret caught a train with his girlfriend shortly after. The rescue happened on the day before he left for France. Duret said he didnt realize his tale of heroism he was leaving the next morning . 2010年高考英语(陕西卷) topic sentence

26、 Whats the main idea of the passage?A. A girl was saved B. A good deed that a Frenchman didC. An incident that Duret saw D. A photo that Anderson tookBHow to Find the Best Title文章的标题是中心思想最精练的表达形式,选择的标题意义范围要能涵盖全文,不能太大,也不能太小。命题者在出此类题时,往往利用生活常识编造干扰项,或把文中的细节当主旨,利用局部信息编造干扰项,编制超出文章范围的标题或不能涵盖文章中心思想的标题来考查学生

27、的理解程度。对选择标题类题,若遇到实在拿不太准的情况,不妨自己思考一下:“如果是我写这个题目,我会怎样写?” (2010辽宁) Too much TV-watching can harm childrens ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree, new studies suggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of television on children. One of the studies looked at

28、nearly 400 northern California third-graders. Those with TVs in their bedrooms scored about eight points lower on math and language arts tests than children without bedroom TVs. A second study ,looking at nearly 1000 grown-ups in New Zealand, found lower education levels among 26-year olds who had w

29、atched lots of TV during childhood. But the results dont prove that TV is the cause and dont ride out that already poorly motivated youngsters (年轻人)may watch lots of TV. Their study measured the TV habits of 26-year-olds between ages5 and 15. These with college degrees had watch an average of less t

30、han two hours of TV per week night during childhood, compared with an average of more than 2 1/2 hours for those who had no education beyond high school. In the California study, children with TVs in their rooms but no computer at home scored the lowest while those with no bedroom TV but who had hom

31、e computers scored the highest. While this study does not prove that bedroom TV sets caused the lower scores, it adds to accumulating findings that children shouldnt have TVs in their bedrooms67. What would be the best title for this text? A. Computers or Television B. Effects of Television on Child

32、ren C. Studies on TV and College Education D. Television and Childrens Learning Habits 通读全文可知,文章主要通过两项研究分析了儿童看电视所造成的影响。文章第一段第一句话是主题句,所以B项作为标题是最佳的。 (2010四川)A I grew up in a house where the TV was seldom turned on and with one wall in my bedroom entirely lined with bookshelves, most of my childhood wa

33、s spent on books I could get hold of. In fact, I grew up thinking of reading as natural as breathing and books unbelievably powerful in shaping perspectives (观点) by creating worlds we could step into, take part. in. and live in. With this unshakable belief, I, at. fourteen, decided to become a write

34、r. Here too, reading became useful. Every writer starts off knowing that he has something to say, but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his own voice by reading widely and discovering which parts of the writers he agrees or disagrees with, or agrees with so strongly that it reshapes his own world. He cannot write without loving to read, because only through reading other peoples writing can one discover what works, what


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