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1、小学英语空中课堂10Module 4 Things we enjoy深圳市福田区福新小学 黄雪梅版权声明:本文为【福田区小学英语核心团队】原创,依据知识共享协议 【CC BY-NC-SA 4.0,即署名-非商业用途-相同方式共享】进行授权,转载请附上本声明。My gardenPeriod 4Exploring life in the gardenABCHow?How many stages(阶段) does the life of a butterfly have?How many stages(阶段) does the life of a butterfly have?How many st

2、ages(阶段) does the life of a butterfly have?There are 4 stages.Stage 1:A mother butterfly lays eggs on a leaf.eggWho lays the eggs?Where are the eggs?A butterfly is an insect. It lays some eggs on a leaf. The eggs are small and white.Stage 2:What comes out from the eggs?What do they eat?caterpillarca

3、terpillarThe eggs become caterpillars. They eat leaves to grow.The eggs become small caterpillars. The small caterpillars eat leaves. The caterpillars grow.Stage 3:The caterpillar makes a cocoon. It changes inside.cocooncocoonHow is the caterpillar now?What does it make?This caterpillar is big and f

4、at.It makes a little house. It is a cocoon. The cocoon is brown.Stage 4:The cocoon opens, and a butterfly comes out. The sun makes it dry. It is an adult(成年的) butterfly.butterflybutterflyWhat comes out from the cocoon?How is the butterfly at first?What makes the butterfly dry?The cocoon opens. A but

5、terfly comes out. It is wet. The sun makes the butterfly dry. It is a beautiful butterfly.Mother butterfly lays an _ on a leaf.The egg becomes a _.The caterpillar makes a _.The cocoon opens, and a _ comes out.Life Cycle of a Butterflymetamorphosis生物术语:变态eggcaterpillarcocoonbutterflyStage 1: the eggS

6、tage 2: the caterpillarStage 3: the cocoon (pupa)Stage 4: the butterflyLife Cycle of First, the _ are in the soil. Next, they have some _ _.After that, they grow _ _.At last, they have _ and seeds. The life cycle repeats again and again.Life Cycle of _startbirthgrowadultSunflowersseedssmallleavesbig

7、leavesflowers1234Life just once. You have to do your own growing.Finish Workbook p.72 and p.101.Try to draw a life cycle of an animal or a plant. Then tell your family and friends about it.Homework:Thank you!深圳市福田区荔园外国语小学狮岭校区 王茜深圳市福田区福新小学 四(2)班张瑞琥致谢版权声明:本文为【福田区小学英语核心团队】原创,依据知识共享协议 【CC BY-NC-SA 4.0,即署名-非商业用途-相同方式共享】进行授权,转载请附上本声明。引用说明【001】视频来自 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC【002】背景音乐来自 Dream For To


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