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1、外研版 必修 unit using 学校: 名:_班级:_考号:_一、单拼写 your for of _ (流血. If you any, let your soon as 2.She began wound a piece of _ ( ) 3.I will each when they the _ (损害 .4.We you (伸展) touching your toes for at seconds before you make attempt. 5.We were _ 未意识到的) of the whole is a _ (港口城市). you would like heavy (羊

2、毛) scarf. How one?8.Most of the white liquid out of these trees up as _(橡胶) tyres. used to move (液体)from pressure another area. clear (指导原则) content religious 二、翻题11.她遇到了一个高大英俊的男人,她不知道他将来会成为她的丈夫。 met a tall handsome didnt know her husband.12.他不知道自己会在晚年迷上极限运动。 didnt that _ _ taking extreme in his lat

3、er 13.如果他们不贴通知我就不知道开会的时间改了。If they didnt put the I _ _ time for the was 14.哈利波特根本不知道魔法石会赋予他巨大的力量打败伏地魔。Harry Potter never knew the would _ _ 15.他被邀请主演一部电影这部电影将给他带来数百万美元的收入。 was invited to star in a movie which _ millions of dollars.16.据报道,这家电子巨头将签署价值 300 亿美元的合同。_ _ the giant would a contract worth of

4、 30 billion 17.没有人知道他会冒险建议经理扩大欧洲市场。 that he _ the to the market.18.她在昨天写的信中告诉我她将要来看我。 told _ _ in letter she wrote yesterday.19.无论我们什么时候遇到困难 他总会帮助我们。_ _ he would come to 20.雇员们试图在七月以前完成这项任务,但是他们失败了。The _ _ the task before July, but they failed.21.昨天,成千上万的人花很多钱去观看这场演出。 of people _ _ watch the 22.人们最近

5、对这个问题已经十分关注。Recently _ _ _ .23.电能既可以被转变成声能,又可以被转变成光能。 can be into energy _ _ sound 24.你在发烧,所以我需要立刻给你量体温。You I need to _ 25.老师说,如果我不努力学习的话,就很难取得进步。The teacher that it _ make if I work hard.三、阅理解 Camps in Camps July 10 August 14, Cost: of in will Engineering & Mathematics) education. We make learning

6、fun and exciting for help their futures. participate in fun engaging activities! Register: Call: Kandalore 28, $2,340The finest traditional camp in Canada, providing best of canoe 划艇) activities. 65 years, has know and be themselves. We a warm environment where kids express self, grow self- confiden

7、ce and build lifetime Register: www. Call: Summer to 21, Pickering College has for students 12-18 want to experience the of 42-acre campus; students the dormitory,dining, academic, and social facilities of one of Canadas oldest schools. Registpickeringcollege. ca Call: DEEP Summer 16 $465We provide

8、highly motivated high school students from across with the opportunity for advanced study in a variety of technology, subjects. by of Toronto, is of engineering programs all over world scholarships. Register: www. Call: 1. number you call if you want to improve your English? 519-475-6600. 416-322-97

9、35. C. 416-946-0816. D. 2. will shortest camp 10.B. June 15.C. June 25. D. 16.3. can go if interested experience of adventure? Kandalore.B. STEM Camp.C. D. DEEP Academy.4. How are STEM Camp and DEEP Academy? They offer students.B. provide same courses for students.C. prepare for D. are designed stud

10、ents.四、完填空I was very of hunting I was a young man. the autumn of I was 1 in northwest of India. One after hunting in all I was alone to place I up my I was tired It was getting 3 I was walkingslowly 4 narrow path. my right was a on left, a thick, All of a I saw two looking at me from the I knew it 6

11、 be a man-eating tiger getting 7 on My 8 . could I do? Should I jump into the river and hope life swimming? I looked to 10 . In the there was a me with mouth 11 open. I so 12 that I my And I thought it would be of 13 I branches 14 tiger (咆哮) 15 then I my What do you think had happened? The tiger jum

12、ped right now was in jaws (嘴) of 1. A. B. studying planting D. travelling2. A. turned B. putC. madeD. brought3. A. colder B. D. 4. A. by B. C. D. on5. A. shock B. joyC. sudden D. 6. A. could B. canC. mustD. should7. A. liveB. depend C. lookD. jump8. A. C. D. jumped9. A. onB. ofC. withD. by10. A. fro

13、nt back 11. A. long B. shortC. leftC. D. rightD. narrowly12. A. tired B. excited C. 13. A. work C. D. lifeD. 14. A. B. 15. A. C. C. butD. OnlyD. 参考答案1.答案:bleeding2.答案:3.答案:injury4.答案:5.答案:6.答案:7.答案:wool8.答案:rubber9.答案:liquid / liquids10.答案:guidelines11.答案:would 12.答案:would 13.答案:wouldnt know14.答案:wi

14、th he would15.答案:would bring16.答案:It was reported 17.答案:would to18.答案: was coming to see19.答案:Whenever we had trouble20.答案: an 21.答案:paid money22.答案: this issue 23.答案: well as24.答案: your temperature25.答案:would very 阅读理解答案: DDAC解析:1.细节理解题。根据章小标题 ESL Camp to July 21, Cost: 第一句中 Pickering College has f

15、or students 12-18 want to 可 知, ESL 夏令营是专门给 12 至 岁想学英语的学生提供的。且根据此段最后一句中 call: 8900 知, 详情可咨询 。故正确答案为 D。2.推理判断题.根据文章可知 STEM Camp 是从 7 月 10 日到 月 日 Kandalore 是从 6 月 到 6 月 28 日,ESL Camp 是从 6 月 25 日到 7 月 日DEEP Academy 从 8 月 16 到 8 月 日。所以 DEEP Academy 持续的时间最短, 开始时间是 16 日。故选 。3.细节理解题.根据The finest traditional

16、 camp in providing best of both canoe(皮划艇) 可知如果想冒险就去 Kandalore。故选 A4.细节理解题.根据We find make learning fun and exciting for help their futures. participate in fun engaging activities和We provide highly motivated high school from world with for advanced in a variety of technology, business science 可知 和 DE

17、EP 相似之处在于 都为学生的发展做准备。故选 。完形填空答案: 6-10 CDBDD 11-15 解析:1.句意在 的秋天, 我在印度的西北部旅行travelling)。practice 为练习”, study 意为 “学习, plant 意为种植”, 均不符合文意。2.句意:我正独自返回搭建(put 帐篷的地方。Put up 固定搭配 意为“搭建” 符合文意。turn 意 为“出现; make up 意为组成;化妆; bring up 意为提出;育”, 均不符合文意。3.此处表示天越来越冷(、越来越黑。根据文章第一段第二句中的 以及第一段第三句中 的 evening 知, 秋天的夜晚是越来

18、越冷。warm 为“温暖的; bright 意为 “明亮的; cool 意为凉爽 的”, 均不符合文意。4.此处表示我”沿着along) 条狭窄的小路慢慢地走着。 walk 意为“沿着走” 符合文意。 5.句意:突然sudden)看到树林中有两只绿色的眼睛看着我。 of 为固定搭配 意为突然”; shock 为 “震惊”; joy 意为快乐”; surprise 意为惊喜”, 均不符合文意。6.句意:我知道它一定(是一只吃人的老虎。 为“一定是, 表肯定的推测 符合文意。 could be 意“可能是; can 意为“可能是”; sho be 意为应该是”, 均不符合文意。7.句意:这只老虎正在准备扑向(jump on)我。 意为“扑向 跳上”, 符合文意。live on 意为以食为生”; depend on 意为“取决于; 依赖”; look on 意为“旁观”, 均不符合文意。8.句意:我的心沉(了下去。根据文章第一段倒数第一、二句可知 作者认为遇到了吃人的老虎, 心 情是迷茫慌张、 不知所措的。 意为“跳动”; ache 意为疼痛”; jump 意为 “”, 均不符合文意。 9.句意:我应该跳进河里通过(by)游泳来救自己吗? on 意为“在上”; of 意为关于”; with 意为随着; 和”,


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