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1、意大利 市 中国xx市旅游文化合作意向协议 , Italy & Zhangjiajie, China Tourism Culture Cooperation Framework Agreement意大利 市基本概况(to be added)xx基本概况:Introduction of Zhangjiajie:xx市是中国xx省的一个地级市,地处xx省西北部,武陵山脉腹地。面积9518平方公里,人口168万。xx物华天宝,蕴藏着丰富的矿产和水能资源,全市森林覆盖率达70%。境内旅游资源丰富,峰林、溶洞、峡谷、河流、湖泊众多,奇特的地貌和距今2.1亿年的恐龙化石遗迹共同构成了xx地质奇观。xx拥有

2、世界自然遗产、世界地质公园、中国第一个国家森林公园、中国首批5A级景区等桂冠,举世罕见的石英砂岩峰林地貌被国际地质学家命名为“xx地貌”。Zhangjiajie is a prefecture-level city in Hunan province of China. It is located in the northwest of Hunan Province, in the hinterland Wuling mountain, with an area of 9,518 square kilometers, and a population of 1.68 million. Zhan

3、gjiajie is full of natural treasures, and rich in mineral resources and water resources, the forest coverage rate has reached 70%. Zhangjiajie is also rich in tourism resources. Forest, caves, canyons, rivers, lakes, unusual topography and 210 million-year old dinosaur fossils constitute Zhangjiajie

4、 geological wonders. Zhangjiajie has the title of World Natural Heritage, World Geological Park, The First National Forest Park in China, The first batch of 5A scenic spots in China and so on. The quartz sandstone peak landform is rare in the world and it is named Zhangjiajie landform by internation

5、al geologists.xx市与 市各方资源各具特色,在旅游和文化发展方面具有巨大的合作空间。为推进两地旅游业、文化业优势互补、共同发展,经商议,各方同意深入开展旅游文化合作,现达成意向协议如下。With their own distinctive resources, Zhangjiajie and have a huge space for cooperation in tourism and cultural development. In order to promote and complement advantages of tourism & cultural industr

6、ies and common development, after deliberation, both Parties agree to carry out tourism and cultural cooperation, and have reached a framework agreement as follows.合作框架 Article 1: Cooperation Framework 各方同意在旅游资源开发、旅游及文化产品xx、旅游市场营销推广等方面进行全方位合作。Both Parties have agreed to carry out the all-round coope

7、ration in development of tourism resources, construction of tourism and cultural products, tourism marketing etc.合作内容 Article 2: Cooperation Content 旅游资源共享,客源互送。各方互为旅游目的地和客源输出地,积极宣传对方的旅游资源和产品,共同提高市场知名度与美誉度。两地间积极组织客源到对方地域旅游,促进旅游经济发展。Share tourism resources and send the sources of tourists to each oth

8、er. Both Parties shall be tourism destinations and source of tourists, actively promoting each others tourism resources and products, and improve marketing popularity and reputation. Both Parties shall actively organize tourists to travel to each others areas, and promote the development of tourism

9、economy. 2、加强旅游交流与合作。两地共同参加,联合组织两地市民间的交流、合作、旅游、观光。指导和沟通协调各方区域内的相关旅游企业开展交流合作,并扶持、奖励大型旅行社宣传推介对方的旅游线路和产品。Strengthen exchange and cooperation in tourism. Both Parties shall participate in the communication, cooperation, tourism, sightseeing between citizens of two cities. Both Parties shall guide and co

10、ordinate bilateral regional tourism enterprises to carry out exchanges and cooperation, and shall support and reward large travel agency for promoting the tour routes and tourism products.推进重大旅游项目xx,为旅游业中长期发展积蓄动力。在旅游项目招商和xx方面,鼓励两地投资商到对方地域投资开发旅游项目,并互相介绍第三方旅游投资商到两地投资xx。 Promote major tourism projects,

11、 with the objective to develop tourism industry on a long-term basis. In the investment of tourism project and construction, both Parties shall encourage investors to invest in tourism projects in the other city, and shall introduce the third party investors to invest in these two cities.加强旅游信息交流互换。

12、交换各方旅游信息咨询和发布平台,支持对方旅游产品在本辖区内的宣传工作,在各自的旅游网上开设对方的信息专栏或链接对方的网站。本着维护旅游消费者和旅游经营者合法权益的原则,互相承诺在最短时间内处理好发生在两地之间的旅游投诉,并将处理结果直接通报对方相关部门。Strengthen tourism information exchange. Both Parties shall exchange tourism information consultation and publishing platform, and support each other in the promotional acti

13、vities of tourism products in bilateral cites. Both Parties shall offer information column or link for each others tourism website. In the maintenance of legitimate rights and interests of tourism consumers and tourism operators, both Parties shall commit themselves to deal with occurred tourist com

14、plaints in the shortest time, and directly inform the results to the relevant departments. 加强旅游产业创新合作。两地应积极分享各自在旅游和文化工作方面的创新经验,合作探索旅游管理、服务和产业发展的新思路与新方法;加强两地文化旅游合作,推进旅游产品设计和文化创意产业的发展与繁荣。Strengthen the innovative cooperation of tourism industry. Both Parties shall actively share their innovative exper

15、ience of tourism and culture, shall explore new ideas and new methods of tourism management, service and industry development, and strengthen cultural cooperation in tourism, promote the development and prosperity of tourism products design and cultural creative industry.培育、丰富旅游文化。加大两地间的民间文化艺术交流,大力支

16、持和积极参加对方举办的旅游文化会展节庆活动。充分利用各自的文化优势来丰富旅游的内涵,将xx的湘楚文化、土家文化与 市悠久的历史文化结合起来,根据两地实际共同策划设计专项旅游活动,加强宣传、推广、联动和落实,努力打造新的旅游文化产品。Develop and enrich tourism culture. To increase the exchange of folk culture and art in both cities, and to strongly support and actively participate in the tourism culture festival ex

17、hibition held by the other city. Both Parties shall make full use of their cultural advantages to enrich tourism connotation, so that they can combine Xiang Chu culture in Zhangjiajie, Tujia culture with the long history and culture of city. Both Parties shall design special tourism activities in ac

18、cordance with two cities reality, and shall strengthen the publicity, promotion, linkage and implementation of tourism resources and try to create new tourism culture products.合作机制 Article 3: Cooperation Mechanism 1、建立旅游合作年度会议制度,对全年的合作计划进行磋商和审核、确认,对正在进行的合作项目进行督导和推进。Both Parties shall establish the tourism cooperation annual meeting, to discuss on the projects carried out by that year, and supervise and promote ongoing cooperation projects.各方不定时开展对应交流工作。各方明确具体联络机构,负责实施本合作协议。Both Parties shall carry out nonscheduled corresponding communication. Both


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