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1、10天速主讲欢迎使定语从句(上一、定语从句的概定语从句hohasthe most,butis10天速主讲欢迎使定语从句(上一、定语从句的概定语从句hohasthe most,butis例Ais not honeedsthe 例:Helaughsbestwholaughs短语做先行词。Many of lifes problems which were solved by asking family members, friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve. tthestru

2、ctureoflanguagehadsomewith the s of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how languagescouldIamastudentwhichyouall当先行词与关系词被割裂时是如何表现的。如:Today, stepladders carry labels inchestwarn,amongothertyoumight-surprise!-fall结合先行词的结构特点和位置特征在关系词之前寻找与定语从句的意思的有逻辑关系相符合的词。定语从句(下二、定语从句里面的关系代词

3、的用法t, who, whom。Whomt2. whatyoulikeAll-isapplyingofthebasic sitiesofwhatisthe2. whatyoulikeAll-isapplyingofthebasic sitiesofwhatistheneed the things need for our needst is 2)what 单独使用,后面不加名词。例如:Sheisnotwhatsheusedtobe. 3)what 后面加名词例如:WhatmoneyIhavehasbeengivento 1997年考题heknowsaboutitis outof dateand

4、 in So much HowmuchSoasas, suchasas例如:Iwasaboywhichyouwhich可以用as替换As is so often ed out knowledge is a two edge weapon which can be equally ood or as 引导限制性定语从句例如:SuchastudentasworkshardwerebesuretoMore s consist of one parent households or two working parents; children are likely to have familystruc

5、tureat home was commonhe n三、关系副nn 所修饰的名词就n指代的对WhenOr so the thinking has gone since the early 1980s, when juries began holding companiesliablefortheircustomers2)whenWhenIgotoschool,Iwillworkcompaniesliablefortheircustomers2)whenWhenIgotoschool,IwillworkWhen 引导的定语从句前一定有表示时间的名词;When 引导的状语语从句前没有有表从翻译的角

6、度看如果是引导的定语从句可以不翻译。如果是状语从句就必须翻译成当时候。When=onwhich where=inwhichwhere引导的从句先行词必须是表示地点的名词。例如: I was born in Beijing where the Olympic games will be held.先行词表示地点,where 来引导。例如:IhaveneverbeentoBeijing,butitstheplace . A.where Idlike to visitB.inwhichId liketoC.Imostwantto rIwantto visitit名词从一、名词从句的本质引导名词从句常

7、用的连词。有三类:1) t;2)whether,if;3)when,where,how等连接副词what,who,whose 等连接代词。t 引导的名词性从句不能做任何句子成分。what Which whose Concerns were raised witness might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to ensure guilty verdicts.tI twhatIsaidwasnotexactlywhatmeantto考题:Prof.Leesbookwill showyoucanbe used in oth

8、er t youhave thowyou have C t you have Dhowwhat youhave二、名词从句中的主语1.ttthe seasare erfishedhasbeenknownfor 3.itisItis tyouaregood whetherWhethertheeyesare二、名词从句中的主语1.ttthe seasare erfishedhasbeenknownfor 3.itisItis tyouaregood whetherWhethertheeyesarethewindowsofthesoulis三、宾语从及物动词后面的宾语从句。2005Doyoureme

9、mberallthoseyearswhenscientists四、表语从tsmoking wouldkill就是一句话做另一个句子的表语。就是把从句放在系动词的后面。1997 Areport consistently brought back by visits to the US is how friendly, cautious and hopeful most Americans were to them.五、同位语就是用来补充说明同位语的名词成分的句子。结构是:名词t,whicht不能省略定语从句中t必须在从句中扮演主语或者宾语tThereis apopular tfamily ins

10、tabilitycauses 状语从句(上l t第三语从句(上一、状语从句的本质。就是用一个句子来作另外一个句子的状语2005 Strangely, some people t they can smell one type of flower but not another, othersaresensitivetothesmellsofbothA.B. C. D. 难点常考的句型:Hardlywhen;whenitt;when itcomesto1991 tospeakwhentheerruptedA.HardlyhadheB.Nosoonerhardlyhadhe C.Notuntilh

11、ebeginDScarcelyhadhebegin 1998 年例句:ng is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is itcomestoclassroom A.B.C D. 2.Adrivershouldslowerdownwherethereare3.原因Since从起;因为hasverydelicate hat因为的意思。例句:Thegirlislikeherhatshe t因为目的状语从;forfearshould +5.结果状语从t2001being talked to es weaker in aAdriversho

12、uldslowerdownwherethereare3.原因Since从起;因为hasverydelicate hat因为的意思。例句:Thegirlislikeherhatshe t因为目的状语从;forfearshould +5.结果状语从t2001being talked to es weaker in a t spends so much time listening sallbut lostthewillandthe skilltospeak forA.B.D.tsosucht; t;t; Sofastdoeslighttitisdifficultforustoimagineitst

13、othe extentt)tosomeextent 表示在6.条件状语从句 用unlessif 引导难点:only if ; if onlyonlyif是“只有”的意思ifonly 是“只要”意思。2000 He cancontinue to supporthimselfand his family heaA.only B. much C .long D.evering t);providedt);ontin hisown例如:Hewillsurely finished job on timehehasleft B.inC.asfar D.solong状语从句(下7.让步状语从句 though

14、;evenif; even1997 年例句:its economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly nation of part timers and temporary workers.ing A.EvenB. tIfD.t2004年例句:All these conditions tend to increase the probability of committing a criminal act, _ a direct causal relationship has not yet A.B. C. D. 表示让步转折的介词:in

15、 spite remained despite 例如: what he edicine A.B.C.D.However;nevertheless;1998年例句:Thisview ,is generally thoughtto beA.B.C. D.more While 当时候;然而,但重点:与 as 有关的让步状语从as 引导的倒装例如:Childasheishecanrememberalotofthings. as so+adj+as+主谓结构例如:Asmuch asJohnhatest,hemuststayathomeas 引导的倒装例如:Childasheishecanremember

16、alotofthings. as so+adj+as+主谓结构例如:Asmuch asJohnhatest,hemuststayathomeandstudy1.倍数Aisthreetimes n 2.倍数+asas 结构。AisthreetimesasbigasB. 3.倍数+A is Three times the size of B.Non 1.No n=notany nNotso much1.NotAsomuch as 2.notsomuchasB.与其说AB例如:It wasnt so t I disliked her t I just A.B. nD.并列并列句的结构要从后面往前找。

17、例如:IlikeapplesfromJapanandbananas. and 可以连接两个并列的词语、短语、句子成分、从句以及句子。and and 有并列。但并列在and and SheisabeautifulofShe 语语is a girl 语aman is I ,who isa manam 分词现语法应用例如:She,whoishermothersdaughterisagirlofbeautywhichis enviedbylilywhoisof ugliness which we all know.分词现语法应用例如:She,whoishermothersdaughterisagirl

18、ofbeautywhichis enviedbylilywhoisof ugliness which we all know.apples and bananas.apples and bananas再如:Iam 22 and Jimis 23看看but.but 也不一定就是两个洋葱。例如:But Iam a 从命题的角度看如果问题出在冒号的前面破折号分号分号前后独立各自成为一个洋葱语法应用1994第一篇文章PassageThe American economic system anized around a basically private-market- oriented economy

19、 in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and t they want Private businessmen , striving to make profits , produce these goods and with other businessmen; and the profit motive , operating under res , largely determines how t

20、hese goods and are produced. Thus, in American eoonomic system it is the demand of individual consumers , coupled with the of businessmen ize profits and the desire of individuals ize ttogetherdeterminewhatshallbeproducedandhowareused to produce An important factor in a market-oriented economy is th

21、e mechanism by which demands can be expressed and responded to by producers. In the American economy, mechanism is provided by a ystem, a s in which rise and fall in response roducers. If the product is relative demands of consumers s offered by short supply relative to the demand , the price will b

22、e bid up and somemechanism is provided by a ystem, a s in which rise and fall in response roducers. If the product is relative demands of consumers s offered by short supply relative to the demand , the price will be bid up and some consumers will eliminated from the market. If, on the other hand, p

23、roducing more of a commodity results reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by roducers, will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product. Thus, price is regulatingheAmericaneconomicsystemThe important factor in a private-rise economy t individuals are allowed to productive (private progeny) , and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control natural ,and produce goodsand for sale at a he


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