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1、重庆市2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试4月调研测试卷英语本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题分,满分分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相 应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅 读一遍。例:HoW much is the shirt?A. . B. . C. .答

2、案是BoWhat is the Weather going to be like tomorrow?Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. SUnny.What does the woma n think of tomatoes?They are nOt tasty. B. They are really good. C. She doesn t like them.Why Can t the woman sleep at night?The baby keeps crying.B. Her mother moved in recen tly.C. She is not USed to he

3、r new role as a mother.Where does the Con VerSati On PrObabIy take place?I n a library. B. I n a laboratory. C. I n a CIaSSroom.How much did the man Pay for the coat?$200. B. $ 175. C. $ 150.第二节(共15小题;每小题分,满分分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并 标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,

4、各小题将给出5秒钟的作 答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、T题。What S the matter With Jane?A. She quarreled With Jack. B. She WaS angry With Henry. C. She hated doing homework.T. What do We know about Jack?A. He made the room in a mess. B. He Understood the woman. C. He cleaned UP the bedroom. 听第T段材料,回答第8、9题。What does t

5、he man think of thewoman S cooking?A. It S really terrible. B. It S Very good in deed. C. It S better tha n What he does.What does the woma n ask the man to do?A. ImPrOVe cook ing skills. B. Bring his Wife n ext time. C. HaVe some soup. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。What kind of job does the woma n do for the su

6、mmer?A. She WriteS texts for a compa ny.B. She looks for new . She sells things over thetelepho ne.What does the man think of the woman S job?A. Easy. B. Annoying. C. Challe nging.When does the Woma n end her Work each day?At 11 pm. B. At 2 pm. C. At 7 am.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。What S the PrObabIe relatio

7、nship between the two speakers?A. I nterviewer and in terviewee. B. TeaCher and StUde nt. C. Boss and SeCretary.What age group is the toy popular with?A. ChiIdre n. B. Teen agers. C. All age groups.Why do many schools ban the toy?A. It leads to theft. B. It makes StUdents lose focus. C. It CaUSeS ar

8、guments in class.Who actually invented the toy?A. Jill Mea nley. B. Catheri ne Hetti nger. C. Scott McCoskery.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。What does the SPeaker Say about the TriPIe Theater Compa ny?A. It may CanCel its PerfOrma nce. B. It OfferS a Variety of . ItS last PerfOrma nce WaS disappo in ti ng.Where

9、is the first OPen Air ConCert held?A. In the RiVer ConCert Hall. B. In the Abbey RUins. C. In the Park.When will the first OPe n Air Co ncert be held?A. On July 18th. B. On July 25th. C. On July 31st.What do We know about the PerfOrma nce On Friday?A. The Weather is likely to turn . It has to be giv

10、e n SOmeWhere . Not eno Ugh people bought tickets.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWeStWeeklate MarChPaCifiC DeSig n Cen ter-Los An geles, CaliforniaOne of the Golden State S most important and lar gest annual design industry event andtrade sh

11、ow On the WeSt Coast, WeStWeek has bee n an importa nt in StitUti On for more tha n 25 years.It attracts over 10, 000 top interior(室内的)designers,architects and manufacturers for a Weekof over 60 CUtting-edgePrOgrams, design-OrientedPreSentations,PreVieWS of upcoming trends talks,Panel discussi OnSan

12、d more.More details about WeStWeek Can be found at:(文艺复兴)Pleasure FaireWeeke nds from mid April through early JUne Los An geles, Califor niaThe IargeSt Ren aissa nce festival in SOUther n California, the Ren aissa nce PIeaSUre FaireCeIebrating EIiZabethan life has been a popular event for almost hal

13、f a Century . Now attracting more than 20 , 000 ViSitOrS each Weekend, the fun activities of the festival include 8 StageS of theatre, comedy, dan ce, music and SWOrdPIay PerfOrma nces, VariOUS ParadeS and PrOCeSSi ons.DiSCOVer more about the Ren aissa nce PIeaSUre Faire:Grand PriX of Long BeaChmid

14、AprilLoS An geles, CaliforniaOne of the IargeSt Paid SPeCtatOr events in SoUther n Califor nia, the Toyota Grand PriX ofLong BeaCh has bee n popular for 40 years. It attracts more tha n 200, OOO en thusiasts who cometo enjoy the talents of the world S top drivers in both“pro ” and “CeIebrity ” races

15、, andthe ConCert at the end of Friday and SatUrday.DiSCOVer more about the Toyota Grand PriX of Long BeaCh at:.comFeStiVaI NaVide node la CalleOchoearly DeCember Los An geles, Califor niaOne of the biggest Latino events, attracting more than 100, 000 Latinos each year, the freeFeStiVaI NaVide no de

16、la Calle Ocho has bee n a major event for more tha n 114 years and featuresten blocks of en terta inment With everythi ng in cludi ng live Con certs, arts and crafts, Carni val rides, and the best Latino and ASian food.Lear n more about the FeStiVaI NaVide no de la Calle Ocho at:en glish. calleochol

17、a. comhas the ShOrteSt history and- is the third most popular.Toyota Grand PriX of Long Beach; Ren aissa nce PIeaSUre FaireFeStiVaI NaVideno de Ia Calle Ocho; Toyota Grand PriX of Long BeaChRen aissa nce PIeaSUre Faire; WeStWeekWestWeek; FeStiVaI NaVide no de Ia Calle OchoIf you are interested in th

18、e late 16th-century England, you Can ViSit _ to know about some activities.A. What is SPeCiaI about Toyota Grand PriX of Long Beach?A. It SUPPIieS a Won derful Con cert.B. It is to be held in mid April.C. It OfferS the thrill of speed.D. It SerVeS delicious ASia n food.BMeet Kevin, a four-year-old P

19、rUSSia n Blue Cat whose disti nctive features make him lookPerma nen tly surprised.The reasOn for KeVin S distinctive look is hydrocephalus . HydrOCePhaIUS essentially means“fluid (液体)on the brain, ” and TaIiah told London S Daily TeIegraPh & MaShabIe that KeVin S sight, heari ng, bala nce, coord in

20、 ati on and reflexes are all impaired. KeVin is not fully bli nd or deaf, but his face gives the appeara nce that he is always surprised.Tailah, a Veterinary (兽医的)nurse, first met KeVin When he WaS a Very small kitten:“A lovelylady found him in a CarPark When he WaS around 4 WeekS old and left him t

21、o the clinic, ”She said.“ I fell in IoVe With him Straight away and knew I had to give him a Cha nce.”“ I WaS Warned that he wouldn t live to See SiX months(if he WaS IUCky) and to not becomeattached. I told myself that even if hePaSSed away, I gave him all the Iovi ng I could.”KeVin survived.He S n

22、ever had a SeiZUre One of the biggest risks for CatS Withhydrocephalus.TaiIah has even PrOVided him With his OWn“PerSOnal balcOny ” ,fitted With Cat grass, a“house” and an endless S upply of toys.TaIiah SayS of Kevin, “ He has the best little PerS On ality.”“He is guaranteed to make you laugh every

23、day, ” She said. “HiS day-to-day activitiesof Sitt ing in the pot pla nts in the garde n, sleep ing With his face in shoes and bit ing Peoplefeet. ”“ He is SUCh a little love bug and a SCratCh between the ears is his favorite,“He is guaranteed to make you laugh every day, ” She said. “HiS day-to-day

24、 activitiesof Sitt ing in the pot pla nts in the garde n, sleep ing With his face in shoes and bit ing Peoplefeet. ”“ He is SUCh a little love bug and a SCratCh between the ears is his favorite,The Cat always looks SUrPriSed becauseA. everyth ing around him SUrPriSeS himC. his life experience has ma

25、de him feel soappeara nceThe Un derl ined wordCon SiStS” She said.B. he SUfferS from a kind of diseaseD. he WaS born With SUCh a funnya . Vaimpair PrObabIy meansB. make even betterA. achieve SUdde nly destroy completelyThrOUgh the story We know that TaIiah is .A. a Cat expertB. a lovi ng PerS Onbrav

26、e nurseWhat TaIiah has done for KeVin PrOVeS thatA. every little life deserves a Cha nceC. every effort PayS off in the enda WayC. make less effectiveC. a StUbbOr n woma nD.D.B. love Can defeat any kind of diseaseD. Where there is a will there isAmaZOnGo is a grocery store locatedAmaZOnhas opened it

27、s first automated store to the public. On the ground level of the CorporatiOn S SeattIe headquarters.AmaZOnGo is a grocery store locatedcould revolutiOniZe our shoppingThe store, WhiCh OfferS food, SaIadS and boxed meals experie nce in the future.could revolutiOniZe our shoppingAS Soon as you arrive

28、 at the store, a cell Phone app Connected to an AmaZOn accoUnt registers your PreSe nce. EVeryth ing that happe ns in the store is tracked by hun dreds of in frared (红夕卜线的)cameras. WhenyoU PiCk UP items from the SheIVeS they are automatically PUt into your VirtUaI shopp ing cart. The CameraS also de

29、tect Whe n you PUt an item back On the SheIVeS and remove it from your cart. The momentyou walk out your accoUnt is Charged WithOUt making any PhySiCaI Payment.The tech no IogieS USed at AmaZ On Go are the Same as With driverless CarS COmPUter track ing, Weight Sen sors On SheIVeS and complicated al

30、gorithms (算法).The 1,800 SqUare foot store has bee n OPe n to AmaZ On employees for a year. Now the PUbIiCCan also shop there. However, not everything has been running smoothly in the store S openingyear. There Were hardships to overcome. For example, it S hard for CameraS to distinguishbetweendiffer

31、e nt flavours or PrOdUCtS that look the same. They also have problems han dli ng people who move around or ide ntify ing ShOPPerS With SimiIar body SiZeS and clothes.EVen though there are no CheCkOUt CoUn ters and CaShierS who make you Wait in line, there are shop assista nts who restock goods and h

32、elp CUStOmerS find their Way around.WhiCh of the following Can be the best title?Shopping in a ConVenienCe Store in the FUtUreA NeW Way to Do ShOPPing in the United StateSAmaZOn Go The Company S FirSt AUtOmated StoreAmaZ On OPenS a Store in ItS SeattIe HeadqUarterSThe biggest ben efit for shopp ing

33、in AmaZ On Go is .B. to SaVe time and troubleA. to Pay in a Safer WayB. to SaVe time and troubleC. to have a Wider ChoiCe Of goodsD. to buy extremely CheaP goodsFrom the IaSt but One ParagraPh We Can know that AmaZon GoA. is beco ming more and more popularB. SeemS to have a less PrOmiSing futureC. s

34、till has much room for improveme ntC. to have a Wider ChoiCe Of goodsD. to buy extremely CheaP goodsFrom the IaSt but One ParagraPh We Can know that AmaZon GoA. is beco ming more and more popularB. SeemS to have a less PrOmiSing futureC. still has much room for improveme ntShopp ing in AmaZ On Go, y

35、ou .A. don t need to Pay any money at all your goodsC. don t have to ViSit the store in PerSOn automaticallyDHere S the truth: ChriStmaS is not everything When the ChriStmaS tree PretZeIS (椒盐饼干)“ happy holidays ” inStead of “ merry ChriStmaSD. has adva ntages over traditi Onal StOreSwill have less d

36、ifficulty choos ingD. will have your money Paidto everyOneand that S Why We needn t PaniC become holiday PretZeIS or Whe n some One WiSheS US ” .There S already plenty of ChriStmaS to goaround. I PrOmiSe that no one is overlookingyour religiOnand you re not going to miss out Onanything if someOne Of

37、ferS UP some“SeaSOnS greetings ” . On the Contrary, that someOne isattempting to include all of the other holidays that We so often neglect, like HanUkkah, KWanzaa, MaWlid, or ROhatSU . Oh, and FeStiVUS for the rest of us; I Ve got a real problem With the“WarOn ChriStmaS ” , and now you re going to

38、hear about it.The bottom line is that there is no War On ChriStmaS as PreSident Donald TrUmP or Bill O Reilly would like you to think. In reality, there S a War On ignorance, WhiCh inCIUdeS blanketing theen tire CoUntry in Only red and gree n for the en tirety of DeCember every year. We n eed some n

39、ice acce nt colors if the AmeriCa n aesthetic (审美观)is really going to pop.For me, going to a Catholic ChUrCh On ChriStmaS EVe is intrinSiC (本质的)to my CeIebratiOnof the holiday. With that being said, I would never be Offended if I WaS WiShed a “happy holiday or even “happy Hanukkah” . I d actually be

40、 quite honoured that someOne from another religiOnWaS WiShing me well in a Way that means the most to them.I love a good“merry ChriStmaS ” too . See, the“War On ChriStmaS ” calls for 100 PerCentChriStmaS and assumes anything less is a crime. In reality, We should all Say What feels mostauthentic to

41、US because basically your inflection音调变化)and intentiOnmeans a lot more than word choice. We, as AmeriCans, have to Stay true to ourselves and to our CoUntry, WhiCh just happens to be One of the most diverse in the world.With all this being said, happy godda mn holidays and merry ChriStmas, every one

42、.The Writer thinks people.must mark ChriStmaS accord ing to their birthplacesshould keep ChriStmaS Onlyin the traditi Onal Wayhave to ObSerVe ChriStmaS accord ing to their religi OnCan CeIebrate ChriStmaS in their OWn favorite WayIn the SeC Ond ParagraPh Whe n the Writer SayS“ bla nket ing the en ti

43、re CoUntryin Only red andgreen for the entirety of DeCember every year” , he actually meansA. CeIebrati ng ChriStmaS in a colorful WayB. mak ing PreParati OnS for the ComingWin terCeIebrat ing ChriStmaS in the Same WayThe Writer wouldif some One SaidCeIebrat ing ChriStmaS in the Same WayThe Writer w

44、ouldif some One Saidmaking decorati OnS for the NeW Year HaPPy KWanZaa) at ChriStmas.A. n ever mind at allbecome disappo in tedA. n ever mind at allfeel angry immediatelyD. appreciate it more“War On ChriStmaS ” is intended toA. PreVent people COmmitting CrimeS at ChriStmaSB. fight for the traditiOna

45、lmeaning ofChriStmaSC. en COUrage more people to ObSerVe ChriStmaSD. SPread the kno WIedge of ChriStmaSn ati On Wide第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Feel like you re working hard but still Can t reach your StUdy goals? Here are some quicktips to help you make the most ou

46、t of StUdy time.StUdy in groups, and Peer teach.Group StUdy ing helps you to en gage and PrOCeSS the in formati On more deeply. 36HaVe fun With it. You Can also divide the class topics and take turns teaching them as CreatiVeIy as you like . SOmetimeS the best Way to learn SOmething is to teach it,

47、even if you haven t mastered it yet. ACtiVeIyengaging the informatiOnWith someOne else not Only helps you to learn, but makesStUdy ing more enjoyable. 3738Find WayS to Connect What you are learning to real life or to other related Concepts. It Sharder to remember each PieCe of a PUZZIe individually

48、than it is to recall the completed picture. Find WayS to relate PieCeS of in formati On to each other and PUt them together.Feed year brain.A hungry brain is an in effectiveone. Your brain n eeds the PrOPer nu trie ntsto keep it going.39Take breaks.40It needs exercise to make it Stronger,but it Can

49、also tire if you overwork it. Imaginethat each minute of StUdy ing is a PUSh-UP and you have to complete 100. If you try to do them all at once, you ll tire yourself to the Point Where you Can t continue.Paint bigger pictures.Your brain is like a muscle.SteP into your teacher S shoes.JUSt avoid tur

50、ning your SeSSi OnSinto social hour.BeCaUSe of this, What you eat and drink also play a huge role in how SharP your brain is.You Can try to PoUnd the information in after StUdying non-stop for an hour, but learn little.Of course, it means more than just carpooling(拼车)to the Iibrary and StUdying With

51、 yourheadph OneSon.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共 20小题;每小题分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I arrived at the address and honked the horn (鸣笛).After Waiting a few minutes, I honkedaga in. After a Iong 41, the door ope ned. A small woma n in her 90s stood before me.When

52、 We got in the taxi, She gave me a(n) 42and the n asked,“ Could you drive throughdowntown?“It S not the ShOrteSt way, ” I anSWered43. “I don t mind. I don t have4444any family left ” , She ContinUed in a soft voice.I quietly reached over and 45the meter (For the 46 two hours, We drove throughAS the

53、first hint of SUn WaS appearing above the horizon, She 47 Let S go now at the hospice (临终关怀医院),two door.“ How much do I 49you?”have to make a 51, ” any family left ” , She ContinUed in a soft voice.I quietly reached over and 45the meter (For the 46 two hours, We drove throughAS the first hint of SUn

54、 WaS appearing above the horizon, She 47 Let S go now at the hospice (临终关怀医院),two door.“ How much do I 49you?”have to make a 51, ” She anSWered.“The doctor SayS I don t have计价器).the city,stopping at many PIaCeSsaid,She could remember. “ Im 48.We drove in sile nce to the address She had give n me. Wh

55、en We fin ally arrived Came out. I took her smallorderlies (护理员)She asked,“ There are5052into her purse. “Nothing, PaSSengers, ” I respOnded. ISUitCaSeto theI said.53“Youandgave her a hug. Then I WaIked into the dim morning light.轮班)? What if I had 56 轮班)? What if I had 56 , I don t think that I o t

56、hink that our lives revolve 59 WraPPed in What OtherStotake the run, Or had hon ked once, the n drive n away? On a quick 57 have done anything more 58in my life. We re ConditiOned taround great mome nts . BUt great mome nts ofte n CatCh US Un aware may Con Sider a 60one.41. A. lookB. PaUSeC. restD.

57、try42. A. CheCkB. en velopeC. addressD. note43. A. quicklyB. excitedlyC. rudelyD.an grily44. A. troubleB. funC. muchD. lo ng45. A. took awayB. ShUt offC. turned OnD. sloweddow n46. A. nextB. bori ngC. mysteriousD. last47. A. forcefullyB. fearfullyC. SUdde nlyD.SeCretIy48. A. WOrriedB. sorryC. busyD.

58、 tired49. A. admireB. oweC. awardD. SaVe50. A. reach ingB. dropp ingC. SIiPPi ngD.falli ng51. A. decisi OnB. livi ngC. PrOmiSeD. fortune52. A. youngB. someC. otherD. rich53. A. hesitatedB. CIaPPedC. roseD. bent54. A. lifeB. WindoWC. boxD. bus in ess55. A. Un willi ngB. impoliteC. impatie ntD.disappo

59、 in ted56. A. WaitedB. refusedC. expectedD. asked57. A. an SWerB. calculati OnC.guessD. review58. A. importa ntB. CarefUIC. Urge ntD.in teresti ng59. A. hurriedlyB. immediatelyC. beautifullyD. PUrPOSeIy60. A. rightB. smallC. VaIUabIeD. short第II卷注意:将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小

60、题分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。For the first time in history, Chi na 61(overtake) the Un ited StateS inthe nu mber of supercomputers. PreSe ntly, China has 62total of 202 of theworld S 500 fastest computers, UP from 159 half a year ago . The number of US SUPerCOmPUterS has dropped to 1


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