高中英语专题 10Unit 4 looking good,feeling good练习10 Section Ⅰ、Ⅱ_第1页
高中英语专题 10Unit 4 looking good,feeling good练习10 Section Ⅰ、Ⅱ_第2页
高中英语专题 10Unit 4 looking good,feeling good练习10 Section Ⅰ、Ⅱ_第3页
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高中英语专题 10Unit 4 looking good,feeling good练习10 Section Ⅰ、Ⅱ_第5页
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1、 课时分层作业(十)Section 、语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1This job really calls for a high level of _(concentrate)2Rising temperatures are having harmful effects _ at least five species of rabbit in the US.3_ is known to you,she hasnt got married.4She wanted no chocolate because she was on_diet.5Some students found it ha

2、rd to take_ what their teacher had taught,so they asked him to explain it again.6Parents were too_(frighten) to bring their children for vaccination.7He got _ shape by working out at the gym.8She seems remarkably _(energy) for a woman her age.9The number of passengers by this line fell off_(slight)

3、in January.10It _(prove) that the man has stolen some money from the shop.单句改错 (每小题仅有1处错误)1I cant concentrate my studies with the TV on. _2I really hope that you will have as strong life as I_3It was a very frightened experience and they were very brave._4I always try to strike a balance between wor

4、k and rest,and keep regular hour._5To the delight of his proud parents,he has made a fully recovery._.完成句子1_ we should agree to this.我们没有理由同意这点。2His words_ yesterday.昨天,他的话对我有很大的影响。3_,if you do the same thing over and over again,you begin to do it automatically.正如你所知道的,如果你反复做同一件事,你就会不自觉地做它。4Everybod

5、y has to eat,but do you _?每个人都要吃饭,但是你的饮食是健康的吗?5She only cares about whether the eyewitness has given true information,which must be _她关心的只是目击者是否提供了真实的信息,这些信息必须是事实而不是个人观点。高考语篇练习提能力.阅读理解Everyone has problems of schoolwork sometimes.Try to keep things in perspective.Getting one or two bad grades doesnt

6、 mean youll fail your exams.Work out why its happening and how you can fix it.Homework and exams can seem neverending and you need to find ways of managing your time effectively.Study somewhere quiet away from the TV and other distractions and make sure you dont leave it all to the last minute.If yo

7、u hate a subject,youll probably never learn to love it.However,with a good range(一系列)of qualifications youll stand out from the crowd when you apply(申请)for jobs and colleges so its worth doing your best in all your subjects.There are lots of websites offering study supports and you should ask your t

8、eachers for advicetheyre there to help you learn.If something at home or in your personal life is worrying you,it can distract(分心)you from your schoolwork.Talk about it to your family and friends or a teacher you trust.If youve missed classes for any reason,talk to your teachers about what you can d

9、o to catch up.If youre still having difficulties,its possible that you have a Special Educational Need.If you think you do,talk to your parents and school about being professionally assessed.Having a Special Educational Need wont stop you being successfulRichard Branson has dyslexia(读写困难)and Einstei

10、n was autistic(患孤独症的)【语篇解读】 每个学生都会遇到学习上的问题,如家庭作业、考试、不喜欢的科目等,该怎么办呢?快来读一读本文吧。1The underlined sentence may mean Ayou shouldnt start learning until the last minuteByou shouldnt watch TV until the programmes endCyou shouldnt keep TV on for a long timeDyou should make use of any minute effectively 2What s

11、hould you do if you dont like a subject?AFind support through websites.BTry your best to learn it.CTalk about it to your friends.DAsk for advice from teachers. 3In the last paragraph,the writer mentioned Einstein in order to Aencourage us to try to be as successful as Einstein in lifeBtell us that E

12、instein had a lot of difficulties at schoolCpersuade us to learn from Einstein to be successfulDprove that we can still be successful even if we have lots of difficulties 4The main idea of the passage may be Aproblems of subjectsBproblems of educationCproblems of schoolworkDproblems of exams .完形填空I

13、wouldnt have picked up that dusty card without seeing those big words:DONT FORGET.I was 1 Dont forget what?Under the words were three numbered items.1.Snow peas.2.Shakespeare.3.Sadira Kirmani.What was my name doing on someones list?Yesterday was my first day here.Since Mrs.Allison 2 me,nobody except

14、 the boy with glasses spoke to me and asked if he could have my cake at lunch.I tried to 3 on the lessons,but my mind went 4 Snow peas,Shakespeare,and me?“Sadira.” I 5 when Mrs.Allison called my name.“Its time to line up for 6 ”As I moved through the line,I heard a girl with braces ask,“Whats that?”

15、 7 at a pan.“Snow peas,”the lady answered.“Ill try some snow peas,”the boy behind me 8 Snow peas! Number 1 on the list.After lunch,Mrs.Allison 9 that it was “rhyme time.” The boy whod asked for snow peas stood up.“OK,Wyatt.” Mrs.Allison nodded.“To be or not to be.”Wyatt began.When he 10 ,Mrs.Allison

16、 added,“Shakespeare wrote sonnets,a special kind of 11 ”Shakespeare?Number 2 on the list.I started to 12 ,wondering what would happen next.After school,I sat alone on the bus.It was quite a while before I 13 Wyatt.He smiled in a 14 way,saying,“I wanted to talk to you.I almost forgot.”“Forgot what?”“

17、Youre number 3 on my list.”So now I 15 what was going on.“My moms 16 Im supposed to try three new things every day.” continued Wyatt.That night,I made my own 17 .1.Try the spinach quiche.2.Offer my 18 to the boy with glasses.3.Say 19 to the girl with braces.Then I smiled before adding one more 20 :T

18、hank Wyatt.【语篇解读】 本文讲述了一个小故事,作者Sadira Kirmani刚来到一个新的学校,偶然捡到一张卡,上面列了三件事。一天之内,卡上列出来的三件事情都在生活中一一发生,让她感到震惊,最后从一个叫Wyatt的小男孩那里知道,原来那是小男孩妈妈的主意,每天列出来三件事情去尝试,最后作者决定效仿Myatt。1A.enthusiasticBgratefulCcurious Doptimistic 2A.introduced BencouragedCrecommended Ddismissed 3A.bring BcarryCrely Dconcentrate 4A.weak BblankCexcited Dpale 5


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