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1、自然(Nature)2012高考英语书面表达精品课件:话题作文132021/8/8 星期日1该话题涉及到动植物的保护、人与自然的和谐相处、自然灾害、环境保护、全球变暖等问题。课标解读2021/8/8 星期日2近阶段较涉及自然的热门话题有台湾“八八”水灾灾情与救灾报道、宠物领牌照、环保迎亚运、珠江治理、部分公园免费开放、限塑令颁布两周年情况调查等,这些都可能是命题者要考虑的。如:(1)就“全球变暖 ”发表看法或写一封倡议书。(2)报道广州市政府为环保迎亚运采取的一系列环保措施及效果。(3)就“张广宁在2009年世界环境日致全体市民的公开信”发表看法。命题预测2021/8/8 星期日31.灾害种类

2、:flood(水灾), drought(干旱), landslide(山崩), earthquake(地震), tsunami(海啸),typhoon(台风),hurricane (飓风),tornado(龙卷风), volcano (火山), snowstorm (暴风雪)2.袭击某地:(a typhoon) hit/ strike . 必备词句2021/8/8 星期日43.造成后果:(1)失踪:missing(2)受伤:get injured (3)死亡:be killed/ lose ones life/cause sbs death/claim 302 lives(造成302人死亡)(

3、4)电力中断:cut off the power/ electricity; have the power cut; the electricity was cut off (5)房屋倒塌:houses collapse / fall down(6)冲走房屋、道路、桥梁:wash away buildings, roads and bridges(7)成为废墟:. be in ruins; fall into ruins(8)菜地被毁坏了:vegetable fields were ruined.(9)引发泥石流及其他灾害:trigger landslides and other disast

4、ers(10)造成巨大损失/经济损失:cause great damage /economic losses2021/8/8 星期日54.救援捐赠:(1)受灾地区:stricken district/ area (2)救灾工作:rescue work (3)恢复正常:return to normal(4)地震灾民:The quake-afflicted people(5)被困人员:trapped persons (6)受害人:victims (7)拯救:rescue. From(8)防汛抗旱:flood control and drought relief(9)呼吁人们捐赠:call on p

5、eople to make donations2021/8/8 星期日65.有关报道常用句式:Tuesday, Morakot, the worst typhoon to hit the island in 50 years, had claimed 461 lives and left 192 missing and 46 injured, according to Taiwans disaster control center. 据台湾灾害应变中心消息,星期二,“莫拉克”,50年来袭击该岛的最严重的台风,已造成461人死亡,192人失踪,46人受伤。2021/8/8 星期日76.环境保护(

6、1)保护环境,人人有责:Everyone should take the responsibility to protect the environment./ Its everyones duty to protect the environment (2)提高环保意识:raise the awareness of environmental protection(3)保护生存环境:conserve natural habitats (4)采取有效措施:take effective measures; effective measures should be taken/adopted(5)

7、采取积极措施保护珍稀动物 take active measures to protect rare animals (6)环保产品:environment-friendly products2021/8/8 星期日8基础写作:“莫拉克”台风重创台湾“莫拉克”台风袭击台湾,灾情严重,各界人士都十分关注。请根据以下表格内容,写一篇关于台湾“八八”水灾的报道,在某英语报上发表。专题练析地点台湾南部该台风造成50年来最严重的水灾灾情460人死亡;35人受伤;62人失踪;冲垮了堤防和桥梁;电力中断;10000多座房屋倒塌损失估计造成经济损失达97个亿救援政府官员说台湾军方全力参与救灾工作,从灾区救出约3

8、00名当地居民2021/8/8 星期日9基础写作:“莫拉克”台风重创台湾 Typhoon Morakot brought the worst flooding in 50 years to southern Taiwan, killing more than 460 people with scores of people injured or missing. Officials said Taiwans military went all out for the rescue work, and about 300 people were rescued from the flood-st

9、ricken area. Its reported that the heavy rainfall caused rivers to break their banks,washing away bridges. Whats worse, power lines were cut off and more than 10,000 houses collapsed. Consequently, the economic losses are estimated to be more than 9. 7 billion yuan. 2021/8/8 星期日10读写任务:就“endangered a

10、nimals”的主题发表看法写作内容1.以约30个词概括短文的内容要点;2.然后,以约120个词就“endangered animals”的主题发表看法,内容包括:(1)濒危动物的现状;(2)就如何改变这个现状,谈谈你的看法;(3)假如你是濒危动物的一员,你如何呼吁人们关注濒危动物。2021/8/8 星期日11读写任务:就“endangered animals”的主题发表看法 From the passage we know that thousands of endangered animals are facing the threat of being bought and sold o

11、n the internet. Traders make a great profit from it,which is illegal.(33 words) As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species are threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit, which, of course, results in a shar

12、p decrease in the number of animals. 2021/8/8 星期日12 Therefore, it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them. First of all, its quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection. Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of responsibility. In addition, the government should pass some laws t


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