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1、No pains, no gains. 一分耕耘,一分收获。九年级上 M 10-M11 复习课学校:出题人:日期:Learning Aims:Task One-Changes of word forms词汇加油站名词形容词名词动词1.center 中心central6surfingsurf2.magic 魔术magical7feelingfeel-felt-felt3.heighthigh8ridingride-rode-ridden4.difficultydifficult 困难的9winnerwin-won-won5.surprisesurprised/surprising10singer

2、sing-sang-sung11.recent(adj.)recently (adv.)最近,近来12.general(adj.)generally (adv.)整体地13.sheep-(pl)sheep13.fly-(pl) flies课本重现用所给词适当形式填空Australia is a special and (magic) place.Whats its (high)?I was (surprise) at how big it was.I am writing this letter to you from the (central) of Australia.Add some p

3、hotos of Cambridge that you took (recent) .拓展训练(中考连接) (lucky),Fred was not hurt in the car accident. (2009 潍坊)My neighbor Helen never talks to me. She is so . (friend)(2011 临沂)Traveling abroad is much than before.(easy) (2013 北京)I can give you (happy) and let you be happy.(2013 临沂)Flowers 能力提升(plant

4、) along the road last year.(2013 北京)In 1827, a Frenchman 1 (name) Nipce needed pictures for his 2 (busy). But he was not good at art. So he invented a camera which was very simple, and 3 (put) it in a window in his house. He took a picture of his garden, and thisThe next important date in the histor

5、y of photography was in the early 1839. At that time, a new kind of camera 5_ (invent). The man who invented it was Daguerre, also French. He took a picture of his reading room. In his picture, you could see everything very 6 (clear), even the smallest things.Soon, other people began_7 ( use) Daguer

6、res method. Travellers brought back 8 ( wonder) photos from all around the world. People took pictures of famous buildings, cities and mountains which they could show their families and friends.Task Twophrases短语大戏台No pains, no gains. 一分耕耘,一分收获。1.according to 2.keep sb/sth away 3.cut sth off sth 4.be

7、 surprised at 5.keep a diary 6.read out7.have a close relationship with 8.be in with a chance pared tect sth against sth 11.even though根据,按照使避开,使不靠近把某物从某物上剪掉对感到惊讶写日记宣读与某人有密切的关系有机会 ,有可能与相比较保护免受的伤害即使,尽管Task Threesentences(经典必备)根据当地人所说,这是一个特殊神奇的地方。According to the local people ,its a special

8、and magical place.他们带着使苍蝇远离的特别的帽子。They wear special hats that keep the flies away.我不得不把蚂蚁从衣服上刷掉。I had to brush the ants off the my clothes尽管这些照片都很出色,但我们不能给每个人颁奖。Even though the photos are excellent ,we cant give prizes to everyone.我肯定你很可能赢得比赛。I am sure youre in with a chance.与往年相比较,我们收到了更多的照片 Compar

9、ed with other years, we received more photosTask Threesentences(小小翻译家)她把它从桌子上刷掉。(brushoff)我有机会获得这份工作.(be in with a chance)与其他人相比,我们做的更好。(compared with)Tom 对发生在北京的消息感到惊讶。(be surprised at)Task Four-Grammar 中考链接The man is talking to our teacher is Bettys father.(2013 潍坊)which B. whom C. who D. what正在跑步

10、的那个人是我的叔叔.That man is my uncle.Peter likes music is very loud and energetic. whichB. whoC. whomD. it4.I have a friend (which/who) likes listening to classical music.Task FiveWriting课后训练拓展训练(知识重现)Photos can change the way we think about things. This picture of the earth from space _A (take)by Bill An

11、ders on theApollo 8(阿波罗 8 号) trip into space.Even though now we can see many pictures of the earth from space, at that time, people were not used to B (see) photos of the earth like this. It made people think about how small and beautiful the world was, and how we need to take care of it. It has bee

12、n calledthemostimportantenvironmental photograph ever taken. What do you think of it?Photos can change the way we think about things.(英译汉)用所给词的正确形式填空A B Why do people like this photo?(根据文章中所给内容答一条即可)找出同义句 In the past ,people didnt see photos of the earth from space. 附加题:使用 even though 造一个句子。M10-M11

13、学情分析孩子们已经结束了初中英语学习,现在处于复习状态。复习时,我们紧紧扣住词形变化,短语,句子,语法,以及作文这种基础的复习, 这位复习的第一轮。因此,在这节复习课中,我们也涉及了两大任务, 知识目标和能力目标。在复习课的教学中主要是看一下学生的掌握基础方面怎么样,然后在不断地提高与改进。更好地进行复习,争取取得好的成绩。效果分析每一次讲课,都是对自己教学能力提升的一次机会。通过对学生的二次检测,通过同事之间的磨课评课,通过自己的观课的分析与记录,初步确定教学效果为良好。一是目标清楚,思路清晰;教态自然, 语音语调标准流利,语速适中;环节齐全,板书公正并且有一定的创意,直观效果明显;时间安排

14、合理,学生配合较为密切,课堂互动网络构建科学、合理、协调。二是,通过这堂讲评课,学生的收获还可以。但是效果还远远不够,我要继续努力,做好学生的引导者与鼓励者,不断地激发学生的学习热情,也要不断提高自己的教学技能与素养。M10-M11 教材分析这两个模块的内容与旅游和摄影比赛相关联,都是让学生们通过学习,来了解不同国家的文化与意识的不同。通过对本两个模块复习, 正好对定语从句进行一个整体的复习。但是先从单词,短语,句子, 以及语法,写作,一一进行。在复习的过程中,教师要鼓励学生小组合作,积极与他人配合,完成任务。评测练习课后,对学生进行所学知识检测。学生的掌握程度还是很不错的。同事们也进行了观课

15、分析,给我提出了不少有用的建议。比如,教学设计中词汇应用有些难,效果小,不如直接删去这个环节,作文,学以致用,让学生总结解题方法,能够贴近一下生活,多用定语从句, 若是作文能写一下会更好。然后再运用到做题实际中去,理论和实际相结合,学生的收获会更大。课后反思看了本节课的实录,我才发现自己的教学有待提高。口语水平距离名师还有很长一段路需要走。但是有点也是有的,整堂课围绕着教学目标,环环进行。对学生客观深入细致的全面分析后,设计学习目标。我的水平尚且不够,不能调动全部学生学习的神经,引导学生积极地参与到学习活动中来。在某些细节的处理上,有些费时费力,效果却不很明显。我要努力克服自己的不足,争取更大的进步。M10-M11课标分析语言知识目标:


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