



1、2022-2023学年山东省滨州市市滨城区第二中学高三英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. As well as teaching soccers basic skills and rules, the introduced textbooks will _ team spirit and sense of responsibilityA.multiply B. distinguish C.preserve D.develop参考答案:D 试题分析考查动词。 句意是课本会开发团队精神和责任意识。A.multiply繁殖 ; B. distinguish区别 ; C.preserve保护 ;D.d

2、evelop开发 所以选D。2. is good for both young and old people. A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk D. Walk参考答案:B略3. . “Hourly dad” is a newly created term _ a man is hired to take a child to and from school, play games and work out with the child. A. which B. when C. where D. how 参考答案:C略4. Close the door of

3、fear behind you,and you _ the door of faith open before youAsee Bhave seenCwill see Dare seeing参考答案:C试题分析:句意:关掉你旁边的害怕之门,你就会看到你面前的信念之门打开。表示将要做某事,用一般将来时,选C。5. We had _ really cold December this yearI cant remember _ winter when it was so cold()Athe; aBa; theCthe; theDa; a参考答案:D第一个空为泛指今年的十二月是一个非常寒冷的月份;

4、第二个空也是指没有遇到过像今年冬天这么冷的冬季,也是泛指,两个空均用不定冠词,故选D6. Barack Obama has taken personal blame _ the security failures which led _ the attempt to blow up a plane on Christmas Day Aof; to Bfor; to Con; on Din; on参考答案:B7. A new airport has been built in _ was a dried-up river ten years ago. A. what B. which C. th

5、at D. where参考答案:A8. A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which _ will promote its economic development. A. in turnB. in fact C. in return D. in nature 参考答案:A9. - Do you know _ English for 靓女?- Im afraid I dont. Im not interested in _ English language.A. the, the B. the, 不填 C.

6、不填, the D. 不填, 不填参考答案:A10. The government will come up with more volunteer projects just _ the volunteer industry. A. to promote B. to be promoted C. promoting D. being promoted参考答案:A11. -Have you heard of music treatment? -Yeah. It involves a specialist playing an instrument or singing_ the patient

7、s mood. A. by means of B. with regard to C. in response to D. on account of参考答案:C12. The news spread all over the country _ Japan has rejected a demand from China for an apology and compensation for holding a Chinese fishing boat captain for more than two weeks.A. that B. which C. where D. what参考答案:

8、A13. How long have you been in this office?Just a few minutes. I _ here together with my cousin.A. have walked B. had walked C. walked D. have been walking参考答案:C14. They need _they had. A. more water four times than B. four times as much water asC. four times the water of D. as much four times water

9、 as参考答案:B15. The university estimates that living expenses for international students _ around $8,450 a year, which _ a burden for some of them. A. are;isB. are;areC. is;areD. is;is参考答案:A二、 填空16. Some of the biggest names in technology have joined in paying tribute (哀悼) to Stephen Hawking, who died

10、Wednesday 61 (age) 76.“The world has lost a beautiful mind and a brilliant scientist,” Google CEO Sundar Pichai wrote on Twitter. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella also paid tribute, 62 (say) Hawkings “legacy and brilliance” would live on.Hawking, widely considered the greatest scientist of his time for h

11、is work on the universes biggest mysteries, 63 (believe) that the survival of humanity depended on its ability 64 (live) outside earth.“I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be in space,” Hawking said in 2008. “The human race shouldnt have all its eggs in one basket, 65 on one p

12、lanet.”Some of techs biggest entrepreneurs are now racing to make that vision 66 reality. Space X, the company which 67 (found) by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, aims to conduct its first manned spaceflights this year 68 several unmanned tasks. The company has also said it plans to fly 69 (tourist) around the

13、 moon in 2018.So does billionaire Richard Branson, 70 company Virgin Galactic once promised Hawking a trip into space. “A sad day for all at Virgin Galactic,” the space company tweeted.参考答案:61. aged 62. saying 63. believed 64. to live 65. or66.a 67.was founded 68. after 69. tourists 70. whose三、 阅读理解

14、17. In the Caucasus region of Russia, nearly 50 out of every 100,000 people live to celebrate their 100th birthday, and many dont stop at 100! By comparison, in America only 3 people in 100,000 reach 100. But these Russian old people arent alone. The Pakistanis, who live high in the Himalaya Mountai

15、ns, and the Ecuadorans of the Andes Mountains seem to share the secret of long life, too. These people remain healthy in body and spirit despite the passage of time. While many older persons in industrial societies become weak and ill in their 60s and 70s, some Caucasians aged 100 to 140, work in th

16、e fields beside their great-great-grandchildren. Even the idea of aging is foreign to them. When asked “at what age does youth end?”most of these old people had no answer. Several replied, “Well, perhaps at age 80.” What accounts for this ability to survive to such old age, and to survive so well?Fi

17、rst of all, hard physical work is a way of life for all of these long-lived people. They begin their long days of physical labor as children and never seem to stop. For example, Mr . Rustam Mamedov is 142 years of age. His wife is 116 years old. They have been married for 90 years. Mr. Mamedov has n

18、o intention of retiring from his life as a farmer. “Why?What else would I do?”he asks. All these people get healthful rewards from the environment in which they work. They all come from mountainous regions. They live and work at elevations of 1,660 to 1,000 meters above sea level. The air has less o

19、xygen and is pollution-free. This reduced-oxygen environment makes the heart and blood vessel(血管) system stronger. Another factor that may contribute to the good health of these people is their isolation. To a great extent, they are separated from the pressures and worries of industrial society. Inherited factors also play some role. Most of the longest-lived people had parents and grandpa


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