1、三段式写作真题解析三段式写作真题解析2Content1CET-4 Skill 12CET-4 Skill 23CET-4 Skill 34CET-4 Skill 4 “三段式”写作5CET-4 Models4Content1CET-4 Skill 12CET-4 SCET-4 三段式写作第一段第二段第三段CET-4 三段式写作第一段第二段第三段平装 出版社: 复旦大学; 第4版 (2006年7月1日) 蔡基刚 (作者) 本书为培养和训练大学生英语写作能力(30分钟内写出150词左右的短文)而编写。全书就原因、理由、比较、分析、评论和批驳等多种作文结构进行了讨论与探索,并系统地介绍了以“十句作文
2、”模式写出优秀作文的技巧与句型。本书具有很强的可操作性和实用性,是大学英语四、六级考生以及具有相当水平的各类英语学习者的推荐教材和必读之书。CET-4写作方法“三段式”简介平“三段式”写作方法 “英语十句作文法”,它适用于150词左右的作文写作。用“麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。”来形容这种模式较贴切,因为整篇文章用时半小时左右,分为引言,正文和结尾三个段落,属于典型的“topic-thesis-conclusion”“三段式”写作。(如CET-4) 在美国,大学写作普遍推荐的是一种“五段”写作法: Introduction of Topic,Thesis Statement; Topic Senten
3、ce,Supporting Sentences 1; Topic Sentence,Supporting Sentences 2; Topic Sentence,Supporting Sentences 3; Conclusion, Restatement of the Thesis. 其特点是结构严谨,层次分明,观点阐述充分,语言变化生动,比较适合于较高级别的议论文写作(如CET-6级等)。“三段式”写作方法 “英语十句作文法”,它适用于150文章的段落结构1)主题段(Topic paragraph) 概括全文内容,点明全文中心思想的段落就是主题段。通常,说明文和议论文有主题段,主题段往往是
4、文章的第一或前一、二段。2)支撑段(Supporting paragraph) 严格地讲,这是一种还可以细分为若干小类的段落。这类段落旨在支撑文章的主题,使其具体化,形象化。此段落通常要对文章的主题进行解释、说明或细致的描写、叙述。3)过渡段(Transitional paragraph) 有时文章的内容从一个观点、一个方面过渡或转变到另一个观点、另一个方面,表示这种过渡或转变的段落就是过渡段。过渡段表示文章内容的对照、对比或转移等。4)结论段(Conclusion paragraph) 要在最后一段或几段对全文进行总结,对文章涉及的方方面面进行归纳或提出结论性意见或设想,这样的段落就是结论段
5、。文章的段落结构1)主题段(Topic paragraph) 题目起承转合题目起承转合 CET-4“三段式”写作方法: 文章段落间的逻辑关系主要由过渡词完成,其作用在修辞中称为:起、承、转、合。起承转。合 所谓“起承转合”,诗法家数(元杨载)一文中有这样一句:“一篇之中,先立大意,起承转合,三致意焉,则工致矣。”“起”,即开头;“承”,接开头加以论述;“转”,即转说开去,大致分两种情况:一种从另一面或反面说,讲不同的意见,另一种是采用推进一层的写法,转入深处;“合”,即收束全文。起笔宜开不宜合,或单刀直入、或启人思考、或引人注目,变化多端,以自然为佳;承接或正起反接,或正接反起,以顺畅为妙,承
6、后之转折,或一转,或两转,或三转,或四转迂回曲折,愈转愈奇,才是上乘;合即结尾,或明揭题旨,或耐人寻味,或启人遐想,以有力取胜。 这种文章不但能将观点阐述的全面、充分,而且能使文章严密、深刻;同时,因为其形式相对固定,容易学习掌握并应用。 CET-4“三段式”写作方法:起承转。合 所我的作文我做主!TitleDirections and detailed rulesPara.1Para.2Para.3How to write?我的作文我做主!TitleDirections anHow to write?.The titlePara.1Main ContentThe last para.?How
7、 to write?.The titlePara.1M“三段式”写作类型、写法“三段式”写作类型、写法四级写作基本模式三段式文章引言段主题句 (Topic Sentence)扩展句1 (Developing Sentence 1)扩展句2 (Developing Sentence 1)结尾句 (Concluding Sentence)发展段主题句 (TS)扩展句1 (DS1)扩展句2 (DS2)结尾句 (CS)结尾段主题句 (TS)扩展句1 (DS1)扩展句2 (DS2)结尾句 (CS)四级写作基本模式三段式文章引言段主题句 (Topic Se第一段开篇点题用语不俗切忌潦草不可过长第一段开篇点
8、题用语不俗切忌潦草不可过长第二段(Main body)Description/Expression of the concrete contents第二段(Main body)Description/Expr第二段扩展段扩展段1扩展段2扩展段3第二段扩展段扩展段1扩展段2扩展段3第三段Text in hereText in hereText in here第一段结尾文章主体内容(可以分两段)第三段Text in hereText in hereTex 作文:120字到180字之间。根据提示和给出的题目完成作文。2013.06 Describing the picture2012.12 Educ
9、ation Pays2012.06 On Excessive Packaging2011.12 Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will2011.06 Online Shopping2010.12 How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent2010.06 Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling2009.12 Create a Green Campus (1)真题考查类型考查 作文:120字到180字之间。根据提示和给出的题目完成真题考查2009.6. Fre
10、e Admission to Museums(论说文) 2008.12. Limiting the Use of Disposal Bags (论说文)2008.6. Recreational Activities(论说文) 2007.12. What Electives to Choose(论说文) 2007.6. Welcome to our club (应用文)真题考查2000.6对立观点型2000.12问题解决型2001.6日常书信2001.12投诉信2002.6图表作文2002.12现象分析型2003.6见证书2003.12书信2004.6导游词2004.12演讲稿2005.6感谢信
12、坚强的意志是成功的重要保证。2.意志坚定的人才能完成伟大的使命。3.学生也是这样,不刻苦学习,终究不会成为有用之才。Outline1.坚强的意志是成功的重要保证。 本次四级作文要求写一篇意志和成功的关系的短文。首先,这个题目没有任何题材范围上的突破,和大学生的日常生活和成长有关。第二,这个题目其实很有利于考生的发挥。可以引用名人名言来开篇,也可以引用成功的实例或者自己的经历加以佐证。但是要注意,情绪渲染点到为止,否则,不仅不会打动阅卷老师,反而有不够缜密和结构松散之嫌。第三,四级作文要求大家应该体现出亮点,体现出英语语言水平,方式很多,比如非常用词替换常用词,特殊句式,从句的使用等等。就今年1
13、2月这个题目而言,可以用一个虚拟语气的句子,“如果.就(不).”。第四,不要聪明反被聪明误,有同学会论述意志力的重要性,然后“辩证地”谈只有意志力也不行等等。这会削弱自己主题的表达,而不是什么“证全面”。 本次四级作文要求写一篇意志和成功的关系真题解析真题解析真题解析(CET-4,2011.6)真题解析(CET-4,2011.6)真题解析真题解析真题解析真题解析真题解析(CET-4,2010.12)真题解析(CET-4,2010.12)真题解析真题解析真题解析真题解析真题解析(CET-4,2010.6)真题解析(CET-4,2010.6)真题解析真题解析真题解析总结:真题解析总结:写作模式一、
14、议论文1对立观点式1)有人赞成. 2)有人反对. 3)我的看法。例文:1.很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是2.也有人持不同意见,3.我的看法和打算 Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? Different people have different opinions about the necessity of a test of spoken English in the College English Test. Some people believe that a test of spoken English is necessary be
15、cause spoken English is an写作模式 important part of language. Only when one speaks fluent English can we say that he has really a command of the language. So a test ought to be devised to assess the learners ability in spoken English. Other people, however, think that a test of written English is enoug
16、h and test of spoken English is not necessary at all. They hold that ones competence in English can be shown in a test of written English, and a test of spoken English will be difficult to carry out, and will, moreover, add to the burden of the students. important part of language. O In my opinion,
17、a test of spoken English is absolutely necessary, because I believe it is of great importance for every foreign language learner to speak the language with fluency. For one thing, more and more foreigners are coming to China every year, a large number of people who can speak English fluently are bad
18、ly needed in all walks of life. For another, the four skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing in language learning are closely related. A test of spoken English will stimulate the other skills in English learning. In my opinion, a te模式1Different people have different opinions about (讨论主题).
19、Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that (观点1). But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that (观点2)./ Other people, however, think that (观点2) As for me, I agree with the former/latter idea. (I am in favor of the first/second idea.) (The following are the reasons of/for m
20、y choice/personal inclination.)First of all, (论据1).More importantly, (论据2).Most important of all, .(论据3).In summary, (总结观点). As a college student, I am supposed to ( 表决心).或 From above, we can predict that (预测). 模式2 Peoples ideas/opinions/views on (讨论主题)vary from person to person. Some people hold/th
21、ink that .(观点1). From their point of view, .However, others hold/think that (观点2). In their opinion, ./ Yet other people dont think in this way. They argue that (观点2).As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight. For one thing, ( 论据1). For another, (论据2). Last but not the le
22、ast, (论据3)./ First of all, ( 论据1)。Furthermore, (论据2)。 Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is, (论据3)。To conclude, (总结观点). As a college student, I am supposed to (表决心). 或 From above, we can predict that (预测).模式1模式3Different people have different views on (讨论主题) . Some peo
23、ple think that (观点1). Other people hold that (观点2).Those who hold the first opinion think that (观点1) ( 论据1,2,3)On the contrary, those who hold the second view think that (观点2) ( 论据1,2,3) As for me, I agree with the former/ latter opinion. ( 论据1,2,3)Therefore I hold that (观点1/2.)练习:1. 有些人认为某些数字会带来好运。
24、 2. 我认为数字和运气无关, Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck?模式3Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck? Some people take it for granted that some numbers can bring them good luck. For instance, the so-called lucky number “8” is widely preferred by most of the people. When they install a telephone, or bu
25、y a cell phone, or choose the license plate for their car, many people try to get as many “8” as possible. They think that the number “8” can bring them good luck and a great fortune. Yet other people dont think in this way. They argue that numbers are nothing but a kind of symbol used for counting.
26、 Numbers have nothing to do with good luck. It is superstitious to connect ones life with the numbers. So, they laugh at those who think numbers can bring good luck. I am in favor of the latter opinion. We shouldnt depend on numbers to fulfill our wishes. Whether we can live a rich life largely depe
27、nds on ourselves. Our life is in our own hands. So we should work hare instead of depending on lucky numbers to bring us a happy life.Do Lucky Numbers Really Brin2. 利弊式1)某事物带来的好处2)某事物带来的问题3)应该怎样做?例文:1.ATM(自动柜员机)的好处2.ATM存在的问题3.我的看法Positive and Negative Aspects of ATM Nowadays, ATM plays an important
28、part in peoples life. Like everything else, ATM has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows. First, ATM is convenient. People can draw money from it with a card everywhere. Besides, it is safe. If you lose your card, someone else cant use it, becaus
29、e people have to enter the password to draw money. Most important of all, when people need money at night or weekend, they can draw money from a round-the-clock ATM. Therefore, ATM solves the problem of money shortage. But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent(显而易见的). To b
30、egin with, if someone inputs a wrong password three times, ATM will withhold the card. To make matter worse, sometimes there is no money in 2. 利弊式some ATM. It makes people disappointed. Worst of all, if someone forgets password, he will not draw money from ATM. From the above analysis, I believe tha
31、t the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, more and more people tend to use the ATM for the sake of (为了利益)convenience and safety. some ATM. It makes people disa模式 Nowadays, (讨论主题)plays an important part in peoples life. Like everything else, (讨论主题)has both favorable and unfavorable aspe
32、cts. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows. First, (好处1)Besides, (好处2)Most important of all, (好处3) But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. To begin with, (坏处1)To make matter worse, (坏处2)Worst of all, (坏处3) From the above analysis, I believe that the advanta
33、ges outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore,(结论) 练习:双休日给大学生带来的好处。双休日可能给大学生带来的问题。我应当怎样过好双休日。The Two-day Weekend模式The Two-day Weekend The benefits that the two day weekend bring to college students are too much to be listed. To begin with, it provides the students with more spare time to rest after a we
34、eks study. Besides, it enables the students to have enough time to take part in various kinds of sport activities and social activities. Furthermore, it gives the students adequate time to plan and prepare their life and study next week.However, the problems that the two-day weekend brings are also
35、obvious. Some students feel that they have nothing to do but to sleep. Other students indulge in such entertainments as watching TV, seeing films and playing video games. Still other students unwisely exhaust themselves by excessive outdoor games, such as football, outing, etc. In conclusion, most s
36、tudents dont know how to make a good and scientific use of the long weekend.I think, to spend a meaningful weekend, we students should plan our leisure scientifically. It is not wise to play for two days, nor it wise to rest , or study for such a long time. We should bear in mind that entertainment,
37、 rest and study should alternate.The Two-day Weekend3解决问题式(How to ?)例文:How to Solve the Problem of Overpopulation With the development of civilization, the population has reached six billion at the end of 20th century. Therefore, environmental problems often occur. To solve the problem of overpopula
38、tion, we have many ways, but the following ones are most immediate and effective. One way is to conduct family plan to reduce the birth rate of babies and the employment pressure could be relieved. However, if theres only child in the family, the child may be spoiled and its hard for him to form com
39、plete characteristics. Another approach is to let people get married late. By this means, at the same time there will be fewer people in the contest of employment or colleges. But this is not a perfect way either. This method just alleviates the problem but cant solve it. In conclusion, these are no
40、t the only two or best ways to solve the problem of overpopulation, but if we combine those two ways, we may have raise the quality not the quantity of the population. 解决问题要讲究方法,可按时间先后,也可按轻重缓急等排列。基本套路有:模式: _(目前的现象及存在的问题).Many ways can contribute to _(要解决的问题),but the following ones may be most effect
41、ive. First of all_(方法1)Besides,_ _(方法2)Finally,_ _(方法3) These are not the only three points you should pay attention to. But it should be noted that_(使用这些方法时要注意的事项)/(展望)/(总结上述三种方法)练习11. 面试在求职过程中的作用2. 取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是.How to Succeed in a Job Interview?3解决问题式(How to ?)How to Succeed i
42、n a Job Interview? Nowadays both the interviewee and the interviewer are attaching more and more importance to job interview. As far as the interviewers are concerned, they tend to feel it unscientific to evaluate the competence of the interviewees by just reading their written materials, such as th
43、e application forms, self-introductions, etc. A face to face interviewing is more reliable and informative. As far as the interviewees are concerned, they think that they also have the right to get to know the employer and the company in which they are going to work., e.g. what work they are going t
44、o do, how much money they can get etc. However, many interviewees fail once and again in their job interview. They want to know the secret in job interview. There are many factors that determine the success of the job interview. For example, a clean and tidy appearance will surely attract the attent
45、ion of the interviewers; a graceful manner is easy to leave a good impression on your would-be boss. When it comes to the job, the applicant should display a wide range of expertise and strong confidence in himself. Nevertheless, be sure not to overstate but stick to reality; show your keen enthusia
46、stic about the job and your strong desire for obtaining the job all the way. Once you achieve what is mentioned above, the new job will within your touch.How to Succeed in a Job Interv练习21. 大学生了解社会的必要性2. 了解社会的途径(大众媒介、社会服务等)3. 我打算怎么做Getting to Know the World Outside the CampusIt is necessary for coll
47、ege students to know the world outside the campus. This is because the society is developing so fast that if we dont keep an eye on what is happening outside the campus, we will have no idea what to earn to keep pace with the development. As a result, it will be difficult for us to contribute to the
48、 development of the society.There are many ways for us to get to know the world outside the campus. First of all, we should be well informed about the happenings both at home and abroad with the help of mass media such as radio, television, newspaper, and the Internet. Moreover, we should do more pr
49、actical social services so as to cultivate our social skills, widen our insight and enrich our social experience.As for me, I intend to participate in as many social practices as possible and at the same time, hold a part-time hob in my spare time to get to know more about the world outside the camp
50、us.练习2练习4 How I Finance My College Education(00.1)1大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过各种途径解决;2 哪种途径适合于我。范文1 Nowadays, tuition and fees for college are much higher than ever before. How to finance their college education has become a matter of concern for many students, especially those who from the remote a
51、reas. Actually, there are many ways to solve this problem. We can get the money form our parents. We can apply for a loan especially set up for college students. We can also acquire the money entirely by ourselves, keeping a part time job in our spare time and doing a full-time job in summer and win
52、ter holidays. We can even ask our parents for most of the money and earn the rest in our spare time in college, by keeping a part-time job. As far as I am concerned, I prefer the last way. I dont want to depend entirely on my parents, which will be a burden to them. Nor do I want to be so busy worki
53、ng part time that I have not enough time studying. On the other hand, a part-time job in my spare time will make my college life rich and colorful.练习4 How I Finance My College E范文2 With the rapid development of higher education in China, and more high school graduates admitted, university can no lon
54、ger be financed exclusively by the government and students must pay at least partly for their schooling. There are various ways for a student to pay his tuition and fees. To begin with, if the student is quite excellent in his studies, he can apply for scholarship. Secondly, especially in China, he
55、can always depend on his parents for all kinds of expenditure, including living allowances. Then, he can choose to turn to the bank for a loan to pay his education, which we can repay after graduation. If he finds all the above not desirable, he still has another road to taketo do a part-time job an
56、d work his way through college.范文2 In my case, I am fortunate enough to be born into a well-to-do family and have no difficulty having my parents pay for all my fees. But as a college student, I dislike a totally dependent existence, so I am working part-time as a newspaper-boy to help support mysel
57、f. And I am also studying hard, hoping to win some scholarship one day so that I can be wholly self-reliant and independent. In my case, I am fortunat4解释现象或原因式 用事实或理论来解释和论证某种现象或结果。有先结果后解释原因,也有先原因后结果的,但结构基本相同。(列举原因123。列举方面12,列举例子1234)例文:Why Does China Bid for Olympic Games In 2001, China started its
58、final bid for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. We all know that China failed to bid for hosting the 2000 Olympic Games eight years ago. Why does she bid for it again? The following are possible reasons. For one thing, hosting the 2008 Olympic Games will stimulate the development of the whole country.
59、 Our economic construction will make great progress, so will the cultural construction. Furthermore, the environment of our country will be paid much more attention to and must be improved. As you know, the slogan of the Olympic bid is “Green Olympic”. Another reason is that it will integrate China
60、with the international community more powerfully to gain the bid for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. The goal of this is consistent with our endeavor to be a member of WTO. Most important of all, the opportunity to host the Olympics is a symbol of Chinas prosperity. It is well known to the world tha
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